What the Cracker Jack is wrong with my muse? He likes multitasking.

I don't own KHR this applies throughout. Warning: EXTREME AU! Again…EXTREME AU! And OOC is very possible due to this AU. So…I SWEAR IT GETS BETTER YOU JUST HAVE TO KEEP READING! DON'T FLAME! NANA WILL BE HAPPY I SWEAR!

Don't complain please. Otherwise enjoy. I don't know if there will be any pairings.

Umm…Tissue Warning? Maybe? I don't think you'll need but just in case…


Tsunayoshi Sawada stared in horror.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

There were people everywhere surrounding…himself…or rather his body.

Even he was hovering over his body.

How could this happen? This wasn't supposed to happen! Mom…Mom will…Oh…Oh God no. Please. Not this! Anything but this! She won't be able to…she won't be able to take this!

Tsuna had been walking home. He had gone to the store he remembered that…Then he had…he had gotten a few things and he had started walking home.

It had been bright outside; it had only been ten in the morning. He hadn't expected anything to happen on such a beautiful day so early in the morning.

Stuff like that didn't happen in Namimori after all.

But…There had been a drunk driver.

Tsuna remembered. He had shoved a little girl out of the way. He had dropped his groceries without a thought and shot forward to save the little three years old black haired girl who had gone out into the street.

Tsuna had seen her walk out into the street and he remember getting a feeling of WrongWrongWrong and he had turned his head in time to see a swerving white car heading right for the little girl after running a stop sign.

There hadn't been time to think.

All he had known was a strong sense of wrong and it's not her time yet and he had moved before anything could be done. He had heard some of the adults screaming as they realized what was happening, but Tsuna had already been moving.

There had been no sign of his usual clumsiness as he shoved the little girl towards the sidewalk into her lunging Mother's arms.

Then Tsuna remembered he had been hit by the car.

There had been a sense of painpainpain as his ribs snapped and shredded his lungs. Tsuna remembered it had hurt a lot as it got harder and harder to breathe.

People had swarmed him and the driver had stopped. Tsuna remembered coughing blood and managing to ask the lady closest to him "Is the little girl alright?"

She had been crying but she answered him "Yes. Bless you, Bless you child thank you. My little one is alright because of you thank you!"

And Tsuna had thought It feels…nice to have stopped the little girl from dying before her time. She's okay…I'm sorry Mama. I love you. I love you so much. I'm glad…I told you…before I left…this morning…Mama…

And he had heard a voice. A deep voice that sounded like everyone and no one. It had been in his mind and it had whispered "Well Done Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Then…Then there had been a sense of relief and no pain and then he was standing over his body.

He looked…his body looked…peaceful. His eyes were half lidded, his skin was pale with blood loss but he had a soft smile on his face. Like a man who knew he had done what he was meant to do in the end. His shirt was torn and coated in deep reds and so were his jeans. Tsuna could see his groceries sitting on the ground where he had dropped them, and it had made him think of his Mother.

He didn't regret saving the little girl.

He could never regret giving such a young child a chance to keep going, especially as he watched the girl's mother sob beside his body curled around her crying daughter whispering the broken phrase "Thank you" over and over again.

He did regret leaving his mother alone.

His father was never there. It had been the two of them for as long as Tsuna remembered, and now…he wouldn't be there anymore.

He looked at his body again. He looked at the thankful mother. He looked at the blessedly alive little girl. He looked at the mass of people who were all staring in horror at his body. He listened to the sirens in the distance.

And Tsunayoshi Sawada headed for his house.


Tsuna arrived to a mostly silent house discovering he could travel much faster as a spirit or whatever he was. He slipped inside the house and found his mother in the kitchen humming happily to herself obviously unaware of what had happened to her son.

Tsuna watched her for a moment before walking closer to her and wrapping his arms around her waist like he had done what he was younger. He buried his face into her shoulder and he whispered softly "I'm sorry Mama. I love you." Nana froze. And he cried.

He cried for the mother that would soon lose her smile.

He cried for the years he wouldn't get to grow with her.

He cried for all the times he could have tried harder.

He cried for all the wasted opportunities he had had.

He cried for all the times he had wished he didn't have to wake up and face the world.

He cried because he wished he had done more.

He cried for all the times he hadn't cried.

He let it all go.

And then he straightened and he let go of Nana who dropped her spatula and whispered "No. Not again. Please not again."

Tsuna didn't understand what that meant.

Not again?

Not again what?

The phone rang.

Nana pulled a hand to her mouth and slowly walked over whispering "Please no, please no please no." she lifted the phone to her ear "Sawada Residence."

There was a moment of silence before Nana answered a question "Yes this is her."

Another moment of silence.

Nana dropped the phone.

Then she fell to her knees whispering "No. NO! TSUNAYOSHI! NO!"

And she cried.

She cried for the son she had lost.

She cried for the son that wouldn't grow old.

The son who would never know the joys of parenthood.

The son who would never marry, and wouldn't tell her not to cry at his wedding.

She cried for the little boy that used to bring her flowers just to make her smile, and would apologize for crushing them, but he tripped on the way home.

Tsuna watched his mother cry and break and die on the inside and he cried with her.

He couldn't take it so he looked up "DO SOMETHING! PLEASE! ANYTHING!" he called to anything that was listening. He wanted his mother to be happy again. He collapsed down next to her and tried to rub the tears away whispering soft words of comfort at his mother that she didn't hear.

Then the voice was there again "Sawada Tsunayoshi. You are to be my chosen." Tsuna whipped around looking for the owner of the voice. There was nothing and no one. "That is not true. I am everything and nothing. I am the Creator. I am the One. The All. Kami. God. I created all that is, so I am everywhere you look in the air, the plants, the animals and the people."

Tsuna did not bow. He looked up again asking "Can you do something? Please. Anything. I just want her to be happy."

"I cannot bring you back to her…but Sawada Nana has always been sensitive to Me and Mine…I can enhance what she already has so she can see you and interact with you and others like you. But you will have to do something for me."

"What do you need?"

"You will become my chosen Avatar to the Lost Spirits. You will guide them and help them. You will act as their guide bringing them to everlasting peace or to the fury depths of Hell. You will be my Judge. As you work you will find others to help you. Will you do this in return for your Mother being able to see and interact with you and yours?"

Tsuna stood and bowed low "I will. As long as Mama smiles again, I will do as you ask."

"So be it. Welcome Sawada Tsunayoshi to the ranks of My Chosen."