Since there were no romantic Mikoto and Anna stories I decided to make one. I absolutely love them, I think their dynamic is adorable, and since I was a bit hesitant on writing this story using Anna's current age of 11, I did a time skip of five years aging her to 16, and Mikoto to 29. If you haven't I recommend reading the manga "Memory of the red" it's super adorable and Anna is a lot more expressive.


Please Review

To Be With You

Chapter One

Mikoto laid in bed, his head resting on his arms as he stared at his ceiling. He had no idea how he ended up like this. He didn't want this responsibility, and yet suddenly he found himself responsible for so many lives. A family that he'd give his life to protect. He glanced over to the door and noticed the small girl in a white nightgown peaking over at him. Anna hadn't been living there very long, but she'd grown quite fond of Mikoto. He raised an eyebrow hearing her voice. "Hm? What is it?"

She looked down quietly, allowing her white hair shield her eyes. Her mouth open momentarily, but she couldn't make the words come out.

He sighed seeing her struggle. "Come on." he patted the bed beside him. Since there wasn't a proper place for her to sleep, she usually alternated between Kusanagi, Totsuka, and Mikoto's bed.

She hurried to his side and climbed on to the bed. She struggled with how high it was off of the ground.

He pulled her up by the top of her dress, like a cat and sat up."You sure you wanna sleep here?" Anna nodded silently. "Alright, let me close the window, you'll freeze."

She shook her head, not letting go of his arm. " all...the warmth I need..."

He smiled down at her and laid back in bed. "What was wrong with Totsuka's bed?"

She blinked up at him. "It's warmer with you..." She cuddle against his side as he wrapped his arm around her tiny body. He would have never imagined having to take care of a child, or that he would be the only thing that these kids had.

I'm not much of a king...but if I can protect these kids...then I did alright...

-Five years later

Mikoto groaned in bed and rolled over onto his side. He reached out toward his end table and searched for his cigarettes. His fingers finally gripped around the empty, white carton. Dammit...He sat up and made his way across the room, to his jacket and fished out his last cigarette.

Feeling his weight move off of the bed Anna stirred in her sleep. After a few moments she found comfort in his warm, vacant spot. Anna was now 16 years old, somehow it was almost amazing to see how much she'd grown since she joined HOMRA. Mikoto's eyes narrowed as the blanket fell off of her pale shoulders just slightly. When did she get so...grown up...? He felt his cheeks heat up slightly. He's been with her for the past eight years, and they'd always slept together, but something felt different this time. He finally noticed that she was growing into a beautiful young woman. He walked over toward her and took in her image. She cuddled against the pillow, and took in a small breath. He raised the blanket up and covered her shoulders before walking out of the room. He made his way down the hallway where his clansmen were fast asleep. Most of them slept between the two different rooms. There wasn't much room, and personal space was non existent and yet this was the home that they chose. He peaked inside noticing Kamamoto asleep on a pillow against the wall, and Yata asleep on his stomach, hugging his skateboard. The red king walked inside the room and grabbed a blanket out of the closet and draped it on the two. Usually Totsuka checked on the clansmen in the middle of the night, he always took it upon himself to make sure they were warm enough.

He walked downstairs toward the bar and raised an eyebrow seeing that Kusanagi was still awake. "Oi Izumo, what are you doing up?" He pulled up a seat beside the bar.

The blonde bartender smirked "I could ask you the same thing. Did you have a nightmare again?" he reached in the refrigerator and handed him a cold beer.

Popping the lid off, he took a swig before placing it down. "Nah, just couldn't stay asleep..." It bothered him that the image of Anna continued to pop into his head. "How's Anna been doing in school?" Homra alternated walking her to school, and some days they'd all walk her to school together. It was a statement, and it let everyone know to leave her alone. Mikoto would rarely ask how school actually went for her.

"She's been doing great, she got perfect scores on her midterms and she's even made a few new friends." Kusanagi knew how hard it was for Anna to adjust, especially when it came down for her to leave Mikoto's side. But it slowly got easier for her to do, and she smiles even more when she return's home to him. Distance does make the heart grow fonder...

The red king smiled to himself, he was glad that she could make friends. People outside of their world. However, he often worried about the life she'd have as an adult if she continued to live with them."Do you ever think that this is the wrong place for her?"

Kusanagi looked up, a bit shocked at his kings words. Do I ever think that raising a young girl in a gang surrounded by violence is the wrong place for her to be...? He let the question roll around in his mind for a bit.

"Mikoto..." A soft sweet voice came from the staircase. Anna tilted her head and blinked, her snow white hair spilled past her shoulders. Her red eyes were wide with fear. "I woke up and you weren't there..."

Seeing the look on her innocent face broke his heart. "I'm sorry, did you have a bad dream again?" he stood up and gave her a soft look. She nodded quietly and hurried to his side, holding on to his hand. She'd matured in many ways since she's moved in with Homra, more than just physically, she's become stronger and braver but some habits never die. As she held his hand he pulled her into an embrace "It's ok...I won't leave you again." she smiled feeling her cheek against his warm chest. "Come on, let's go to bed."

Kusanagi watched as the two walked back upstairs. He smiled to himself as he finished off Mikoto's beer. "No Mikoto, this is the perfect place for Anna...This is home..." he answered the red kings question to himself. He grinned. "I wonder if Mikoto realizes that he's in love with her" he adjusted his sun glasses and turned off the lights in the bar then walked into his backroom.

Mikoto laid down in bed, and Anna took her place beside him. She rolled into a small ball, against his side. A small smile graced her soft pink lips. He subconsciously wrapped his arm around her to keep her warm. "Goodnight Anna..."

"Goodnight Mikoto..." she sang before drifting back to sleep.

A small tint of red appeared on his cheeks. She always said his name with so much love. He looked down at her, but she was already fast asleep. He found comfort in her peacefulness and drifted off to sleep as well. She was the calm in his storm.

Mikoto groaned feeling his dream wear off and the warm sunlight hit his face. Peaking up he noticed Anna opening the curtain and looking out the window. She already changed into her school uniform; a black pleated skirt, a white blouse, a blazer with the school emblem on it and black thigh highs. On school days she traded in her lolita top hat for a black and red bow, that sat on the left side of her head. She looked over toward the bed and smiled seeing that Mikoto was awake. "Morning" she smiled and hurried to his side; sitting back on the bed, on her knees.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her once again. Coming to the realization that Anna was a young woman was a bit much for him. If I'm starting to notice how beautiful she is does that mean other guys are too? The thought put a sour taste in his mouth. He couldn't stand the idea of other guys touching her, much less doing anything sexual with her. She was his Anna. He reached out and touched her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned against his touch.

She placed her hands on top of his and blushed softly. "Mikoto..." He's always so warm... She's been aware of her feelings for him for sometime now, however she knew that he only viewed her as a sister. She took her place with him in anyway that she could.

He sat up and leaned closer to her, with her eyes closed it was easier to approach her. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't stop. He didn't want to think about it, he was only compelled to kiss her. He never thought about the consequences of his actions before and he wasn't going to start now. He pressed his lips against hers softly.

Her eyes widened at first, but she returned the kiss softly. Her pale cheeks blushing heavily. "M-Mikoto..." she gazed at him dreamily as he pulled away from her.

His eyes narrowed as he took in her expression. He smirked to himself and laid back on the bed. "Go to school."

She gasped and leaned over him, pinning his arms down she gazed at him. She knew that the only reason she was able to hold him down was because he allowed her to. "Mikoto..." Why...why did you kiss me? She wasn't bold enough to dare demand something of her king, but she needed to know. She's dreamed about that moment for so long. She knew that he was only humoring her, allowing her to actually keep his arms by his side. I guess it really doesn't long as it was me that he kissed..

He opened his eyes and smiled at her "Hm?" He blinked at her.

She sighed and shook her head. "Forget it..." she blushed softly and let go of his arms, and sat on his abdomen. How can he act like this was nothing? He..He kissed me! My first kiss.... She smiled softly. Well it is Mikoto...Her shoulders slumped, this behavior was expected of her king. He was never one to dwell on ifs or buts he just acted on his primal instincts.

His hand gently caressed her long pale hair, allowing it to slip through his fingers. The sudden gesture caused a soft gasp to escape her lips as she blushed lightly. "Your hairs gotten long..." As the hair slipped past his finger tips his hand slightly grazed her skirt. "You're going to be late..."

She leaned forward toward his lips slowly, and hesitantly, before she could reach his lips Yata walked by the door. The young skater boarder was oblivious to the situation and continued to walk in. "Anna-chan, come on I'll walk you to school." Anna blushed opening her eyes seeing how close Mikoto was. Yata's eyes widen feeling the cold glare he was receiving from his king. "S-Sorry...should I come back later?"

Anna shook her head. "It's fine, I should leave now." she crawled off of the bed and looked back at Mikoto. "Goodbye Mikoto." she reached for her backpack and followed Yata downstairs. The red kind couldn't keep his eyes off of Yata. He watched as the skateboarder put his arm around Anna.

Although girls usually made Yata nervous, Anna didn't seem to have that effect, it could be because of the eight year age gap between them and him never viewing Anna as a woman, but even Yata would have noticed that she's not the same little girl that moved into the house. Mikoto hopped out of bed and grabbed his white t shirt and shoes before hurrying down the stairs, catching Anna and Yata before they left. Kusanagi was handing her a bento.

"I'll walk her."

Everyone in the bar looked over at the red king, which offered to walk Anna to school.

"Mikoto-san its fine, I'm heading that way anyway to grab some groceries. It's no trouble at all." Yata smiled happily.

Anna hurried to his side and took his hand. "We can go together." He smiled down at her and led them out of Homra.

As the two walked Yata rode on his skateboard beside them. "So Anna, any body messing with you at school?"

She shook her head. "No, everyone's been really nice." She knew that people were afraid of her initially, but that was expected when an entire gang dropped her off in the third grade. However, they got used to it and it was for that reason that no one ever picked on her. Although, some would comment about her white hair they never confronted her about it.

As they reached the school gates she smiled. "Thank you for walking me." she let go of Mikoto's hand and looked toward the school. Just inside the gate she met up with some classmates.

"I'll come get you when school's over." He caught the gaze of a few male students looking at Anna. It made his blood boil, thinking about how they lusted for her. His red aura began to glow in a fiery rage. The boys immediately ran inside. "Anna be careful."

She nodded "I'll be ok" she looked down nervously "Oh, I have to go shopping after school I need more clothes...I can go alone."

"I'll take you, I don't want you going alone."

She gave him a kind smile and hurried back outside of the gate. She tip toed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. Bye bye" she waved at Yata and Mikoto before walking inside of the school.

Her kiss caught him off guard but he couldn't help but love it. Why am I feeling this way...? He was almost 30 years old and has never been in love, this feeling was so unfamiliar it bothered him. He knew what it was like to love, but to be in love was different. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked back toward Homra. Yata shrugged and continued to go back down the street to grab a few groceries.

Mikoto made his way back to Homra and laid on the couch and took a nap until it was time to pick up Anna again. He was usually so laid back, no matter what the situation. But his feelings for Anna were beginning to eat at him. He was the closest thing to a father that she had and it felt wrong to feel this way about her. But I'm not her father...Maybe a brother...Doesn't make this any better... He groaned and sat up. "I shouldn't feel this way..."

"Mikoto you've never cared what anyone thought before, why start now?" Kusanagi called out from behind the bar.

The red king was suddenly aware that he wasn't alone. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, who cares if you like Anna, she's a beautiful young woman, and I'm sure she feels the same way about you."

"Shut up..." Mikoto mumbled before walking out of the bar. He made his way through the city and stopped at a bench a few blocks form the school. He laid down, looking up at the snow. He remembered the first day he met Anna.

Totsuka walked down the street, his hands full with groceries piled in a brown paper bag. He smiled to himself humming a happy tune. He took a short cut through and alley to meet with Mikoto, on his way through he stopped seeing a tiny shivering girl against a dumpster. He blinked curiously and knealed down beside her.

The white haired girl flinched immediately. "'s ok. My name's Totsuka." he gently caressed her cheek. "Are you hungry?" He looked up seeing the red king walk toward him.

"Oi Totsuka, what's taking so long?" he raised an eyebrow seeing the small girl on the ground.

"I don't think she has a home Mikoto...We can't leave her's dangerous, and she's so cute."

He squatted down next to her. "Do you want to come with us?" he reached his hand out toward her. The young girl blinked at him, after a moment she reached out and took his hand and nodded. "Let's go." he looked back at Totsuka; the smiling brown haired man took Anna's other hand as they made their way back to Homra. They later learned that she was his high school teacher's niece that ran away. But she never ran from him….She always wanted to be by his side….Her King's side…

He felt a hand gently knock the snow off of his cheek. "The snow's covering your red again..." Anna smiled down at him. He looked down at his chest and smirked melting the snow off of him. "Mikoto's red is the prettiest..."

He looked up into her eyes, and felt a calming sensation take over. "You needed to go shopping right?" He rubbed his face, to get rid of the groggy feeling he got from taking two long naps.

She nodded happily as he stood up and took a few steps. It was almost like clock work at how she hurried to his side and held his hand. If I don't hold him...he might slip Totsuka-san... She felt a pang in her heart, even though it's been almost six years it felt like she lost him yesterday.

He looked down at her and smiled. "Are you warm enough?" with his free hand he fished for his cigarette in his jacket and lit it with his hand before placing it in his mouth.

She nodded. "Mikoto's warm..." They made their way to the subway station. She noticed just how careful Mikoto was with her. Everytime they were in the subway he held her close, to make sure she wasn't bothered by any perverts. After a few stops they got off downtown and walked through the shopping district. He even walks on the side closest the street to make sure I don't get hurt... She pointed toward the store across the street and smiled. "That one" she giggled.

He liked that he warmed her, he liked that he was all the warmth that she need. He guided her across the street into the Gothic lolita store. She walked over to the store owner and greeted her before looking at some clothes on the rack.

Grabbing an outfit she looked over to her king. "I'll be right back Mikoto" she gave a kind smile before going into the dressing room.

He nodded and took a seat on the black and white decorated lace chair. He sighed, leaning his head on the palm of his hand. What am I doing? She didn't say anything about their kiss, however she didn't seem to mind. He was never one to think of consequences, he always lived in the moment; so that if he were to die tomorrow, he'd have no regrets.

She walked out of the dressing room wearing a bright red Lolita dress and a matching bow on the left side of her head. "What do you think Mikoto?" her pale cheeks blushed brightly.

No regrets... He smiled at her, and suddenly his worries slipped away. "It's cute" he made his way over toward her and leaned down and pecked her hips.

She froze feeling his lips but tip toed to kiss him back. Pulling back she smiled, subtly biting her lip. "I'm going to try on something else." She shyly hurried back inside the dressing room.

He leaned against the wall waiting fort her to come out again. They spent almost an entire hour in the store as Anna tried on various outfits. It made him happy that it could bring a smile to her face. After they left the store they went to a café and he bought Anna's favorite cake and tea. She sat looking out at the snow from the café window. "Mikoto…is this really ok? You spent so much on me…" she look down and set her spoon beside her chocolate cake.

He gently placed his hand on top of her head. "It's fine, the bar's been doing good and we can afford this once in a while."

"But my school tuition already cost so much…"

"It's covered, so don't worry about it…."

She nodded and took a sip of her tea. She never knew how Homra was able to send her to such an expensive private school. The bar was doing well but she knew that their profit wouldn't cover it, but Mikoto always told her it wasn't important where the money was coming from. "Ok" she looked over at him and studied him, he always looked so distant, and even though he was with her she could still feel that he was elsewhere. "Mikoto…" she whispered his name to herself.

Hearing his name being called so beautifully, he looked down at her as she pulled him close for a kiss. Her fingers laced themselves in his fiery red hair as her lips pressed against his. Her tongue gently pushed against his, begging to be allowed in. He smirked, letting her tongue into his mouth. Her tongue hesitantly lashed out against his, causing a sweet moan from her lips. After a few moments she puled away for a breath. She panted heavily as she peaked up at him between her white bangs. He gently caressed her lower lip with his thumb.

She blushed heavily and looked away shyly, finishing her cake. As far as she was concerned this was her face date with Mikoto. This really is a date...we went shopping...and had lunch...Even if he didn't view it as a date, it didn't really matter. She was there with her King.

Once they finished they returned to Homra, only to find Munakata and Seri standing outside. It seemed like they were visiting for personal reasons, being that they were both out of uniform. "Munakata" he greeted the Blue king. Anna held on to her king's hand and to her shopping bags in the other. Now, what the hell does he want...?

To be continued...

Thank you for reading it, originally this was supposed to be a one shot but it just got way too long so I'll use this opportunity to develop the storyline more. Please review, it means the world to me.