Sweet and Sometimes Bitter

Hello and welcome to my newest story. I've recently started reading Bleach and I really like it. I'm hoping this story will go well. This is a request from my friend, Jess, who got me into Bleach. This story will take place a few years before the Soul Society arc. I hope you all like this story.

P.S. I'm still new the whole Bleach world so forgive me if anything is wrong. I know more about the Naruto than Bleach.

"Talking to Zanpakuto"


Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach

Chapter 1: Rin

"Welcome to the Fourth Division. I'm Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu." A woman with short silvery hair and grey eyes said. The new members all smiled timidly at the woman. She silently studied the new members to see if any would have some potential. Her eyes stopped on one figure, a young woman. She had her nose in a book and didn't seem to be aware that someone was talking.

Her shoulder length hair covered most of her face. Her hair was platinum blond that went black at the ends. She was a lot shorter than Isane, maybe about five feet four. She wore the standard shinigami uniform; the only difference was that she had a red sash tied around her middle.

"You, with the book, what is your name," Isane asked in an authoritative but kind voice. The young woman kept reading. The other recruits glanced at her and whispered. Finally, a recruit elbowed the woman. She let out a loud yelp and dropped her book.

"What the hell was that for?!" She glared at the attacker. Isane noted that she had a loud voice and didn't seem very aware of her surroundings. Her eyes were a dark red color, like blood.

"What is your name?" she asked again. The woman's head snapped to the side to stare at the Lieutenant. She furrowed her eyebrows as if she didn't know why she was even standing in front of them.

"Rin Sasaki," she said uncertainly.

"Please pay attention next time Sasaki-san," she said. "As I was saying, Captain Unohana will be around to see you. Please make yourselves comfortable for tomorrow; we have a lot of work." With those final words she turned and left the new members.

"Who was that?" Rin asked. Other members rolled their eyes at the oblivious woman. Rin shrugged and picked up her book and headed out of the division. She smiled as she ran down the many pathways.

"Rin-chan!" Said girl smiled at the person approaching her.

"Hello, Kenta," Rin replied cheerily. Kenta had short green hair and eyes to match. He had a large scar across his cheek. Kenta and Rin were childhood friends who both graduated together from the Shinigami Academy. Rin felt sad when she heard that Kenta was in a different division.

"I can't believe you're not in the Eleventh Division!" Kenta cried out dramatically while clutching Rin's shoulder. Rin patted his hand as the two walked into a local bar.

"You, of all people, should know that I wanted to be in the Fourth Division ever since I decided to become a shinigami," Rin replied lightly. Kenta shook his head as the two sat down at one of the few available tables.

"Well I bet the eleventh division was your second choice," he said. Rin chuckled as their food was placed in front of them.

"Actually I would've picked the fifth division if I hadn't gotten into the fourth. The eleventh division was my fourth choice," she said through a mouth full of food. Kenta gave her a horrified look, some food fell out in the process.

"Why would you place the eleventh division fourth!" He cried loud enough for everyone to hear. Some of the customers gave the two glares, but they ignored it.

"I don't like the number eleven all that much," she answered. "Four is actually my lucky number and I did promise Granny that I'd sign up for the fourth division first."

Kenta ate the rest of his lunch while frowning. Rin just laughed at his funny looking face every time she looked at him.

"So, who's your captain?" Rin asked as the two took a walk around Seireitei. Other shinigami passed the two without giving them a second glance.

"Uh, you don't know who my captain is? I thought you looked at the list of captains," Kenta said absent mindedly.

"I didn't have time, so I have no idea who the different captains or lieutenants are. I only know that my captain is someone named Unohana. I know that Captain Aizen is captain of the fifth division," she said. Kenta grinned as he saw a light blush form on her face.

"Heh, you like Captain Aizen ever since he came to the Academy. You should've joined his division to be near him," he teased.

"Shut up! I don't l-like him! I admire him; that's all!" Rin shouted. She huffed and hid her red cheeks with her hair. Kenta kept laughing and poked at her.

"Whatever you say, Rin-chan," Kenta said. She swatted him on the head and kept walking. Kenta shook his head at her childish behavior.

Rin sighed, "So, who is your captain? You never told me."

"Captain Kenpachi Zaraki," he said proudly. Rin gave him a blank look. She had no real knowledge of the captains, not even on Captain Aizen.

"He's so strong," Kenta mused, "and you can feel his reiatsu even before he walks into the room. The man has such strength and he doesn't back down from a fight."

"He sounds kind of scary," Rin squeaked. Kenta grinned widely. He seemed to really admire the captain that he just met.

"You know you should've been put in the eleventh division. You were one of the top three fighters at the academy. You like to fight as much as the guys at my division. Although, you'd probably have a hard time since the eleventh hardly has any females. Actually I don't think there's a single female except for Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi," Kenta said thoughtfully.

"I'm not a guy, idiot! I don't just like to fight. I like doing normal things too, like shopping and, um, stuff," Rin finished lamely. Kenta snickered as the girl had a hard time coming up with other ideas.

"You're so male like. You still act like a dimwit sometimes but you like a lot of male activities. Cheer up Rin! I'm sure you'll find a guy who likes to roll in mud just as much as you do," Kenta mocked as he swung an arm around her neck and pulled her into a hug. Rin had a tick mark on her forehead and clenched her fists.

She put her pointer and index finger together and pointed them at Kenta's chest. The young man didn't notice his friend muttering under her breath.

"First restraint: Sai!" Kenta's eyes widened as he felt his arms pull back behind him and lock together. Rin kicked him in the knee and Kenta fell down with a loud yelp. She smiled at him evilly. Kenta groaned and tried to move but couldn't get up without the use of his arms.

"Damn it! Rin, let me go. I didn't mean it, please!" He kept moaning and begging but the light haired girl just shook her head.

"I think I'm going to leave you there. Just think about the reason you ended up like that. Never mess with someone who knows Kido 'cause you suck at it ," she said and started to walk away. Rin laughed as she heard Kenta swearing the whole time.

"I'm going to get you! You hear me, Rin Sasaki! This isn't over! You better watch yourself!" Kenta's voice disappeared as Rin kept walking. She hummed as she headed to her division. She needed a bath and then maybe a nice book in bed.

The next day Rin reported to her division's hospital. As she walked in she saw nurses, wearing what resembled a human nurse outfit, running back and forth. There seemed to be a lot of activity and it was only the ten in the morning. Rin stood there for a while wondering what she should do.

"Sasaki-san!" Rin turned to see Lieutenant Isane coming up to her. Isane's hair seemed to stick up in strange places and she seemed in a rush as she came up to her. The blond had learned who her lieutenant was last night.

"Hello, Kotetsu-sama. Do you need help?" Rin felt excited at the prospect of helping out in the hospital. She would be doing her job and keeping her promise to Granny.

"I need you to do a favor for me. Captain Unohana wanted me to see all the captains from divisions two to thirteen and give them a message. Things have gotten a little out of hand so I don't have time. Go tell each captain and their lieutenant that they have to come for their yearly check up sometime this week. If they refuse tell them that Captain Unohana demands that they come or else," Isane said in one long breath.

Rin blinked and said, "So, I'm not going to help today?" Isane stared at the young woman and a small smile formed on her stressed out face.

"Not today, Sasaki-san. This is important that the captains and lieutenants are in tip top shape. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could do this," Isane said in a tired voice. Rin smiled at her and squared her shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they get the message," she stated firmly. Isane nodded her thanks before running off to another room. Rin shrugged and left the division. She stopped and looked around.

So, where to start? Maybe I'll go to division two and work my way down. Sounds like a plan. Rin nodded to herself and set off on her "mission" for the day.

"Do you even know who the captain of each division are?" A annoyed male voice grunted in her head. Rin rolled her eyes at the comment.

"No I don't know, but that's why you ask, smarty," she replied sarcastically. A few people she passed gave her a strange look. Rin groaned as she realized she had talked out loud again.

"Maybe you should've studied that list Kenta asked you about yesterday," the same voice chided.

"You know, Kaji, you're annoying sometimes," Rin answered with a slight huff. She could hear him chuckling in her head. Rin's Zanpakuto, Kaji, reminded her of a nagging older brother. She enjoyed Kaji's company, well most of the time. There were times when she wanted to duck tape her Zanpakuto's mouth shut.

"You should watch where you're going because-" Kaji's words were cut off as Rin ran into a massive wall blocking her path to the second division. Rin let out a muffled squeak and landed on her butt. She rubbed her back and looked up at the supposed wall blocking her way. Instead, a large man with a purple collar stood in front of her; he was eating rice crackers.

"Woah, you're definitely not a wall," Rin said quietly but loud enough for the man to hear. He glanced down at the girl with disinterest.

"What do you want little girl," Marechiyo Omaeda asked gruffly. Rin frowned and stood off while dusting herself off.

Glaring at the man, she said in a slightly angry tone, "I'm not a little girl, you big oaf. I'm looking for the Captain of division two."

"I doubt he'll tell you because you insulted him. You still lack tact little Rin," Kaji said while trying to hold back the laughter that Rin could definitely hear.

"Why you rude little squirt. You should have more respect for the Lieutenant of the second division. I'm big because it shows off my wealth..." Omaeda went on with his rant, but Rin was busy talking to Kaji to pay him any mind.

"Well he called me a little girl. I might be short but I'm not that short and I'm old enough, thank you very much" Rin mentally ranted to Kaji. Her Zanpakuto sighed as she kept ranting. Sometimes he wondered how she ended up being his master.

"Wait, did you say you're the lieutenant of the second division?" Rin managed to ask after she stopped her ranting to Kaji. Omaeda looked at her and nodded when he realized she hadn't listened to a single word he had said.

"Oh," Rin grinned. "Well I have a message for you and you're captain. Captain Unohana wants you both to check into the fourth division for the yearly check up sometime this week. She insists that every captain and lieutenant come," Rin managed to say in one long breath. Omaeda stared at the young woman blankly.

Rin bowed before saying in a chirpy voice, "Have a nice day!" She turned and skipped away from the confused man. Rin headed to the third division while humming the whole time.

"You're an idiot sometimes, you know that," Kaji said with a tone of mockery in his voice.

"You're a meanie sometime, you know that," Rin replied and sneered outwardly. Kaji remained silent but Rin had a feeling he was amused with her.

Rin managed to get to the third division without getting lost. She asked a few people where the captain might be but none of them knew. Someone did tell her to visit the lieutenant's office since he was in there. After a few wrong turns Rin managed to find the lieutenant's office and knocked, only because Kaji told her to.

"Come in," answered a male voice. Rin shrugged her shoulders and pushed the door open. She eyed the blond haired man sitting behind the desk. He had a large stack of papers on one side and seemed to be writing on another. He had some hair covering his left eye. Rin noted that he had blue eyes but seemed sort of gloomy.

Izuru Kira looked up at the guest. Rin was lost in her own thought, thoughts of how this guy seemed to have a depressed aura around him, to notice that he was waiting for her to tell him what she wanted.

"Rin, I think you should pay attention. The lieutenant is staring at you. Rin? Hello?" Kaji huffed as the girl didn't respond.

"You're so," Rin fumbled for the right words, "so...gloomy and sad." Kira blinked wondering if the young woman was talking about him. Rin snapped her fingers and smiled.

"That's it," she pointed at Kira, "you have a cloud of gloom over your head." She grinned happily. Kaji groaned loudly in her head at her lack of tact.

"Excuse me?" Kira blinked wide eyed. He assumed that she just insulted him. Rin smiled and then nodded.

"I'm Rin Saski, current member of the fourth division. Captain Unohana would like you and your captain to report to the division for the annual check up. She requests that you come or else," Rin said while smiling.

"Uh," Kira had no idea what was happening. First she insults him, then she reports a message. Rin cocked her head to the side as if she was trying to see something at a better angle.

"You should smile. I bet you'd look better if you smiled," she commented.

Rin paused, then her eyes brightened, "Oh, I forgot to ask what your name was. How rude of me." She rubbed the back of head sheepishly. Kaji groaned again and wondered how she didn't think her last few comments weren't rude.

"Izuru Kira," Kira answered uncertainly.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Kira-sama. I hope to see you some other time. Don't forget to smile," Rin said loudly and walked out before Kira could say anything.

Kira shook his head and mumbled, "What just happened?"

"You seem to insult everyone you meet," Kaji said bitterly. Rin laughed slightly as she skipped out of the division.

"He is kind of cute though," she said to Kaji. Kaji groaned at the fact that she hadn't listened to a word he had said.


Rin had gone to most of the divisions except for the eleventh, fifth, and tenth. The woman had gotten distracted by a few things when she was going around delivering her message. Along the way she stopped to get a snack and was now heading to Kenta's division.

"Was it me or did the captain of the twelveth not like me?" Rin mentally asked Kaji while she munched on a bean paste bun.

"Well you did say he looked weird with his makeup on. Also, you touched his stuff even when he told you not to touch anything, but that must not be the reasons why he hates you," Kaji answered with sarcasm. Rin hummed to herself as she entered the eleventh division.

"I'm a very likable person. I think he just doesn't like people," she concluded. Kaji sighed but didn't dare correct the woman. She would most likely not understand a thing he would say. Rin grinned when she heard the clash of wood and men yelling at each other. She pushed open the door to the training room and peeked in.

The room had a whole bunch of men fighting each like there was no tomorrow. There was one man who seemed to be beating up anyone he came in contact with. Rin stared at the free for all a little longer and then stepped inside. The males were too busy fighting to notice the blond walk in. She walked right across the battlefield toward Kenta, who was nursing a wound on the head. She smoothly dodged the falling bodies and random attacks.

"Kenta!" Rin jumped on her friend and hugged him. Kenta started to cough and choke as she squeezed the life out of him.

"Rin," he gasped, "you're hurting me!" Rin let go and pouted as Kenta tried to fix the ice pack on his head. Kenta gave her a dirty look still remembering last night when she left him bound on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" He sounded angry, but Rin just smiled.

"Well," she glanced at the fighting before turning her attention to Kenta, "I'm here to deliver a message to the captain and lieutenant of the division."

"Really?" He pointedly looked at her bag of bean paste buns. Rin shrugged her shoulders and offered one to him. He took it gratefully from her. The two friends watched as members of the eleventh division beat each other up.

"Is it always like this?" Rin asked after a few silent moments.

Kenta swallowed before answering, "Yup. We usually fight almost everyday. Of course we don't use our Zanpakuto unless we really want to die."

Rin scoffed, "Well I could probably take on someone from this division." Kenta glanced at her and sighed. It was true that she could probably beat up half the people in the room. Kenta hated to spar with her because she used Kido; he really sucked at it.

"Where is your captain?" Rin noticed that the fighting was slowing down. There was one man who stood out more than the others. Rin studied him and smiled as he hit an opponent on the head before moving on. Kenta shrugged his shoulders; he had no idea where Captain Zaraki went.

"Hey, isn't that guy funny looking?" Rin pointed at him. Kenta looked in the direction she pointed; his eyes widened. He gulped as the man looked over at them as if sensing someone was talking about him.

"Um, that's the third seat, Ikkaku Madarame. He really likes to fight; he's skilled in fighting," Kenta whispered. Rin nodded thoughtfully.

"He's..." she paused. Kenta started to sweat as the man started walking toward them. He was still carrying the practice sword. Kenta had a feeling that Rin would point out the fact that the man had no hair.

"He's barefooted. Your feet will get really dirty," she mused. Kenta let out a sigh of relief at the comment. He was going to live another day.

"Yo, Kenta, who's your friend?" Ikkaku asked as he stood in front of the two. Rin stood up and smiled at him. Surprising him, Rin took his hand and shook it heartily. She released his hand and bowed slightly; her hair fell around her face like a curtain.

"I'm Rin Sasaki, Kentas friend. It's nice to meet you, Madarame-sama," she said in an excited, but polite voice. Ikkaku rubbed his head and stared at the strange girl. Kenta knew Rin was only being polite because the man was his superior.

"I don't get why you never talk to me so formally," Kenta muttered. Rin rolled her eyes at the green haired shinigami.

"It's because you're not a ranked officer, so we're equals. Also, you've been my friend since childhood, idiot," she explained. Ikkaku glanced at Kenta, who looked ready to smack her.

"Call me Ikkaku. I don't go for the formality shit," he replied sourly. Rin straightened up and raised an eyebrow. Her eyes lingered on his head. She opened her mouth, but Kenta, seeing the glint in her eyes, covered her mouth with his hands. Rin frowned; she gave Kenta's hand a long and wet lick.

"Gross!" Kenta pulled his hand away and wiped it on his kimono. Rin smirked at the look on Kenta's face. Ikkaku observed the two and the way the interacted. It reminded him of how he and Yumichika acted around each other, well minus the licking.

"Baldy!" A blur of pink landed on Ikkaku's back. Rin gasped as she saw that the person looked much like a child. She had bright pink hair and dark pink eyes. She smiled brightly while Ikkaku scowled.

"Don't call me that. I'm not bald; it's shaved!" He let out a few curse words, but the girl didn't seem deterred and remained on his back. Her eyes went to Rin and Kenta. Rin stared back at her; they seemed to stare at each other without blinking. Yachiru Kusajishi smiled brightly at her.

"Hi! I'm Yachiru. Do you want to play?" Kenta stifled a laugh by coughing. The last time he "played" with the lieutenant, she had disappeared and he had searched for her all day. He finally found her in the eleventh division, eating.

"I'm Rin. I would love to play, but I have a job right now," she said sadly. Yachiru pouted, but brightened up immediately. She slid off of Ikkaku's back, much to the relief of the man, and went over to Kenta. The man wanted to disappear. He really didn't want to be her source of entertainment, again.

"Broccoli, are you hiding from me?" Kenta cringed at the nickname she gave him. It was because his hair was green that she named him broccoli.

"Of course not, Lieutenant Yachiru," he replied weakly. Rin squeaked when a very large man came up behind Ikkaku. The bald man had felt the reiatsu of the captain. Kenpachi Zaraki eyed the group of people with his non-covered eye. Rin could feel his spiritual pressure; it seemed to be trying to suffocate her, but she adjusted to it after a few calming breaths.

"Ken-chan!" The pink haired girl ran over to the large man and climbed onto his back. Rin eyed the gold bells in his hair.

"He has such weird hair, don't you think Kaji?" Rin's eyes glazed over as she imagined him as a sunflower. In her mind his hair was yellow instead of black and he had more "points" that represented petals. He smiled and danced wearing a green spandex suit. Yachiru seemed to be dancing around him dressed as a fairy.

"That's a little disturbing, Rin. I doubt the captain of the eleventh division would be "sunny" in any way, let alone dance," Kaji made a sound of disgust. Rin smiled slightly and returned to the real world.

"Who are you? You're not in my division" Zaraki leaned closer to the blond. Rin leaned back and glanced at Kenta; he pretended to be busy fixing his uniform. Ikkaku stood behind his captain adjusting his wooden sword. Rin narrowed her eyes at the two males.

"I'm Rin Sasaki. I'm from the fourth division. Captain Unohana wants the captain and lieutenant of every division to come for a check up by the end of the week," she said and bowed politely. Ikkaku snorted at her and Rin gave him a death glare.

"What's so funny?" Kenta had a feeling that the man was going to insult her division. The eleventh division were known to not like the fourth division because they viewed them as weak. Rin, being new, didn't know about this, yet.

"The fourth division is full of weaklings." He gave a sneer when saying fourth division. Rin's eye twitched slightly, but she remained still.

"Aw, don't be mean to Ri-Ri; she's going to play with me." Yachiru pouted. Rin smiled at her and turned to Kenta.

"I'm going to deliver the message to the rest of the captains. I'll see you later," she said, Kenta nodded and gave her a salute. Rin turned and bowed again to the silent captain; Zaraki watched the girl as she inched away from him. When she passed Ikkaku she raised her leg and tried to hit him in the back, but he blocked it quickly.

"What? You want to fight," he asked excitedly. Rin frowned at the man; she was surprised he was able to block her kick.

"No, I just want to say this: Don't diss my division, jerk!" Her other leg made contact with his chin and sent him flying back into a wall. She flipped over and landed back on her feet. Ikkaku stood up and glared at her.

"Later, Baldy!" She stuck her tongue out and pulled down her left eye lid. Rin used shunpo to get away from the very angry Ikkaku. Kenta rubbed the back of his head when the three people, one looked ready to murder someone, turned to look at him.

"Uh, she can be a little over the top," he said and laughed nervously.

If I die, Rin, because of your stupid move, I'll find a way to come back to haunt you!

Wow, I didn't expect this chapter to be so long. Well, let me know what you think of the story and my OC. I'm trying to make different OCs with different personalities; I'm not sure how it went.

Kitkat d(^.^)b