This was actually based on a really old roleplay me and a friend of my did when we were in middle school. Although we used different characters, the story plot's the same. :D Ladies and Gentlemen, a DenNor fanfic. c: Don't own Hetalia...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A hand shot out from under a pile of blankets as the alarm clock blared into the morning light. Once it reached its target, the hand then soon became a fist as the man slammed it down on to the snooze button of the machine that dared to intrude on his sleep. Grumbling, Mathias Kohler sat up in bed and fumbled for the alarm clock, bringing it close to his sleep-ridden blue eyes for closer inspection.

6:00 am.

Who the hell gets up at 6 in the morning?! Letting loose a large yawn, he set the clock back onto the bedside tale while running a hand thought wild blonde hair. He decided to lie back down and fall back asleep only to have that tossed out the window when his bedroom door flew open and he was walloped in the stomach by a backpack.

"Get up."

Now wide awake, he sat back up and glared at his intruder while clutching the backpack in his hands.

"What the hell, Berwald? What was that for?"

The intruder, Berwald, didn't answer he just stared at him with his blue eyes that hid behind a pair of glasses, holding his own backpack slung over his shoulder. His blond hair looked short and messy as usual. The one thing that caught Mathias' attention was the outfit he was wearing. A crisp clean white shirt with a black tie was coupled with a pair of pressed dress slacks. That combination can't be a good sign.

"Time for first day of school."

Mathias groaned. That was not what he wanted to hear.

"Hurry up and get dressed."

"Can I not go and say I did?" Mathias asked, looking over at the calender hung by his bedside table.


"Crap." He sighed, "Fine. I'm getting up."

Mathias threw the sheets off of his body as he swung his legs over onto the floor. He stretched his arms up wide and over his head before standing up and began searching for something decent to wear in the clustered mess that was his room. Upon finding a shirt that would qualify, he turned to see Berwald still standing in his doorway. He frowned.

"Don't you have to be a creepy peeping-stalker somewhere else, Oxenstierna?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "I know I'm sexy, but come on..."

"You keep telling yourself that. Today's Tino's first day at college." Berwald answered, adjusting his glasses before turning on his heel and walking down thw hall, "So I must go and help get him settled on campus grounds..."

"You know if you're so worried about him being on a 'huge' college campus, like a lost lamb in a pack wolves," Mathias called, smirking as he slipped into some jeans, "Why not ask him to dorm with us so you can keep a close eye on him?"

"I was going to suggest that at lunch."

Mathias nearly face-palmed after the front opened and closed with a snap. He didn't really mean for Berwald to take him so seriously. Normally, he never did and often chastised him for such childish humor, but he recollected himself at the thought. With someone like Tino around, maybe Berwald won't be such a hard-ass like he was last year.

He pumped his fist into the air in silent victory. 'Thank you Tino for being Berwald's boyfriend.'

After looking himself over in the mirror finding his image acceptable, he grabbed his backpack and slung it onto his back as he followed Berwald's earlier example. Once he was out into the soft rays of sunshine, he quickly locked the door before turning and running into someone. It was his boyfriend, Lukas Bondevik.

"Hey, just the one person I wanted to see!"

Mathias collected the smaller male into his arms, trying to place a kiss on his lips only to have to have Lukas attempt to shove him away.

"Knock it off."

"Aaw, come on Norge..." Mathias playfully whined, loosening his grip on the man, giving him his best sad puppy eyes he could, "I know you want it..."

Lukas huffed at the sound of his nickname, his dull dark blue eyes scanning his boyfriend's cheery light blue ones. He blushed a powder pink as he brushed light blond hair back into place on the right side of his face will the little hair curl on his left side just bounced in response. He wore a simple dark blue tee with light gray pants. He leaned forward and placed a quick peck to the taller man's lips.

"Satisfied?" He asked, wiping his mouth on the back on his hand.

"For now..." Mathias smiled, nuzzling his face into the smaller male's hair, "What class are you starting the year off with?"


"Sounds fun."

"Yes... It should be tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Mathias paused, "Why tomorrow?"

"Today we have an assembly to welcome a new counselor... Since a certain someone, his best friend and his roommate scared off the last one."

"HEY!" Mathias interjected defensively, "It was that dumbass' fault. He needs to learn about personal boundaries, that and it was all Berwald's fault."



"You're annoying." Lukas sighed, dragging Mathias to the auditorium, "Let's just get this done and over with."

"Can we not, go do something else and say we did?" Mathias wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Lukas barely looked at him.


"Aaw, you're no fun Norge."


Same names, same everything... X3 I'm starting a fan comic on this on DeviantArt under JayJaySpirit so keep a watch out...