Hiya! How it goes?! Alrighty, so I had an epiphany. xD. Big word. Anyway, I've always wanted to do a story like this. There is no disrespect to anyone. I am not trying to insult anyone at all. I just wanted to try it. Ritsu is younger in this story, just to let you know. There is abuse in it. I promise it will get better. :D I would never want to hurt anyone in real life. I do feel bad for doing this, but, sacrifices are necessary…aren't they? At least that was Edward Elric said! Anyway, please enjoy.

(Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Ep. 64 Ending is what the quote "Sacrifices are necessary" is from)

I do not own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.

Chapter One: What Am I?

Pain. That's all I knew. I was 10. 10 years old. How could something so horridly painful happen to someone so young? I ask myself that every day. Even though, it's been over 7 years. It still hurts. Hell…it hurts even now. This pain has not stopped. All I wished for, is that it would.

Wham! The second strike hit my back. I cried out as the whip slashed across my bare, wounded back. Tears were in my eyes. I muffled the sound of my screams.

"Come on…beg. I wanna hear you scream." That demonic voice found its way into my ears, causing me to shiver. I didn't speak. I was almost scared to breathe. The consequences could be more painful than this.

I didn't care what I had to do. All I knew, is that I had to get out of here. And quick. I bit down on my lip as I was slashed again. "P-Please…s-stop…" I choked out.

"What was that, you little whore?"

The words stung. A lot. I gulped, opening my mouth. "Please…stop…Y-Yokazowa…" I could hear the whip drop. There was a long pause. A hand took a fist full of my light orange/brown hair. He pulled my head back.

"I'll stop on one condition…"

I didn't like where this was going. An evil grin was on his face. Oh…God. No… I thought. A huge force hit my back side. Rock hard manhood slammed into me. I screamed out. "N-No! I-It h-hurts…" I clenched my fists. He slapped his hand over my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut. He slammed into me again. I felt something tear. Pain surged through my frail body. He backed away, letting me fall. Something trickled down my leg.

A smirk was on his face. "Well then. See you tomorrow." He left, slamming the door behind him.

I couldn't even move. My body ached. My back burned. My…my butt...oh God…. I let a tear fall from my eyes. I began to cry. Which hurt. Bad. I lay there, completely helpless. Please…somebody…anybody…help me… I begged. Although, nothing would happen. I knew nothing would. I would just lay here and bleed out, and hopefully…I would die. Everything would stop. Which was all I ever wanted. I just wanted all the pain to stop.

I heard a faint beeping sound. I tried to open my eyes, but I was so weak. So tired. I knew I was alive. Sadly. I slowly got my eyes open. White engulfed my sight. Where the hell was I? I opened them more, trying to focus. The hospital? How did I..? I then saw black hair. The beeping on the monitor above my head grew louder and faster.

"Oi! Settle down! I'm not who you think I am!" They exclaimed. They were right. I didn't recognize them at all. Black hair. Orange eyes. Pale skin. Black rimmed glasses. He was…beautiful.

"…Who…are…you..?" It was barely a whisper.

"I'm your new neighbor. I came to meet you. The door was cracked. I opened it and I…." He shrugged. I nodded, understanding where he was going.

"I-I'm sorry you had to see that…" I apologized. I felt embarrassed. He smiled at me, rustling my hair.

"It's fine! You're alright now! That's what matters. I'm Takano Masamune! Nice to meet you!" He was so happy. I envied him. A lot.

"I-I'm Onodera. Onodera Ritsu." Takano nodded.

"Well, I'll leave you be. I'll see you around." I returned his wave. Horror struck me.

"Wait!" I yelled. He ran back in.


"U-Um…please…can you stay…I…he'll hear…about this…I don't want him to-."

"Yes. I get it. I'll stay. I can work on my novel." I was in awe. He was perfect. I blushed.

"T-Thank you. So much."