Princess Bubblegum was not expecting this at all.

She told her girlfriend specifically that she was going to be gone for a couple hours. There were important errands that had to be done – she needed to finish some business at work, some Christmas presents still needed to be sent off in the mail, plus she had to run to the grocery story and get some food for their dinner. Basically, the holiday season was nothing but chores, chores, chores, and Bubblegum was stressed enough as it was. Now, the pink-haired cherry retail manager walked into her two-story condo, plastic bags tying her down, to find this:

Marceline sitting in front of their living room mirror, cutting her hair. Short as a bulb, to be precise.

"What are you doing?" Bubblegum asked, and Marceline quickly turned around. Black strands of hair were covering her like a blanket, and there was such a mess on the floor, Bubblegum wasn't sure how she was going to clean it all up. The guitarist fumbled with the pair of scissors she was carrying, attempting to hide it behind her back.

"I didn't expect you to be back so early. I was erm, wanting to surprise you."

"Well, you didn't fail to do that, Marceline!" The shorter woman placed her purchases on the ground before walking over to her girlfriend.

The hairstyle suited her well, since the musician had a killer jawline, and her complextion went well with her hair color altogether. However, it was going to take some time to get used to it, considering that Bubblegum, in their five years of being in a serious relationship, always associated Marceline with her long, silky locks.

"I told you I would be back in two hours, didn't I?" Bubblegum bent down and looked right into those red eyes she loved so much, and Marceline sighed.

"Yeah, but I was indecisive. I mean, I didn't know if I should have gone for a different kind of bang, or color, or whatever. Some of my fans wanted me to go straight out blonde, but there was no way in hell I was going to do that, and...shit, I need to stop blabbering."

"Marceline, I like the look, trust me. I think it suits you, but we need to finish doing stuff for Christmas, and getting rid of all of this hair isn't going to help me out."

Laughing, Marceline stood up and patted down her pants. She didn't seem to realize just how much she cut off until she noticed the black hole on the carpet below her.

"Holy crap, I had this much hair?"

"Well, what did you expect? Your hair was always long to begin with, I'm surprised you didn't get it stuck in something beforehand."

"Hey!" Marceline yelled, and Bubblegum shook her head.

"Come on, you and I have to start working on making deserts for when my parents come, and you better not have eaten any of the chocolate strawberries while I was gone." Bubblegum said, watching as her girlfriend stood up behind her. She really did look different, but she always was going to be beautiful to her, so that was all that mattered.

"You wouldn't be too mad if I told you I already ate them...would you?"

A/N: I haven't uploaded this fanfiction in over a year and a half. I want to thank those who still read it and review it. I hope you guys have an amazing holiday season! Merry Christmas!