Hollyleaf: Okay everyone, I have decided to continue on with the help of Lieutenant Surge and FYI you ask a lot of question for one person and I must say Thanks for that now my gears are spinning again well for this fanfic, and now, let's restart the first chapter. That's a good start right?

Chapter I: Enter the Fullmetal Alchemist!

"Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams."- Edward Elric

Desmond found himself in front of a gate. A big huge ass gateway. It had creature coming out from the sides and was most definitely creepy.

"Where am I?"

"Well, I call this the Gateway of Truth or Gate of Truth which ever you prefer," a boy said appearing next to Desmond.

"Who are you?"

"Edward Elric. I guess you died."

"Yeah. Wait how do you know that?"

"Because this is where souls from this side of the gate gets transmuted into alchemy energy."

"This side of the Gate? Alchemy?"

"No time to explain. You do want to live right?" Ed asked.

"Yes but-"

"Good then setting this transmutation was not for naught." Ed pulled out a red stone from his pocket.

"I sacrifice this stone for the safety of Al's return and for Desmond and my return back to Earth!"

"How do you know my name?"

"Its complicated. Besides," the Gate began to open and little children like faces look at them. Ed toss the stone and the things greedily took it and gave some of it back. Then, the Gate opened completely and began to grab the two of them.


"Don't fight them. They are taking us back," Ed said.

"How do you know?"

"Because, this isn't my first time being here."

Desmond groaned and his eyes opened.

"What happened?"

"Desmond your alive!" His dad shouted.

"Yeah gramps, I can tell," Desmond said.

"That's scientifically impossible," Shaun said.

"Yeah it should be but since you are alive and all," Rebecca said.

"Yeah. Wait, didn't I tell you guys to run?"

"Yeah but then we came back to check on you. Well, you were er dead then somehow alive now," Shaun said.

"What he is trying to say is that we are glad you are back," William said.

"Uh, guys we have a situation," Rebecca said. They went over to her and saw a red hooded figure from different angles. The only thing that gave an indication to anything is the symbol on the red coat. A cross with a snake encircling it. On the top was a crown and raven like wings.

"Damn it," he cursed and looked at the doorway. "Don't have it. Oh wells, if there's no way in," he clapped his hands together as if he was praying, "then you have to make one yourself!" He then placed them on the door and a doorway appeared.

"Whoa! Now that's a neat trick," Desmond said.

"Well, that trick got him in here. Hide! We don't know whether or not he is an assassin or not!" William said.

Desmond nodded and hid behind some rocks and the others as well.

The footsteps of the person came closer and closer and then stopped.

"Huh, so they used here as their base. Of course. Now..." A clap of mix matched hands clapped together and placed them on the ground.

"Ahh!" A hand appeared from the ground and grab a hold of William. He clapped his hands again and more hands appeared. Three hands appeared and grabbed Rebecca and Shaun but Desmond rolled out of the way. He ran and kicked out his leg hoping to trip him however the kick to the leg was rather hard like steel and he didn't flinch. The person turned and kick his left leg into Desmond's stomach sending him flying. Desmond got up and looked at the hooded figure.

"What is your leg made of?"

"Steel," the person said. Desmond charged once again and took out his knife. He slammed his knife down. The person held up his right arm and the knife broke. The person grinned.

"What the-"

"Sorry but this was custom made." He then threw his arm up breaking the contact and kicked his left leg into his face. Desmond went flying and landed. The person clapped his hands and made a cage.

"Man, so one question," the person came over and golden eyes met brown eyes.

"Wait a second." The person pulled down his hood and it was starting golden hair that was just as golden as the sun.

"Desmond. Remember me?" He asked.

"You know him?"

"I am pretty sure I would remember someone that looks like you," Desmond replied.

"Well you wouldn't since the Gate took away your memories. Hmm, I guess it is equivalent exchange," the boy said.

"First of all who are you?"

"Edward Elric the Fullmetal Assassin."

"Edward Elric! No way!" Rebecca said.

"Yeah I know totally awesome," Ed nodded.

"You were born over 50 years ago! Yet, you are not old and short!" Shaun said. Before anyone realized what happened, Ed ran up and grabbed Shaun by the collar of his shirt. He held him up and Ed took a deep breath in.


"I didn't say that. Now let me go," Shaun said trying to pry off his fingers however it was his right arm and it was rather ineffective.

"What is your hand made of?"

"Steel," Ed replied with a smirk and dropped Shaun. Ed rolled up his sleeve and showed his automail.

"Pretty cool right?" Ed asked.

"What is that?" Rebecca asked.


"It's way too advance for prosthetics," Rebecca noted getting her tools out and Ed immediately pulled it away from her

"Well, it's not from this world that's for sure and no taking it apart," Ed said.

"What do you mean? Is it from the gods?" Shaun asked.

"As if, he would probably kick me out," Ed scuffed.

"So where did you get it?"

"On the other side of the Gate."

"The what?"

"The Gateway of Truth or Gate of Truth, which ever you prefer."

"What is it?"

"It is basically where people go when they are dead," Ed shrugged.

"So what in it?" William asked.

"The Truth."

"The Truth?" Desmond repeated.

"The Truth to everything basically."

"How do you know?" Shaun challenged.

"Because I've seen it more than once and once is already too many," Ed said.

"How do you get to see it?" Desmond.

"It's complicated," Ed said not wanting to dive any deeper into the subject. "Anyways, we have to stop Juno."

"We know that but we don't know what she is after," Desmond said.

"I do. Of course if we don't stop her, she can easily kill off most if not all humanity and the other side as well," Ed said.

"What is it?" William asked.

"A uranium bomb."

"What! Is that even possible?!" Rebecca asked in shocked.

"Yes… On the other side."

"Wait so what's about this other side of the Gate you keep on talking about," Desmond asked.

"There are parallel worlds. One advances in science the other advances in alchemy. There are many of the same faces but they are completely different people," Ed said with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay so you came from the side of alchemy?" William asked.

"Correct," Ed said.

"So where do we find the bomb?" Desmond asked.

"Heheheh. You see…" Ed rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Don't tell me but you don't know where it is?!"

"Yeah... I sort of erased my memory so I don't know where it is," Ed said.

"What!?" They could not believe it.

"Yeah sorry about that..."

"Did anyone else have possession of the bomb besides you?" Desmond asked.

"Actually my brother and I both had possession of it but that's about it," Ed said.

"You had a brother?"

"Yeah. He was sent back to the other side of the Gate. Well we can't find the uranium bomb so what can we do? It's not like there's a machine that can somehow project someone's memories," Ed said quickly changing the subject.

"Um Ed..." Rebecca said gesturing to the Animus.

"There is isn't there," Ed said putting his hand to his face.


"Okay. So what do you want in exchange?" Ed asked.

"We just want help to stop Juno."

"Okay. I can do that," Ed said as lay down.

"So let's get to it," Rebecca said.

"Well we have to go back in time way earlier so your subconscious can get ease your way through your memories."

"Okay since I am 18(1), how far do you have to go back?" Ed said as the system began to fire up.

"Probably when you are-"

1: Okay yes I will make Ed still 18 because of the (spoilers).

A/N: Okay first of all, what should I do? Replay through all the episodes or do certain ones in chronological order starting with the Human transmutation of their mom or should I jump ahead (not too far ahead) to the point where Ed dies and he comes over to this side (aka last episode) and I will continue on with the events of Shamballa?

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