AN: Thanks for the reviews everybody. They mean so much! If you haven't checked out my alternative ending to this one you should. You may like it more. This chapter is short and I am sorry. It is only really a fuller. So nothing interesting happens in this chapter:( Sorry. But review anyway please, thanks.

Part 3

Kol glanced at the witch that was sitting in his passenger seat, her legs still up with her feet on the seat, and her face was hiding in her knees. She was whimpering and he noticed that she was now shaking. She was mostly healed, but he knew that he would have to feed her more of his blood soon. He quickly placed the heater of his car on, hoping that the warmth helped her. The vampire hated that he was forcing this young girl to be in the same car as the man that tried to force her, he promised her silently that she will be far away from him.

Kol drive in silence, glancing at Bonnie once in awhile. She was still whimpering, but that was not a surprise, that young girl did nearly just get raped. He wanted to speed on to Nik's house so he could help Bonnie out, but he didn't want to startle her. So he was driving as slow as he could, but still not too slow.

After ten minutes of driving he started hearing pounding of metal, coming from his trunk. He heard Bonnie whimper louder, and he sighed. When he started hearing shouting coming from his trunk, Bonnie screamed frightened. Kol placed his radio on and played his Bon Jovi CD, leaving the volume loud how he liked it, hoping that Bonnie's human ears wouldn't hear Shane scream and pound on his car any longer. He still heard everything, and he was tempted to stop the car and pound the shit out of the bastard once again. But he chose to try to ignore the man as much as he could so he could get to Nik's house and leave. The sooner the better.

His phone beeped letting him know that he had a text message. He glanced at his phone glad that it was from Bekah and not Nik.

Bekah: Well! Did you kidnap Professor Shane or not?

Kol typed back one handed, still driving.

Kol: Yes I got him, tortured him some. Don't worry sister he is alive. I'll be bringing him shortly.

Kol then continued driving, still checking on the whimpering witch.

"You really won't tell anybody?"She whispered.

Kol shook his head, even though she wasn't looking at him. "I won't tell anybody. You have my word."He whispered. Pretty soon he arrived back in Mystic Falls, picking up his speed slightly. Ten minutes later he parked at Nik's mansion. He glanced at the witch, frowning, "You stay here okay? Stay quiet too. I'll come back as soon as I can." He waited until he saw the witch nod her head, then grabbed his keys, and left his car, storming towards his trunk. He unlocked the trunk, yanking it up. Kol smirked as he saw a struggling Shane. He then yanked the human up, making sure to bump his head hard on the trunk door, then threw him down onto the ground. Kol then grabbed onto the ear of the man that was lying on the ground, pulling him towards the front door. He kicked it open, and continued yanking the human with him.

"Oh Bekah! I have your human for you!" Kol shouted, lifting the human up and tossing him across the floor, smirking as he heard yet more bones break. "Oops!"He joked, chuckling when the professor screamed in more pain. "Oh and Bekah you and Nik better not kill him, because the bastard is officially mine now! I'll be very angry if either one of you two kill that worthless piece of shit."He snarled, eying Shane.

Bekah vampire sped downstairs when she heard her brother speak to her. Just as she was about to scold at Kol for being a dick earlier, she gasped in shock at the human. He was all bloody and broken. "What the hell did you do to him?"She asked.

"Don't sound so shocked sister. You gave me permission to torture him, and torture him I did. Now you ask your questions, torture him some more but he is mine after that."Kol snapped, glaring at his sister, and then at the perverted man once more. "I have to get out of here, I'll be back soon."He growled, storming back out of the house.

"Don't you want to be here for the questioning?"Bekah asked, staring after her brother. She huffed when he ignored her, and slammed the front door, spinning towards the human.

Kol hopped back into his car, turning it back on, hearing Bonnie sigh when the heat came back on. He then started to drive towards her house. "Is your father home?"He asked.

Bonnie shook her head, "No, he is never home."She mumbled.

Kol nodded his head, and continued driving towards her house. He knew that she would want to clean herself and put some fresh clothes on, maybe have a cry and would probably want to be alone. "I'm going to bring you home then, so you can take a bath and get cleaned up."He said, changing the song he was listening to to a softer song. "Then if you rather spend the night somewhere else I could drop you off somewhere."He suggested.

"Thank you."Bonnie whispered, whimpering some more. Bonnie then stayed quiet, falling asleep to the music.

Kol was shocked that the witch fell asleep, he was sure with what she just went through that she wouldn't be able to sleep and if she did she'd have nightmares. But he was glad that she was getting some sleep at least. Kol soon parked at Bonnie's house, allowing her to sleep for a few minutes, before he had to wake her up.

TBC: The next chapter will be better, but please review anyway.