Hi...I'm not dead if any of you are wondering or even still care anymore...

I know it's been a super long time since I've been on here writing anything (yes...I've been mostly reading don't hurt me please) The main reason I haven't been writing is ever since I graduated high school and moved into my first year of college I've been busy with classes which take a lot out of you if you didn't already know that...you study a ton which make you tired and you want and do take a lot of naps in the randomest places possible, plus classes can be pretty difficult depending on what you're majoring in and finding a time to eat/sleep...it's hard...this huge change in my life caused me to disappear from here and all of my other writing sites and to get into a major writing slump that I'm still working my way out of. So please try to understand my perspective here before sending me hate and I totally expect hate for my absence so you can attack me all you want I totally deserve it. But I would like to tell you all that I always am here for you guys to chat with just PM if you ever want or need to talk or rant to someone.

Anyways onto the major point of this...

In my unintentional year long absence from writing I've been rereading some of stories to help me out of the slump which helps somewhat, plus it reminds me where I left off too. Doing this made me realize how horrendous my stories are and I think and believe I could do SOOO much better than that. Plus you guys deserve so much better than what I have given you over the years of writing on this site and all of the others. So I'm not only doing this for me but mostly for all of you because you've been with me for years and deserve and need a complete and decent story that you'll fully enjoy and for which I can be proud of...not that I'm not proud of what I've already done because I did come up with some pretty good stories in that young brain of mine hehehe. Some of the stories just sound kind of rushed to me and not as detailed as it could be so...


I should've only worked on one story at a time until it was done a long long time ago, but that young brain of mine just was too excited for everything and anything which I deeply apologize to you all for since I've made you guys suffer a lot. I know I probably lost a lot of you guys over the years of taking forever to update but I sincerely thank everyone who has the heart to forgive me and still support my stories and I. All stories will be completed eventually so if you are still out there please keep hope.

FIRST ROUND: Changing Love and You Aren't Alone will be edited and finished, they will be the only two stories that will just have editing and no rewrites. The first rewrite will be Waiting For You.

Followed by Hidden Life and The Secret of Two Singers in rounds two and three respectively. (This is subject to change) Again I apologize if any of this upsets you but I believe this is what's best and that it needs to be done.

Anyways onto something exciting...

My latest story written...an Original Story made by yours truly a while back called Falling For My Business Rival, which is posted on WattPad that you should totally check out *winkwinknudgenudge* I decided a while back when I posted it that it would be my first story ever to be on multiple sites at one time (cool huh). It was suppose to be posted on my Fictionpress account around the same time but I never did so that is going to change. As soon as I get done with this I'll get it up over there so you can read it and see my new style of writing which I think is kind of better and I hope you guys think so too. I hope it kind of gives you an idea of what to look forward to in the future for future chapters of my stories. Plus I'm really proud of it even though it's only the first chapter of the story and all hehehe... This one story two sites thingie is kind of an experiment of mine where I'm looking for a certain result that I can't disclose to you guys, plus it's not really important anyways since all stories will be finished in the end no matter what, this is just something I'm just curious about.

Anyways, please forgive me and head on over to Fictionpress and check out Falling For My Business Rival once I get it up in the next few minutes before I head to bed and continue to try to get out of this writing slump. Thank you all for everything see yah guys soon!
