The Winds That Collide Us

Pairing: IronFrost

Author: I own nothing and make no profit from this fanfiction.

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Chapter One: Laufeyson

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Tony Stark was a lot of things, billionaire philanthropist, genius engineer, playboy. The last of those seemed the most striking in this situation. The situation in which Pepper was lecturing Tony about why they were breaking up. In truth, Tony had tried with her, they had seemed happy together, but in the end it didn't matter.

"Tony, no one can tame you." she explained.

He looked up at her with chocolate eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Come on Tony, you saw it in the news. Tony hooks up at party. Did you expect me not to see it?" she asked.

"No I just didn't expect to do it." he argued back.

"That does not excuse you from cheating on me!" she exclaimed.

Tony looked away. "If it make YOU feel any better, it wasn't with a girl." he said.

Pepper sighed frustratingly. "I am taking my vacation and you will be LUCKY if I come back as your secretary." she before she left.

Tony sighed and rubbed the back of his head, walking over to the bar he made himself a whiskey. Drinking it down quickly, he tried to think. Why had he done that? He'd been unbelievably drunk of course, maybe that was why? Maybe he felt like experimenting?

"JARVIS call Fury and tell him I'm not coming to the meeting tomorrow." he said rolling his shoulders a bit.

"Sir that is not advised, he will surely arrive here if you do not go." spoke the AI.

"I don't care." said Tony.

Tony spent most of the night drinking, in fact he drank so much that he wound up passed out in his lab with the suits he had. That was until he was awoken by a crash and a loud thud through the ceiling of his lab. He awoke with a start and grimaced, the head ache he had was enough to kill an elephant.

"What the hell?" he said headache forgotten as he looked up at the hole in his ceiling, he heard a grunt and moved finding the lovely alien who had started his identity crisis on his floor.

Yes that identity crisis had haunted him for months after the alien was gone. The first man he'd ever truly been attracted to. In fact it had driven Tony so crazy that he'd slept with various men, all who looked close to the alien. Pepper finding out about it now was only luck on her part. He supposed it hadn't been right to use her, but he honestly didn't care when he looked at the battered man on his floor. In fact he looked like he'd been through hell, skinnier then when last Tony Stark had seen him. He almost looked dead, but upon checking the pulse, Tony let out a sigh of relief.

As Tony examined him, he became more aware of just how badly hurt this man was, the magical presence from him was the same as before, but he clearly couldn't have used magic in this state. He looked underweight, probably starved, he had deep gashes forming scars on his body as Tony lifted his shirt he grimaced, noticing the deep gashes that had been inflicted. He also noticed the scars and bruises that lined an otherwise perfect body. Tony checked his face, it was still as gorgeous as when he'd last saw him. Tony could feel arousal just from looking at those lips, that nose, and those closed eyes.

Tony sighed and moved Loki to a bed, stripping him of the bloody clothes, he called out to JARVIS.

"JARVIS take these clothes and have them cleaned, also make sure shield can't get in here, I don't care what they want." said Tony.

"As you wish sir." said the AI.

Tony disinfected any wounds he could find and wrapped them, he then put the blankets over Loki. Loki's body was thin but still attractive as ever, in fact Tony had to keep his eyes away from the crotch as much as possible to avoid becoming too aroused by the sight before him. However hurt Loki was, Tony still couldn't resist him, and he knew that. Still in this moment, sexual thoughts were not of importance.

"Stark?" asked a raspy and tired tone from the bed, awakening Tony from his inner thoughts.

"The one and only." he said with a cocky grin.

Loki managed a small smirk. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"Better question, why are you crashing into my tower again?" asked Tony.

"I wish to explain...but I am too tired." said Loki's weak tone.

"Right expected that, you look like you got hit with a bus reindeer games, or rather maybe your brother." said Tony.

" brother." Loki managed weakly.

"Alright fine, again I don't care." said Tony, waving it off.

Loki closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again. Tony sighed and went to his suit, once he was in it, he repaired the small damaged that Loki had done, made sure JARVIS was running smoothly and went to get some doughnuts, in his suit of course.

"You DO know we had a meeting, right?" said Fury from the ground.

Tony looked down from his doughnuts. "Yep, don't care." he said with a smirk.

He then flew off with the remainder of his doughnuts to his tower. Once he got in, he took the remainder of them to Loki with a glass of milk. Loki had awoken only moments before Tony had arrived and looked at the doughnuts quizzically.

"Eat up." said Tony with a full mouth munching on a doughnut.

Loki sat up slowly and weakly, he slowly began to eat a doughnut and sip on the milk. Tony sat down, still in his suit of course, with no helmet on.

"Feel better?" asked Tony as he munched on a doughnut, again speaking with a full mouth.

Loki could only manage a small nod as he ate the last of the doughnut. He then laid back down and looked at Tony with green piercing eyes.

"Why?" he asked in a weak tone.

"Hm? Why what?" asked Tony, mouth still full.

"Why do you help someone such as I?" asked Loki.

"Because I felt like it?" said Tony after finally swallowing.

Loki smirked and shook his head. "A fool." he said.

"Yeah whatever, you're not exactly in any shape to be insulting me." said Tony.

Loki managed a shrug before he passed out again, Tony sighed and got up. "Damn, he's not entertaining at all." he said with a groan.

Tony moved to his lab and began his usual work, that was until Shield called again and he sighed, they were calling every five minutes now. Damn he hated how they knew he always was reachable because of the suit. He finally answered.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm having valuable ME time?" he asked annoyed.

"Tony I don't care what time you're having. Did I not say there was a meeting this morning? Now since you didn't show up, I'm gonna have to tell you this over the phone. In three weeks there's going to be an alien attack, we don't know how big, but we do know they're coming and we can't stop them from coming. Manhattan will be empty when they arrive since it's being evacuated as we speak. They will be landing there, and the Avengers are going to have to deal with them, got it?" said Fury.

"Yeah yeah, any idea why they're going to attack?" asked Tony, sarcasm evident in his tone.

"According to Bruce, they're tracking another alien who tried to stop them from attacking the planet, he's arrived somewhere, we don't know where yet." said Fury.

Tony smirked of course, he knew what was going on now, and why Loki looked the way he did.

"K, got it. Anything else? You know actually involving ME?" said Tony, full of himself as always.

"I heard you and Pepper broke up." said Fury.

Damn, how did news travel that fast? Couldn't they just leave it be? "And?" said Tony.

"Bruce is concerned about you." said Fury.

Tony thought of Bruce, they did always get along, of course he would be concerned, probably thinking Tony was hurt or some such nonsense.

"Tell him to come by this afternoon." said Tony.

"Will do." said Fury.

The phone call was hung up and Tony saw Loki eating another doughnut, he looked to Tony, and Tony walked over to him.

"So why were you trying to save Earth this time?" asked Tony.

To which Loki looked away, a haunted look in his eyes...

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Author: I hope the start is ok, reviews maybe?