Chapter 1: The Water tribe Avatar

The blue eyed Avatar walked across the green lawn of the park. Her eyes locked on a lone cherry blossom petal floating down from the branches. Taking a deep breathe she sat at the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes "Okay. Here we go." She whispered relaxing herself and allowing her being to slip into the spirit world. Her eyes unknowingly glowed as she was transported to the unfamiliar realm. Korra landed with a thud. "Thanks a lot Aang!" she grumbled noticing the man chuckling on the flying bison. Appa had dropped her, yet again. "Don't mention it!" he said with a teasing wink "You know if you weren't me I'd really hate you" he laughed. But the smile disappeared from his face replaced by a seriousness he rarely had. "Korra the lake around the tree is a portal to another realm, another world. They need help. As the Avatar you must succeed in helping the demigods with their war. Now go there isn't much time!" he exclaimed flying away. "Why can't you ever lead me there and be straightforward?" she grumbled under her breath. The large trunk stood out as she turned the corner to be greeted with a oasis of water. A small water fall fell into a large lake surrounded by water lilies and two coy fish swimming about. "The ocean and moon spirit" she whispered in awe. Katara had told her the story. In the water tribes they were a very big deal. Gingerly she had her hand descend into the cool touch of the water, her birth element. Her very being. She always felt at home in the water. Letting out a sigh she delved her whole body into the water only to come out in a different setting. She walked out to see many children some her age and some much younger fighting with all sorts of weapons. Shocked she took a cautious step forward noticing she wasn't even wet. Confused she kept walking not noticing when she bumped into a boy "Hey Beckendorf next time watch where your-"He stopped. Ocean green eyes catching her aqua orbs, "Oh sorry, Are you new to camp half-blood?" he asked curiously. She smirked "Actually yeah! I am, I'm Korra by the way! The new Water tribe avatar!" He stared at her head. She looked up to see a blue trident shining above her head "Well that's strange; I thought I was the only Poseidon demigod alive anymore." He smirked "I guess that makes you my sister…" She cocked an eyebrow. 'How's that possible? I mean for spirit's sake! I know both my parents!" he sighed "Long story. Probably a step father." She didn't want to believe him, but her mom always seemed to talk to the ocean when she was out alone. "I guess so." She admitted. He smiled at her. Dark windswept hair all messed up. "Well I guess you're my brother!" she said excitedly "How old are you.. Korra?" she grinned proudly "Just turned 16!" he smirked "I'm 17" he said "That makes you my little sister." She thought it over "Sweet." He led her around the camp and finally had a group of about 9 other kids waiting by what was apparently the Poseidon cabin. He first pointed to a blonde boy with shocking ice blue eyes "This is Jason Grace. Son of Zeu- err…Jupiter" she nodded "Nice to meet you" he nodded "Like wise!" he then pointed to a girl in punk like clothes. Her choppy black hair ran to her back, but the same startling blue eyes as the boy "Thalia Grace, Yes their related. Daughter of Zeus." She bit her lip. "Not Jupiter…" he explained about the different aspects. "Oh…" he smiled moving to a tanned girl with wild curly hair that ran to the small of her back and golden bright eyes "Hazel Levesque. Daughter of Pluto" Korra grinned "hey, you look like you could be from the water tribe, minus the blue eyes anyway" she laughed "Your could be from new Orleans" she answered back "Sounds like a cool place" Korra smiled. Percy moved to a cocky looking boy. He had wavy hair that went wild but was cute in its own way. Warm amber eyes stared at her. He had a mischievous smirk on his face that Korra matched "Nice to meet you Blue Eyes" she raised an eyebrow. His eyes were just like Mako's but his personality was anything but. "Hot shot." She countered. The boy now known as Leo Valdez directed his smirk at Percy "Well Jackass, your sister is HOT. And that's coming from me." His hand became ablaze. She countered and his eyes widened. "
Wha- How can you?!"

"I'm in charge of all four elements." She explained

"I knew that"

She laughed "Sure you did"

Percy glared "Hands off Valdez. Fair warning." He chuckled. She liked this kid's attitude. "Don't get your fins in a twist Jackass I'm just flirting." A blonde known as Clarisse La Rue walked past Leo "Aren't you always" he glared, they were clearly enemies "Your just jealous I don't flirt with YOU" she huffed and stomped away. Percy smiled wearily. Introducing Reyna, Rachel, Piper and a blonde girl named Annabeth. He beamed at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, clearly they were dating. "Hey, I'm Annabeth daughter of Athena" she beamed. Korra noticed her stormy grey eyes. The kind that are gentle yet become terrifying at a moments notice. "Nice to meet you" Korra answered. Percy smiled wide ocean eyes sparkling. A buff boy walked up and tapped Percy's arm "Who's the chick?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. The Avatar turned "The 'chick' has a name." he looked at her as if she was an uninteresting vegetable in a store. "oh I'm sorry. What's your name then?" she calmed herself "The name's Korra. And you are?" he sighed "I'm Frank. Frank Zhang." The all looked at him oddly. ' That's odd. Frank is usually so nice. Why the attitude?' Percy thought to himself . "So this is the important thing. What is she Leo's new girlfriend? Took him long enough to get one." Leo countered "At least I don't get dates because people feel bad for me. I actually get dates because they like me. Not because they feel bad because they feel bad my self-o-steam is so low" Korra bit her lip "So…you two hate each other, because you're both fighting over Hazel right?" they both gaped. "

"How…" they said in unison

"I can tell you both stare at her like she's an angel"

They both blushed. Hazel became flustered taking a sudden interest in her sword.

"And for the record." The water tribe girl stared daggers at Frank "I. am. Not. His. Girlfriend!"

"Well that's too bad." Leo commented earning a snarky comment from Percy.

Hazel sighed "Can we NOT fight please?" They all quited down leaving Korra's fist elevated in front of Frank's face. "So I can't hit him…" Jason stepped in "No. Leo wants to also. But no."

This…was going to be interesting.