Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. However, I do own a packet of Kleeney tissues, if that counts for anything... Nah, probably doesn't.

I KNOW MY WRITING STYLE IS REALLY BORING! I swear I tried to make it funny, but I was just so brain-dead whilst I was reading this, I just really couldn't think of anything! I'm sorry.

And... on with the story!

Life is far from fair, and Potions was the perfect example of that.

"Who the bloody hell decided we should have a class with Slytherins?" Ron complained loudly as Harry, Hermione and he exited the classroom, their spirits considerably lower than when they first entered.

"Ron! Language," Hermione reprimanded, hitting him on the head with his book. "And we can't just not have classes with anyone you don't like! When you get a job, you're going to be working with people you might hate!"

"I'd resign if I had to work with Malfoy," Ron grumbled to Harry, taking care to mutter in fear of getting hit on the head again. Harry laughed, then stopped immediately when Hermione turned to glare at him. Ever since they had their career advice in fifth year, Hermione had been going on about 'when they got a job'.

"What have we got next?" he wondered aloud. Ron had spilt milk on their time tables, along with Neville's, Dean's and Lavender's. Whilst Dean's and Lavender's had been saved (with the help of magic), the other four had yet to ask McGonagall for spare copies.

"Just Charms," Hermione immediately answered. Ron gaped.

"How do you know everything?" he asked her, before turning to Harry. "How do she know everything?"

Harry shrugged, distracted by Romilda Vane, who was coming over. He quickly side-stepped her.

"I'll be at the common room if you need me," he muttered, and ran off. He could skip a lesson of Charms with the excuse of a stomach ache. He sped up two staircases, jumped the trick step and skidded to a halt in front of the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Sugar plums," he panted, and clambered in. He hovered in the common room uncertainly, then went to his dorm, where he rummaged through his trunk for the Marauders' Map.

"Good, she's by the Kitchens," he muttered aloud. He checked his watch: a hour left until curfew. He could throw a Quaffle around, maybe charm some baseball to come at him and try to catch a snitch... Maybe not a snitch, but a golf ball would do.

He snuck out, taking his wand (in case of emergencies), his Cloak (in case he got carried away and played until after curfew) and the Map (to make sure Romilda didn't come after him again). He grabbed his broom, and left.

He was right; he got carried away and now it was after curfew. It was a bit difficult hiding the Firebolt under the Cloak, and he'd grown considerably since the six years* he had the Cloak, so he decided to keep the Cloak off until he got to the castle.

There was a full moon. Harry wondered how Remus was faring. He winced. Probably not good. Since when had his transformations been any less than patronizing agony?

He began to walk on, and past the lake, when he saw something glittery. He didn't notice at first but then he paused, his eyes narrowed, and he found himself attracted to the sparkling sparkly thing like a magpie would be attracted to... anything shiny.

He wandered over, and stuck his hand in the edge of the water. After grappling around a bit, he pulled his hand back with... Nothing. He looked around - where was it? He was determined to find it...

Turns out it was in front of him, not in the water, but just in front of it, completely dry. Harry resisted the urge to face-palm. It was...

...A time-turner? What was a time-turner doing there...?

Chilling in the water, sun-bathing, you know? It obviously wasn't dropped there by someone - how on Earth could that happen? Inner Harry(1) remarked sarcastically. Harry frowned, as he began to turn it in his fingers as he examined it. Lucky it wasn't wet - Hermione had told him that water could badly affect Time-Turners.

However, his hands were still slippery, and... the Time-Turner fell in the water. Harry panicked, and tried to find it. He pulled it back, and quickly examined it. He noticed something strange. It was spinning on it's own accord. Harry's eyes widened.

"Oh, hell no. Hell no, I am not going through that time-travel thing aga-"

And all went black.

"Hey! James! Watcha doing?" Sirius yelled, putting his arm around James' shoulder. James smirked.

"Plotting your demise..." he said in what was probably meant to be a mysterious voice. Remus snorted.

"You do know that you just sound like a breathless weirdo, right?" he commented casually, not looking up from his book. Peter was trying to read over his shoulder, and with one smooth motion, he closed the book.

"Let's go to the lake," Sirius said, dragging Remus and James by the arm and beckoning Peter to follow. "I'm bored here."

"And what, pray tell, are we going to do by the lake?" Remus said irritably, glaring at Peter when he saw that he had taken his book.

"I dunno, but whatever it is we'll be doing, it'll be fun!" Sirius said cheerfully, almost tripping as he went through the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Sirius, you're acting like a hyperactive, ADD-addicted first year. You're in sixth year. Grow up," Remus snapped.


The four boys had been sitting by the Lake, just chatting and messing around, and Remus had gotten hold of another book and some chocolate.

"Hey! Look - someone's fallen asleep on the grass!" Peter suddenly exclaimed.

"That's just asking to be pranked," James smirked evilly. Sirius began to rub his hands. Remus was too engrossed in his book to react.

"Let's go!" Sirius and James yelled together, both in Superman poses. Remus looked up, face-palmed, and went back to his book.

Sirius and James ran off, and Peter persuaded Remus to come with them ('I can't handle them alone! They'll go crazy!').

Sirius was the first person to get there.

A pale, messy-haired boy with thin-framed glasses was lying on the grass, covered in blood, cuts and various bruises. He wasn't asleep, but... dead? Blood trickled from his arm, foot and leg. There was one particularly strange cut - a lightening bolt-shaped scar.

"James!" Sirius let out a strangled cry. But James was right behind him. A boggart? No - the limp body did not change, even after all four of them had gathered around it.

"We need to get him to the Hospital Wing," James said quickly, conjuring up a stretcher. Sirius and Remus lifted the body onto it, and ran, with the stretcher levitated between them. James ran to tell Dumbledore what had happened, and Peter just panicked, running around hysterically like a headless chicken.

James had never ran so fast in his entire life. There was an injured stranger unconscious on the grounds... That was definitely something Professor Dumbledore needed to be informed of. He knew the boy was a stranger - if anyone had looked that much like him, then he would have known. And probably would've stalked him too, but that wasn't the point here!

"Sherbert lemons!" he gasped out, breathless. Despite the seriousness of the situation, James couldn't help but wonder if Dumbledore's password ever changed. He knocked, practically banged, on the door.

"Enter," said the ever-so-slightly surprised voice of one Albus Dumbledore.

"There'sapalestrangerwholooksexactl ylikemeandhe'sinjuredandwasunconsciousbyt helake," James said all in one breath.

"Pardon?" Dumbledore frowned.

"There's a pale stranger, who looks exactly like me and he's badly injured and he was unconscious by the lake and he's been taken to the Hospital Wing by Sirius and Remus," James said, after taking a deep breath. Albus Dumbledore's eyes widened.

So Harry Potter had finally appeared.

1) I wanted to add an Inner Harry, like Haruno Sakura (from Naruto) has.

First Harry Potter fanfic. Well, technically, I've written loads, but this is the first one I've ever uploaded onto Fanfiction. I usually just read other people's stuff. And review. A lot. And because I review a lot, you should all review a lot too! :D

Q) Who's your favourite Marauder?



P.S. I have spared you the twisted agony of ridiculously long Authors' Notes. But expect them later... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!