Herro Everyone!

UPDATE: My account was hacked and my story was deleted and placed elsewhere on the site. Lost all my reviews so I would appreciate some new ones! Thank you. I will be posting the rest of the chapters this week. They need to be reviewed.

Momo Cakes here with my very FIRST fanfic…EVER! Exciting huh? Well maybe not much for you but its crazy exciting for me! Honestly I was a bit nervous but in the end I'm sure I will be very proud of myself for finally getting the guts to share my dreams with you guys so…how about I shut up already and give you guys the VERY FIRST installment of : Teach Me How to Love!

~Standard Disclaimer~ : I think I would literally pee my pants if I ever got the slightest opportunity to claim Sailor Moon as my own…UNFORTUNATLEY…Naoko Takeuchi is the only one who has the right to do so...grrr.

Anywhoozzles!... ON WITH THE SHOW!...ahem... I mean STORY! =^.^=

Teach Me How to Love

Chapter One

~Lesson One: Look Both Ways~

It was the most beautiful sight one would think while peering down at the scene presented before us. Long tresses of the most golden silky hair scattered around an angelic figure, currently having a wonderful dream while the sun shone through her bedside window, almost making it appear as if she was glowing. Nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin this scene of pristine serenit-


"OH MY GAWDD! SHUT IT OFF SERENAAAAAAAA!" Came a loud and quite annoyed little brother from down the hall.

RINNNNNNNG…RINGGGGGGGG….screamed the little chicken alarm as it shook above the sleeping beauty's bed. She stirred in her sleep slightly as if not affected by the continuous clatter, until one of her small, delicate hands reached up ever so gently and


"SERENA, WHAT WAS THAT DEAR?" came a slightly worried mother from downstairs.

"UGHHHHHHH, What timeeee is it..?" moaned the newly awaken angel as she lifted herself off the bed.

She slightly peered over at her battered up chicken clock and squinted to see what time it was presenting.

"OMG! ITS 7:45! IM LATEEEE! MOTHER WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP? She screamed out of her bedroom door not even listening to her mother's reply before slamming it and running toward her pile of clothes in the corner of her room.

"Omg, Mrs. H is going to absolutely kill me this time!" she mumbled as she flung clothes to all sides of her room before finding her sailor school uniform and throwing onto the bed.

She frantically ran over to her dresser and found 2 matching pairs of socks and quickly began sliding them on. She hopped on one foot to get the other sock on quickly before losing her balance and falling onto the bed..

"Shit, Shit, Shiitttt.." she whispered sitting up on the bed as she took off her bunny pajamas and threw them across the room.

She hopped off the bed and quickly put on her skirt and ran over to her dresser with her shirt still over her head as she struggled to get it on.

'Man I am gaining some serious weight here' she thought as she finally got the shirt on completely. She looked at herself a few times in the mirror before picking up her hair brush and running it quickly over her golden strands. Somewhat satisfied with her appearance she casually looked over her shoulder at the black cat that now peered at her through sleepy eyes...

"How's that Luna? A new record or what! "She exclaimed as she picked up her bag and walked to her door...

Luna just shook her head as she watched the poor girl exit the room before shutting her eyes again.


Was all Irene heard as her daughter raced down the stairs and into the kitchen…

"Serena dear you sound like a raging stampede coming down those stairs, now what in the WORLD are you doing up so ear-"

"!Muah! Byeee!" She screamed as she quickly ran up to her mom for a kiss.

Irene laughed quietly to herself before deciding to let Serena in on a little something. She bent into Serena's kiss and gently wrapped her arms around her before pulling her into a tight hug.

"MOM THERES NO TIME TO GET ALL LOVEY TOUCHY FEELY!" She yelped as her mother's embrace tightened…

"Oh Serena, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Her mother whispered as she closed her eyes, smiling over Serena's shoulder.

"YES MOM…Only a MILLION times now please I really have to g-"

"Serena dear it's Saturday…." Her mom whispered as her grip loosened.

Serena appeared slightly shocked for moment. And then her face took over a relaxed yet quizzical appearance.

"HAR HAR HAR mom very funny, I'm leaving now by-"She exclaimed before she turned around to see a very aggravated, sleepy little brother.

"Sammy why are you still in your pajamas it's almost 8 you have to get ready for scho-"she was cut short as Sammy hurled his stuffed teddy bear towards her face.


"WHY…. YOU LITTLE BRA-"She began to scream as Sammy cut in.

"I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TODAY YOU BIG…YOU BIG DUMMY!" he hesitantly yelled as he ran to the kitchen table.

Serena's eyes almost left her sockets as she processed everything that had just occurred in the past hour up until this point. They had to be playing some big joke on her, hahaha, well it wasn't very funny and to prove them wrong she ran over to the kitchen calendar…

"You guys think you're so so funny, well I'm smarter than I look!" she said as she flipped the calendar to November. "Let's see….yesterday was the 20th so that would make today….. A FRID-"she began to yell proudly but stopped as her finger came upon today's date...a ….Saturday...

'You have got to be kidding me…' she thought to herself as she slowly lowered her head.

"Oh Serena I tried to tell you earlier but you slammed your door before hearing me out" exclaimed her mother as she brought a plate of pancakes to Sammy.

He snickered as he drizzled on some syrup, amused at how clumsy his sister truly was.

"CAN IT SAMMY BEFORE I MAKE YOUR FACE INTO A PANCA-"she wailed as her mother interrupted

"Now Serena, since you're up so early and you have all that energy why don't you go on that jog you have been talking about for so long now...hmm?" she gently flipped the next pancake onto a plate and brought it towards her daughter.

Serena still couldn't believe that she completely forgot that yesterday was Friday, and that right now she could still be fast asleep, lost in her dreams…she dramatically cried to herself inside. Before grabbing the plate from her mom and taking a seat next to Sammy, not before sending lightning bolts to each other did she finally begin eating her pancakes. She seemingly zoned out as her thoughts took over.

Maybe she should go on that jog; she seriously had been talking about going ever since she had to buy another size up in her school uniform skirt. That had totally killed her and not to mention made her friends die laughing.

Commitment, or should you say change, was hard for Serena since she was so used to following her same thing everyday kind of lifestyle. And honestly, her life wasn't too bad at all. She was a beautiful, pretty healthy, 18 year old blonde bombshell. She had the best of friends any girl could ask for, even though they made fun of her flaws every once in a while but what friends don't? She had perfect grades and a huge 'fan club' per say amongst the male population at her school. The one thing that separated her from most, she thought, was that she remained an untouched, virgin. All of her friends had already experienced everything there was when it came to the world of sex and Serena had heard it all and practically learned everything there was to learn, without the personal experience. It didn't bother her too much, only that it made it almost impossible for her to find a boyfriend at school that didn't want to be with her just to be the first to break Serena Kingston. It was like some kind of bet, as if she was a trophy of some sort and that bothered her big time. But she didn't sweat it, her prince was out there somewhere, 'I guess he just got lost…a few times...' she thought to herself as she shoved the last piece of her pancake into her mouth.

She managed a "Thanksh Mum" while still chewing the last of her pancake and discarded her plate into the sink. She planted a kiss on the disgusted face of Sammy and lightly ran up the stairs. After closing the door to her room she plopped down on her bed to think.

'What to do…' she thought as she glanced over at her running shoes.

She glanced over at Luna who was currently basking in the sunlight on her window sill.

"Lucky cat… she doesn't have a worry in the world" she sighed as she stood up to change into her jogging clothes.

After digging through piles and piles of clothes she finally found her spandex shorts and her spandex tank top. She grabbed her shoes and slipped them on without untying them. As she stood, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

'Wow, I'm really not all that bad…maybe a few jogs and I'll be back to normal' she thought as she patted her tight stomach.

**AUTHORS THOUGHT-Why is it that every girl I know with a perfect body...thinks they are grossly fat….I mean...COME ON! Anyways…back to the chapter! .!**

Stepping outside her front door she breathed in a nice breath of fresh air as she closed her eyes. As she opened them she peered down her street, admiring how the sunrise made everything seem to glisten, it was beautiful.

"Alright, here we go..." She exhaled as she bent down to stretch her legs. She bent her body side to side and rolled her neck before taking off toward the sidewalk. She decided to go right and head towards the lake in her neighborhood, go about 2 laps around it before coming back. She placed some earphones into her ears and pushed shuffle on her MP3 that was strapped to her shorts. As the music filled her ears, her legs began to move as she started her long awaited jog.

She passed by neighbors and felt kind of proud as they looked at her almost surprised. It was as if it was some sort of miracle that she was jogging, that some freak accident got Serena Kingston out of her bed so early on a Saturday morning.

'Pssh...Shows them…' she thought as she glided past some people walking their dog, she nodded at them and thought to herself, 'this isn't so bad after all'.

As her proud thoughts filtered her mind she quickly rounded the next corner without looking both ways and…..


She face planted into the most slippery, wet, almost sweaty…? Wall she had ever- ever run into. With her eyes closed tightly, she scrunched her face as she awaited the stone cold kiss from the concrete but….it never came.

'What the…' she thought to herself as she suddenly became aware of the two arms holding her inches from the ground. As if scared to look, she carefully opened one eye only to come face to face with the most gorgeous cerulean eyes she had ever had the honor of peering into. It was as if they were swallowing her alive, making her unconsciously open both her eyes and turn so that she was completely facing him.

He was mouthwatering. Every single line from his toned, tanned muscles glistened with sweat as his deep breaths of air made his chest rise and fall so quickly.


…his hair was so black and almost silky looking as strands stuck to his forehead


…she could only imagine how he looked in the shower…..


She snapped out of her daze as she became aware of her surroundings.

"Miss, are you alright? Are you hurt?" He breathed as she stared at him bewildered at the situation. " Please answer me, what hurts? He exclaimed as he moved a few strands from her face.

"I'm….Fine..." she managed to say as she stared at the male Adonis before her.

"Nothing hurts? Are you sure? I'm terribly sorry I wasn't looking where I was go-"

He was cut short as the blonde quickly lifted herself off the ground, brushing off the dirt from her legs.

-ing…" he finished as he finally got a good look at who he had pummeled exactly.

She was by far the most breathtaking, most gorgeous girl he had ever had the opportunity to lay eyes on. Her long golden hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and flowed down to the end of her back. While her body was nothing but curves he rolled his eyes over each and every one of them. The sweat on her body made her skin look as though it was glowing, enhancing every inch of her into a goddess like appearance. Her legs just kept going, and going till they reached her perfect stomach that led to those delectable looking breasts that were being held tightly by her tank top. And to top off this magnificent woman was the face of an absolute angel, with eyes as clear as the night sky, she was…so…so…perfectly….pissed off?...wait what?

As he came out of his temporary gaze his eyes fixated on the now, seemingly upset blonde in front of him.

" Well, if you weren't so consumed in the canyons of my cleavage, Sir, you would have heard my apology for running into you, now with that said, If you'll excuse me-" She huffed as she attempted to run passed possibly the most gorgeous man on earth only to be stopped by one of his huge hands on her shoulder.

"Wait…" He said as he slowed her retreat. " Please, Miss I'm very sorry if I offended you in any kind of way, usually that kind of staring would be a compliment for most women, coming from me at least…" he smirked as her anger doubled.

"Why you arrogant, poor excuse of ma-"she began before she was cut off by his sudden burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha, oh man I'm so sorry, hahaha, wow! That was just a joke, I was just playing around to lighten the mood, hahaha man you really have a short temper don't you? 'He asked still trying to hold back his laughter.

She stared at him, dumbfounded. Was this man serious right now? Like, was he actually serious? She continued to ask herself as she stood, not knowing how to reply.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a hand appeared before her.

"I'm Darien" He said as he smiled at her.

'Wow even his smile can knock you out' She thought as she took the huge hand into her own.

"Serena" She said slightly smirking. He was definitely interesting she thought as they released each other's grip.

"Well then," he interrupted," I guess I'll get going , I'm seriously sorry again and hopefully the next time we meet it will be under better circumstances" He said giving her his best smile before turning…"See you around" He shot back as he picked up his speed and rounded the corner, disappearing from her sight as though he was never there.

It took her a few moments to take in everything that had just happened only to find herself laughing at the situation.

'What a way to meet such a gorgeous guy', she thought to herself as she continued her jog towards the lake. She unwillingly looked back towards the corner where they had just seemingly 'crashed' and couldn't help but hope they did meet again, regardless of the circumstance. She smiled to herself as she remembered his sweaty body hovering over hers.

'oh dear gods, 'she thought as she shook him from her mind and continued toward the lake.

"What a freakin morning…" She huffed; unaware that her "sweaty wall" was also smirking at the thought of the little blonde angel who had fell from the sky, right into his arms.

"What a way to start the day…"RINNNNNNNNG! buzzzz RINGGGGGGGGGG! buzzzz !RINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!

He was brought out of his thoughts as his cell phone began to ring. He glanced at the screen and managed to sneak in a "Welcome back to reality, Darien…" before pushing 'accept'.

"Hello?" he breathed into the phone while he rounded another corner.

"Baby, what is taking you so long?" wailed a woman's voice from the other end...

He sighed as he spoke, "Sorry babe, I ran into some things,"

'literally' he thought as he made his way home. "I'll be there in a sec…" he huffed as he hung up, picking up his pace his mind continued replaying his so called accident and he couldn't help but hope he'd run into her again one day.

"Doubt it" He said out loud as he arrived home. After all, he had a huge year ahead of him, and no man who was about to take his first teaching job, would have time for a side fling, I mean come on, He was a 25 year old man who just graduated college and he had finally just committed to his first serious relationship in a long time. He sighed as he arrived to his house, the front door already open, presenting a tall, beautiful raven haired woman.

"Hey baby, how was your run?" said the cheery woman as she leaned against the door.

For some reason, even though it may seem wrong and seriously fucked up, she wasn't as beautiful as he remembered.

"It was…-"he chuckled …"pretty good actually…I'm just going to go wash up…"

He made his way to the master bedroom throwing his mp3 and armband onto the dresser. He shook his head lightly as he discarded his damp clothes, wrapping a towel around his waist.

What the hell did that little girl do to him! He thought as he walked into the master bathroom toward the shower. She couldn't have been older than 18! He tossed the towel aside and stepped into the large glass area…turning one of the golden handles and sighed.


'What the hell…is wrong with me...' he kept thinking as the cold water ran down his tired, toned body. She wouldn't leave his mind.

He braced his hand against the wall and lowered his head under the water.

'Serena' Her voice echoed in his mind.

DUNNN DUNN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! Sooooooo, what's the verdict guys? Did I do ok? I mean this was seriously the first of firsts for me and I'm extremely nervous but I have a feeling ill be more confident once I read your helpful reviews…so let me know what you guys think! Also..Im guessing I need one of those handy dandy Beta readers? I'm clueless about that….. Hahaha sooo ANYWHOS…

I will have the 2nd chappy up this week so be sure to mark your alerts and get ready for the next installment of:

TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! Chapter 2: Lesson 2: Don't Sleep During Class



You're Friend,

~ Momo Cakes ~

: AKA Moonprincess111…my previous penname ^. ^