A/N Sup, bromigos. Welcome to my attempt at a fan fiction. I hope you enjoy the depths of my imagination. Good luck on your voyage!

Stiles would love to say that somebody noticed, that anybody noticed, but he'd be lying. Nobody noticed if he got skinnier or if he had dark circles under his eyes, or if he burnt through his Adderall prescription like there was no tomorrow. Just as long as he kept talking, and kept smiling even though he felt like he was falling apart. Nobody noticed until Stiles had been gone a week. By then it was too late.

Stiles' room was clean, his Jeep was parked outside. There was no sign of anything going wrong, there was also no sign of Stiles.

Derek could feel the packs agitation and it was making him pace faster than was humanly possible. They were all gathered in the Stilinski household, the sheriff was out looking for his son and the pack had run out of places to look for him. Scott was visibly shaking in the corner while Allison and Isaac tried to calm him and Erica and Lydia were sat squeezed together on the couch and visibly trying not to lose their shit. Derek could feel and see Boyd's anger as he stood in the corner of the room and Derek could almost hear Stiles' voice in his head saying 'he learnt that looming from you CreeperWolf'. It hurt.

Danny and Jackson were sat closely together on the floor as they tried to control their breathing together. Derek could feel his control loosening and the wolf coming to the surface, he tried to calm down but he was surrounded by Stiles' scent, he was drowning in it. Every he looked he just saw more of him but never Stiles himself. He couldn't hear his chatter or see his fidgeting in the corner of his eye. He found himself abruptly missing everything he used to find annoying.

Scott suddenly jumped off of the round and ran straight to Derek. "We're not doing anything Derek. Stiles is out there somewhere and we don't know what's happened to him. He could be hurt. Derek. He could be dead and we're still not doing anything." Derek eyes burned and glowed red as he roared at him. Scott jumped back and cowered against the wall while the rest of the packs backs straightened.

"Do you think I don't know that," Derek voice cracked in the middle of the sentence and he looked down briefly before directing his burning gaze at Scott, "Do you think it's not killing me knowing that Stiles could be dead right now. I know Scott. But what you're doing isn't helping anybody. We all need to calm down and think about this."

Scott looked outraged, "We don't have time to think about this, we don't even know how long Stiles has been missing!" Everybody looked to the ground at that and Derek felt guilt fill his blood like white-hot flames.

Lydia stood up from the couch and walked towards Derek, "Derek is right, we need to think about this logically. Arguing isn't going to help us find Stiles. So when was the last time anyone saw him?"

Everybody looked at each other before answering.

"Graduation "Jackson shrugged and looked at Allison.

"Same here, I was planning to go over to his house tomorrow. I just…" Scott put his arm around her and she leaned into him. Scott answered next "I saw him like a week and a half ago. He was acting weird, I dunno. He just seemed different."

Isaac jerked his head up, "He was fine when I slept over at his. It was a couple of days after graduation. He was fine, I think. He said Boyd was coming to his the day after. What was he like when you saw him?" Boyd was still slightly outside the circle the pack had made and Derek could feel he was still fuming.

"He was… he was a bit weird. He was moving more than usual. We were looking at the different majors I could take at college. He was twitchy…"
"Stiles, Danny, Lydia and I had dinner the day after graduation. I think that's the last time any of us saw him." All of them nodded Erica and Derek suddenly found the gazes of each of his pack members on him. Derek glowered at all of them then growled out "About a week ago, I saw him on the street. He smelt more like medicine than usual. We came here and ate dinner." Allison's brow furrowed while he was speaking and she looked at him questioningly.

"What do you mean he smelt more like medicine" Scott nudged her with his shoulder and then looked at Derek in the same way.

"Stiles always smells like medicine. It's his Adderall, he takes more than he supposed to sometime but nothing major. Right?"

Derek could feel a growl forming in his chest. That day Derek had smelt Stiles before he had seen him. His scent as intoxicating as it normally was to him was… wrong. The thick medicine smell that sometimes made his nose twitch was overpowering. "He smelt like a drug store Scott". Everybody was silent at that.

At that time the whole pack was thinking the same thing.

Where was Stiles?

The pack searched everywhere, they tracked Stiles' scent but the trail had gone cold. Derek had done everything he could, he'd searched everything. The pack thought they were going crazy before and now that Stiles had been missing for two weeks they were all angry.

Sheriff Stilinski was hardly ever home, he was always at the station or out looking for Stiles. Derek could smell the grief and frustration wafting off him and every once in a while he smelt whiskey.

Lydia researched everything she could but didn't find anything supernatural that could make someone disappear without a trace. If Stiles had been kidnapped, the kidnappers would have left a trail. Supernatural creatures always had a distinct scent. The pack started to consider that Stiles may have been taken by someone human.

Nobody wanted to consider whether or not Stiles had just left.

After a month the scent of grief started to permeate the air around the pack. Derek found himself running away from the scent. The one that had followed him around most of his life. He still heard Stiles' advice sometimes. Every so often he would forget that Stiles was gone and he would call him or text before he remembered. Once he even got to the Stilinski household and when he smelt Stiles' faded scent he shifted and ran and ran until he couldn't anymore and then he just howled long and hard and agonising. He shifted back into human form and found himself in an unknown town, with unknown scents and for the first time in a long time he cried. And not for the first time there was no one there to comfort him.

After two months the Sheriff showed Scott some statistics, statistics that showed life and death, the chance that Stiles was still alive.

Scott showed up at the pack meeting and collapsed on the floor sobbing and everyone stared in shock at him. Lydia was the first one to speak. "Did they find him?" When Scott didn't answer Isaac whimpered while the rest of the pack took a step back or hung their shoulders. Lydia looked a little hysterical. "Scott! I said did they find him. Is he… Is he dead?" Scott's head snapped up at that and he started shaking.

"No, they still haven't found anything. He's still gone" The pack let out a simultaneous sigh of relief. "But the Sheriff… Stiles' dad, he umm. He said that they're dropping the investigation. That the chances of him still being…" He choked up on the last sentence and Allison had to catch him when he was about to slump down again, "the chances of him still being. Alive. Are too small. So, they're stopping the investigation. It's over for them. I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do."

The pack had to go to college, so they went. Some of them stayed. Derek, Erica and Scott. They slowly accepted that Stiles was gone, they never accepted he was dead but they knew he was gone. Now and again someone would mention him and the pack would smell of overpowering grief again and Derek would have to get away.

Scott would stay with the Sheriff more and more and the Sheriff would work as much as he could.

Nothing was the same, but they learnt how to deal with it.

It had been three and a half years. The whole pack was at the renovated Hale house and it was a rare occasion. They were celebrating Boyd finally finishing college and Derek could feel the others getting twitchy about the fact that they would be finishing soon. Nobody mentioned the little whole in the party, the fact that Stiles had helped most of them pick their colleges made it even bigger.

They were all trying to stifle they're laughter when Erica unveiled her attempt at a cake.

"You're all laughing now, but guess who will be the one laughing when you have to eat it." Erica was smirking and Jackson was slowly backing away whilst shaking his head. Then they heard a loud sound from the forest. Then another. A gunshot.

Isaac informed the human while the rest of the pack got ready.

"We heard to gunshot's far off in the woods, Danny I'll call you and you can track my cell phone. Allison and Lydia get your stuff together, we don't know what to expect" Isaac rattled off then stood by Boyd on the front porch.

Derek tossed Lydia the car keys, "Take the jeep and you're driving. Danny will be giving you direction." He nodded at Danny then all the wolves took off.

What they saw when they got there was unexpected.

There was a man in leather with guns and knives fighting off two other men who smelled like sulphur. There was something familiar about the man fighting. Derek signalled at the wolves to lay off, it looked like the man was taking care of this. That's when he heard the man muttering under his breath and his voice was eerily familiar.

"Motherfucking demons, motherfucking broken salt rifle goddammit. Jesus shit, what he hell is wrong with the world." Derek watched at the kicked what was apparently a demon in the chest and used the momentum to propel himself onto a tall branch and then dropped himself onto the other demons shoulders. He cracked that one's neck ad jumped down from him, grabbing a dropped gun on the way. He still hadn't noticed the wolves who where hiding behind some trees. The first demon seemed to have recovered from the blow and the man looked up and smirked.

That's when the pack stopped breathing. He was older, his hair was longer, he was more bulked up and scarred but it was him. It was Stiles. The pack was literally frozen as they watched Stiles fight.

The demon ran to Stiles but didn't notice him pulling out a knife from the inside of his leather jacket. He started throwing them with startling accuracy. Two were embedded in his heart and one in his head. If Derek wasn't a werewolf he wouldn't have seen Stiles throw them. The demon stopped and slowly pulled the knife out of his fore head while he snarled at Stiles.

"Oh my god, that's actually disgusting. Are you being serious? Why won't you just die?" As soon as the demon took one step forward Derek saw Stiles roll his eyes and pull a gun from the back of his jeans and shoot the demon six times in the chest. When the demon just startled back Stiles made an exasperated noise and looked heavenward.

When the jeep came close enough for human ears to hear Stiles' head snapped around and he saw the whole pack. He face turned stormy.

"Ok, bitches. Now I am really pissed," He took another gun out an ankle holster, "First you make me come to Beacon hills and then you draw attention. Goddammit. Now. I'm. Pissed. The. Fuck. Off." He punctuated each word with a gunshot. He took out what looked like an intricately carved knife from his belt and threw it right into the demons forehead. Again. This time the demon dropped and Stiles did a little fist pump before he heard a crack and looked down to see the demon from before healing its neck. Stiles looked heavenward again. "Does somebody up there have something against me, because seriously."

He shot the demon once with the rifle before planting a foot on its chest. "Oh my god, you should have just died. I'm sending straight back to the deepest pits of hell you little shit and I'm going to make I as painful as possible." He started chanting in something that sounded like strange Latin. The words rolled off his tongue easily and he kept his foot firm as the demon convulsed, the demon even started screaming but he kept his foot firm and smiled down at it.

When everything was silent and the pack was looking at this version of stiles in shock, Stiles took his boot off of the demons chest and smiled a strangely fake smile.

"What's up guys? Enjoy the show." Jackson's knees gave out.

A/N I thank you for reading this compilation of words.