March 14, 1872

Abigail was walking home from the bank when she heard someone ride up behind her. She didn't pay it any mind however and waited for them to pass her but she noticed that the horse was slowed down to a slow walk.

"Hello Miss Beautiful." The voice said. Abigail gritted her teeth and quickened her pace. Leave it to random strangers to come through town and harass the first woman they saw. It happened every now and then but it was always the same. Cowboys that had been out on the range working for months, without any female company never had appropriate manners. No doubt he would be at the bordello before the day was over.

She ignored him and kept walking hoping he would leave but he continued to follow her until finally she heard the stranger laughing. The gal of this man! She thought.

"Abigail. Will you just look at me already?" He said. At the sound of her name she whipped her head around to look at him. Do I know this man? She wondered.

He was dressed in a soldier's uniform, looking very handsome and refined. "Roger?" She asked, and watched his smile grow wider. "Roger Ellis is that you?!" He dismounted and she laughed as he pulled her in for a big hug.

"What are you doing here?! I haven't seen you in years!" She said as she pulled away to look at him. He looked much older and from the lines in his face, the military had been hard on him. His childish looks and chubby cheeks had been replaced by rugged and manly features. Roger had been Arthur's friend more than Abigail's before he left but it was wonderful to see him again. Abigail worried about him from time to time, knowing how dangerous dealings with the Indians could be.

"Does anyone know you're in town? Have you seen Arthur or Roy yet?" Abigail asked, not minding that his hands were still resting on her arms in a familiar embrace. It was just so nice to see an old friend.

"No, no one knows I'm passing through, it's just for a few hours really. I volunteered to deliver orders to a unit just south of Cheyenne. I was headed to your house actually, is Arthur at home?"

"Oh Arthur lives in the apartment behind the station now… I…" Abigail's words fell short as she realized that Arthur was only Sheriff now because Roger's father had died last year. She raised her hand to his shoulder to comfort him. "I'm so sorry Roger, I didn't even think about it…"

"Abigail, its fine. It's all in the past," The pain in his eyes betrayed his words, "Anyway, Arthur's at the station then?" She nodded.

"I really want to stop and say hi to him and Roy before I go home to see Ma and Ruth. It was great to see you though." Abigail smiled and he pulled her in for one last hug. As he remounted his horse she said her farewell.

"You too, Roger. Be safe! I hope we see you again soon." With a wink and a smile he rode off.

Neither saw Eames standing down the street. They didn't see the confused look and the hurt in his eyes.

Ashley Williams was just leaving work at the hotel and Eames stopped her and asked if she knew who that man was with Abigail. From the distance she didn't recognize him.

"Who knows. Oh! Maybe it's her secret lover!" Ashley said excitedly.

"Abigail has a secret lover?" Eames replied, amused at the thought. If anyone is her secret lover, it's me. He thought.

"Well I know Roy, Arthur and I caught her writing him a letter a few months ago. She wouldn't say who it was for but she got really embarrassed and tried to hide it when we walked in. This must be him."

Eames stopped short and stared at Ashley. Wait… What? Who is this that she is writing to? Eames thought… I've never heard about any friends she's penning. Ashley didn't notice his confusion and told him she had to get home, so they said their goodbyes. Eames hadn't moved from his spot though. He looked once more at Abigail and her mystery man, watching them hug once more before he got on his horse. Abigail laughed and waved goodbye.

Secret lover? Eames thought, as memories from the last year came back to him. Was that why she had always rebuffed him, always said "We can't… I shouldn't…"? No one had ever mentioned her beau but here she was, clear as day, hugging a man in uniform on Main Street. He couldn't think of anyone from town who was in the military that she might know… The Brown's son David was but he was older, and Abigail had never met him. So who was this? Eames couldn't help jealousy from welling up inside of him. Even that night a few weeks ago, what the hell was she doing, looking up at him waiting for his kiss, if she was spoken for…

He had to get out of here, he already felt like a fool, he didn't need to keep standing here looking like one as well. Maybe a drink would soothe his mind.

After she saw Roger, Abigail had gone over to Mal's house to help plan the upcoming dance. Everyone had loved the fun they had had at the Smith's house, so at the last women's circle meeting they had suggested a spring party. Everyone would come into town and have a big potluck dinner and then a dance after. The town hall building had a big enough room that should work for the dance.

Mal had some experience with parties from when she lived in New York and this was something that Abigail insisted she be a part of, so naturally the two of them were leading the planning efforts.

As she was walking back towards her house she saw Eames push through the swinging doors on his saloon. Even just the sight of him put a smile on her face. She quickened her pace and started to cross the road towards him. As Abigail got closer she noticed the scowl on his face and the way he was pacing. What is he cross about? Abigail wondered.

She smiled when he looked up and noticed her but he glared and said, "Well look at this hussy walking down the street…"

"Excuse me? Eames, what are you talking about? You apologize this instant, that isn't funny!" His words were like a slap to her face, what in the world was going on!?

He swayed slightly, before glaring at her again and pointing accusingly. "I saw you! In broad daylight with that soldier! Am I a fool Abigail? Just someone to keep you occupied while your man is off fighting?"

"Eames! I don't have a man! That wasn't what it looked like!" Abigail kept staring at him, mouth open and shock on her face.

Eames laughed a sarcastic laugh and rolled his eyes. "Oh, sure… Ok, well you've been telling me that we couldn't be together for months… Why else would you say that if you weren't spoken for?!"

"Eames, calm down! For goodness sake, listen to yourself! Have you been drinking?" That was the only explanation for his behavior. Eames never got drunk, that was one of the things Abigail loved about him, and she had always trusted him and his propriety.

It doesn't matter if I've been drinking. It's my bar; I can have a damn drink. And I will yell if I damn well please! I feel like such an idiot, why would you let me believe that you cared for me if it was all a lie?!"

"A lie? That was Ro…" There was a simple explanation for all of this and he just needed to hear it. Why won't he just listen!? Abigail stressed to herself, worried at the way this was escalating.

"Don't bother. Just don't expect me to be here when he gets tired of you…" He said as he turned and walked off.

"Eames! Stop! Please just listen to me!" He didn't stop… Abigail felt her heart pounding in her chest and tears welling up in her eyes as she watched him. It was happening again… He wouldn't listen to her… She was never going to be able to trust men, how could she? Eames was the first man she had let into her heart since Trenton and he immediately accused her and turned away without even letting her defend herself.

She had to get out of here… How could she even look at him again? Even if he calmed down and listened to her, she would know that he didn't trust her. Gossip and lies would spread around town; she would be that girl… It didn't matter where she was… She couldn't escape this persona that seemed to follow her around whenever she thought she was truly happy.

Her tears overflowed and rolled down her cheeks as she picked up her skirts and ran the rest of the way back to her house.

Eames awoke to someone pounding on his door. The sound matched the pounding in his head. How much whiskey had he drunk? At least a full bottle, if not more… As he slowly got out of bed he had to stall for a moment as the contents of his stomach threatened to come up.

Roy was outside his door about to knock again when he opened it. "Hey man. Whoa, you don't look so good… Are you sick?"

"In a manner of speaking…" Eames said, squinting his eyes from the sunlight. "What are you doing knocking on my door this early?"

Roy held out a letter "I was headed to work just a bit ago and I ran into Abigail. She asked if I could give this to you, she didn't have time."

Scattered memories rushed back to him. He couldn't remember exactly what he had said but the image of her staring at him with hurt and pain in her eyes was very present. Shit, what did I do? Eames wondered. Then he remembered her and that soldier… That's why he had started drinking anyway. Eames took the letter and thanked Roy. "Anyway, see ya later!" He said as he turned and walked off.

As he opened it, Eames wasn't sure if he should expect an apology and an explanation or if he was about to get yelled at. Either way, it couldn't be good if she would rather write it down than come see him in person.


I don't have to explain myself to you. I've done nothing wrong and will not be falsely accused! I thought that I could trust you, and I'm so hurt that you could think so little of me. After all this time you really think I would so casually flirt with another man in the middle of the street? You wouldn't listen to me earlier so I will tell you now. That was Roger Ellis! You might have known him briefly, he left for the military almost a year after you moved to town. I know that he looks different now, much older, but it was him. Ask Arthur if you don't believe me. And I do not, nor have I ever, had any relationship with him. Even as a friend, I barely knew him.

I have never told anyone in Juniper Springs what happened to me when I lived in Denver, but I suppose, as history seems to be repeating itself, you might as well know the truth now.

I was engaged to be married to a man named Trenton Daniels. His father was the Mayor of Denver and my father worked in his office. We met at a society function and started courting soon after. I was so very much in love with him. You should have seen me jumping for joy and shrieking with delight when I told my mother about the proposal. About three months before our wedding I was walking home and one of Arthur's friends caught up with me on the street. He said he was going to see Arthur so we walked together. Before I knew what was happening he kissed me. He apparently had feelings for me. I had never known! I pushed him away quickly and reiterated the fact that I was engaged and his actions were very inappropriate. He was lucky I didn't slap him right there on the street! I later found out that Arthur knew nothing of his friend's affections either. I thought that was the end of the situation but apparently someone saw. A friend of Trenton's mother saw us kissing and wasted no time telling the family.

You would not believe how fast that type of gossip will spread. It didn't matter what I told Trenton and his family, they didn't want scandal like that to be associated with their family. I'm not sure if it was at his father's instance or not but Trenton broke our engagement. Within a week my father was given two options. He could either accept a new position as Mayor of a small town in Wyoming or he would be forced to retire.

It took me years to recover from the humiliation and heart break. I was convinced that any man who could love me would leave me. I thought you were different but you believed what you thought you saw and refused to listen to me. I am still in shock over what you called me. Never in all my years did I expect to hear that from you. I will not subject myself to ridicule and anger when I have done nothing wrong!

Please don't come look for me. There is only one person who knows where I've gone and they are sworn to secrecy. I don't know if I'll come back or not. I've always felt a little out of place in Juniper Springs anyway, except with you, but I guess that's all in the past now anyway.

With Love,


It took less than ten seconds to put on his shoes, not even bothering with the ties before he rushed out and down the stairs. He ran after Roy, just catching him before he entered the hotel.

"Roy! Wait!" He yelled and the young man turned around.

"Geez Eames, you look like hell. What are you doing?" Roy asked, staring at him. Eames knew he looked terrible, shirt untucked, shoes practically falling off, rumpled hair and the beginnings of a beard. But that didn't matter.

"Where was she going? Roy, Abigail, where was she when she gave you this?" He urged, motioning to the letter in his hand, hoping it wasn't too late.

"I didn't ask, she had some luggage though. That was about two hours ago, I told you, she caught me right before my shift started. I just got a break so I thought I'd run it to you… Why, what's going on?" Eames covered his face with his hands and tilted his head up towards the sky. No, no this is all wrong… She can't have just left.

"You're sure she didn't say anything about where she was going? Was she with anyone?" He asked again, hoping maybe Roy knew more than he was saying.

"No, sorry, she was alone. Maybe Arthur knows? I'm sorry man, I don't know. Is everything ok?" Roy asked, looking concerned at Eames and his reaction to the letter.

"No, not really… Thanks anyway…" He patted Roy on the shoulder and walked past him. Maybe Arthur knew.

Abigail sat in the stage coach, nervously holding her hands together in her lap. What the hell are you thinking she wondered, not for the first time that day. Across from her sat Ruth, who was staring out the window.

When she had gotten home the day before, Ruth and her mother were sitting in the front room. As it turned out, Ruth was leaving today. She had just come by to thank the Wilde's for arranging everything. It hadn't taken long to come up with a plan. Abigail refused to fully explain things to her mother, but just enough that Claire accepted that her daughter was going to leave and it didn't matter what they said against it. She had promised to keep silent about where she was headed to people in town.

Luckily Abigail had run into Roy as she was walking towards the depot. She had written the letter to Eames through tear filled eyes the night before and wasn't sure how she would get it to him. Did he even deserve it?

Two weeks before she could have seen herself marrying that man. It had been like a fairy tale, everything had been so wonderful. And now look at her. She knew that she was making a crazy, rash decision but what else could she do?

"Abigail, are you scared? To be leaving and everything, I mean." Ruth asked, breaking the silence.

Abigail chuckled, "Oh course I am. But at least I have you here too." She said reaching out to take Ruth's hand. She hadn't fully explained why she was leaving town, but Abigail had a feeling that Ruth would understand. It was just… Something about saying the words aloud made the whole situation even worse.

"I'm so glad you are coming along." Ruth said, taking her hand eagerly. The young woman seemed to glow with excitement and anticipation. Abigail smiled and wished she could feel the same.

"Abigail went somewhere? She came by last night and was acting strange when she said bye to me… But I didn't know she was leaving town… She didn't say anything about it though, are you sure?" Arthur looked concerned. Eames pride wouldn't let him show Arthur the letter. He vaguely recalled insulting Abigail and he knew that is was terrible, very inappropriate. Her brother wouldn't be quick to look past that, especially since their friendship was so new anyway.

"Ya, I'm sure. Just… Just let me know if you hear anything ok?" Arthur still looked concerned but he let it go.

"Ok… Are you sure you're ok? You look like you've had a rough night…" Arthur mentioned, looking at him.

Eames closed his eyes and shook his head. "Ya, no… I'm fine. Just headed home actually. See ya later." And with that he turned to leave the station. "Oh. By the way, did you see Roger yesterday?" Eames asked.

"Ya! He was passing through. It was great; I haven't seen him in a while. Do you know him?" Arthur confirmed it then. There was no excuse for his terrible behavior yesterday.

"Oh… no. I know of him I guess. I just heard he came through town. Anyway, see you later." As he trudged back to his place he felt terrible. This was not how things were supposed to go. What the hell was he going to do now?

Please dont yell at me :) Reviews are always appriciated! :)