Disclaimer- I wish I could claim the Vampire diaries, but I sadly cannot. I own nothing. D:

chapter 4- Elena's POV
Compel an original? Wait, Does that mean i can compel Elijah?
"No, my love, our bond prevents that." Elijah told me. I would never compel him anyways but I was glad I couldn't, that way we really were equals.
I noticed the sun was starting to set, and a new hunger arose inside of me. I new Caroline had always complained about it, but it hadn't been terribly bad until now. As Caroline had said, blood and sex are pretty much intertwined. And I was hungry, but for which one, I didn't know.
"I think it is time we start heading back." I said to Elijah but it looked as though he was off in wonderland, I decided to try and see what he was thinking about. I grabbed his hand and got a quick flash, but I could tell he was trying to hide it.
"No peeking, love. We can't have thoughts ruining surprises!" He exclaimed.
"How did you block that thought from me? And how did you know I was trying to see it? I can't tell when you see my thoughts." I asked, highly confused.
"Well, after being alive for so long, I have learned to efficiently multitask, watch peoples actions and body language while I am doing other things. But my love, that is not how I caught you. I could feel your curiosity among other emotions. It seems that we can feel each others emotions through the bond as well." I blushed at the feelings he must have felt from me.
"But how did you block me?'" I asked curiously. Man, one of these days my curiosity was going to get the best of me.
" I didn't block you in any way, I simply changed the thought. I got distracted when you grabbed my hand, I was not thinking about anything. And yes, my love, you are very curious but that is one of the many traits I adore about you." He told me as I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks once more. I grabbed his hand and in a flash we were at the car. I could really get used to this vampire speed. It was exhilarating!
"Elena, you could have waited for me to run too, instead of dragging me half the way." He chuckled. Oops. I hadn't realized I had pulled him. I couldn't help myself. Stopping had been a little easier than I expected, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to ruin his expensive car. I could hear him silently laughing by my side as we started to drive back home. Our home.
"I was thinking we could start your training tomorrow. You need to be able to fight, compel, and control. If we are going back to Mystic Falls in a couple of weeks, we will need to be ready." I saddened at the thought of having to return, but it was only to say goodbye. I really did miss my friends and Jeremy, but I needed this. As we pulled into the driveway, I noticed the outside of the manor looked even more magnificent at sunset. I stepped out of the car, Elijah's hand in mine. I was staring at the sunset over the line of trees, thinking about how beautiful it was. I felt Elijah's hand snaking around my waist as he looked into the sunset as well.
"Elijah, do you think our lives will ever be simple? Will we ever be able to just sit together and enjoy the sunset without worrying about fighting?" I asked sincerely.
"My sweet Elena, I would love to think that one day that will be possible. However, what would life be with nothing to fight for. It has been this way since the dawn of time. Kill or be killed. It is the way of life. I have seen it in many different ways over the centuries, but the basic principle is still the same. I know that for as long as I am here on this earth, I will have something to fight for." He responded.
"And what would that be?" I asked, a slight chuckle in my tone.
"That would be you, my love. For a thousand years, I have fought for my family, even after being betrayed by them. You are now the most important part of my family and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, well, and happy." It made me smile brightly at every word he said.
"And for right now, we will have our moment of peace. Neither of us will think about fighting or training until tomorrow. It is just us together. Come with me." He continued as he tugged at my hands leading me inside.
All the lights in the house were off, and as soon as we stepped inside and closed the french doors, Elijah was out of sight. He must have ran with vamp speed.
"Elena" I heard from a door down the first hallway. I ran at vamp speed to the sound, it only took me part of a second to get there, but he was already gone.
"Elena" I heard again, this time from upstairs. I ran again, and he was gone. I couldn't believe that THE Elijah Mikaelson, master of all seriousness was playing a game with me. He was even laughing in his thoughts! A second later and I heard his voice but before he could say my name I was there, and yet, he was still gone. I looked down and realized I was standing on something. I leaned down and picked something up. I could tell immediately by the smell that it must have been Elijah's suit jacket.
"Elena" I heard from down the hall, I ran. In a split second I was whirled around and pushed up against the wall. This must be what he was thinking about in the park.
"I've been waiting for this for a very long time, my love." He said as he kissed me passionately, moving around the entire manor at vampire speed. He was so strong, yet so gentle at the same time. I was sure we were breaking things. I could feel the hunger inside me, begging to be satisfied.
"Let go, Elena" He whispered huskily in my ear. I couldn't resist myself any longer. I could feel the dark veins growing under my eyes, my fangs resting against my lips. He pushed me up against the door of an unknown room and I lost control. I sunk my teeth into his neck. It was even more amazing this time. Before I could even swallow any of his precious blood, his fangs were in my neck as well. It was the most intoxicating thing in the world.
It was very intimate. I could feel my clothing being shredded as we somehow made our way to the flat rooftop. I, in turn, did the same thing. For a second I felt bad about his suit, but the thought quickly vanished as we fell to the ground entranced by the passion and lust surrounding us.
Covered in each others blood, feathers (from where, I don't know) and our clothing now laying in shredded pieces around the manor, I knew the feeling was equally mutual. As he licked some of the blood off of my neck, I grabbed him and we landed on the soft vines covering the roof.
"Elijah, please." I couldn't wait any longer. I could feel him kissing and nipping his way up to my ear, making me writhe in pleasure underneath him. I wanted him so badly.
"I love you, Elena." He said as he finally pushed all of himself inside me. I felt complete.
As we made love in every way possible, I knew this was what he was planning. It was perfect in every way. He was still the gentle loving Elijah, but this was a new side of him I hadn't seen before. It was entrancing. The low animalistic groans coming from deep inside him made me go wild. He wasn't treating me as if I were breakable and I loved that. We had both let ourselves go for the first time in a long time and it was amazing. It hadn't been what I was expecting and it was everything that I had dreamed of. He was full of surprises and I was loving it.
It was almost dawn when we finally laid in our bed to rest. Still without clothing, wrapped in each others arms it was the most at peace I had ever felt.
"I love you so much, Elijah. You have just given me the best day and night of my life. Thank you." I told him, the truth pouring straight out of my heart.
"My Elena, It was officially the best day and night of my entire existence. I have never felt so alive in my thousand years. You make me feel human again, and I could never thank you enough. I love you more than the world, my wife." He held me close and I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, and that was how we fell asleep, entangled with each other.