The car hit several bumps on the way to the bridge off of the island. A burst of laughter comes out at each hit, I am so happy to be out of that hell hole. I don't even care who my rescuer is. All I can hear is the voices. They remind me to be calmer, to look at my surroundings. I pay no attention to them and continue to laugh and squeal. Once I calm down, with the insistence of the voices, I look into the seat next to me and see a young soldier, it appears my savior is in the front seat.

"How's the night, bud. You enjoying yourself? I certainly am!" I end my sentence with another bout of historical laughter. The young guard only stares at me in shock.

"Be quiet or I may reconsider my decision." My rescuer has a commanding voice, and I pause a moment to listen to it. Then I notice we are almost over the bridge. Almost off of the island. Almost free.

Then a thump hits the roof of the car and we swerve a little before the driver regains control. The smile is wiped from my face, which is quite unusual. A million thoughts run through my head. Accompanied by the voices and everything is a jumble. I debate jumping out of the car, but my arms are bound and they put a seatbelt on me. My savior is looking at the roof. He knows what must be on top. His eyes reflect the lights of the city. The driver speeds up, swerving around turns and creating a cascade of horns in our wake.

"Unstrap my arms." I turn towards the young guard in the seat next to mine. He shakes his head nervously, clutching his gun with shaking fingers. "Come on, I'll show you a magic trick." I smile, but my eyes are serious. The guard glances at the roof, then at his boss in the front seat, then back at me. I blink. He reaches forward and I turn my body to face him so he can reach both shoulder buckles. He slowly unbuckles them and I lean forward until my mouth is right next to his ear. "Why so serious."

The last strap is released and I twist my neck and bite the guards ear. He cries out and clutches at his head, I grab his gun from it's holster on his hip. I whip it around and shoot the guard in the chest, then I turn and kill the driver in one shot. My rescuer turns around and glares at me, and for the first time I get a good look at his face. Then the world flips over.