Hey there! I thought I would write a phanfiction :3 I really hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer - This is an AU, so it's not aimed to be too realistic. I do not own any of the people in this story :-)

Dan sighed heavily as he gently pulled his fingerprint-covered laptop on top of him so it was positioned in a place that was comfortable enough for him, yet in a way that he could still get his full attention on the screen in front of him.

He leaned back on the bed, taking his laptop down with him, his eyes fully focused on the screen in front of him.

He quickly scrolled through his Facebook newsfeed, nothing that interesting just numerous posts from people he knew.

He sighed deeply as he looked at many of his friends statuses, they were ridiculous

The amount of changing relationship statuses was unbelievable, couldn't anyone maintain a decent relationship for longer than a week!

He quickly muttered something to himself as he gradually opened a new tab to browse through his emails.

Once again, nothing too interesting just a load of crap from his "friends".

He used the term "friends" loosely; nobody really cared about what Dan thought they were all too busy with their relationships, which usually consists of: Being together for a week, sleeping together and then breaking up as soon as possible, just to get started on the ridiculous cycle again.

It wasn't like Dan had anything against relationships; in fact it was the complete opposite!

He just didn't want to be like all of the others, he had already made the mistake of losing his virginity to some blonde-haired Barbie doll lookalike, the type which hardly wears any clothes, cakes herself in makeup and has slept with a different guy every day.

It wasn't what love was about, what everyone else thought it was. Dan felt like he was the only one who properly knew what a "relationship" meant, which was ridiculous as he had never even properly been in one!

Well, Dan hated to talk about that experience and it was something he regretted severely, he knew that he couldn't change the past, but if he was ever going to do that again he would do it with someone he loves and trusts, unlike everybody else.

Dan took a deep breath; he took a minute to calm himself down before typing in the URL to his favourite website.


Dan was obsessed, he spent practically all of his time watching his favourite YouTubers vlog and watching other various funny videos,

One day Dan wished he could be a famous YouTuber, but he knew that it was just an absurd dream of his.

The people he watched were so much different from the people he knew in real life, they were exactly like him.

Dan browsed through a fair amount of videos before a more serious looking one caught his eye, with the title of "true love" Dan cringed a little at the name before hesitantly clicking on the thumbnail obviously intrigued as to what the video was about.

The screen loaded pretty quickly, but for Dan it felt like an eternity.

He anxiously fidgeted as he waited for the video to load up, still wondering why he was getting so worked up about a video.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only about ten seconds the video finally loaded up.

The first thing he saw was two guys around his age sitting side by side with huge grins spread across their faces,

Dan recognised their faces from a couple of YouTube videos he had seen before, and remembered their names as "Chris and PJ".

They both came across as slightly… odd, but in a good way.

The one on the right had a sarcastic nature about him, while his companion seemed a bit more relaxed, but still far from sane.

Dan couldn't deny that they were the most adorable couple he'd seen before.

The ways that they cared about each other, and didn't let anyone else get between them

It was the sort of relationship that Dan had never seen any of his real-life friends accomplished, but what about Dan?

Dan longed for a relationship like theirs, but not with either of them.

They knew what love was, and if they did then maybe there were other people too.

So how was that for a first chapter? My first chapters always tend to be pretty short so I'm hoping to make future chapters longer! ^_^ I would love it if you followed, favourited or reviewed :) Thanks for reading!