Sienna woke up on a hard, uncomfortable bed. She felt a sharp pain in her arm where the sedative was injected. Sitting up she was in a dark cell. She could hear two voices; one was confident, deep and professional sounding, male, the other was shaky and nervous sounding, also a male. She tried to remember the events leading up to her being where she was, but all she could remember was walking home from her friend's house and a van pulling up beside her, she had her earphones in so she couldn't hear much, then the van door slid open, a hand grabbed her arm and she was hauled inside the van. A needle was injected into her arm and she blacked out. It was just a typical occurrence in Gotham.

The voices stopped. Sienna herd footsteps coming towards her cell and inhaled a deep breath. She pushed her long, brown hair out of her face and braced herself. The cell door opened with a metallic clunk as the lock-bar slid across and light flooded into the room.

"Out." said a large black man wearing a stained, white vest and an orange jail-style jumpsuit. It was not either of the two voices Sienna herd earlier. She stood up and slowly walked out, glancing up at the man as she past, her stare was met with a frown.

"Let me see, let me see my Alice!" came the shaky voice from the other side of the dimly-light room. Sienna couldn't see the person the voice was coming from as the large man that opened her cell had blocked him from view.

"Patience Jervis." the voice belonged to the 1st man she had herd earlier. He stepped out from the shadows. He was old, he had no hair but a thick, brown beard and small, round, blacked-out glasses, although she could not see his eyes through the lenses she could feel his stare burning into her. He had a name tag on his white doctors coat saying 'STRANGE'.

"Oh please let me see my Alice!" Begged the man named Jervis.

"You will see your Alice when you hold up your end of the deal, go bring me the formula I requested and then I will hand over Alice." replied Strange.

"Oh yes... yes of course!" Said Jervis excitedly, before rushing off.

Strange turned to Sienna, "My name is Hugo Strange and I am sorry to put you in this position but I am afraid I need you for a business deal." Sienna blinked. She opened her mouth to ask what he meant but he shoved a pile of clothes into her arms, told her to put the on and pointed to the cell she had just came from. Sienna obediently walked into the cell and the door slammed shut behind her. She heard a click and a small light flickered on.

"Just knock when you're done." Instructed Hugo. She looked at what she had been handed: a dress with a navy and white polka-dot top part and a wine coloured skirt part, they were separated by a brown belt. She had also given a pair of navy tights and small brown boots with a slight heel. She put on the clothes but wore her white converse that she had on previously instead. She folded her other clothes, set them neatly on the bed she had woken up on and knocked the door. She stepped out of the cell and saw a small, scruffy-looking man with a long coat and very odd looking top hat on. She guessed this was Jervis by the way he was jumping around.

"ALICE!" Jervis wailed as he ran up to her. "Alice I knew it was you! Oh Alice!" He hugged her. She froze not knowing what was going on, but to avoid being killed or worse, she went along with it. Jervis placed a something over her head and it rested around her neck. It was a small gold chain with a gold locket, she opened the locket and inside was a small pocket watch fashioned into a necklace.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you are extremely puzzled Alice... Don't you remember me? You must have hit your head pretty hard when you fell down that rabbit hole!" This guy was crazy, her name was Sienna not Alice... Where was she?

"Um... I suppose I did." Replied Sienna.

"Don't you remember me Alice? Your good friend, Hatter?"

"Hatter?" It clicked. Alice in Wonderland! She knew what to say now. "Oh yes Hatter how could I forget!"

Jervis squealed with Delight, "Follow me!" He grabbed her hand and skipped towards the door. Hugo let out a deep cough signalling for Jervis' attention.

"The formula, Jervis." He said.

"Oh yes of course!" Jervis pulled out a file from inside his coat and handed them to Strange. Strange turned to the table in the middle of the room and began to look through the files.
"Come on Alice were late!"

Hugo turned to one of his henchmen, "Escort these two back to Jervis' cell please." The man nodded and followed Jervis who was skipping down the corridor and occasionally stopped to tell Sienna how late they were. She used this time to ask the man that was with them what was going on.

"You're in Arkham Asylum." He replied. Sienna gasped. It all made sense now!
"The patients escaped and Strange took control, he broke me and a few other out of Blackgate for protection."

"But where are all the doctors?" Sienna asked.

"They've left. The island's under lock-down. Word is, the batman's been sent in to sort it out."

"What's... What's Jervis going to do with me?"

He gave her a long stare, "He's going to operate on you, cut your head open and operate on your brain. I've spent my time in Blackgate Prison, I don't want to kill anymore but I need to obey Strange or he'll kill me, I wish I could help you but I can't, I'm sorry. But the first chance you get, RUN."

She realised they'd stopped walking and were at large door, Jervis was fiddling with a ring of keys trying to find the one that fitted the door.

"Good luck kid." Said the guard before going back to Strange.

Jervis stopped what he was doing with the keys and turned to look at her.

"He's lying." He sang.

"What?" Replied Sienna.

"He lied to you!"

"What did he say that was lies?"

"All he doctors haven't left."

Secretly she wished his reply had been I'm not really going to hurt you. If she could be so lucky...

"There's still one doctor here," he continued. "Dr Jonathan Crane."

Sienna formed a plan, she would find this Doctor Crane and get help from him, surely he would help her if he's a member of staff.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"In this building at the morgue of course!" He went back to looking for the key.

"Where are we now?"

"We are in the Medical Facility."

"Which room though?"

"We are about to go into the surgery room..." He gave a wicked grin before continuing, "Then down the rabbit hole for tea!"

Sienna gulped uneasily, "Is there a map of the Medical facility anywhere?"
The door clicked open.

"Why yes, I've got one right here." He said, reaching in to the left of the now open door. He handed her an A3 piece of paper with a simple map printed on it.
"But now I'm afraid we are terribly late Alice."
She studied the map, memorising where to go.
"So I am afraid…"
Keep going down the corridor, make a left…
"I have to..."
Right, right, go down the elevator, keep going left...
"Fix you."

She through the map in his face and ran as fast as she could.