
Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they belong to L.J Smith.

Summary: Bonnie is attacked by Professor Shane. Does Kol save her in time?

AN: Please review. I'd love to hear what you all think of my story. This is my first Kol/Bonnie fan fiction. I can't say that its going to be a happy one, because he won't be.

Warning: Forced sexual situations. She is 18 in my story. DO not read if rape scenes disgust you or make you sick.

Bonnie Bennett was currently walking down a hallway late at night at the college that Professor Shane works at. She had just got done telling Professor Shane that she was sorry but she couldn't work with him anymore. She told him that she appreciated him helping her but she didn't have it in her to be a witch anymore. In fact she was sick of all the supernatural crap going on. In fact she planned to finally move out of Mystic Falls and go off to college in the city. She even already applied to several colleges and should be getting responses to those colleges soon.

As soon as Bonnie walked outside she stopped for a second to pull her hair up in a bun. Bonnie then let out a tired sigh and continued on walking towards her car. She was glad that nobody was around because she just wanted to get the hell out of there and get home. As soon as she got home she would change into her pj's and grab her Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream out of the fridge and cuddle under a blanket and watch a movie all by herself.

Bonnie clicked her car door open, even though she still had to walk a little farther. She heard her phone ring the 'Barbie doll' song, she sighed out loud and ignored it. She decided that she would call Caroline back later on. She was just too tired to do anything, even to just talk to her best friend. Hell to be honest she didn't even want to drive home, but she knew she had to.

Bonnie was so distracted by her phone ringing, that she didn't hear anybody following her. She just reached her car when she was shoved up against it hard. She gasped in pain when she felt her nose snap. She felt blood and tears slip down her face. "Ouch! What the hell?"She gasped. Her hand was on her nose,trying to turn her head to see who shoved her against her car.

Bonnie heard somebody chuckle, instantly recognizing the deep sound. "Professor Shane?"She asked, in a confused voice.

"Yes it's me witch!"Professor Shane said, smirking. He was still holding her down on the car hard. He chuckled when he felt the young witch struggle. He easily fixed that and grabbed her two wrists in his hand. He placed his nose on the witches neck and sniffed her. "Ah I always thought you smelt delicious. Victoria's Secret?"He asked, wrapping his free hand around her waist, slipping his hand up to rub his hand against her bare tummy.

Bonnie grimaced, still struggling to get away from him. "Please stop! Get away from me."She tried to elbow him, but it was kind of hard because he was holding her down. "What do you want?"She gasped, "Why are you doing this? I told you that I was sorry." Bonnie wished that she could use her magic on him but knew that she couldn't, so that made her struggle even more. She wasn't going to let him win without a fight.

Professor Shane chuckled,"You want to know the one thing that I always loved and hated at the same time about you? It was that you were so damn weak!" He continued to rub her belly but harder this time, then he placed his hand on her jeans and was about to unsnap her jeans and unzip them when he decided to just rip them right off of her body. Once they were off of her body he checked out her silky purple panties and chuckled. "Purple and cute!" Shane smirked,"Too bad they are going to be destroyed soon."He fake pouted even though she couldn't see him.

"Shane no!"Bonnie yelped, tears falling down her face faster. Her heart was beating extremely fast that she was sure that it would explode. She has never been this scared before in her life, not even when she found out that vampires existed. Not even when she found out that she was a witch. "Please stop it Professor Shane, you are scaring me."She whimpered, struggling even harder. She bucked backwards, hoping that she could knock him away from her, but frowned when she realized that she didn't even move him away an inch and she was still trapped against her car. She was mortified when she heard him growl and felt him arch his hard dick into her bottom. That caused her to whimper even more.

"I'm scaring you? I'm sorry Miss. Bennett. Truly I am, but I can't stop. To be honest I don't even want to stop. This is too great of a chance to just give up on receiving what I want. What I've wanted for weeks now."He said, sniffing her beck again. He then placed his mouth on her neck and started kissing, licking and biting her, causing her to cry.

Bonnie whispered,"Stop."

"I told you that I wasn't going to stop, so the more you whine and fight me, the harder ill get for you."Shane said, chuckling. He then placed his hand on top of her breast, squeezing it hard, he then pinched her nipple even harder, causing her to gasp in pain. Shane's hand then ripped her shirt right off of her body, causing her to shriek loudly. He slipped his fingers inside of her bra and once again pinched her nipple, making sure to scratch her hard with his nail, which made her gasp in pain. "You have such a lovely body Miss. Bennett. Your nipples are hard as a rock ready for me to suck them into my mouth."He whimpered, once again rubbing her ass with his dick.

"You are hurting me you pervert!"Bonnie cried, struggling harder.

Professor Shane laughed again, letting her wrists go, then spun her body around and quickly grabbed her wrists once again, pulling her arms up above her head. He then lowered his head and captured her bra in between his teeth and pulled it down, then grabbed her brown nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting her hard.

Bonnie screamed as he bit her nipple again, harder this time. "STOP please."She whimpered. "Please Shane."

Shane smirked against her breast, giving the same treatment to her other nipple. "Never."He whispered.

He continued pinching, licking, sucking, and biting her breasts hard, as she struggled to get away and cried. "I can't wait to see how wet you are. To taste your sweet cunt."He moaned, rubbing his dick against her tummy, and pinching her breasts once more. "You'd like that huh? To feel my tongue enter your hot Virgin pussy? I bet you would enjoy it as much as me."He grunted.

"Don't! Don't you dare!"Bonnie said? Whimpering again. Even more frightened now. "Don't you dare touch me there you disgusting pig!"

Professor Shane smirked at her and lifted her up in the air by her arms and tossed her hard against the trunk of her car, ignoring her scream in pain when her head slammed hard against the metal. He didn't even seem to care that blood was slipping down her neck and face. Shane immediately hopped onto her tummy, his ass facing her and spread her legs as best as he could, slipping his tongue into her pussy. He licked up her juice and chuckled evilly. "You are screaming for me to stop, yet your pussy is so wet!"He then continued licking her, adding a couple bites here and there.

Bonnie closed her eyes, trying to block out what was happening to her. She was trying to concentrate as much as she could, if she get use her magic just maybe she could get free from this monster. But she could barely light candles at the moment. Bonnie knew that there was a chance that she would never get out of her currant situation and that this monster that she stupidly trusted is going to rape her any second. Bonnie thought, 'Please Emily, Grams, anybody please help me.'More tears slipped down from her face, as she tried using her magic a little harder. Maybe she could give him a migraine like she could give vampires. It was worth a shot.

Bonnie kept her eyes closed, and with all her power she tried implanting the worst migraine that she possible could on the man that was about to rape her. She knew that her powers didn't work when she felt him chuckle against her vagina. She then screamed loudly when he shoved 3 of his large, long fingers up her vagina and started fingering her.

"Did you honestly think that that would work deary?"Shane asked, laughing some more as he continued fingering her wet and now bloody vagina. "So you were a virgin? I guessed that you were. Too bad that I didn't pop your cherry with my cock, but at least I will always know that I took your virginity."Shane chuckled evil once again. He then bent down to lick her a few more times.

"This is not happening!"Bonnie whispered, her eyes closed once again. She was terrified, her body was shaking, her heart was still pounding that she was surprised it didn't burst. Her head was pounding, she was still bleeding and a professor was eating her out and getting ready to rape her once virgin body. "It's not fair."Bonnie whimpered loudly, when she meant to think it.

Shane laughed, "Life isn't fair witch, you should know that."The professor then licked her cunt once, twice, three times more, then moaned and pulled away. He pulled his fingers out of her, sucked on them, then spun around to face her. He smirked at the pathetic state she was in. Shane was hard as a rock and decided he just couldn't wait any longer, so he unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers, then pulled his cock out.

The older man then straddled her once again, grabbing her legs, scratching his nails into her skin and spreading them as far away as he could. Professor Shane then rubbed his hard dick against her belly, smirking at her. "Any last words?"He asked, huskily, as his fingers spread her cunt apart for his cock.

Bonnie opened up his eyes glaring at him as best as she could, she then spit in his face and yelled, "YES FUCKING DIE YOU PERVERT!" She knew spitting at him and yelling at him was no use, that it would only anger him more. Bonnie Bennett was going to get raped and there was nothing that she could do about it. She hoped that he killed her after he was finished violating her body even more. Bonnie took a deep breath, then closed her eyes once again. She refused to watch this man rape her. She may had to lie back and take it but she wouldn't look him in the eyes. She simply refused.

Shane rubbed his head against her wet clit a few times, wanting her pussy even more wet for him. "Little girl you better watch what you say to me! You will be lucky if I let you live once I am done fucking your tight virgin pussy!"He growled. He smirked as he heard her whimper once again, knowing it was because he was rubbing against her clit, so he continued torturing her. Shane knew that Bonnie was terrified and wanted him to stop,but her body was still begging for a release and he would make sure to give her one. Shane pinched both of her nipples as his tip of his cock continued its assault on her clit.

"Cum for me sweetie."Shane grunted, as he rubbed against her clit once more. Shane slipped three fingers back into her tight pussy and started to finger fucked her body once again as his mushroom head tried to make her cum.

"FUCK YOU!"Bonnie growled,willing her body not to orgasm. She didn't need to be embarrassed anymore. She knew that she would never be able to live with herself if not only she got raped but that her rapist made her orgasm for the first time!

"I'm about to fuck you darling."Shane said, nodding his head in agreement. Shane stroked her for another two minutes, then decided that he really could not wait any longer. He was about to lick his fingers, but instead he shoved them into her mouth, forcing her to taste herself. He then quickly took them out of her mouth before she decided to bite his fingers off. Shane then smirked at her, and positioned his dick at her entrance. He slipped his mushroom head inside and sighed with relief. "Ah you are so fucking tight! I can't wait to fuck the hell out of your sweet tasty cunt."He chuckled, and slipped out of her pussy.

TBC: Does somebody save her in time? Please continue reading to find out. Please review. Thanks.