Okay so guys I have been receiving requests for one shots, I might be able to do some, but it's quite hard since I'm focusing on three stories and school all at once, anyways thank you all for reading this I hope you like, and I want to thank my friend for helping me again on this!

Two in One one shot!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything involving Black Butler.

Summary 1: Rocker by night weirdo by day, this cute little rock star has a lot coming for him when he decides to use the popular student Sebastian Michaelis as his hiding spot, what has he done to the popular raven to make him want him.

Summary 2: Lies can ruin a person life, can make one hate humanity, can hurt another who is innocent. So how do you stop these lies, is it as simple as closing your ears to it all, would you ignore the cries of someone in pain, or would you try your best to help them?

Love at First Kiss

Matthew and his friends were at lunch as they were being their crazy selves as usual. He was on the center table just doing some air guitar and his friends were being stupid and throwing napkins as they screamed, "Woo! Take it off you sexy beast!" Matthew laughed and jokingly pulled his shirt off and he heard a few girls giggling and he shot them a wink as he continued his little strip tease, only to notice a security guard coming, "CHEESE IT!" He tabled hop around, scaring some students who were eating, and he kept table hopping till he was at the exit and his friends escaped at the other side, "GOODBYE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE REST IS A PRIVATE SHOW~!" He winked and ran out of the cafeteria.

Sebastian had been sitting with his friend at the far table and when he heard the young blonde male and saw him running he couldn't help but smirk and say, "How strange~?" His friends just made an irritated sound as Claude nudged his arm, "Just ignore 'animals' like that." Sebastian frowned at that comment and stood up to throw away his trash, "Whatever Faustas~" Sebastian said as he rolled his eyes, "Are you going to eat out at that new place down town tonight?" He heard Claude say and he simply shrugged, "Eh~ I should really study… But I suppose I'll stay for a while." With that he left the cafeteria.

Matthew had been running back and forth in the hallways as the security guards chased him and he almost ran into Sebastian in the hall, "Whoa sorry buddy, have to borrow your body for a bit!" He pulled his hoodie up and covered his head and he grabbed the raven and pressed the other's larger body against his, his back hitting the wally and he wrapped his arms around the raven's neck and his lips pressed against the other's snow white cheek, but it just looked as if they were making out as the security guards ran by.

Sebastian's cheeks were dusted red as he was in shock, h-huh? Matthew pulled away and winked at the other as he slightly flirted, "Sorry, I don't like guys taller than me~" He ran off and shouted to Sebastian, "THANKS THOUGH!"

Sebastian had the perfect face of 'What the hell just happened,' and he just touched his cheek and shook his head as he walked to his dorm, This school is so damn weird~

Matthew met up with his friends and they started laughing like hell, only to be caught by the guards, "Well…fuck a duck." They were dragged to detention and were utterly bored and throwing paper balls at each other and then they targeted him as he shouted, "DAMN IT! I'VE NEVER TAKEN SO MANY BALLS TO THE FACE BEFORE!" They laughed as they started talking about their first gig at the new club down town and the owner was nice enough to let them perform for a short bit, Matthew couldn't wait to do this.


Sebastian looked in his closet for something to wear and he ended up dressing in a simple pair of black jeans and a dark navy t-shirt. He heard a honk outside and he ran downstairs to see his friend's convertible parked outside, "Get in Michaelis!" Ciel shouted and Sebastian laughed as he shook his head and jumped in back with Hannah and Claude. It was nearly dark outside as they reached the place and got out of the car, "Let's pick a booth before they get packed!" Ciel said as they went to a booth near the side of the stage.


Matthew and his friends got into his van, his friends made fun of it all the time and even called it Pedobear Van, since some dumbass spray painted Pedobear on the side of it so when it opened it looked like Pedobear was peaking over a wall, but when it closed the bear was sneaking out of the corner.

The arrived at the club and Matthew helped his band take out the equipment and set it up. He plugged in his red Gibson guitar and strummed it a bit and tried to tune it up.

Sebastian heard the noise and he looked to the stage for a second, but the curtains were still closed so he just continued the conversation with his friends.

The red velvet curtains opened and Matthew, shorter than the mike, had to lower the mike stand and he cleared his throat as his sweet voice came through, "Thank you for coming~ We are Sinfully Eros, and as requested from a special girl tonight,"


"Hehe~ We'll be playing The Rock Show by Blink 182." Matthew stepped back a bit and strummed on his guitar and his friends started as well.

Sebastian's friends where chattering quietly, obviously uninterested in some newbie band, but Sebastian watched them and realized the short blonde on stage was the same that grabbed him at school.

Matthew saw him as well and gave him a small wink as he sang into the microphone, "Hanging out behind the club on the weekend, acting stupid getting drunk with my best friends, I couldn't wait for the summer and the warped tour. I remember it's the first time that I saw her there~"

Sebastian listened to the other sing, his full attention captivated by the lyrics; his heart beated as well as the other's eyes seems to stay on him more than anyone else in the bar. H-he's…wow~

His band kept up with the beat and as soon as it reached the middle it calmed down a bit as he clutched the microphone and softly sang as if singing to someone in front of him, his free hand curling as his arm stretched out as if touching someone's cheek, "Black and white pictures of her on my all, I waited for her call, she always kept me waiting~ And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance, because she kept me waiting~"

The tempo picked up and he sang the last of the song, "I fell in love with the girl at the rock show! She said what and I told her that I didn't know, she's so cool, I'm gonna sneak in through her window, everything's better when she's around, I can't wait till her parents go out of town, I fell in love with the girl at the rock show~" He repeated that last line over and over till the very end.

Sebastian felt the entire time his body leaning forward as he watched the entire show, It's like I can't look away, his movements, his voice, it's like I'm hypnotized~

Matthew and his band stopped and the blonde laughed as they happily cheered, his eyes almost glittered with excitement and he said, "Thank you all of you, please enjoy your time here and I hope to see you all someday."

Sebastian waited till the show lights dimmed and after giving his friends a random excuse he left the booth and made his way past people to the edge of the stage to see the singer, "Hey, you sounded great." He complimented.

Matthew told his friends to go ahead without him and he bent down and smiled at the raven, "Hey, thanks for coming! And thanks for the compliment, you're uhm… Sebastian right?" Matthew said, he wasn't rather familiar with the popular kids' names, then again he just didn't notice most people.

"Yeah." Sebastian said laughing, "And you're the guy who used me to get away from that guard, nice show in the cafeteria by the way, but I was out of singles." He joked, a bright grin on his face that would make any girl swoon. "Oh, you like that? Well as I said, the rest is a private show~" Matthew winked and laughed as he shook his head, "Just kidding, my friends and I are well… Pretty stupid!" He smiled and held out his hand for the other to shake, "I'm Matthew, Matthew Ross."

"You already know my name, but a proper introduction is in order, Sebastian Michaelis." He said with a grin, "And stupid can be fun."

"Well they say ignorance is bliss after all." Matthew hopped off the stage and shouldered his guitar, "So what you doing here?"

"My friends asked if I wanted to come so I said sure." Sebastian stuck his hands in his pockets as he looked down at Matthew; the blonde was rather short, cute though. "I'm just going to hang around for a while."

"Ok cool, well I have to go before my idiot friends kidnap my van." One of his friends shouted, "YOU MEAN PEDOVAN!" Matthew blushed and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "G-Gotta go!"

Sebastian laughed at that and smiled again, "Well I hope to see you around Matthew, maybe when you're in trouble again~"

"Yeah, you'll come rescue me then, right Superman?" Matthew winked at the other and laughed as he told him a quick goodbye and ran back to his friends. Sebastian smiled as he watched him leave and mumbled to himself as he headed to the booth, "Yeah… I wouldn't mind being your superman~"

Matthew drove his friends to their house and he went to his own apartment and threw himself onto the bed, "Ugh, today was alright but so tiring, I wonder what Sebastian's doing?"

Sebastian was currently with his friends. He spent a long time at the club but after a few drinks, okay a lot of drinks, and a video of him dangling upside down by one leg on a barstool, his friends shaking their heads with laugher, they took him back to the dorm since he passed out drunk, and forwarded the video to everyone on campus.


Matthew's phone went off in the night and he groaned and looked at the video that came in, he was laughing so hard the neighbors were yelling for him to shut up, Man superman got super wasted!

Sebastian was still passed out in his dorm and he had no idea what the hell happened after talking with Matthew. Right now the small blonde woke up and yawned as he went to the school and ate the free breakfast, and as well begging his friends for more food, "COME ON YOU COCK SUCKING BASTARDS!" Okay so it wasn't much begging, but still.

Sebastian was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt as he walked slowly into the cafeteria, his movements sluggish. He had one hell of a hangover and a few students whistled and clapped seeing him and Sebastian just covered his ears and groaned as his friends laughed.

Matthew chuckled when he saw Sebastian, his friends in the meantime pulled him on to the table and tried taking of his clothes, "AH NO FUCKING TILL I HAD MY WAFFLES DAMMIT!" They just laughed and tried to strip the blonde of his clothes, though he had a very tight grip on them.

Upon hearing the blonde's over dramatic shouts he turned and sighed as he decided to help Matthew. He walked over and said, "Alright molestation can continue after 10 am. And after the pounding in my head has disappeared." He helped Matthew away from them and grinned tiredly, "Morning sunshine."

"Hey superman, right to the rescues as always." Matthew chuckled and snatched his friends apples juices and chug them, a chorus of 'Dude!' rang throughout the cafeteria. "Damn, I hate being short, but I hate milk more! Let me have my juice!"

Sebastian smiled and shook his head but that made him groan, "Next time, I stop after five drinks, ugh my head." Matthew laughed at that and said to him, as he finished his friends' meals, "Next time don't go near the barstool!" His friends grabbed him and lifted up his shirt and held him down as they drummed on his flat tan belly, "AAH NO THAT HURTS BASTARDS!" They just laughed as they continued telling him that he was going to get chunky one day after eating so much.

Sebastian winced from all the yelling and he literally picked the blonde up; surprisingly Matthew was very light weight, "I SAID NO MOLESTATION UNTIL AFTER MY HANGOVER IS GONE!" He smirked and held Matthew a safe distance, mostly above his head, from his rather fiendish friends, "Hey nice tan by the way."

"SHUT IT!" Matthew stuck out his tongue and pouted, his arms cross, "I hate being short, when the fuck am I reaching my growth spurt!" His friends snickered at that and simultaneously said, "I think you did in elementary!" Sebastian laughed with the blonde's friends and he set Matthew down and ruffled his hair, "Just think about the benefits Matthew, if you ever run low on money for a plane ticket, they could stuff you in a suitcase and save a few dollars!"

Matthew hissed and tried to rip Sebastian's face off but his friends snatched him and decided to play football with him, he was the football, "FUCK" Tossed, "YOU" Tossed, "GUYS!" Matthew was caught again by two friends and they throw him again, he felt really sick and was sure he will barf soon. Sebastian was laughing the entire time but after a while, 30 minutes, he saved Matthew and carried him to an empty table, "And superman saves the day again."

Matthew pouted since he was carried again and he muttered, "I swear when I am bigger, I'LL BEND YOU ALL OVER AND FUCKING RAPE YOU MY BITCHES!"

"YEAH RIGHT!" His friends shouted.

Sebastian just set Matthew down and said, "And when that day comes I will have learned to control my drinking."

"Yeah, I doubt it Charlie Sheen." Matthew rolled his eyes and ate the other's breakfast, small body big appetite. Sebastian rolled his eyes and decided to buy Matthew another plate, this time he went to the better food, the rather pricey one compared to the free meals and he said, "Here try this."

"RICH PEOPLE FOOD!" Matthew shouted and his friends' gasped in fake shock as if he was about to eat the rarest animal in the world. They always joked about it being for rich people because they didn't have the money to pay for such meals. Matthew did not hesitate to eat it though and had immediately devoured it.

Sebastian just chuckled at this, "Well Superman has to satisfy all your needs it seems." He joked but then realized how wrong it sounded but found that he didn't mind. "I am not Louis Lane buddy!" Matthew poked the other's forehead and licked his other hand of the syrupy goodness.

Sebastian grabbed the hand and smirked as he licked some syrup off it as well, he was obviously flirting, "Would you really mind if you where?" He teased, he wondered why he was doing all this, but then maybe he was attracted to the cute blonde. "Yes, yes I would mind because than superman would be assholish and leave me pregnant with his child. DON'T LEAVE ME WITH YOUR CHILD SEBASTIAN!" He shouted, some girls and even guys, giggling at the blonde's idiocy.

The raven rolled his eyes at this, "You can't get pregnant smart one."

"Well maybe if Superman didn't shoot blanks!" Matthew pushed the other off his seat and did a fake cry, "Oh woe is me, my man is unable to provide me a child!" Sebastian actually laughed at that, "You're not Louis aright! I'm sure she didn't have a dick!"

"Ha, true that, and superman wouldn't be all pale, right Mr. Dark Lord of the Underworld." Sebastian snorted at this "From what I saw yesterday you may be the Flash."

"Oh like I haven't heard that before." Matthew snickered as he remembered a dumb joke and excitedly said, "Hey wanna hear a joke?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow at this, "Sure."

"Alright, so there is this guy at the bar hammered as hell and he shouted, 'I can't stand this world anymore!' So he run and jumps out the window, everyone thought he was dead but he just came back inside and did this three times and finally a guy went to him and says, 'How do you do that?' and the drunkard says, 'Easy, there is a draft of wind from the vent below, if you time it right you can fly a bit and land safely on the ground.' The guy, impressed by this, wants to try it out so he runs to the window and jumps out, and dies. The bartender looked at the drunkard and said, 'Man you are a real asshole when you are drunk Superman!'"

Sebastian started laughing uncontrollably at that as he clutched his stomach, "A-Alright! Superman is kind of an asshole!" Matthew grinned at this, "Told you." He took Sebastian's drink and swallowed the apple juice in a single gulp, though a little bit did drizzle out of the corner of his mouth and down his neck. Sebastian saw this and decided to just test his limits as he licked the juice off, "You'll get all messy drinking like that~"

Matthew rolled his eyes, "Yes mother, jeez I have a napkin smart one!" Matthew was rather oblivious to the other's actions, or intent. Sebastian grabbed the napkin and smirked, "Well it's more fun this way."

"Yeah I bet Mr. Kitty."

Sebastian smirked as this, "Well Kitties do like fresh milk and cream~" Matthew stuck his tongue out at that, "Ugh, Milk!" Sebastian shook his head as he laughed at that, "Hm, don't hate it unless you try the kind I enjoy."

"Dude you sound like a porn star!" Matthew laughed and stood up, "Ah, bathroom! My face feels all sticky!" Sebastian thought Matthew was flirting still and said, "Hey, I said don't hate~" Matthew stuck his tongue out and he went to the bathroom. He removed his short, since it was the only clean one he had, he really needed to wash them. He splashed some water on his face and rubbed the apple juice and Sebastian's saliva off.

The raven had followed after Matthew and he snuck behind him and placed his hands on Matthew's hips, "I said I could help" He leaned forward and licked a spot off from the corner of Matthew's lips. "Hey quit it dumbass!" Matthew laughed a bit and lightly pushed Sebastian, "I'm not a kitten that needs to be bathed!"

"Hm, but I like to taste~" Sebastian said as he slipped his tongue past those pink lips and kissed Matthew deeply The blonde's eyes widen as he blushed and backed away from the other, his hands covering his mouth, "W-what are you doing!" Sebastian just shrugged with a smile and he acted innocent, "Nothing~" He then winked and moved closer, "I just really like your taste."

Matthew blushed and looked away, suddenly feeling very shy and unable to speak. Sebastian just smiled more and kissed Matthew's cheek, "I… Kind of like you, Matthew~"

"W-W-WHAT!" Matthew stuttered, his arms flailing like a penguin, it's not like people confess to him all the time. Sebastian just rolled his eyes and said, "Must I draw a diagram? I-" He pointed to himself, "Like." He made a heart with his fingers, "You." Then pointed at Matthew. The blonde's blush intensified and he pointed at himself and to Sebastian and he promptly fainted.

Sebastian slapped his forehead at this, "That… Did not work out like I expected." He just sighed and carried Matthew back to the lunchroom and ignored the stares as he set the blonde on the table and splashed some water from a bottle he had on his backpack. Matthew woke up instantly as he cough and spat out, "No I'm drowning!" Sebastian rolled his eyes and wiped the excess water away from the other and said, "You're not drowning Matthew."

The blonde looked at Sebastian and suddenly he hopped up and off the table and shouted as he pointed to the raven, "Y-YOU! D-DON'T MOUTH RAPE ME AGAIN LIKE THAT IN THE BATHROOM!" Everyone in the cafeteria turned and looked at them and Matthew blushed, his eyes straight down to the floor, and he remembered he was half naked, "AAAH!" Sebastian had to smack his face hard at that and he handed Matthew the jacket he brought, "Here!"

Matthew snatched the jacket and pulled it on as he rushed out of the cafeteria, still having his little freak out episode, "I WAS KISSED BY A BOY!" Sebastian rolled his eyes at this and ignored the stares from the student body, but not his friends' glares. What did I do wrong?

Matthew's friends had rushed after the blonde and grabbed him as they asked what happened and he pretty much told them everything, and they laughed, "Woooow! Can't believe you lost your first kiss in the bathroom, bet you that guy wish he took more firsts from you!" Matthew smacked them all and kicked them as he screamed, "IDIOTS!"


Sebastian went to his classes and at lunch time he was in the courtyard where he stayed the rest of the day, his friends had told him to fuck off after that incident. Being popular is a bitch!

Matthew's friends were chasing after him making kissy faces and he was screaming at the top of his lungs, "YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS!" Sebastian heard this and raised an eyebrow and he found Matthew and literally lifted him off the ground and gave wink to the other's friends as he asked to be alone with Matthew. They smirked and did ninja like moves as they disappeared, but were stalking the two teens.

The blonde struggled in the other's arms as he shouted, "STOP CARRYING AROUND LIKE A FREAKING CHIHUAHUA!"

"But it's so convenient this way." Sebastian said as he carried Matthew to a tree right under the shade. Matthew bit Sebastian's hand like a rabid animal and hissed the entire way to that tree and all Sebastian did was wince and sat him on the ground, but kept a firm grip on the blonde's arms, "Now, we can talk."

Matthew pouted and turned his head away a light blush on his face, he was still wearing the other's jacket, it was bigger than him though and was sliding over his shoulders. Sebastian smiled and leaned forward, "I really do like you Matthew."

"NO YOU DON'T! You just want to screw me!" Matthew blushed harder and nibbled on his lower lip. "Uh, I was thinking about maybe dating and making out, but if it's screwing you want~"

"NO! I DON'T!" Matthew kicked Sebastian's knee and the raven winced, "A-Alright! So what about the other two?" Matthew looked away and tried to think, his friends though were getting sick and tired of this and were behind him and Sebastian and they said in unison, "And then the idiot midget kissed his molester!" They pushed the two together and made their lips mash together. Sebastian was shock at first, but didn't really mind, the blonde on the other hand did.

His friends giggled as they took a picture and ran away like idiots and Matthew pulled away, the blush getting redder on his face as he stared at Sebastian. The raven looked at Matthew and just whispered, "You really are cute~" He smiled sweetly and kissed him, this time softer than before. Matthew wanted to smack the other, but was enjoying the kiss and he leaned closer and decided to just kiss the idiot raven back.

Sebastian held the blonde close, making the kiss firmer, he really did like Matthew, and the other couldn't help but respond to the kiss by wrapping his arms around the other's neck and started moaning a bit into the kiss. Sebastian deepened the kiss and pressed their body together, but after a while he pulled away, "So is that a yes to dating?"

"T-That's a maybe!" Matthew shouted as he blushed again and looked away from the other, Sebastian just smiled at this and nipped the other's jaw, "That's all the answer I need~" Matthew blushed and smacked the other's head, "STUPID!" The blush growing and the blonde stomped away and muttered to himself, "Stupid raven haired idiot molesting giant!" Sebastian just rubbed his head and smiled, "Such a cute little tiger."


"Your words still serenade me, your lullabies won't let me sleep, I've never heard such a haunting melody. Oh, it's killing me, you know I can barely breathe~" Matthew sang through the microphone as the crowd of fans cheered, the spotlight was on all of the band members. They worked their way to the top thanks to Sebastian's help. Matthew was now taller than before, but he was still just two inches shorter than his lover, said raven was watching from backstage, a beautiful black suit on his body as he just leaned against a wall and stared at Matthew, he loved the blonde very much, he was still grateful for that day the blonde kissed his cheek, because he'd probably would have never felt the way he as feeling now.

Don't forget Matthew, once we get home it's our anniversary dinner~ I already have my gift ready for you~ He touched his pocket that had a small velvet box, it was about time he had this for the blonde.


~Cover Your Ears from the Lies~

"Just get the fuck out you fucking brat!"

"Pfft, gee thanks dad~" Sebastian said as he was kicked out of his house again and he just drove to school. When he arrived to the school he parked at the gym lot. He kicked a soda machine outside the gym and grabbed the can that came out of it, he took a small sip of the contents and was grateful to wash out the metallic taste that came from his bitten tongue, the result of him biting it accidentally when he was pushed out the front door and had fallen down the front steps of his home, wait scratch that, his shitty home. Oh the irony of having a mentally unstable parent was that his old man still wanted his son to go to school so he didn't make 'daddy' look bad.

A bunch of bullshit that was.

The man never did anything for him and yet wanted him to try and better himself. The whole world was fucking mental in his opinion, but he has managed this long. He had a job as a mechanic in some old man's shop don ton and even got his prized motorcycle. The man who hired him knew he was a good kid so he sold it to him for a great price, but it only added to his already bad reputation. He as a bad seed, or so everyone thought, he was honestly a smart kid but it was easier to see him as the bad guy, he was so corrupted by the lies and rumors that came through those hallways that he just glared at everyone and everything. He hated them all.


"Bye mom, by dad!" Matthew said happily as he rushed to school, a happy smile on his face. He had just barely moved here and was at first adamant to come out of his house, but he knew he was being ridiculous, knowing that the world isn't so scary if you just try to go out after all. He felt a little nervous and yet was happy that he could make more friends, he didn't see the bad in anything really, instead of leaving the past behind he was just moving further and leaving a pathway behind for the others to see. He could only smile and greet passersby as he reached the school.

Only a teenager, so sweet, naïve, and so very innocent to the world, he seemed to smile no matter what, it was surprising. And yet, he didn't know that he, just like the rest of the students, could be easily swayed by the words of many against the words of one.


Sebastian drank another gulp of his soda before throwing the can over his shoulder and he didn't give a damn if he could have used a trashcan. He was exhausted from working, but how else was he going to pay for the gas in his bike and food for his stomach. Hell his father made him pay to sleep in his own house. He was tired and his fingertips raw from waxing and cleaning cars, not to mention repairing them. His clothes were no better shape since his jeans had holes in them and his shirt was so badly faded that the edges were fraying. The occasional smear of oil always somewhere on his skin and this only made his reputation plummet further into the gutter. His looks just screamed 'bad boy' with his tall body and muscled arms. He was very lean and fit than kids his age should be, then again he got it all from the physical work he did. He was forced to give up being a kid to make it each day because luxury was not a choice.

He even gave up asking for help from the adults because the rumors made it impossible. He was unofficially voted most likely to fail in life.

Fuck this place!

He heard something strange and didn't notice the new boy trying desperately to get directions.

"A-Ah excuse me." Matthew tried asking for some help, but people walked by him so easily, over and over he tried to ask where the office could be, needing to pick up his schedule, but it as a no go as everyone as already heading inside, "Ah…b-but I need…help…" Matthew sighed and just stared at his feet, wondering where he had to go to.

Sebastian saw the new kid looking sullen and he rolled his eyes at how pathetic he looked, even if he was cute. He was close enough to hear his silent please and he shorted in amusement and just leaned against the wall outside not caring if he was late to one class because he was passing all his classes. Though barely because even the teacher hated him also, "You should just go home kid. Someone as sad as you will get chewed up and spit out before getting pissed on by all these bastards." He said as he stuck his hands in the pockets of his faded by still dark jeans, his hair was worse since it was greasy and unkempt, eyes such a deep shade of red they were as intimidating as much as intriguing.

Matthew jumped slightly, not expecting someone to be behind him and he turned around and smiled at the other and lightly smacked his head in a playful ay as if saying his head was hollow, "I know I can be such a dummy, ah but if you can please help me, can you point me to the direction of the main office?" He asked, his large green eyes looking at the other with nothing but trust almost like a new born would.

Sebastian saw that look in the other's eyes and it made him sick to his stomach, "Ugh, don't give me that look!" He said automatically with a rude tone, his eyes unlike the blonde's, held not even the smallest ounce of trust and he crossed his arms in a 'get away' stance, but really being rude and acting like this as a defense mechanism for him. A few kids nearby stopped looking at Sebastian and the new kid as if expecting a fight. Sebastian never really fought at school before, but everyone else had gotten the pleasure of believing the social chatter and thought he had fought over tent times, even if no one has ever seen this, they claimed they have, they were like angry little leeches who fed off gossip.

"H-huh? Oh I'm sorry, did I offend you? I'm still a little sleepy, so I hope I wasn't giving you a mean face or something!" Matthew said as he tried to fix his face, though he just looked silly really. One of the kids walked over to the poor blonde and whispered, "Just forget about him, he's no good! The office is inside, the first room on the right." Matthew stared at the person that helped him and he was confused by how everyone was glaring at the raven and he just rubbed the back of his head in confusion, almost looking like a lost puppy, but he just nodded, "Uhm okay… Thank you and uhm thank you too!" Matthew said to the raven.

Sebastian didn't say anything and just walked away and into the building. His tearing backpack bumping into people, but he didn't once stop to apologize. A few kids looked at the blonde and muttered how lucky to not have been beaten up by Sebastian.

The raven hadn't even walked to his class yet when a teacher just yelled at him, no reason at all, just to yell. He didn't know the blonde's name, but he as sure by the end of the day someone would mention it. Just like he was sure by the end of the day he would leave this fucking miserable school to go and work so long that he didn't have homework and thus giving the teachers something else to yell at him about.

Matthew was confused as some people babied him, saying poor thing, and that he had almost went through something terrifying. He didn't knew what was going on but he got his schedule and he tried to do his school work, though was falling a bit behind since he barely joined halfway into the school year, but Sebastian, that was what the other kids said his name was, was in his mind. He wondered why the other was so angry at him.

He thought he messed up, but rumors started going around and they went to him, and slowly his pure mind was being corrupt and he couldn't help but wonder if it was all true and if it really was, then he was so lucky to no be in danger. He wasn't one to judge anybody, but since he was so out of his element, he had no choice but to live by word of mouth right now.

Sebastian eventually heard someone put a name to the new kid's face, Matthew he was called apparently, and he couldn't help but recognize that it really suited the kid. He didn't pay the other any mind though and just tried to get through the day as usual. Not saying much and really just giving off the aura of pure hate for being here. The bruises all over him were mostly hidden under his tearing clothing but no matter how beaten up he looked no one dared helped him out or ask if he was okay. He being hurt only added more to the rumor of him fighting. Nothing about him was left untalked about, and after so long he couldn't bring himself to care anymore, the counselor was a lie because he had tried to go once and as threatened to be expelled if he 'fought' on school grounds 'again', even if Sebastian didn't get a chance to speak, life was a bitch right now for him and he was trapped.


Matthew made some friends, though he was starting to wonder about them as he was told to carry their books, but he thought it was alright, that they might be tired anyways so he just did as he was told. He had now believed the rumors of the cruel teen at school, he was to naïve for his own good to realize not everything was as it seemed. The people he met before moving here were always so kind and friendly, it as any wonder he didn't become Mr. Rogers from all the kindness and love he was smothered with, but it seemed all those years of being with kind people was easily being pushed away by this strange reality in front of him.

He accidentally dropped a few books from the pile he had and he tried to pick them up, one was under a motorcycle and he just placed the books to the side and reached underneath the motorcycle to get it and he didn't hear a couple of people gasping in shock.

Sebastian was right by his motorcycle about to go home and he saw the blonde he had been avoiding until now, reach for a book under his bike and he stepped on the other's hand and gave him a glare before speaking coldly, "Do not go anywhere near my bike!" He said as he grabbed the book and shoved it roughly into Matthew's arms. He was not having a good day as usual, and he really had every excuse for why he was so mean, but he didn't try to explain anymore, he just did not like anyone near his bike. He paid for it with many hard hours of labor and literally spilled his own blood and sweat over making enough money to pay for it.

Matthew was softly hissing in pain as he held his hand close to his chest, not even worried about the books anymore and he looked at Sebastian, fear in his eyes, he didn't even do anything to him so why was he acting this way? He was suddenly grabbed by one of his friends and they shouted at Sebastian, "Get lost you asshole! Stop trying to hurt people!" He didn't know what was going on, but he was just scared at what was happening. The blonde looked at his hand and blood was coming from it, and he wondered if the other stepped on glass or something to have gotten a cut this badly.

A flash of something passed across Sebastian's expression for a moment before he just pressed his lips in a thin line and started his bike and glared at everyone. He didn't need words to say because nothing would help him, not even apologies. He just drove off, speeding out of the school parking lot, not looking back at all. He didn't have time to feel bad for what he did, even if he hadn't meant to be as cruel as he was. Though he didn't understand why he found the smallest thought enter his mind and wondered if the kid was okay.

Matthew rubbed his hand, trying to stop the bleeding and his friends shook their heads and took their books back, "What an ass! You alright?" They asked him and he gave a slight nod with a small smile, "I-It's my fault anyways, I shouldn't have gotten so close to his motorcycle." He said and took his backpack, he was going to be late going home so he said goodbye and rushed off, as he ran his smile fell and he wondered what he did to deserve the raven's anger and resentment.

When he got home his mother cleaned the wound and he lied, saying that he got it in science class, there were small shards most likely from a broken bottle in it, his mother smiled as she finished up and said, "Next time don't play with glass silly." He chuckled nervously at that and nodded, "Ye-yeah, I'll be more careful next time Mom." He placed a kiss on her cheek and went upstairs and sighed as he closed the door to his room with lock. He felt rather out of place in this new town, new school new people, he was sure that he could fit in since he had no trouble in his past home town, but he felt like a fish out of water.

I…Don't think I can belong here…not easily at least…


Sebastian spent longer at his job than usual because he worked on vehicles to help ease his stress and agony of a day of ridicule and public resentment, because when you're bone tired it's hard to think about all the horrible things. His boss noticed how stressed out he was because when he was as stressed out as he was right now his boss would find Sebastian passed out in the garage with a wrench in one hand and a dirty rag stuffed in his back pocket as he leaned against a customer's bike to take a small moment of rest. His boss usually would let him sleep a bit more, but instead woke him up and told him to go home.

He knew he couldn't get rest there either and even if he got a few hours of sleep, for some reason he was feeling guilty for what he did to Matthew.

Hours passed, the heavy pain settled in his body as he finally made it to his room to lie in his bed, he had gotten home and after another round of 'Where the hell where you!?' beatings from his father. Dear father decided to go back to using his older methods of 'teaching' his son a 'lesson' as he whipped Sebastian with the buckle part of his belt over and over till the man was tired. Sebastian had originally fought back but he never could stand a chance so he just protected his face till the very end and was able to get some sleep, his father had managed one hit to his face that would bruise his jaw though and he sighed as his eyes shut, Just a great ay to start another round of gossip hell tomorrow, hell I bet they'll even come up with some story of me trying to rob a gas station or pushing down a nun… He rolled on to his side and winced as he closed his eyes to sleep, with three hours left to sleep, he couldn't waste it.


Matthew did not have the trouble Sebastian had last night, but he did sleep roughly since sometime during the night he fell of his bed and just stayed there at an awkward angle. Matthew groaned as he sat up and yawned slightly, his hair standing up in a cute messy way. He tried to fix it and dressed up quickly, wincing slightly from the bandage wound and he shook his head as he grabbed his backpack and went to school.

Sebastian was worse off than the blonde, he woke up with a sore and he still hadn't changed from yesterday but he didn't care as he slowly left his home and decided to ditch his backpack at home since the welts on his back stung and drove to school. He arrived at school a few minutes before the bell since he drove slowly and he wished he could stay home and sleep because that was something he enjoyed a lot more than school.

He really look like crap today and he knew it was because he felt like it too and after parking his motorcycle he walked over to the vending machine and got a soda, his tiredness making him drag his feet and kick up dirt from the parking lot.

Matthew yawned softly as he rubbed his eyes, not something smart to do when walking, and he bumped hard into someone and he fell to the ground, "O-Ow!"

Sebastian felt someone knock into him and he hissed when one of his sore spots made him instantly glared at whoever it was. His eyes showed pain for a second before he huffed and muttered out, "Watch where you're fucking walking!" He glared at the blonde and got himself a drink as originally planned by kicking the machine like always because the drinks always got stuck and he got a slightly dented can out of it and he winced when he had to bend down to get it, a few teachers nearby looking at him and shaking their heads in distaste of his appearance as usual.

"I-I'm sorry!" Matthew said as he stood up from the ground, still afraid from yesterday, and he ran off early to class not wanting to deal with another episode of Sebastian's explosive anger. He really hope today would be a good day, but already he was picked for something weird, something called 'Decoration Committee'. He didn't know prom was going to be in a few weeks and that someone had to set it all up, unfortunately he was the lackey- volunteer to do it.

Sebastian loathed this time of the year because everyone was so…bubble… It was like everyone was high on some drug with all the excitement in the air. He just couldn't wait to go home after school because he just hated this kind of stuff.

All day Sebastian spent his time napping in classes and going to the library to read. Reading was more of a hobby for him, he wouldn't admit to doing, but hey in books life was so much more interesting. In real life shit happens with no good explanation, but with books if he didn't like something he could stop reading it as simple as that.

Matthew was similar to Sebastian in this way. The blonde scratched his head as he went into the library and tried to see if he could find a book to entertain him, though he should be trying to figure out what the hell he was supposed to do to help decorate the gym, he didn't know what to do. He picked up an interesting book and he sighed a bit as he wondered what he was going to do as he went to the librarian to check out a book.

Sebastian didn't notice the other since he was interested in a book he was reading and he just relaxed as he stretched out on the couch by the front desk and had the book on his lap. His face free of worry for the time being as he read Treasure Island, the raven's hair hanging in his face and his lower lip caught between his teeth in concentration.

"Ah wait you mean I have to…huh?" Matthew was confused as the librarian tried to explain again, "You need to take a picture ID then you have to make an account in order to check out a book and you must wait three to four days so we can log you into the system." Matthew raised an eyebrow at this, "But I'm right here… Can't I just… You know what never mind." Matthew sighed and just took the book back with him and sat on a couch, not noticing the raven lying down on the other side of it and he tried to read, even if it means that he didn't have much since lunch was almost over. I don't understand how this school works!

Sebastian had felt the couch move, but after a while he took notice of the person sitting next to him and his eyes widened a second before he just scooted over to distance himself as much as possible from the blonde and try to just read awhile longer, but he couldn't so he closed his book and looked at Matthew and saw the bandage on his hand and he muttered a low question, "Does it hurt?"

Matthew eeped, not expecting to hear the other and he looked to the side and gulped as he moved away from the other as far as possible, literally sitting on the arm rest, "Y-Yes…" Matthew stuttered, wondering why life hated him so much. Sebastian stared at him a little longer and his lip twitched as if he was going to say something but stopped, he refused to apologize and instead looked away tiredly and inwardly still feeling bad as he mumbled, "You…should be careful where you walk and put your books in your bag next time."

"T-They weren't mine a-and this morning was an a-accident too…" He mumbled feeling a bit, well actually very awkward, at this sudden meeting and he wasn't sure if he should just leave or stay in case he insulted the other. Then again his entire being seemed to insult the other a lot. "You shouldn't carry other people's things." Sebastian said simply and he flicked his eyes to look at the blonde for a moment, "Being nice won't get you anywhere here."

"L…Like you would know!" Matthew spoke out, he was never one to do that before, but this place was already changing him this much, "All you ever do is snap at people, it never hurts to be nice! It's call having manners!" Sebastian frowned at this and stood up, "You should tell the rest of the people in this wretched place, hell preach it to them because your voice might as well fall on deaf ears!" He left his book on the couch and just stalked away; if the blonde was so blinded by everything then he wasn't going to waste his time on him.

Matthew frowned at this and stood up and he just shouted as he passed by the other, "If you don't like something changed it instead of whining about it!" Matthew shouted, he knew this might make the other hate him more, but he was tired of the other being rather mean to him.

The other's words made him stop though, his face giving more expression then his words ever could. He stayed silent and for a moment he just stood there completely taken back from being told something like that because he had never had someone actually go over to him and continued an argument, let alone argue about his attitude. No one really cared enough or had the guts to try and talk some 'sense' in to him and he just blinked a bit in confusion still, Change it?

Matthew really hoped he was going to get his ass kicked by the other, in fact he was freaking out so much right now and he wondered what he was going to do if it did happened. I'LL PLAY DEAD OR SOMETHING! YEAH THAT'LL WORK! IT WORKS ON BEARS AFTER ALL! Matthew smacked his forehead on his desk and a few kids laughed and a teacher shouted, "ROSS! STOP THAT! IF YOU CAN'T PAY ATTENTION, GO WORK IN THE GYM!" He flinched and nodded, "Yes sir, right away!"


Sebastian spent the rest of the day contemplating what Matthew said, but tried hard to forget it. What did the kid know anyway? That airhead blonde didn't have a clue just how difficult things are for him, it wasn't like he could snap his fingers and all his problems would disappear. So instead he just stared at the clock through all his classes until he could finally just go home and sleep, if he skipped a day of work he could get home before his father and avoid another encounter. That sounded very good at the moment since he was sleepy.

He heard the bell ring and bolted out of the classroom and headed towards his bike, on his way towards it though he saw a few teens hiding in a corner of the school trying to smoke, but he paid them no mind and just focused on his goal of 3 hours of straight sleep that he needed. Bed here I come!


Matthew had no clue what the hell he was doing and was just thrown out of the gym till he learned how to 'cut paper hearts' he really had no idea what he was doing at all and he just sighed and wondered what he had to do since no one could help him at all. He sighed and tried to instead get ready to go home, as he walked through the doors of the school.

"Yo Matthew!" He turned around and saw one of his new friends come over to him, not knowing that a teacher was coming around from behind him, and they handed him a pack of cigarettes, "Hold these for me." He stared at the pack as his friends started walking away and he said, "Guys these aren't good for you! It's bad to smo-"


Matthew jumped and turned around and all he saw was a furious teacher glaring at him, "B-B-Bu-"

Sebastian heard this and turned to see the other being yelled at by a teacher and without thinking he walked over to them and snatched the pack from the dumbstruck blonde and took a cigarette into his mouth and he smirked, "No, these are mine." He said casually so his lie sounded believable.

"Ah…wha?" Matthew was confused and the teacher didn't seem to care as he grabbed both of them by the ear and said, "YOU BOTH DETENTION NOW!"

"BU-BU-BU!" Matthew still couldn't form any sentences, he has never been in trouble before and he had no idea what to do as he was being dragged back inside.

Sebastian just sighed and wished he had just kept his mouth shut and gone home. Sebastian has never stood up for anyone and he was currently regretting it since he just wanted to go home.

Matthew and Sebastian were shoved into the room and the teacher locked them in there and on the board it said to be quiet. Matthew had no clue what to do in this room and how long he was going to be there, "Am I going to be trapped here forever?" The blonde mumbled to innocent to understand how detention is supposed to be like.

"No idiot, we'll probably be here an hour or two…" Sebastian said sourly as he found a desk near the back and sat down before propping his feet up on the table, "Sit, no point in standing and being uncomfortable."

Matthew gulped and sat in the front desk like a good child he was and he looked as if he was waiting for another lesson, he really had no clue what to do in detention at all and he wondered if his parents would get angry at this, "Ugh, you are just too…" Sebastian didn't even know what kind of word to describe the blonde and he just huffed and stretched a little bit and began to throw a pencil up in the air and catch it to entertain himself.

Matthew's hands tightened into fists and he took in a deep breath and shouted, "What am I doing to you?! What the hell is wrong with me that pisses you off!? I'm never doing anything to you at all!" He wanted to know why the other hated him so much when he did nothing but try to be nice to him since the beginning.

Sebastian caught the pencil and stared at the rubber end as he began to think, Why do I hate him? …Do I hate him? He thought for a long moment, leaving an awkward silence before he spoke and his own words so simple and yet so unexpected broke the silence, "…I don't hate you."

"It doesn't look that way to me! You insult me on my very first day and I didn't even know you but you still went and did it!" Matthew said in frustration and he wondered why all of this was coming out now.

Sebastian really didn't know why he did that, but it probably all his stress that built up and being like that was how he vented his fucked up emotions. No one bothered to try an understand or listen before it had become a habit to be the villain in everyone's eyes. So it was no wonder he was angry, angry at those who would not help, and even angry at the good guys like Matthew, "D…Do you want an apology?" He asked suddenly.

"Yes! No! I…I just want to know what I am doing wrong…" Matthew gripped his hair as he thought about the two hellish days that just blew up in his face like this, Matthew never once did anything to anyone, so why was this happening and who the hell could he call to fix his life, but it wouldn't matter at all and he just sighed and looked away. "…I'm sorry." Sebastian said slowly as he sat up straight in his desk and looked at the other, "There you have your apology, but if it's an explanation you want as to why…then I can't tell you what I don't entirely know…" Sebastian shook his head at his own words and just laid his forehead on the cool desk as he muttered, "I'm going to take a nap so be the good kid you are an obey the rules on the board."

Matthew turned his head to stare at Sebastian and just did the same as the other as he softly mumbled, "All I want to know is why me…And yet no one can answer me."

"When you find the answer to that question… Let me know, because I've given up on finding the answer myself." Sebastian said tiredly as he closed his eyes, his face hidden slightly by his hair, but the more softer his features looked when he was trying to relax. Matthew didn't say anything after that and he tried resting as well, though it didn't even last long as the teacher came in and said, "Alright get your asses out of here and I swear if I catch you with any smokes again I'm getting you both expelled!" Matthew sighed as he nodded and stood up, he grabbed his backpack and muttered lowly, "But it wasn't even my cigarettes…"

Sebastian groaned when the teacher shook him awake and he muttered, "Swearing already teach? What would your wife say?" He stood up and grimaced as his shirt slid slightly p and showed the deep purple skin on his hip bone, but even if it was seen by others, it was usually ignored it and he walked passed Matthew and his teacher.

Matthew spotted the mark and he followed after Sebastian and he asked the raven, "D-Does it hurt?"

"Hm?" Sebastian said as he walked outside and looked at the other walking beside him, "Does what hurt?" He asked, not knowing the other saw the mark. Hell no one ever asked him if anything hurt before so he was taken back a bit by the question.

"Your bruises, do they hurt Sebastian?" He asked again as he looked at the other, not noticing how tired the raven looked and so out of place from the school surrounding, "I mean, they must hurt right, I don't know why you get into fights, but you must be scared since you are by yourself, don't you get worried that someday you won't be able to bounce back?"

Sebastian stopped walking again and looked at the other, "I haven't been able to bounce back for a long time, do yourself a favor Matthew… Don't worry about me." He said with a slight smile and he stuck his hands in his pockets before walking over to where his bike was parked. He never had someone be concerned over him and he didn't realize he called the other by his name. He looked at his watch and saw that he was already late and his father would be home by now, so he might as well try to work before going home, though eight hours of sleep would have to wait for another day besides maybe if he worked on enough cars he could get extra cash for a new jacket, his old one was too torn up so he couldn't wear it anymore.

Matthew watched as Sebastian got ready to leave and he sighed as he muttered, "But, if nobody cared then, what would the world come to?" He shook his head and walked away as he headed home, he was sure nothing he said would convince the raven, but he didn't realize just how much those words did impact him.

Sebastian started his bike and drove to his work, the words Matthew said striking a cord deep within his chest because he couldn't stop wondering about the words. He stopped at a stoplight and looked to his left and saw a house he didn't recognize there before, and he raised an eyebrow, "Must be new." The light turned green and he went to his job just a block away from the new house.

Matthew reached home and automatically he was given a lecture about how smoking was bad and how he was grounded and no way in hell would he be allowed to even go to home coming. He frowned and grumbled under his breath, "Aw man!"

Matthew sighed and was about to go to bed but his phone rang, luckily his parents didn't take that away from him, and he checked the messages everyone thought he had gotten his butt kicked by Sebastian, the rumor spreading like a wild fire and he tried to explain that nothing happened and his phone picked the worst moment to die. He slapped his forehead and hoped nothing bad would happen tomorrow.


Sebastian just got to work and did his job the best he could and for a while everything was alright until he got a call on his prepaid phone and he flinched when he received from the other end his father's usual greeting, which was yelling his ear of. Apparently the school told his father and if he wanted to keep both arms unbroken he was going to have to avoid his home today, now that didn't stop his father from coming to his job and slapping the shit out of him, but hey his old man did have limits on what he could do in public. Sebastian just ignored the busted lip he had now as he continued to work and ask his boss to stay the night in the garage to finish up on a few cars. His boss just told him to do what he wanted and he just continued to work. His lip stung but that was a lot better than what it could have been. In fact he wished they were his cigarettes because even if he didn't smoke it sucked getting hit for something he didn't even do. Hell he was still confused as to why he even tried to defend Matthew.

He worked till late at night before finding a small spot by the tarps for the cars and he decided to take a nap there. He didn't know that people found out about the cigarettes other than his father, but he didn't have a good feeling about going to school tomorrow. It was just an uneasy feeling that curled in his gut and refused to leave.


Matthew woke up late and he rushed to get ready for school, unfortunately during his rush he tripped and fell down the stairs, he at least got away with only a few scratches to his arms but he had a slightly nasty cut on his forehead. His parents weren't there to help him, so he just try to quickly patch himself up, only to make a mess, and he ran to school. As soon as he entered the school grounds though, everyone surrounded him saying poor thing and other stuff, but he didn't understand why they were doing this, he barely remembered the text messages last night.

"N-no wait, nothing like that happened. You see I fell down some stairs today." Matthew tried to explain. "Look you don't have to cover for someone like him! Bastard should be expelled from school." Matthew's eyes widen and he shook his head, "No wait! I told you that nothing happened!"

Sebastian had barely gotten to the school and he was immediately assaulted with hard glares and more than hateful looks. So far he didn't know why today was looking very bad, but he was just so exhausted that he hadn't even tried to find out why this was happening yet. All he knew was it most likely had to do with him, he was going to get a drink because soda was what woke him up and kept him awake when he was so tired, but when he went near the vending machines he caught a glimpse of Matthew all bandaged up and he furrowed his eyebrows, What the hell happened to him?

The raven felt a rock thrown at him and he suddenly was pushed by two kids who rushed passed him and went towards the blonde. Judging by the heated glares he was able to piece together what was happening and his eyes widen slightly before he gritted his teeth and walked over to the other kids were and Matthew as well, "Look damn it! I didn't fucking touch him!" He was almost shaking in anger now, he didn't know how Matthew was so hurt now, but if anyone cared to look at his hands they would see it wasn't him who did this because his knuckles were not bruised from hitting something, sure they were calloused because of work though.

"H-He's right, he didn't do anything! Please stop!" Matthew begged.

"Stop trying to defend him, he won't hurt you anymore!" One of the kids pushed the raven and it looked like the whole school was about to jump the raven, but he quickly got between them and he shouted, "I SAID STOP IT!" Matthew was surprised by his actions but he didn't want a fight to start.

A teacher came out to see what was happening and had already assumed the worst when he saw Sebastian in the middle of the crowd. Matthew saw him coming and he panicked and just pushed a kid down, "Ross! What the hell are you doing?" The teacher shouted and now everyone just stared at him, surprised that he had just 'attacked' someone. "I…I…"

Sebastian saw this and he just figured he had nothing to lose. He forced a scowl on his face as he pushed Matthew aside and walked over to the teacher, "He didn't do anything, I told him to push that kid down and I beat the hell out of this little punk for getting caught holding my cigarettes yesterday, what else does it look like you ignorant bastard?" He told the teacher with a twisted grin. It was a complete lie, but once again he just felt the urge to defend Matthew because the other had tried to defend him. Matthew was a good kid and he knew it, but he didn't think it was right to let Matthew get in trouble. His lie would be believable anyways considering all the evidence, but it would be up to the teacher to decide what would happen to him.

Matthew was surprised by all of this and tried to speak up but the other students beat him to it and they started blaming the raven and saying that he was bullying Matthew. The blonde tried to speak up but no one would listen to him and he started crying in frustration and he went away from the crowd, everyone just assumed he was crying because of Sebastian, but that was wrong. He was crying because no one would listen to him and he just wanted the rumors to stop already. The teacher was already angry and he suspended Sebastian from school for three days, not knowing that he was forcing the raven away from a place where he wouldn't be hurt.

Sebastian fist tightened at the thought of being sent home, but he just walked away, he never got sent home before like this and he didn't want to still. Sure here he was insulted and judged but no one ever hurt him physically. All he could do was sag his shoulders as he walked to his bike and passed the crying blonde.

He stopped briefly to look at Matthew before getting on his bike, he could try to go to work, but his boss had other workers in the mornings and he could not afford wasting gas to go anywhere else around town. He had to go home and the dread was obvious underneath his tough exterior by just staring into his eyes that were dull yet so angry.

"I'm…I'm sorry." Matthew said as he looked at Sebastian, trying to stop his tears, he didn't want the other to go back to hating him. He didn't want to cause anyone trouble, but he did and he was wondering if he was cursed or something to have hurt the raven in such a way.

Sebastian just looked at the other and sighed, "It's alright, it's not your fault, its mine. It's just the way things go here." Sebastian said with another half-smile as he started the engine on his bike but didn't immediately speed off like he normally would, he was reluctant to leave.

"C-can I go with you?" Matthew begged softly,, he didn't want to be in such a poisonous place any longer, he just wanted to go away.

Sebastian turned to look at him and it was obvious that he was surprised, "I'm not sure you would want to go where I am going…" He said as he thought about his home, he couldn't take Matthew there at all, but he couldn't take Matthew to his job either, it be a waste of gas since he didn't work at this time of day. Even if he knew all of this, the other really looked like he wanted to leave the school and he didn't understand why he couldn't deny Matthew his wish. Matthew seemed to get under his skin little by little and make his persona get split between caring and anger.

Matthew hesitantly moved forward, at first he was unsure of going, but he just shook his head and got on the bike behind Sebastian and his hands slipped around Sebastian's waist and held on tightly, this being his first time on a motorcycle and he just wanted to make sure he didn't fall on the way where ever Sebastian was going, "I'm sorry Sebastian, I'm so sorry you got hurt and expelled because of me."

"I said it wasn't your fault Matthew, I know you tried." Sebastian said and began to drive a little slowly at first out of the school so Matthew could get used to the feeling of the motorcycle. The feeling of someone holding on to him felt strange but not unpleasant, even if it hurt his bruises a little. He was going to take the other to a small doughnut shop next to his job since it was cheap and maybe spend some time there instead of going home. He'd have hell to pay for today later on, but right now he needed to relieve some stress as much as Matthew did.

Matthew didn't say anything during the whole ride, he just buried his face into the other's back and his hands clasped together on the raven's flat stomach, it felt strange for him to do this, but his body felt warm because of the other, the wind rushing through them as they rode made him want the warmth, he had no clue where they were going, but he was just glad to be away from the school and way from all those horrible people.

Sebastian reached the doughnut shop after a few minutes and he parked outside. He turned the engine off and looked down at the arms wrapped tightly around him and he gently touched the other's soft hands with his own rough one, "Hey, we are here."

Matthew didn't move quickly, in fact he took his time moving away from the other and he softly whispered, "Thank you for letting me come with you Sebastian." The raven nodded at that, "Everyone needs a break from all that shit." He said with a slight grin and got off his bike with a wince since the other had a tight grip on a bruise during the ride, "This is a shop next to my work, you can get a doughnut if you want to."

Matthew gave a small smile at this and rubbed his tear stained face a bit till all evidence was gone and he said, "I'd like one very much." He smiled and got off the bike and went to the raven to be close to him, it looked as if he didn't want to leave the other's side for a second, Sebastian being the only one that will at least give him an actual answer.

Sebastian though felt slightly unnerved by this, he wasn't used to having someone stand so close to him, but he suppose he didn't mind since it was Matthew. He walked inside the shop, Matthew following after, and the cashier of the shop smiled at him, "The usual Sebastian?" The man said and Sebastian just smiled back, he was more polite outside of the school, "Yeah, but make it a double, I brought someone this time." The man raised an eyebrow and gave him a bag with two chocolate doughnuts, "This is a first Seb, it's nice to see such a good kid like yourself hanging out with a friend."

Matthew blushed when he was called a friend by the stranger and he just said a quick hello in a shy manner, a small smile on his face, wondering whether the raven liked him as a friend or not, then again he just hope the other didn't hate him or found him annoying.

The cashier smiled at the two teens and Sebastian just rolled his eyes, "You're such a sap Mike." He told the man and just got a laugh in return and ruffled Sebastian's hair making the raven chuckle a little also, his harsh exterior fading a little, "Oh come on Seb, lighten up all you do is work, just relax."

"I'll try." Sebastian said as he paid for the sweets and pulled Matthew by his arm towards the benches outside to enjoy the nice weather and sweets.

Matthew laughed a bit as he sat down on the benches and smiled at Sebastian, "You are…very different outside of school Sebastian, you also have a very nice smile."

"Well let's just say there is a lot about me that I don't always express." He said handing Matthew a doughnut. Matthew just laughed again and took the doughnut, taking a small bite already getting a smudge on his lips but he didn't seem bothered by it, "Ah the doughnut is fresh, I love fresh doughnuts, they taste so good!" Sebastian smiled as he looked at the other and his eyes softened a little more, "Yeah, though the chocolate is what brings me here." He said as he took a bite of his own."

"Hahaha, you probably would have liked my town than. We had a chocolate factory there that allowed tours where you can sample freshly made chocolate." He said with a big smile on his face as he nibbled on the doughnut, his large green eyes having that old innocent look again.

Sebastian smiled again but there was a small twinge of a strange emotion behind it, "I think I would like any other town." He said leaning back on the bench as he finished his meal, the sweets giving him a bit of a calming effect.

Matthew finished his as well, unaware of what the other had meant by that sentence. He never did know why the other was being bullied though, but that was then and this was now. Matthew licked his lips, missing the chocolate and he sucked on his chocolate covered fingers, "This is delicious~"

Sebastian saw the chocolate and broke out in to a small laughter and he said, "Yeah but you missed a spot." He wiped some of the chocolate off with his thumb and held it out to the other if he wanted it, there was no meaning behind it, he was just kinder now that they were by themselves.

Matthew was to naïve either way to see anything wrong with it as he licked the chocolate off the other's thumb, a small smile on his face and he said, "Still good~" Sebastian felt a warmth from how innocent Matthew was and how the other trusted him. "This is a very nice day Sebastian, I'm glad I can spend it with you." Matthew said, his smile just growing as he looked at Sebastian and nothing else, hell he could care less about the world around him, in face he just wanted to get to know the raven even more now.

"Well I think I liked coming here with you as well, but I hope you don't get in trouble more for skipping school." He said leaning more back on the bench and groaned slightly when his back popped and the bruises still hurt him.

"Ah well, I might be grounded again and not be able to go to prom, my parents will understand though. But I must have looked like such a dork when I started crying like that, sorry I just sometimes get over emotional." Matthew said as he blushed slightly.

"You're far from being a dork Matthew." Sebastian said as he flicked the tip of the other's nose, "Though I'm sorry about you not going to prom."

"It's okay… It's not like I know anyone to go with anyways." Matthew said as he rubbed the back of his neck and stuck his tongue out in a cute way. "Ouch! So you don't know me?" Sebastian said playfully with a grin before he laughed, "I'm kidding." He yawned and checked his phone for the time and frowned, not a lot of time has passed but still enough, he wanted to relax so much more, but sooner or later he would have to go home.

"Ah well, aren't we both guys? Though I suppose it be nice if we can go as friends and just hang around together." Matthew said, never one to have been attracted to anyone really. Though he did notice one thing, he saw how tired Sebastian was and he touched the other's cheek and smiled as he said, "You can take a nap if you want, I'll wake you up if you need to go somewhere." Sebastian just blinked and sighed, "I suppose I can sleep for a little while." He said and even if he wanted to comment on the guy thing Matthew mentioned, he was to tired, "I have to leave at three okay?"

"You can rest your head on my shoulder or lap if you want, don't worry Sebastian I promise to wake you up." Matthew said a bright smile on his face, only for the raven. The other didn't want to bother the blonde though, but the bench was so small and he at least wanted to be comfortable so he choose to move till his head was on the other's lap. It was very awkward for him at first, but he mumbled a thank you before closing his eyes. Sleep took him instantly as he just passed out cold, his breathing even and his face relaxed in deep sleep.

Matthew blushed softly as he looked at Sebastian's sleeping face and he touched the other's warm cheek and gently stroked the soft flesh, not sure why he was doing this, but it felt nice and he just wanted to do this for Sebastian. The raven sighed in his sleep and just moved a little closer to the other, his old shirt sliding up to show the bruised skin and lines from being hit with the belt there, but it wasn't as bad as it was before.

Matthew gently touched those bruises and he wondered why the other's body was so badly damage, but thought it would be rude to ask, especially since the other was resting right now. He blushed again as a strange thought came to his head and he placed a small kiss on the other's cheek and whispered, "Please be safe from now on Sebastian."

The raven didn't understand why he felt so calm all of a sudden, but his sleep was so much more peaceful now and the stress he had melted away for the time being.

Matthew left him rest, the blondes soft fingers going through his hair as people walked by, giving them od stares and wondering why the two were like that, but Matthew simply ignored them.

Time moved by too quickly though and Matthew leaned down and whispered, "Sebastian, wake up." The raven never felt so rested in his entire life and he didn't want to move, but he knew he needed to. Opening his eyes he got up and yawned slightly before rubbing the sleep from his face and looking at Matthew, "Already?"

"Yeah sorry, but you wanted me to wake you up at three right?" Matthew said as he smiled a bit and tucked a black lock of Sebastian's hair behind his ear; the other looked rather cute just barely waking up.

"Y-yeah." Sebastian said with slight dread in his voice, "I'm sorry I slept so long, I'm just tired I guess." He said with a chuckle. "It's okay Sebastian; you look really cute when you sleep like that! You even held on to me so tightly like I was a teddy bear." Matthew said giving a small laugh. Sebastian immediately turned red from that and he just cleared his throat, "Er-yeah… I'll try not to pass out like that again." Sebastian said as he tried to salvage what little bit of pride he had and he stood up to stretch a little, "Did you want me to take you home?"

Matthew laughed again and smiled, "It's okay Sebastian, you were tired and you really don't have to, you did so much for me already. I should leave you alone; you probably are tired of me sticking so close to you."

"I really don't mind Matthew; your house is that new one down the road right? If it is, I have to go that way anyways to go to…my house."

"Ah well… Thank you Sebastian." Matthew said as he smiled a bit and looked at the other, actually kind of glad the other offered him a way back because he didn't really know all the streets. Sebastian nodded again and got on his bike and waited for Matthew to get on, "No problem."

Matthew slid on and his hands went around the other's waist again, holding on to the raven tightly again, "This day is certainly strange, but interesting."

"Most definitely." Sebastian said as he stared the engine of his bike, "But I think I enjoyed it… Well this part at least." He said as he began to head towards Matthew's home first. Going slow this time so Matthew could look at the places they passed if he wanted to.

Matthew laughed softly at this and he looked at the building passing by and he smiled, "I think I can enjoy this place if I know someone familiar like you Sebastian." The raven just chuckled at this, "Well I hope you can, I'm sure you'll find your place here Matthew… Nothing is holding you back so you have the opportunity."

"True, though I rather enjoy this more with you than any other day." They were already so close to his house and he blushed and whispered, "Can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Sure what is it?" Sebastian asked as he rounded a corner and saw Matthew's home coming closer and closer. "If I'm not grounded for life, can we go to prom together? I mean like friends and stuff." Matthew asked the last part really quick because he was thinking that Sebastian might think he was weird or something.

"Huh?" Sebastian said, he was very surprised by that and when he stopped right outside Matthew's home he took a moment to speak because inside he was wondering if he did wanted to go. "Well… I'm not much for social events but… I suppose I can go with you." He said with a small grin and he pulled a scrap of paper out of his pocket and wrote down his number, "Here, if you need anything or whatever, just call." Sebastian said with a small smile, he never gave out his number, but he felt a little protective about Matthew.

"Thank you Sebastian, here!" Matthew took out his own pen and wrote on a separate piece of paper his number and he got off the bike and placed a kiss on the other's cheek and he blushed when he realized what he did but didn't say anything as he just gave a small wave to the other and rushed to his house.

Sebastian didn't know how to react to that, but he just felt his face break out in a bright smile and he just started his bike up again and went home. The feeling of happiness making him almost laugh out loud from the insanity of the day's events. For the moment he just felt so alive, Maybe I misjudged Matthew… He really is something else.

Sebastian's happiness was short lived when he got home though, his father waiting by the door since the man had gotten the call from the school. I should have just gone to work and beg to stay the night again… Damn it all! Sebastian was pushed roughly inside and the beating that took place was one of the worst he has gotten in a long while.

"AHHH I KISSED HIM! Then again, I only kissed his cheek and it actually felt nice~" He smiled at this and he wondered what he would do tomorrow or the next day, what he didn't knew was that another rumor spread, somehow saying that he was Sebastian's lover and was in an abusive relationship. Though it spread and he even got word of it, he decided to ignore anything said now because he already knew Sebastian. His parents on the other hand had heard what happened at school and he was grounded, again, and forced to clean he creepy attic they had for some reason and he really didn't want to do that, hell he wasn't even sure why they built it!

Sebastian was not as lucky as Matthew; his father had beaten him till he got a call from the office and had left the battered raven alone even though the older man promised to continue where he left off when he returned. Sebastian just lay there on the floor awhile and cursed everything about himself not being able to stand up to his father. He just couldn't, if he left home he would have nowhere to go and the job he had wouldn't pay enough to feed himself pay for gas all while renting an apartment. It was just impossible so he didn't have a choice but to suffer through it.

His left ankle was already swelling from having it stomped on and his abdomen aching from all the kicking, if now was bad he couldn't imagine three days. He was trying to drag himself upstairs to his room when he got a text and he read it, he would have smiled and laughed but his bleeding lips and bruised stomach hurt too much, Matthew somehow managed to cheer him up no matter how bad this situation was and he texted back, You're really different Matthew… At first I didn't think I'd like that but I think I'm starting to like you also Matthew… ~S.M

~Few minutes ago~

Matthew looked at Sebastian's cell number and took a deep breath and sent a message to Sebastian, he knew he should explain why he kissed the other's cheek, but in his moment of texting he had typed what he was truly thinking and didn't realized it till he sent it.

Sebastian… I actually thing you are nice, but out of everyone I met you seemed to always be blunt in an almost hurtful way and yet still truthful, not trying to insult you, I just… really think you're nice and wonderful under all your protective armor, I don't know why I'm starting to like you but I can't help it ~Love Matthew

The blonde stared at the message he sent and gave a loud girlish shriek, WHAT HAVE I DONE!

Matthew panicked the entire few minutes and his phone buzzed with a message and he looked at it and blushed as he texted back, You must think this is unexpected, but I really do mean it all Sebastian, and though I'm wondering why you even like me back, I'm such a weirdo compared to someone like you… ~Matthew

He got an instant message back and giggled at it. Pfft! Trust me Matthew you're the most normal and down to earth person I know ~S.M

You're just saying that, but thank you Sebastian~ I have to go to bed now, but good night and sweet dreams Sebastian~ Love Matthew The blonde blushed and couldn't believe that he had just did something like this, but he didn't seem to think it was so bad at all in fact he felt actually felt happy about this.

I mean it… But good night Matthew~ Sleep well~ Matthew smiled at the text and got into the bed and held on to the pillow and fell asleep as he remembered how soft and warm Sebastian felt and wishing he was holding him instead. The raven thinking the same thing about him as he wished he was sleeping on Matthew's lap again.


Sebastian slept very little during his days stuck at home; his father would come home and literally drag him out of bed to finish what he starts. Sebastian's body was to tired that he didn't even feel most of the hits since he must have blacked out because he did something that surprised him; he ended up fighting against his father. When he passed out though he was left alone and he just stayed on the floor for the majority of the time, even if he was beaten and tired he didn't let his mind linger on it, he just wanted three days to be over already so he could see Matthew normally again, actually looking forward to school for once because someone he cared about was there.

Matthew had missed him as well for those few days he was gone, but when the raven finally came back Matthew was excited and had immediately hugged Sebastian, surprising everyone again, but he didn't care as he just held on to the beaten Sebastian, clinging to him like a long distance girlfriend would to her boyfriend.

Matthew should really prioritize his lifestyle, but didn't care as he held the tired raven. The other did miss him a lot, but his body suffered to much damage and he now had a limp and underneath his messy bangs he had a black eye, but when he was hugged he didn't expect it to hurt so much since his ribs were tender, a pained groan left him but regardless he hugged Matthew back and smiled, "Hey~"

Matthew felt the other flinch and he gasped softly, "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you a lot?" Matthew asked as he noticed the other wincing and he touched the raven's chest, "Are you okay?" Sebastian tried not to wince again, "Y-yeah? What did I miss while I was gone?" He asked to change the subject.

"Ah, who knows? They had me working on decorating the gym, I really have no idea what the theme is but they kept making me cut out paper hearts." Matthew said with a small shrug. Sebastian just chuckled at this but stopped when it hurt, "Ah~ Well maybe it's valentine's day theme." He suggests, he was tired of standing around and he leaned against a wall a bit, he really just looked ready to pass out. "Are you sure you're okay Sebastian? I know I'm useless, but I'm sure I can help. Are you tired still? We can go behind the bleachers and you can sleep on my lap again." Matthew said as he looked at the raven.

"I'm just tired, but you don't have to do all that for me." Sebastian said with a small smile, he was trying to put up a strong persona for the cute little blonde but he just didn't have the strength right now and he just looked like he wanted to curl up in a ball and just lie on the ground. "Ah… But I don't really mind Sebastian." Matthew muttered as he looked away, a light blush on his face as he fiddled with his fingers.

Sebastian saw how cute the other looked and he sighed, "Alright, just…just wake me up if I sleep too long." Sebastian said with a smile. "Okay Sebastian." Matthew said as he shyly grabbed the other's hand and pulled him to the bleachers and he hugged the raven once again.

Sebastian was slow to walk and he stumbled a lot until they got to the bleachers. When the other held him it took all his strength not to just collapse into the other's hold, if he was more wide awake he would have noticed as well a familiar car that parked outside the school.

Matthew careful moved the other to lie down on the ground and he cradled the raven's head on his lap and he smiled as he looked down at him, a light blush on his face, "S-sleep well Sebastian."

The raven smiled slightly, but he was having more trouble lying down than he had before, the bruises hurt everywhere, not far from where they were though, his father exited his car to go into the main office saying he was going to sign his son out of school but when they couldn't find him he decided to look for his kid himself. His breath smelling strongly of liquor. Sebastian who was with Matthew didn't know his father was there at all and was in for a very unexpected surprise when the man asked a few students if they've seen his 'brat' son.

Matthew stared down at the raven and blushed slightly as he bent down and placed a soft kiss on the other's lips and he whispered, "I really like you Sebastian." One of the students, that was asked by the drunken adult, said they went to the gym, already ratting them out. Sebastian would have kissed him back because he felt the other do that, but the sound of a familiar booming voice made him sit up and he saw his father just by the bleacher glaring at them. "Damn brat! Stop your fucking laziness and get over here now!" Sebastian didn't even have a chance to respond as his father went over to him and grabbed him by his hair and pulled away from Matthew to a standing position, "F-Fuck let go! I have school!" He shouted but his hair was pulled even harder as he struggled, "You do what I say boy!"

"Sebastian!" Matthew shouted as he scrambled to his feet and pushed the older man away from the raven, he was scared and didn't know what the hell was going on, only that Sebastian was being hurt, "S-Stay away from him!"

"Matthew get back!" Sebastian shouted as he tried to cover Matthew, but his father immediately stopped him as he pushed Matthew out of Sebastian's arms and knocked him down hard on the ground. Sebastian yelled for him to stop but the older man didn't care as he grabbed Sebastian's shirt and ripped the old material off when he tried to bring his son forward, "Fucking brat! Think your little friend can help you? Ha! So pathetic!" The man said as he kicked the blonde hard while he was on the ground, "Dad just stop!" Sebastian yelled as he tried to beat his father away from Matthew but got punched in the ribs for doing so, "Don't you dare talk back to me!" His father shouted as Sebastian cried out in pain as he tried to fight his father who was winning since he was stronger.

Matthew coughed, having trouble breathing from the kick to his ribs and he weakly tried to take out his phone and he called the police but was unable to say anything thought he shouts and cries were easily heard by the operator. "L-Leave him alone!" Matthew muttered weakly as he tried to stand up and he grabbed the older raven's arm and bit down hard.

The older man yelled and he slapped Matthew away giving Sebastian the chance to punch him on the side of the head hard enough to knock the man away, he was so close to passing out from the pain as he sunk to his knees and tried to see straight, he didn't know if he had a concussion but he knew he had to get up or else his father would get Matthew.

Matthew though just winced as he crawled to Sebastian and covered his body as he felt kicked on his back but he didn't dare budge till someone finally came and took the older man down. He was breathing hard as he looked down at Sebastian and asked softly, "A-Are you okay Sebastian?" He knew now how the other gotten his scars and he was so worried for the other right now, unable to believe that the other had to suffer this on a daily basis. The sirens of a cop car could be heard coming down the streets and students came out to see what was going on as police came over and they took the two teen away from the unconscious man and they took care of Sebastian's wounds, he refused till the other was taken care of first.

Sebastian wish he could answer Matthew, he wanted to apologize to the other for dragging in to his problems, but he was also amazed how Matthew would go as far as to call help for him. No one ever cared so much about his safety before and he smiled weakly at Matthew, "Thank you Matthew~"

Matthew smiled and held him as gently as possible, his forehead on the other's shoulder as he whispered, "I-I was so scared that he was going to take you away from me."

Sebastian just let the other hold him and he smiled slightly, "I'm sorry you were worried Matthew. I never wanted you to know or see that, but I really am glad you did that, no one cared to try to help me before." His speech was a little slurred as they gave him pain killers, "I'm sorry I was so mean before when you first tried to help… I guess I took my anger about everything out on you."

Matthew shook his head and gently kissed the other, one hand holding on tightly to the other's, "It's okay Sebastian, I just don't ever want to see you get hurt again." Sebastian smiled and kissed Matthew back softly, "I won't let you get hurt again Matthew." The blonde smiled as he held the battered teen and he just wanted to keep the other away from all the bad things, even though it's impossible, but he was just glad to be there for the other.

It was surprising enough that he would find someone like Matthew to care about him, but not just that, he couldn't believe Matthew would save him. He just felt happy as he held the other back; he couldn't believe what he was missing out on.


After that incident, they seemed to be inseparable, Matthew always close to Sebastian, holding on to him tightly and wanting to protect him from any danger. He didn't know how Sebastian was taking care of himself since his dad was put to jail and he wondered if he was okay and safe. Already it's been a week and it was already time for prom, he begged his parents to unground him so he could go, and now he was there but was getting scared since he didn't see the raven, he missed him so much right now, he hoped the other was okay.

Sebastian took a while to get to the prom, but when he entered the gym it was almost an immediate silence following as people gasped at the very noticeable changes. With his father gone things had been tough, but hard work and a few helpful neighbors and Mike from the doughnut shop had helped him pay for the bills on his home and he even had Mike loan him his old suit to use at the prom. Having gotten the rest he needed and fed properly he looked very good despite all that's happened to him. His hair had been cut into a neat hairstyle and cleaned till it looked like silk. His skin color much healthier and his eyes not dull as much as before. He looked handsome to say the least. He was still a little thin and he had bandages on his ankle and his waist underneath the suit but with time all the injuries would heal and he would be in the best shape he's been in years. Though he didn't even care how he looked right now, because all he could see was Matthew by the bleachers and he gave bright smile that he would only give to him.

When the blonde saw him that smile came forward as he got off the seat and walked over to him and he said, "You look wonderful Sebastian." He said as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist gently and placed a kiss on the pink lips. He didn't care about anyone staring at them; he only cared about Sebastian, the other more important to him than anything else in the world.

Sebastian laughed slightly and kissed Matthew back, "Thank you and you look amazing also." He said sweetly. This made Matthew blush as he got a bit unnerved by all the stares and he said, "Let's go somewhere more quiet Sebastian, besides I want you all to myself." He said as he gave a small chuckle and held the other close as he rubbed his cheek against the raven's.

Sebastian just grinned at that and held Matthew tightly, "Well let's go then." He said as he walked the other outside the gym. Matthew smiled as he held Sebastian's hand till they reached the outdoors and he blushed and looked up at Sebastian, "I'm really glad that we got detention together Sebastian, because I don't think we would have been in this spot." He said as he moved closer to the other and laid his head on the broad shoulder, "I wouldn't know who you are and I would not have known how much I love you."

Sebastian looked at the other kindly as he kissed him once more, "I'm glad also, not only was I gifted with someone as kind as you… Someone as caring and loving, but you saved me Matthew, there is nothing more I could ask for, I love you~" He said holding the other closely. Inside he could hear the music starting and Matthew smiled as he whispered softly, "Some savior, I was kicked around." He joked as he held Sebastian and asked him, "Sebastian, can we dance together?"

"Always Matthew~" He said as he started moving to the faint music, his arms around the other happily.

Tonight was not the ending to anything, but just the beginning to a new life, they couldn't predict what will happen in the future, they don't know if they will be together still after all of this, but they can at least find comfort in the unknown because they're together right now.