FINALLY! The chapter I've (and maybe you all) have been waiting for! The twins past 3:)

Some of this is really graphic, so if you're easily bothered by that kinda of stuff, this may be hard to read. I can't say it wont be important, but the twins past play a big role in the rest of the story...

Well! Hope you enjoy!

Walking into the living room was like walking into the lion's den for me and Feliciano. Antonio and Ludwig were looking at us expectantly, making me want to turn tail and run.

"Are we finally going to hear your past?" Antonio asked, smiling. I winced, knowing he would be smiling for long.

"Yeah..." I sat down on the love seat, closing my eyes and feeling Feli sit down beside me.

"Fratello... are you going to tell, or am I?" I smiled wanly at his question. Feli couldn't handle even being reminded about back then, much less talk about it. He would break down and cry before he even started talking.

"I'll talk, gemello. I'll talk" I looked down, taking a deep breath before looking up to the two older men in the room.

"Ok, I guess ill start from the beginning. Our family moved here from Italy when me and Feli were only two moths old. On our second birthday, our parents died. Apparently it was a car accident." I shrugged, getting more wound up by the minute.

"We went into foster care and were adopted about a year later by a young couple. The woman was nice, but we weren't around her a lot. She was a lawyer and worked everyday. The man, though, worked from home. He was nice too... at first." I cringed, starting to shake slightly from nerves. Feli, seeing how scared i was, held my hand. Knowing him, he really wanted to just hug me, but he knew better than that. When i was talking about his kind of stuff, I didn't want to be touched.

"When we were about five, the man started to get more touchy. When we would have baths, his hands would linger and he would make crude remarks about us. We didn't know what was going on, we thought it was normal. We started homeschooling on time, but when we would ask to go places, the man would always say no. His reasons would always be a bit odd, like he didn't want us to get hurt by other men, or he didn't want us to be made fun of by kids. The way he talked, the outside was a scary place, and we eventually stopped asking. It wasn't until we were six that we understood why he didn't want us to leave." I paused, not realizing I had been bitting my lip until i tasted a metallic taste. Shaking my head, i released my lip and kept speaking.

"On our sixth birthday, the woman had take the day off for our party. She had made a deal that she would work that night instead of tha day so she could be with us. During the night, the man had come to our room and slid in to bed with us. WE weren't worried, because at night he would always slip into our room and ran his hands down our bodies. Now, we both realize that it wasn't because he was checking to make sure we were ok. He was just touching us. We were about to fall back asleep, as he laid in bed spooning me, when h started to grind against my ass. The movement woke me right up, but before i could ask him what he was doing, I saw him reach over to Feli and pull down his pajama bottoms. Again, it wasnt that weird, since he would make us strip sometimes and take pictures, telling us we were so pretty that he didn't want to keep us to himself. The man slicked his finger with spit and shoved it into Feli, trying to stretch him." I felt my eyes water and saw Feliciano was out-and-out bawling. I squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him we were ok.

"I started kicking the man, pushing and screaming along with Feli to try to make him stop. Our adoptive mother always told me that since i was the older twin i was supposed to protect Feli. I figured if anytime, he needed to be protected now. The man retracted his finger from Feliciano and grabbed me by the hair, yelling at me that if i wanted him to stop i would have to 'man up' and take it myself. I didn't really understand what 'it' was so i agreed. I was six and i didn't know what sex was, much less how sex between two males would work." I smiled bitterly, shaking me head. Feliciano hid his face in the crook of my neck and i felt the wetness leak onto my shirt.

"The man stripped himself and me completely, and laid on the bed, pulling me to sit on his chest. He stuck his fingers in my mouth and told me to stuck, although i barely got them wet before he snatched them back out. He started to stretch me then. It hurt... God did it hurt. I never thought i would feel anything more painful than him doing that. I didn't know that what was happening was only the prep for what was coming. After he finished, he made me sink onto his shaft by myself, his hands on my shoulders to make sure i didn't come up any. I screamed. I've never screamed that loud in my life, and I don't think i ever will. But he just kept making me sink onto his member like his hips were my seat." I almost felt sick as I remembered the pain. Bile rose in my throat as i thought of what Antonio and Ludwig were thinking. I hadn't risked looking at them since i had started, knowing that if I saw the look of disgust on their faces that i would be able to handle it.

"I wasnt able to take the last inch of him in. I kept telling him i couldn't do it, i just couldn't do it. His cock was around eight inches, larger than average, but still not huge. To a six-year-old that was sinking down onto it, though, it looked like a fucking baseball bat. He finally got fed up with me and took me by the shoulder and slammed me down onto him, my hips touching his. He didn't give me any time to get used to it, instead moving right on to fucking me. I think i blacked out for a few minutes because i came to when he started to cum inside me." I shuddered at the thought, my stomach still churning. I shut my eyes, hoping that would calm my stomach.

"After he was done, he lifted me off of him and nearly threw me on the bed, blood and cum leaking from between my thighs. I watched as he grabbed my kicking and screaming brother and sat him on his lap. I was scared to death, thinking he was going to do the same thing to Feli as he did to me, but i was wrong. Instead he grabbed Felis little boy dick and started pumping it. He was smiling the whole time, talking to Feliciano like i wasn't even there. He kept telling Feli that since he had such a nice brother he would give Feli all the pleasure i wouldn't be able to have. Feliciano i guess dry came, although i didn't know what that was back then. All i knew was that instead of bleeding and crying like i was when he got of his lap, Feli was moaning and shivering. He laid us on the bed together and left." I took another deep breath, trying to focus my thoughts so they would seem less jumbled.

"After that, he wouldn't stretch me before fucking me, always telling me to 'man up' and 'take it like a man' when i started crying. And every time he finished with me, he would move onto Feli and make him cum. After a few years, I, I just couldn't take it. I told Feli we had to run away, and he agreed, knowing that even though all he felt was pleasure from the guy, all i felt was pain. So when we were eleven, we ran away from the house. We lived in a secluded suburbs, so we were able to make it to the city easily, although when we got there it wasn't easy. Even though we were eleven, we had never been outside out house more than three times, if that, and the city world didn't make any sense." Feli was practically on top of me by then, his body curled up to mine and pressed as closely as possible. Sighing, i brushed the hair from his cheek, smiling slightly when i saw he was asleep.

"We didnt know how to make money, so i did the only thin i knew how to do. I whored myself out. No one really took me seriously at first, thinking i was jailbait the cops were using, but after a few men saw me out there a few times, they realized i was serious. I stared to get more cliantele than the seasoned whores, and that pissed them off. Sometimes, after i would come from a job or from a party if i was lucky, the other whores would jump me and beat me up, sometimes take me money, sometimes not. I guess even whores don't like taking money from a kid. We lived like that for almost two years. One week right before we turned thirteen, everyone was getting desperate. People had been jumping me and beating me up for a week, stealing my money when they could. Me and Feli had been getting desperate, so we tried to steal someones wallet. Turns out the wallet we had tried to steal was Nonnos." I finally looked towards Ludwig and Antonio. Both of them had masks of shock on their faces.

"Yeah, i know, some luck right? Well Nonno obviously fought us to get it back, and he told us later that he was suprised. He said he was expecting some half-starved street urchins to turn tail and run when we had been found out, but we had stayed and fought him for it. He said he was impressed and gave us a twenty out of pity. We didn't know all of this then, though. We though he had just dropped it, so we took it and ran. We thought our luck was improving, but nope. A block from where Nonno had given us the twenty, we were jumped, but by thugs instead of whores. This time, Feli was with me, which normally didn't happen, and the gangsters took notice of him. Actually, they more than took notice of them. Half had me pinned to the wall fucking me while the other half had Feli half undressed, about to do the same thing to him when Nonno just happened to pass by. I don't know what possessed him to save us, but save us he did." Here i smirked a bit, thinking how happy i was to see the news the next day.

"You might have heard about the 'gang fight' that left sixteen gang member dead? Yeah, that was Nonno. He wasnt happy when he found out what they were doing with us. I blacked out half way through his fight, and woke up in a hospital bed in the Den. Nonno was there with a slightly scared but otherwise okay Feliciano. I remember asking what Nonno wanted so he would let us go. He said all he wanted was out story. So we told him." Smiling softly, i leand my head back against the couch, remembering that day.

"Nonno was shocked, and made us stay at the Den. He didn't force us into becoming assassins, we wanted to be. Neither me nor Feliciano liked the idea of just having a free ride for the rest of our life, s we started training. Nonno himself trained us actually, saying we were too young to be put into the beginning level of training. He confessed a few years later though that it was because of our talent. He said he saw something in us, a will to fight, that he doesn't usually see. And we've been here ever since." Tilting my head back up i made eye contact with the two men sitting in front of me. Neither of them said anything, and i was getting nervous, scared they might have become so disgusted with me that they wouldn't even talk to me. I couldn't take it anymore, the silence between the three of us was stiffling. I stood up too quickly, waking Feliciano in the process.

"Ve~ Fratello?" He asked sleepily, opening his eyes just a crack to look at me. I smiled down at him, trying to reassure him.

"Hey Feli. Lets head to bed, Si?" Feli nodded, smiling sleepily up at me. I started to walk towards the bedroom, following behind Feliciano, when i felt a hand on my arm. I turned around, glaring at Antonio and snatching my arm out of his grip.

"Dont touch me Antonio." I growled, backing away from him. Antonio looked desperate, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Please, Lovino. Just, stay here for a minu-"

"No! Im going to sleep and tomorrow we're going to pretend this never happened." I turned my gaze from Antonio to Ludwig.

"And if i find out you treat Feli any different because of this, i will make sure you're never around my brother again. No matter how much you like him or he likes you." Glaring at him also, i turned, walking into me and Felis shared room. Changing quietly and taking my pills, i crawled into bed. For the first time in a while, i curled up to Feliciano, wrapping my arms around him and tucking my head at the nape of his neck. I finally let out the tears i had been holding in the last hour. I cried silently, only shaking once or twice, even so i wasnt shocked when i heard Felicianos voice

"Gemello, it'll be fine. Antonio and Ludwig will understand." I shook my head, still trying to keep the tears from my voice.

"Antonio wont want to be anywhere near me now. Im dirty, and he wont deal with that, not when there are people who would kill to be in his bed." I sniffled and felt Feli turn in my arms so he was facing me, his nose nearly touching mine.

"Fratello... does that mean you admit that you like Antonio?" Feliciano smiled slightly as i blushed tomato red.

"I-I-Idiota! Of course not. I... I just can't help him if he wont let me near him." Feli shook hid head, now smirking.

"Si, Si, of course fratello." I sighed, glad he let the topic drop.

"Buonanotte gemello." I heard him whisper, the italian soothing my nerves.

"Buonanotte gemello."


I know it wasnt much, and i know it wasnt written very well, but ive been waiting to put the storyline that was in my head into words. I really really REALLY hope you enjoyed it (even thoguh that doesnt sound right...*shudders*) Anyway, please review anything i might need to fix? I would love ways to make this scene better...