So, so, so sorry for the mega long wait for this chappie honestly I have no excuse but I am writing this with a broken ankle which kills but I had an amazing idea for the chapter and I wanted to get it down. You will also learn more about the young girl that appeared in chapter 5. So here it is, enjoy!

Ice Commander of The Forces and Personal Assassin of Chaos

Chapter 7

"That was just luck and I can prove that. I challenge you to a duel."

I shocked silence encased the pavilion and Ice's face split into a smile.

"Very well I accept your offer."

Just as Ice turned once again to leave a solid hand clamped down on his arm.

"Ice you know what Lord Chaos said. Last time you fought on a planet you know that it didn't end well," at Ice's thunderous expression Galaxy continued, "I meant it didn't end up well for your challenger or the planet. You know as much as anyone else in the army that it was the sheer force of your power that caused the planet to explode and I don't really think Lord Chaos would like another planet exploding because of your power."

"Really Galaxy you're bringing that up. Anyway Chaos said that I couldn't attack anyone without reason... well sort of. Anyway he was the one that challenged me to a duel not the other way around so I think that that point alone will be enough," Ice replied back.

"Fine but don't blame me if the planet goes BANG and is no more!" Galaxy said in his gruff voice.

Ice rolled his eyes, though no one knew that, at Galaxy and freed himself from his friend strong grip. However, before he left Ice turned around and looked to Luther.

"Half an hour don't be late," Ice said coldly before he turned back around and walked out of the pavilion his black cloak swirling around his feet.

If one looked close enough they would be able to see the shadow was no longer cast across Ice's face and they would be able to see the long scar running from the corner of his eye to the bottom of his chin as well as the evil sparkle in his cold green eyes that no one had seen in a while.

Ice/Percy P.O.V

I swept through the hallways of the Chaos cabin heading towards my room, feeling a cool hand slip into mine a soft smile was present on my face for a split-second. Nightshade was the only one who could melt my cold demeanour but it was normally back up quickly when she did.

As we came across Nightshade's silver and purple door leading to her room I turned around and planted a short kiss onto her lips before walking further into the cabin towards my room. When I reached my room I pondered over my thought's a bit.

Even if the fight wouldn't be long it wouldn't kill me to have a quick warm up, so with that thought in mind I threw on a black hoodie, a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of torn black jeans and some black and white Vans. Sweeping up my phone I placed my earphones within my ears and let my long list of songs blare into my ears as I walked.

Upon coming across the front door of the cabin I walked out, hands in pockets and a slight slouch but ready to spring into action at a seconds notice, jogging towards the arena I set up a circle of automatons that Galaxy had made. Satisfied with the circle of about 400 moving automatons I stepped into the centre of the circle in a fighting stance, taking a breath to slow my heart down to a faint thump every 2 or so seconds I hit the button that would make the automatons start the attacking process. Still listening to music I was a blur of black, white and a faint blue. A whirlwind of destruction I slid under the reaching arms and weapons of the automatons only to spin in an arc severing the metal heads from the bodies which fell to the floor with a thump.

Ignoring the fact that my mind started to wonder I decapitated the final automatons and then realised to late what memory I was viewing. Eyes wide I tried pushing it out but to no avail, dropping to my knees I clutched at my head. This was probably one of the worst things that had ever happened to me, looking around I saw that the entire lab looked as it had before I had destroyed it in my rage of being injected with something that I had no information of whatever at the time. Looking in the far corner I saw her, the girl that haunted me forever now. Flowing blonde hair fell over her delicate shoulders and those blue eyes stared straight at me. Hissing as the girl walked towards where my body hung I looked away as she traced her hand down one of my arms.

Looks could be deceiving and I had sadly learnt that the hard way, it had happened when I was still just a soldier and I was appalled at how easily I had let myself get captured. I still couldn't believe it that this girl had made me lose almost everything. Subconsciously my hand reached up to my face and traced the scar there. Calming myself down enough so I could leave the memory I slowed my fast breathing and closed my eyes. Picturing Nightshade's face along with all of the other Commanders I felt myself slowly pulling away from the memory. And then a sudden sharp pain in my head caused me to gasp out in pain, not this please don't let this happen now I begged in my mind. And then it came, full force smashing into me, screaming I clawed at my head trying to rid it of the illusion. I knew it was an illusion but that didn't make it any less painful.

Nightshade's P.O.V

I sighed as Ice walked away towards his room, shutting the door I flopped down on my bed and thought of what would happen when we had to reveal ourselves. I knew it would happen but when I had no idea. Hearing light footsteps from outside I rolled my eyes, of course it was Ice he was the only one who walked like that. He was deadly and someone I would not like to oppose on the battle field. Slowly I felt myself slipping into the realm of Hypnos and I let my eyelids slide close over my black eyes.

It felt like I had only slept for minutes before I was jolted from my sleep, from what I don't know. Narrowing my eyes I tried to get some more rest before I heard a scream that I would recognize anywhere. Bolting from my bed I flung open the door and tore down the corridors of the Chaos cabin. Frantically I smashed open the door to the other Commanders rooms and dragged them outside. When they heard the screams it seemed as though we all went into autopilot. Racing towards the sound we all knew who it was and we could take a pretty good guess of what was causing it. I knew Ice had, had a terrible experience when he was a soldier it would have been traumatizing for anyone but Ice seemed to be able to handle it until this happened.

My worry growing I started to pull away from the other Commanders my speed increasing until I was just a streak of silver.

3rd Person P.O.V

As Nightshade started to pull away Galaxy put his hand out and stopped the other Commanders, Omega and Sunriser, from moving forwards.

"GALAXY WE NEED TO GET TO HIM!" screeched Galaxy's girlfriend Sunriser.

"I know, but Nightshade will look after him until we can get there and make sure there is no interference from the campers," Galaxy stated.

"Well then let us get started," Omega said clapping his hands together.

"CAMPERS!" thundered Omega, his voice travelling to every camper, Chiron and Mr D. Everyone at camp excluding Chaos's forces came to stand before the three Commanders.

Just as Omega was about to speak another scream sliced through the air and everyone looked up alarmed.

"Fuck!" Galaxy cursed lowly.

Suddenly everyone from the forces of Chaos stood before the Commanders who were glancing at each other.

"Sunriser, take your squad and anyone else from our forces that is a healer with you. He'll need it," Galaxy sighed.

A curt nod was his only reply before about a quarter of the forces was gone.

Sighing Galaxy scraped his hand down his shadow covered face and muttered to himself, "Why, why now of all times did it have to happen."

I know, I promised the fight between Ice and Luther but I wanted to put this in as an unexpected twist. Please tell me what you think of it!
