|| My Love || Chapter 7 || Bella's POV ||

|| Date: September 21, 2011 || Time: 10:45 AM ||

I sat on the bed next to little Evelyn, holding her in my arms. She was still crying, but not as hard. After she seemed to have calmed down, I place a kiss on her head and cheeks.

"Wanna do something later? I can play with you, or we can just watch TV?" I hold her face in my hands, and she nods. I dropped my hands and I pull her onto my lap and I rub my nose against hers. She does the same and then she yawns, her mouth forming a small 'o'.

"Hey, why don't you go lay down for a bit and come back when you're hungry?" I suggest, putting my hands on her cheeks again. She nods and gets off my lap, then puts her thumb in her mouth and looks at me serious and she leans up and kisses me before hugging me. I hugged her back.

"I love you so much." I whispered to her. She sniffles and pulls away and walks into her room. I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

|| Time: 12:32 PM ||

The front door opened, and I jumped up. Edward's coming home late today. I heard multiple footsteps up the stairs and my room door flew open. I screamed when I saw Todd and Lyra. He walks over to me and grabs me tight. I tried to kick him off of me and I screamed again when he punched me.

"Finish her, I'm going to find the kid." Lyra orders him, then she walks out. I tried to get out of his grasp, screaming and crying.

I could hear Evelyn's room door open and I heard her scream. I screamed too. "EVELYN!" I pushed Todd off of me and ran to the door, but he grabbed me. I opened it and saw Lyra holding Evelyn, a knife to her neck. Both of us looked at each other.

"Please don't hurt her, Lyra. Just don't..." I cried.

"Then let us take her." Lyra sneers, then she holds her tighter. Evelyn looks at me, her eyes wide.

"Don't take her please.. Just hurt me, just do what you want to me, please!" I felt Todd grab me and he held me, his arm around my neck.

"Take the girl away." Todd ordered. I put my hand out to Evelyn, and she does the same, and just like that, we were separated.

"EVELYN!" I screamed.

"MOMMY!" I heard Evelyn scream. My heart broke into multiple pieces.

I felt myself being thrown on my bed. Everything was fuzzy and blurry. I cried in pain as Todd removed my clothes. "PLEASE STOP!" I kicked and hit him. He growled and punched me several times. I could barely feel anything, except for the extreme disgust as he pulled me toward him. I continued sobbing, and I felt blood coming out of my nose and everywhere else. The worst part about all of this is that Edward wasn't going to come home for a long time.

As soon as he stopped, and I knew he was done with me, he looks at me. I didn't look back at him, but I knew he was looking at me. "I'm so sorry." It sounded like he mumbled that, before he zips his pants back up. He stares at me for a while, and his fingers wiped my upper lip, then he leaned down and kissed my head. I flinched, and he stood back up and made a face. Then, it all went black as soon as his fist met my face one last time.

I woke up, completely disgusted. I felt disgusting, weak, and worst of all, I felt sick. I couldn't even move to see the time. I maned when I moved my arm. My leg was wet, and I was naked. I started crying, and I cried. I realized Evelyn wasn't coming in here to make sure I was okay, and then my stomach ached.

"Evelyn!" I moaned and I coughed again. I heard the front door open and with much pain, I covered as much of me as I could.

I was scared. What if Todd came back? What if it was another person who saw the door open and they wanted to see what was left? I heard the door close, but that could mean anything. I tensed up and gripped the sheets. I sat up and covered my chest, turning to the wall. I didn't care my bare back was exposed to the door. I let out a shaky breath when I heard footsteps and Luke's bedroom door open. Only now did I realize they didn't take him.

Oh, Luke...

I started to cry again. Luke was safe. My baby was still here. I heard the bedroom door open, and Luke's crying.

"Bella?" Oh, Edward.. Edward...

I turned around, his face full of concern. "E-E-Edward..Please tell me... Evelyn's downstairs.." I cried. His eyes widened and he rushed out the room again.

He came back upstairs a few minutes later and he ran back into the room. "Bella, she's not here. What's going on?"

Oh my God... Evelyn... "Todd and Lyra were here.." I cried, and then I coughed. He put Luke down on the bed and pulled me into his arms. "Call the police... Please.."

I still didn't know the time. In fact, all I remembered was Evelyn's social workers, Edward's family, and the police arriving at the house. I wore newer clothes, but it hurt to feel the fabric pressed against me. Especially in between my legs. When the police officers questioned me, I broke down, crying, and told them everything that happened. Then, they sent out an Amber Alert for Evelyn Ravenna Dawning-Cullen. I stared at the ground, answering very few questions after that.

I had to go to the hospital for a full-body exam. I hated this. I wanted my baby in my arms, I wanted Evelyn to know that she was safe with us. But thanks to Todd and Lyra, I'm not sure if she'll be able to trust me again. But even in the beginning, it took her a while to trust us. She wasn't used to being loved and kept for so long. So if this breaks her trust with us... I would be a wreck.

I should have tried harder to take care of Evelyn. She should have stayed with me. I should have tried to stop Lyra, and I should have tried harder to stop Todd. I was already a mess at the time, but seeing Evelyn get taken away from me right in front of my eyes was not something I – or anyone – should ever see, and to hear her scream my name.. Worst part was I couldn't stop them otherwise they would have killed her.

Who wants to make a decision like that? Let them take her or let them kill her? I'm about 99% positive that no one would choose, they'd just decide without thinking like me. I would have rather them kill or hurt me than my precious baby girl.

I had to be grateful and thankful that Luke was unharmed. I love both my children equally, and it would hurt if both of them were harmed by the same people.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they took both of them.

But I can't even live with myself knowing Evelyn's not in my arms.

Please, someone, just let her live... Let her come back to my arms alive..

"Edward? Can you go make sure Luke's alright, please?" I ask quietly. He nods and leaves the room.

The body exam was brief, but multiple bruises and cuts were found all over. After finishing this, they took a blood test and that was that.

We went to Carlisle and Esme's house, and the whole family was going to stay here. I was back in Edward's room and Luke was resting on his chest. I was drifting off to sleep when I needed to go to the bathroom. I opened my eyes and stared at Edward for a while before I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I couldn't look at him. There was too much hurt and guilt in his eyes. When I came back, Luke was crying and Edward was trying to calm him down. I took Luke and left he room to go to the kitchen and feed him.

|| September 30, 2011 || Time: 10:45 AM ||

"Hey, Bella," Alice sat next to me. I was feeding Luke when she did. I looked up at her, and realized Jacob was here too.

"What do you guys want?" I ask quietly, looking back down at Luke. His hands were balled in little, tiny fists. I put my finger on one of his hands and tickled it lightly, and he took his hands out of fists and grabbed my finger.

"We're going out to the diner later. Would you like to join us?" Alice asked me as if I was going to say yes right away.

"Why should I?"

"If we could get Edward to come, you should come too." So did they convince Edward to come?

"He's coming?" I hadn't talked to Edward in a while, mainly because we had nothing to say to each other.

"We're gonna make him come. Just get ready, we're leaving soon." Jacob says with a sad smile.

"Okay, fine.." I turned my attention back to Luke and I took the bottle out of his mouth and pat his back lightly. "I love you, Luke." I said quietly. He looks up at me and smiles widely. I kiss his cheek and after patting his back for a few minutes, I got him dressed, then got dressed myself.

|| Time: 12:32 PM ||

"Into the jacket you go, mister." I say, slipping Luke's jacket on. He grinned and laughed and I zipped it up and picked him up. "Come on, boo." I carried him upstairs and I opened Edward's room door to find him still in bed.

"Aren't you coming with us?" I asked, feeling hurt. I felt Luke playing with my necklace.

"You're actually going?" he inquired. His voice was harsh, or it was to me. He raised his eyebrow and I grimaced.

"I was only going to go if you were going.. They told me you were.." I looked down and sighed. Luke stopped playing with my necklace and started playing with my hair. "Alright, I'll take that as a no."

"I don't understand how you could leave knowing there's a chance our daughter could be dead." he fumed and then he glared at me.

I couldn't believe he was saying this to me. "You-You don't think that I think that too? Are you fucking kidding me? I was fucking raped, Edward! My daughter was taken right out of my life by the boy who I used to call my boyfriend. She was taken by the person I used to call my best friend. She was taken right from my arms. Do you know how fucking hard it is to even be alive knowing she might have been killed? Do you fucking understand how hard it has been for both Luke and I?" Very rarely did I swear, especially around Luke, but I was pissed.

"Don't act like that. I do love you and Luke very much, but it's been harder on me than it has been on you and Luke combined." Is he serious with this?

"I doubt it, Edward. I mean, you could try to be happy for once, even for an hour." I heard Luke whimper and I glanced at him then looked back at Edward. "At least for Luke, because right now, I can give less than half a fuck about how you feel."


"F-fine." I turned away to leave and I walked down the stairs, leaving Edward. Luke put his head on my shoulder and sniffled. I stopped and looked at him. "D-don't cry, b-baby.." I whispered, my voice cracking. He put his hand on my cheek where a tear had fallen and frowned. I kissed his tiny hand when he moved it to my lips. "Let's go,"

|| Time: 1:23 PM ||

I let Luke stick his french fry into his ketchup, then put it in his mouth. I had gotten a hamburger and onion rings and Jonah shared his fries with Luke. He apparently loved ketchup and fries. His fingertips were greasy when he took his fingers out his mouth. I took the napkin and wiped his fingers. He gurgled and reached out for another one, which I grabbed for him. He opened his mouth and I put it in his mouth, then he swallowed with no problem. I pat his head and kissed it, and he hums.

"Alright, is everyone done?" Alice asks, smiling like the bubbly Alice she was.

"Almost." I say, then I let Luke take the last french fry off the plate and dip it into the ketchup once more.

"Great. I hope everyone had a decent time," She giggles. Luke pat my hand and I look at him and smile. He squeals and smiles back, and I snuggled him to my chest.

"I know I did. 'Cause now, I'm full." Jacob says, yawning. We all laughed.

At home, I realized Edward wasn't home and called him. He hung up on me. I felt hurt that this is what it had come to.

Now I feel bad. I shouldn't have yelled at him.

"Hey, Luke," I hummed. "Why don't you try to get some rest now?" I started singing to him. He stared at me, his eyes only on me and his hands on my hand and I rubbed his little belly.

Officer Moore arrived just as I put Luke to sleep. Karen and Michael were here too. He told us something I really didn't wanna hear.

"Right now, we think that Todd and Lyra are no longer in Washington State. However, we've gotten anonymous calls from a number that says they might have an idea where Evelyn is hidden. We've interviewed the mother and step-father of Todd and family of Lyra, and we're even going to go to the Dominican Republic to ask Todd's father, the murderer of the Dawning family, if he knows anything." Officer Moore says, then she sighs. "I need to tell everyone something very serious."

"Go ahead," Carlisle says, and I hugged myself for bracing – for the worst.

""It's nearly impossible to be sure that Evelyn wasn't starved or already.. killed. I think it's best if, for now, you get used to the fact that she might be.. already dead. It's very hard to think about, but you never know. A four year old normally doesn't survive too long without food, and since this is Todd's first kidnapping, and Lyra's first crime, we're not sure what to expect. I'm terribly sorry, but if we cannot find her by the end of October, she's going to be considered dead whether we find the body or not."

Oh God..

Oh God..

Oh God...

I put my head in my hands and started crying. I felt Karen put her arms around me and she cried too. I didn't want to come to any "realization" or anything like that. I wanted Evelyn here with me and Edward.

|| Time: 11:43 PM ||

I kissed Luke's head multiple times and then I tucked him in and left the room. I slipped into my shoes and walked to Edward who was downstairs. I shook him and then I groaned when I realized he was awake. He turned to me and clearly he was pissed. I told him I wanted to find Evelyn, and he told me I shouldn't. I left anyway.

The nursing home Lyra's mother was in was open 24/7. I was in the visiting book, which is weird, written as family. I went into her room and saw she was holding.. something.

"Ahh, Bella, is it?" Her mother gave me a creepy smile. "Come in, darling. I've been waiting for you."

"Hi, Mrs. Addams." I greeted her as I took a seat. I could see she was holding something that looked like a book. "How are you?"

"Lyra told me to expect you.." she says quietly. "Here. It's a book of all our family vacations!"

I raised my eyebrow and took the book from her. Inside were pictures of a house, and of Lyra when she was a child with her family. The house looked like a summer house, or a vacation home.

"What is this place?" I ask her, specifically looking at the log cabin-like house.

"It's out vacation home. We'd always go there when we needed to get away. We used to live there for the summer and winter, but after Lyra got engaged and graduated, it's been different. But it looks like every ordinary place over there."

"Engaged?" I demanded.

"Yeah, to that kid.. What's his face..? Oh, right, Todd Biers? It has a nice touch to it. Lyra Biers.. It has that flow.."

"She's getting married to my ex-boyfriend?!" I cried. She nods. "I cannot believe this."

"Well I met Todd and he's a very nice guy.. Very generous and sweet to my Lyra.." she says, then she smiles widely.

"Todd abused and raped me and now he's kidnapped my daughter." She looks at me now and she raises her eyebrow.

"He wouldn't dare."

"Have you seen the news? Your daughter is with him too now. If they get caught, she gets arrested and charged with kidnapping and assisting a criminal. He's already committed a crime before – that's how we broke up in the first place."

"The news..?" She picked up a newspaper and turned to an article. "Oh.. This didn't click to me before! I only saw Dawning and assumed it was some Hispanic from another state or something that went missing.."

I really hope she wasn't lying. Dawning isn't even a Hispanic last name. "That's my daughter, and she's missing because of your daughter."

"Oh.. so when the police came.. I should have given them that picture... Well, use it. You might even have to go to the place yourself."

"Can I take this picture?" I ask, holding the picture of the house. She nods and I take it out the album and leave.

I drove. I was stupid. I am stupid. I was by the police office and I paused. What if she lied to me? I stared at the picture and made a face. Maybe it wasn't legit. She told me to go to this place. Wait...

She thought Dawning was a Hispanic name, and instead of giving the picture to the police officers, she gave it to me and told me to go to the house.

I drove home. When I arrived, Edward was looking at me. I showed him what I found, and I told him I wanted to go find her. But, he rejected it.

"Don't you want to find Evelyn?" I felt my heart drop.

I barely heard what he said, expect for the bit where he said, "Think about Luke, what if he lost his parents?"

He was right. I don't want Luke to suffer more than he already is. But all I can picture was Evelyn's face when she smiled while playing with Luke, hearing her laughing when Edward and I tickled her, seeing Evelyn's innocent face when she first met us..


"Edward.." I started crying quietly. We were silent and then I stood up, ready to walk away, but tears falling down my face obstructed my vision. "I want my baby back.."

This was a short chapter from Bella's POV. Maybe the next chapter we'll be caught up to speed in both POVs. :D

Have a great day/night/week/month/year/life!
