Chapter one marry me

Tony woke up with an idea. He thought to himself: well I and Pepper have been dating throughout high school. Maybe since now we are out of school it's time for me to ask her to marry me because we both love each other.

Tony went into the living room and sat down to watch some TV. He could watch TV whenever he wanted because he lived by himself in his own apartment. Right before he turned on the TV his cell phone went off that was right next to him. It was a text message from Pepper. So he pressed okay to read the message

Pepper: Hey Tony! I was just wondering what you're up to today.

Tony replied with a smile on his face because he loved hearing from his girl friend.

Tony: Nothing really why?

He turned on the TV waiting for Pepper to respond to his text message. While he was flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. His phone went off with another text message from Pepper.

Pepper: Just wondering if I could come over to hang out with you because there is nothing to do here at home! :)

Tony: Yeah sure no problem. I'll pick you up in a couple minutes

Tony changed into better clothing because he was just wearing his pajamas that said coca cola on them. When he was done with changing he headed to Peppers house that was a couple miles down the road. Pepper still lived with her parents because she hasn't found a place yet.

Pepper was standing outside of her house waiting for Tony to come pick her up. When she saw him pulling into the drive way with his cool fancy car they both had a big huge smile on their faces.

"Thank you so much for pick me up. So what are we going to do today at your house?" Pepper said happily but not knowing what he was going to say to her

"Well I was thinking that we could rent a couple of movies to watch and then we will see from there. Then we could order some Chinese food since that is your favorite takeout food." Tony said happy to spend some time with his one and only girl friend.

"Okay that's fine with me lets go then." Said Pepper

Tony drove out of the drive way really fast heading to the movie store called film gallery. When they went in the store they both looked in the romance section. Pepper thought that a good movie for them to watch is the NoteBook. Then Tony picked out an action movie because he is into those kinds of movies. But he let Pepper pick out that movie because he wanted her to be happy.

The whole entire ride back to Tony's house was really quiet. Once that they got to the house Tony opened the door for Pepper trying to be a gentlemen and held on to her hand heading to the house.

"Hey tony thanks for everything that you have done for me!" said Pepper pleasingly

"No problem come on lets go inside," said tony in a rush to go inside and spend some time with Pepper.

They both walked into the house at the same time. Tony got all the things ready for the movie. He got drinks ready for both of them and then made some nachos for both of them to snack on while they are watching the movie. Pepper sat on the couch waiting for him to turn the movie on and to get the things ready.

"Hey Pepper what would you like for soda? There is coca cola, sprite, and mountain dew?"Tony asked yelling from the kitchen.

"I'll have mountain dew please if that is not a problem." Pepper said nicely

"That is no problem you can have whatever you want," said Tony from the kitchen.

Tony got all the things ready for the movie and brought them into the living room and sat it on the table that was in front of the couch that they were sitting at. Tony put the movie The NoteBook in and sat next to pepper on the couch. They both sat really close to each other. Pepper snuggles even closer to him as if he was a teddy bear. They both loved each other so much.

When the movie ended they both sat up because they were lying next to each other and looked at each other. Tony had a big smile on him while he was looking at Pepper on the couch.

"What?" said Pepper wondering why he was looking at her like that.

"Nothing it is just that you are so beautiful." Said Tony still smiling and looking at her.

Tony was thinking of popping the question now since he had the ring in his pocket but he wasn't sure if it was the right timing. Then he thought that if it wasn't that pepper might be mad at him. Then he decided that he should do it now than later because it is worth it and he really needed to ask her now.

"Pepper?" said Tony really nervous

"What?" pepper asked wondering what he was going to tell her.

"I have something special for you," said Tony really nervous but happy at the same time.

"What do you have for me Tony?" asked Pepper.

Tony stood up and pulled the black box with the ring out and went on one knee…

"Pepper will you marry me?" Tony asked surprised that he made it through that part.

"Yes… Yes… Yes I will I thought that you would never ask me that question!" said Pepper really happy that he asked her that question.

Pepper went up to him and gave him a great big huge hug. They both were so happy that they couldn't stop hugging each other. Tony looked at pepper and took her left hand and put the ring on her finger. He then brought his lips to hers and they spent the rest of the day like that.

( I hope I fixed it so it wasn't all squished together….reaview…first fanfic…..)