WARNING: This chapter may cause fits of anger, the need to try a new hairstyle, and the desire for purple pants. Proceed if you dare, and with caution.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Baby


Recently, Rukia had acquired a strange obsession of some sort. In fact, she was so obsessed that there were days when she couldn't even eat or sleep. All of her attention was focused on said obsession.

Soon enough, she got everyone else in the house in on it. Of course, as Ichigo had predicted, everyone got over it in a matter of two weeks. But, not Rukia, she stuck to her little obsession. It wasn't even like she was hooked on drugs or drinking or anything like that. This was much worse.

She was obsessed. She was addicted.

Ichigo let a slow sigh pass through his lips when Rukia walked into the room. Something was different about her. She changed. "Rukia?" He said softly. He couldn't believe that he let it get that far.

"I'ma tell you one time." Was her only answer.

She was a Belieber.

(adj.) Belieber

1. One who is an obsessive fan of Justin Bieber.

2. A person who loves Justin Bieber and beliebes in everything he can do.

3. To believe in or be a believer in Justin Bieber.

Definition Provided by the Earlie Birdie Dictionary of Fanfiction

He honestly didn't know when this whole Justin Bieber shit started. All he did know was that one morning, he woke up and found posters and cardboard cut outs of the singer all over the house. "...What's so good about him?" Ichigo asked. Not because he was jealous, but because he was curious. (Because he was jealous.)

Rukia hugged the cardboard cut out that was oh-so-conveniently placed beside her as if it could hug back. "He sings and dances and he can do that flippy thing with his hair!" She pointed to her own Bieber inspired hair with a grin. "And..."

Ichigo's eye twitched when she bowed her head in respect. "And?"

"He called me his baby!"

- End of Flashback -

With an awestruck look on her face, Rukia sat on the carpeted floor beside her Justin Bieber cut out. In front of her, Ichigo sat with his orange hair perfectly swept to the side, resembling the 'Bieber Swipe'. A bewildered look took over his face as Rukia showered all her love and attention on the cut out.


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Daaaaaamn, you did your hair like his and she STILL likes him better.

- 10 people like this comment

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I still can't believe that you can pull the Bieber off .

- Arisawa Tatsuki

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I dunno why you're so mad . The Biebz is hawt . . .

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Captain saw this and SMILED . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL .

- Abari Renji

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...Justin Bieber had to go.