This is the last one. Between chapters 388 and 389.



Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

After Sesshomaru gave in, Kagome was sure it was going to be smooth sailing. She skipped lightly beside him, trying to think of the best way to break the good news to Tsukimaru, when Sesshomaru suddenly jerked to a stop a handful of meters from the front door, making Kagome stop with him.

Kagome blinked and looked up at him curiously. He was staring intently at the door as if it was a bad omen.

"I have changed my mind."

Kagome's jaw dropped before her face flushed red in something of righteous indignation.

"What?" she whispered menacingly. "You changed your mind? You can't change your mind! What about when we were ring shopping and I changed my mind? How come you get to change your mind and I can't?"

Sesshomaru looked down at her. He disentangled her arm from his, before smoothly swooping her up in his arms bridal style and turning away from the door.

"This is why I can change my mind."

Kagome sputtered angrily. "Put me down, Sesshomaru! Put me down this instant!"

Kagome squirmed in his arms furiously. She worked hard to keep her emotionally charged powers under control. She didn't want to hurt him, though she was slowly losing that conviction. It wouldn't be so bad if he were singed just a little bit.

As if sensing her murderous thoughts –or maybe he just wanted her to stop moving-Sesshomaru smirked and did what any reasonable man would do if in his situation. He kissed her.

When he pulled away, Kagome was blushing furiously, partially out of anger, but mostly out of embarrassment. She stopped moving.

Nodding in a satisfied manner, Sesshomaru smirked and began walking.

Then, Kagome started squirming again, her face still red.

"Sesshomaru! Put me down, you jerk!"

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. "If you do not stop, I will kiss you again."

Kagome immediately stopped struggling. Sesshomaru wasn't sure whether he should be pleased or not.

"I don't want you to kiss me! Just put me down!"

Sesshomaru frowned. Now he was positive that he wasn't pleased. Even though she had stopped moving, he kissed her again.

She flushed a darker red.

"Sesshomaru! Stop kissing me! Put me down! You're embarrassing me!"

Sesshomaru was now determined to kiss her again.

So he did.


Kagome was completely red by now. She turned away from the youkai holding her and looked around. Her eyes widened and she renewed her struggle to get out of Sesshomaru's arms.

"Sesshomaru, let me go! Someone is watching!"

Sesshomaru looked up and saw the man she was talking about. He raised an eyebrow. The man wisely walked away.

"He is gone."

"Put me down! Just because he's not here doesn't mean you can still hold me!"

"I would have held you even if he had stayed."

"No consideration!"

Sesshomaru huffed and began walking down the driveway with Kagome still in his arms.

Kagome decided she'd just have to shoot for a low blow.

"I'll give Jakotsu your cell phone number!"

Sesshomaru stopped walking.


"I'll do it. Don't think I won't!" Kagome threatened. He might not have thought she was intimidating, but she knew that any male would be afraid of Jakotsu. Even Jakotsu's brothers were afraid of Jakotsu.

Sesshomaru inwardly debated. He really didn't want Jakotsu to have his phone number, but he also really didn't want to talk to his family –or put Kagome down.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on who you were, the threat of Jakotsu outweighed the threat of Tsukimaru's enthusiasm.

Sesshomaru smoothly put Kagome on her feet.

She huffed and looked at him sternly, still blushing.

"Now turn around. We're going to tell your family. Honestly, how old are you?" Kagome muttered the last part to herself.

Sighing, Sesshomaru grudgingly took Kagome's arm again.

Kagome looked at her arm, which was intertwined with Sesshomaru's, and she scowled.

"I really don't want you touching me right now," she said sharply, her blush slowly fading, allowing her face to return to its normal color.

Sesshomaru's lip twitched as he fought down a smirk.

"Deal with it."


I think this is my favorite.

I totally blushed.

I blush easily, so Kagome and I are totally in the same boat.

Though I don't have an amazingly powerful, insanely beautiful inu-daiyoukai with hair to kill for who wants to marry me.


The same boat.

This is the end end.

I'm having a hard time letting go.

I probably need to go to counseling.

I hope you liked the story!
