
Disclaimer: I do not own the A-team, this is all a figment of my imagination.

Chapter 1:


That is the first thing Face smelled. Years of being on the run taught him to be aware of his surroundings before opening his eyes. Why did he smell that? He couldn't be in the hospital, they hadn't had a mission in weeks.

He took a mental inventory. He cautiously moved his arms and legs, and they moved freely. He had no pain but felt a little groggy. Satisfied that he was in no immediate danger, he slowly opened his eyes.

'The V.A? Not just the V.A...Im in Murdock's room. How the hell did I get here?' He thought to himself as he racked his brain trying to remember what brought him here.

"Murdock!he hissed, looking around for any sign of the eccentric pilot.

When no answer was forthcoming, he stood up and peeked into the bathroom. Seeing that the room was empty, he decided that Murdock had gotten up early and headed down to the cafeteria. He moved back towards the bed and sat on the floor, out of sight of the door, in case any orderlies took the initiative to look in.

As he waited for Murdock, he tried to remember the previous night. He remembered having dinner with the guys, but he didn't drink that much. Everything after that seemed fuzzy and he was giving himself a headache just thinking about it.

After waiting for Murdock for what he thought was long enough, he went to the door. He peeked out and seeing that the hall was clear, he decided it was time to go. He took a deep breath, made sure he had a story ready in case he got stopped and reached for the door handle.

'Locked? Why did Murdock lock me in? What is he up to now?' he thought as he made to grab for his lock picks. For the first time since waking he actually looked down and noticed what he was wearing.

"Oh great, a hospital gown? Murdock, when I get my hands on you..." he whispered to himself as he looked around for his clothes. Suddenly a key in the lock of the door made his head whip around. He watched as an orderly, who was good naturedly humming to himself smiled to him and sat his breakfast tray down.

"Good Morning." The orderly said cheerily.

Face stuttered for half a second before changing his persona. He wasn't called Faceman for nothing.

"Good Morning, uh, Dan? Is it? Yes I'm Doctor Baker, with the hospital's clinical trial program. I am conducting a study on the accomadations here at the V.A and I found it quite well, so I think I will be going now. If you could tell a Mr. HM Murdock thank you for his hospitality."

To Face's surprise Dan chuckled.

"Very funny Murdock. So you're a doctor today huh? Did you get tired of being the pilot, and what was it before that? Oh yeah the mechanic, then the crazy army colonel. Whatcha got planned for tomorrow?"

Face looked confusingly back at the younger man.

"Sir you must be mistaken, I am Doctor William Baker, I only met this Murdock last night. So, if you don't mind..."

Dan stepped to the door, blocking the exit.

"Now Murdock, you know the rules, you can't be let out of your room yet. Why don't you eat your breakfast and lay down awhile. You don't want a repeat of last night do you?"

Face was becoming more and more nervous. Why did this guy think he was Murdock? He looked nothing like him for christ's sake! Face tried once again to get past the pleasant man who was becoming agitated.

"Ok Dan, I was trying to be polite, but if you don't release me immediately I will be forced to write you up on insubordination and I will have your job. Now move it!"

Dan turned down the hallway and yelled for a nurse and another orderly who came running.

Face's eyes got wide when he saw the syringe in the nurse's hand.

"Just relax Murdock. Calm down, no one is going to hurt you! You are safe." The nurse said as she drew closer.

"This is some kind of joke right? Hannibal, B.A and Murdock put you up to this right? Ok guys come out. HA HA ya got me. Come on this isn't funny anymore!"

Dan grabbed Face from behind and held him down on the bed as the other orderly held his feet down. The nurse quickly injected the contents of the syringe into Face's arm and his body relaxed. They strapped his arms to the bed, then his legs and left the room, locking it securely behind them.

"I don't know what's gotten into him lately." Dan said to the nurse.

"I know, he used to be so much fun and he was doing so well. These past few weeks it's like he is a different person."

Face heard the conversation as he fought the darkness that was creeping up on him.

"M'not Murdock...M'not Murdock..." He repeated to himself as his eyes finally drifted closed.