They said the voices weren't real. They tell me to ignore the voices. They say I should only listen to myself. They watch me all day, wearing their stupid white lab coats. They take notes on little clipboards, and chat with each other about me. I just smile, nod, and wink. I like to pretend that I know something they don't, it makes them fidget. And I like the voices.

My arms are bound in a tight twisted straight jacket, and my legs are cuffed together with a chain. My cell only has one little cot, a sink, and a single door that is always locked. A little slot in the door slides open every few hours and some food drops in. I say hello to my visiting apple, or whatever the meal of the day is. It usually keeps me company, until they come in and force me to eat it. Cruel really, the food is my friend. The voices say I shouldn't eat my friends.

They wiped off all of my makeup when I got in here. Now my face is a stark white color. Even my lips are white. It's from acid that I fell into a while back. The voices say that it was Batmans fault. I believe them. The guards stare at me through the glass wall of my cell. They think I'm crazy, they think I'm going to escape. And I am, actually. Soon. A plan is falling into place. I just have to wait, 'Be patient' say the voices. I just laugh, louder and louder, until the guards turn away.

It is night, all of the lights are turned off except for a few bulbs at wide intervals in the hallways. I can see them from my angle next to the window of my cell. I feel a buzz in the air, my plan is working. A bomb goes off two lights down from my cell. Smoke fills the hall and I can see guards running past towards the explosion. Another bang, and the far corner of my cell crumbles down, a figure walks through the thick cloud of dust towards me.

"It's time, Joker. We are in need of your services."

I stand up slowly, straining at the fabric that binds my arms. I glance up and give the man one of my winning smiles. He thinks it was his plan, but it was really mine. The voices assure me of it. The man grabs my shoulder and shoves me towards the hole in the wall. I shake free and nearly trip when the chain on my ankles pulls taught, but I keep moving and make it out of the cell. I giggle a little as the sweet smell of dust and fog greets my nose, and the familiar sound of sirens and shouting greets my ears. The man behind me pushes past and I follow him to a large black car. We get in and drive away, into the night.

So this is the first installment of my story with the Joker and Batman. I hope you like it! Please review and you'll see what happens next!