"Fretello? Fratello wake up! We're going to be late if you don't come out." I sighed, rolling out of my bed and snagging my clothes on my way to the bathroom.

"I'm up, you bastard. I'll be there in a second." With my stupid brother, you never knew when he'll get impatient and barge into our shared room, therefore I learned from a very young age to change in the bathroom. Walking out of the bathroom, and out the door, I saw Feliciano leaning against the wall talking to Ivan Braginski, our other team member.

"I can't believe you proposed to Kiku! Ve~" Ivan just looked down and blushed, not commenting. I was glad for them, in a weird way. Ivan was a brutal and quiet a scary guy, and his boyfriend, Kiku Honda was a fragile yet very traditional man, although he was a few years younger. I don't know how they ever got together, and I don't know why Kiku said yes (He called me last night to tell me the news) but I hoped that they were happy anyways. Ivan glanced over to where I was standing and smiled, making chills run up my spine.

"Ah, Lovino. I'm glad you're here. Let us depart." He said in his unsettling quiet voice. I nodded, following behind Ivan and Feliciano after grabbing my little pistol and customized rifle.

About four hours later we were walking up to the front of a huge building that housed the corporation 'Nations', the biggest technology builders in the world and rumored to employ someone from each country to work there. I tapped Feli on the shoulder, getting his attention from the frankly awe inspiring building.

"I'm going to go set up. Shout if you need me." He smiled and nodded, hugging me tightly. I put up with it for a few seconds, knowing my younger brother needed the reassurance, but shoved him off after.

"Ok Fratello! But I'm sure we'll be fine. I mean all we have to do is check in with the two men that run this and make sure everything is alr-"

"Feli, I know. I was there too, remember? Why don't you go catch up to Ivan and keep him company while we wait for the men to come?" Feliciano's eyes widened and he happily ran off to Ivan to keep him entertained.

Feli was the only one out of everyone at the base that wasn't terrified of Ivan, although some hide it better than others. I think it's just because he doesn't have the brains to realize he should be scared. Shaking my head at the two, I quickly but quietly made my way to the small overhang of a house above so I could keep an eye on them.

I wasn't usually needed on a mission, Feli handled any medical situations that were found, and Ivan handled any violence that sprung up. The only thing I was there was for keeping Ivan in check, watching over my Fratello, and killing anyone that Ivan couldn't handle, which rarely happened.

A few minutes after I got settled, two men walked up to my group and started to talk with them. One had bright blonde hair and stood stiffly beside the other. The slightly shorter- although still much taller than me- of the two had brown hair, a few shades darker than my own, and tanned skin. He was lean and moved with the grace and strength of a dancer. Both men had to have had some type of military training, as they were constantly on edge, looking around and always keeping their backs to a wall as they talked.

The brown headed male laughed and something that Feli had said and threw his arm around his shoulder. I snorted, knowing there was another fan of my fratello to add to the ever growing list. Feliciano was always the favorite out the two of us. I watched quietly for a few more moments until something unexpected happened.

The large blond man said something, and Ivan snapped. He pulled two pistols from their hidden confines in his large purple scarf and pointed them directly at the men, one to each. The blonds eyes widened and he held up his hands, nudging the brunette to do the same even as he edged in front of the shorter male. Feli was freaking out, tugging on Ivan's scarf and chattering rapidly. I sighed, pulling my pistol from its holster on my leg and firing a single bullet in between the two tense groups, following at a more sedated pace.

I walked up behind my two comrades, briefly glancing at the two strangers before turning to my brother.

"Feli, since you two did not see fit to do so earlier, search those two for any weapons they might have on them. And you." I turned back to Ivan, pointing a menacing finger, speaking softly and showing the two just how angry I really was, even if it probably looked comical to the two bystanders

"What in the HELL happened?" Ivan looked down at me, playing with the end of his lavender scarf and not meeting my eyes like a belligerent child.

"Well… Mr. Beildeschimdt here said that Feli was annoying and that there couldn't be anything more annoying and Feli said that everyone thought you were more annoying than him and Beildeschimdt said that he seriously doubted that and that Feli seemed completely useless. I got angry, because little Feli always helps me when I'm sick or hurt and I thought that we would only really need one of the men from the company." Ivan cut himself off and glared back at the blond who I assumed was Mr. Beildeschimdt with his lavender colored eyes. I sighed and scowled, turning away from Ivan to the two men and my brother. Pissed at having to play diplomat (which was usually Felis job), I bitingly introduced out group.

"Okay since I doubt they introduced themselves, and we aren't acquainted yet either, I'll introduce us. The tall violent one Is Ivan Braginski. He's a bit unstable so I would treed gently if I were you." Ivan gave the two men an innocent serene smile that you often see on psychopathic killers.

"This is my younger fratello, Feliciano Vargas. He is not really the brightest crayon in the pack, if you catch my drift, so be patient with him, even if he acts like an idiot." Feli smiled and waved giggling as the blonde scoffed.

"I'm Feliciano's older brother Lovino Vargas. I'm also what you would consider the leader of our ragtag group." I looked towards the blonde headed man, thinking he was the leader out of the two businessmen.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Antonio Ferdenandz-Carriedo, but just call me Antonio or Tony. I'm the president of the company. My friend here is Ludwig Beildeschimdt; he takes care of me and helps me stay on task since I get distracted easily. I guess you could call him my caretaker?" I nodded, looking like I was agreeing to the information.

Since I was closer than before, I could see that the blond, Ludwig, had electric blue eyes. I also saw that Antonio had acid green eyes and two dimples in his cheeks. I let go of Feli's hand, and casually moved towards the opposite group. Moving quickly, I had my newly drawn pistol pressed against Ludwigs temple. His hands went into the air again slowly while the brunet yelped.

"Potato fucking bastard. If you say one more thing about my brother, I'll kill you. Got it?" I asked calmly, sneering as I looked in his eyes. He nodded, but didn't look intimidated at all, choosing to glare at me.

"Feliciano told me that there was another teammate, but he didn't tell me it was his brother. Or his twin." I scowled harder, turning to look at Feli.

"You told them there was someone else?" Feli nodded, Ve-ing at me with a smile.

"Of course, I brought you up during the conversation. You've got to admit fratello; you are more annoying than me." I stared at him blankly for a moment before turning to Ivan.

"And you let him do this?" I asked monotonously. Ivan's eyes widened, before glancing away from mine.

"Well… Yeah. Sorry?" I growled, turning to the two men.

"For now, ignore those two, they're both idiots. Has anything happened that we should know about since the other team left? They said they had gotten everyone out, but we always do a checkup afterwards." Ludwig nodded, stepping forward and crossing his hands behind his back in a stance that looked eerily similar to parade rest. Yup, definantly a soldier.

"No sir, nothing has happened. It's been quiet." I nodded, turning to the President of the company that we were supposed to keep safe.

"Do you talk at all, or do you just let your bodyguard do everything for you?" His bright smile faltered a bit, but came back ten times brighter.

"Aww, you're so cute Lovi!" I blinked… blinked again… once more…


He winced at the screech, but kept smiling. I heard laughs from behind me, turning to find Ivan covering his mouth, wide eyes twinkling, and Feliciano giggling. I stared at the two, not even pushing Feli off when he came and glomped me, spinning me back to face the two men.

"I know! Brother is adorable, especially when he blushes like he is now!" I gaped at the two men standing across from me, who both were now smiling. I tilted my head back, not wanting to look at any of them.

As I did, I squinted, looking hard at a spot that almost looked like it was growing bigger. My eyes widened and I swung my large rifle around, it fitting into my hands perfectly as it should being custom fitted. Feli let go of me and, not needing to aim, I shot once, watching as the body fell to earth between the two groups. The other four men around me looked startled at my movements, but comprehension dawned on them as they saw the man lying on the cement. There was a moment of stunned silence, before my team started to shout.

"Ludwig, get Antonio inside."

"Yes sir!"


I watched as Ivan nodded, grabbing Feli around the waist and sprinting inside the building with Ludwig, who was pulling Antonio. "Alright, let's see how long this time will take."

Less than ten minutes after, I walked inside the large building, tracking blood and dirt and a hundre other types of grime with me where ever I stepped. I saw my small group sitting on some of the chairs in the lobby, hidden from the front of the door by a large partition. Feli was the first to see me, and he jumped up and ran, giving me a slightly painful hug. He was followed by an equally worried Antonio, and two stone faced men. I waited for Feli to finish crying before I pushed him off, grabbing his hand to comfort him.

"Fratello, are you okay?" He asked looking at me dead in the eyes. I chuckled, smiling a little at him.

"I'm used to this, don't worry, Feli." After a moment of staring at me, he smiled, looking like himself again, tears already forgotten. Ivan came up behind me and slapped me on the back, making me stumble and turn around to glare at him.

"Da, we're glad you're ok, Lovino." He gave me that innocent smile again, before turning to look back at the other two men. Antonio was watching me with something akin to worry, while Ludwig was watching Feliciano, blushing a shy pink. Smirking at him, I was about to speak up before a hand appeared on my shoulder.

"You and your brother should wash up, since you're bloody, and so is he, now that he's touched you. Ludwig can let your brother use his bathroom in his room, and you can use mine so we can cut down on the time." I was about to say no, that me and my brother were staying together, but Feli spoke over me.

"Ve~! That's a good idea! And I know how much brother doesn't like to be slowed down on missions, cutting down the time would make him much happier." I gave him a long suffering look that only siblings have, before turning a glare to Ivan.

"You go with him." Ivan nodded, him knowing our history and having both older and younger sisters himself helped him understand most of my actions easily when they concerned Feliciano. Ludwig opened him mouth, probably to protest, but closed it with a snap when Antonio shot him a glare. We separated at the elevators, one going up to the 11th floor, which was Ludwig's, and the other going to the 13th, which was unfortunately were I was going.