Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke and any characters associated with it, nor do I make any money from the writing/publishing of this fanfic.

This is an AU/AR fanfic :)

Warning: Yayy! BoyxBoy love! If you can't take boy to boy love, or are underage to read this fic, please click the back button now, yarh? XD (Just in case you thought this was some fairytale involving a girl and a guy xD)

And, just to set things straight, this chapter was inspired into being published by BlackSoulfire. LOL BlackSoulfire actually PM-ed me and urged me to update lol XD Haha, credits to him/her! Love you lots, and thanks for the support! ;) XOXO

And, yayy! Most of the reviewers wanted Kuroko to be caught by Akashi-kun :'D And I've also merged the story ;D Kuroko will still meet the new character even if Akashi catches him ;D

Let the challenges begin.

The bluenette didn't know where he was running to. All he knew was that he had to get out of here. The redhead was so kind to him, and he couldn't bear dragging the older man into his twisted world.

Left or right? One room was dark, while the other was bright. Deciding against entering a dark foreign room, the bluenette ran into the room of bright light. He didn't even give his eyes a chance to adjust properly as he just rushed to another doorway.

The room was long, and it seemed never ending to the clear blue eyes.

After a few seconds, the bluenette finally noticed that the room was full of bread. Blue eyes widened dramatically.

No matter. His goal now was to get as far away as possible from the redhead who saved him. He felt slightly guilty that he can't even thank the redhead, but what has to be done has to be done. He has to do it for the handsome redhead's safety.

The bluenette's body had begun to slow down. He was never an athletic kid, and it didn't really change much during the years.

He was so out of it that he didn't notice a blonde bent over in front of him.

"Huh? Who are- Ooof!"

Worlds went tumbling and rolling as the bluenette slammed into the larger body.

Air was forced out of lungs as the bluenette's back hit something solid. Unfocused blue eyes slid close, witnessing stars bursting with bright light accompanying the impact.

He could feel pain slicing up his head. Opening his eyes, the teen saw blurry images. Everything was just a blob of color. His skull felt like something had just slammed upon it. There was a rising urge in his stomach. He felt breathless, and the world swirled around him. That was when he saw something spinning right in front of his face. It looked vaguely like a hand.

No matter. The bluenette forced himself up on his legs, his whole world swimming wildly in front of his eyes. He started walking towards the grand arch, hoping that it would lead to the exit.

Halfway across the room, the bluenette vaguely heard something like someone calling out to him.

"Excuse me! Are you okay?" The blonde asked, jogging after the bluenette.

A large hand found its way to the bluenette's shoulders, before the teen was stopped in his tracks.

Making the bluenette face him, the blonde was shocked. The teal blue eyes were unfocused and dilated. A bump was slightly visible on the head of blue hair. The blonde started shaking the bluenette, trying to bring him back to Earth.

It was no use. The blue eyes remained unfocused, and the red in the whites were spreading.

"A-Akashicchi!" The blonde shouted, still supporting the bluenette's shoulders.

Blue eyes were slowly sliding shut. The bluenette felt his strength slipping away, and he leaned into the strong hold of the blonde.

Heterochromatic eyes widened at the sight of the blonde hunched over the body of the teen.

"Ryouta?" The redhead questioned, already on the move to pick up Kuroko.

"H-Huh? A-Akashicchi! He passed out! I was bending over and he slammed into me and then we fell and then I felt pain but it wasn't really that overwhelming and then I stood up and the world was spinning and-"

"Ryouta. Calm down and speak properly." The redhead commanded; bluenette in arms, before turning around, making his robes swish around him.

That's right. Robes. The redhead was supposed to attend a posh party today, only reserved for ten men from all around the world. It was supposed to be held in a secluded island where only authorized transport would be let through.

And that was because?

Because they are the top ten richest men in the world. Every single one holds great power over their own field of expertise, making sure the economy around the globe ran smoothly. They aren't politicians. Oh, they *are not*politicians. They're even more important than the politicians. They were the bosses behind-the-scenes. The big bosses. The kings. Supreme rulers. Emperors.

That was what they were. And the redhead was the youngest of them all, the youngest to ever be listed as a member in the group of the elites of the elites of the elites of the elites among the elites. The best ever. People who produced electricity; people of extreme importance. The investors of the Empire State Building. The ones who make the important choices. The ones whom everyone else has to take orders from.

In short, they were very powerful men.

And that was what made Seijuurou Akashi special. Not to mention the natural good looks and charm.

The redhead was walking quickly, not bothering to wait for the blonde to catch up to him. To him, the most important thing now was the unconscious bluenette in his arms.

The blonde quickened his pace when the redhead made no move to slow down.

"Akashicchi, he has… red spots in the whites of his eyes.." The blonde mumbled.

Mismatched eyes widened and legs stopped working. The redhead stopped in his tracks, stunned. Did… Did Ryouta just say that?

"What did you say, Ryouta?" The redhead asked, just to be sure that he didn't hear wrongly.

"He… umm… has red spots in the whites of his eyes.." The blonde said timidly, squirming under the intense glare of the older man.

"Ryouta..." The redhead stared at him with yandere eyes, while smiling sadistically.

The blonde flinched.

Is the bluenette someone important to his brother? Oh, dear..

The blonde wondered what his stepbrother would do. Whatever, he was dead anyway. So, the blonde just squeezed his eyes shut, before forcing out a laugh and saying, "Uhm.. Why don't we call a doctor to come up here?"

"Hn." The redhead said, his voice getting softer as he walked into the living room.

The blonde understood that his stepbrother was ordering him to call the doctor. At least the redhead was still letting him stay in his penthouse and not kicking him out. It was still a good sign, right?

Laying down the bluenette on the sofa, the redhead's eyes narrowed. His heart was racing like a jackhammer. He knew that he was silently praying for the bluenette to be alright, and he wanted reassurance. Him. Akashi Seijuurou. Reassurance.

He released a breath of relief. The bluenette was fine. Just a minor concussion. Everything was still fine. The redhead found his heart still beating wildly, and he forced himself to calm down. During the whole episode, the redhead had completely missed out on Matsu's presence. He didn't even realize that Matsu was next to him all along.

The blonde watched his stepbrother looking at the bluenette.

'I wonder who's that guy? It's not like Akashicchi to be this concerned about someone else..'

"Oh... waking up..."

The bluenette awoke to bright light searing his eyes and a face that was close to his. Too close for comfort.

"Are you fine? Sorry! Uwaahhh! I didn't mean to make you fall! I didn't see you coming-ssu!"

Without warning, the same face started screaming right in front of his own face. His groggy mind was immediately pulled from the high of a good rest to the pounding world of an incoming headache.

"Ryouta, stop shouting in front of his face." The bluenette heard another voice interjecting.

Blue eyes widened slightly when the bluenette recognized the voice as the handsome redhead's.

The blonde stopped and closed his mouth immediately after hearing Akashi's voice. After receiving a pointed look, the blonde got the message.

"Hm? Akashicchi? Anything you want me to do?" The blonde asked.

"Yes, go make sure Matsu's not having a nightmare."

"Huh? But I want to get to know-"

He stopped in the middle of his statement when he felt cold eyes on his face.

"O-Okay, I'll go now."

With that, the blonde practically ran out.

During the whole session, the bluenette managed to make himself sit up, and he leaned against the pillow, closing his eyes. He felt extremely exhausted just moving his body a little. Running away can proceed when he regained his strength again. It wasn't as if he didn't appreciate what the man did to him, but he didn't want to get the man involved in his twisted little world.

"You're awake, Kuroko."

Blue eyes snapped open.


There was uncomfortable silence.

Until one of them decided to break it.

"Why did you run away?" The redhead asked, sitting on the bed, an arm's distance away, facing Kuroko. The bluenette couldn't interpret what the look in the older man's eyes meant, but it was unlike any look he'd gotten so far. He'd always gotten looks of disgust, loathing, and some even hatred. But he had never gotten a look like this before.

The redhead swallowed. Those captivating eyes were trained on him again. They were making him slowly lose his mind.

Then the spell was broken. The blue eyes looked away, and the redhead found himself wanting them to be solely focused on him again. With a slender hand, the redhead reached out and took the bluenette's chin, gently turning it so the pale face was turned to him.

He leaned in close, and Kuroko was shocked. Those heterochromatic eyes were trained on him, and it was as if every secret of his was being bared open for the redhead to see. The bluenette suppressed an involuntary shiver. Those eyes were entrancing him. They made him feel so... cared for. And the hand on his chin was so soft and gentle. He felt his heartbeat going quicker, and for the first time in his life, he felt utterly and completely safe from danger.

The redhead looked deep into the blue eyes. The Alice blue eyes were like pools of deep and dangerous water. Like they had witnessed too much; hatred, torture, sadness, pain, and even grief. It somehow hurt him. Those eyes that were obviously younger than his, and yet they hold so much meaning and experience. He wanted desperately to wipe the sadness away from those eyes, and fill them with happiness and bliss. He wanted to hold the teen in his arms, talk to him, comfort him, and then make him cry. Make him lose control. Then he would break him. Break his mind, soul and body, only to reconstruct him again. Make him the happiest person to ever live. Make sure that no sadness will ever taint the beautiful blue again. Make sure that no one who tainted him would be allowed to live. Make sure that they would be together forever.

But it was impossible. He knew it was impossible. Maybe sometime in the future, it won't be impossible anymore. And when the time comes, he'll cherish it, and make the bluenette his.

"Why are you…"

He caressed the smooth cheek.

"Making me feel all these emotions?"

A/N: OMG XD I'm currently fangirling over Akashi now XD Seriously, he was shooooo hawt in the OVA :'D

But nevermind :D I had to end it here, cuz, well... I kinda wrote too much for this chapter LOL XD

Extra A/N: Oh yeah, I'm kinda in a pinch now, and my arm's not really feeling that comfortable, so I've wanted to ask, would you all prefer an update every week with shorter chapters, or maybe like,every two/ three weeks with longer chapters? :o Right now I'm kinda updating at the speed of a turtle lol xD

The review corner!


Esperanz- Aww, thanks for not flaming :) Nyaha, I know right, so many characters with names that start with 'K' XD Any thoughts on this chap? :)

Kat nee-san- Well... xD The original idea was for Kuroko to meet Midorima if he managed to get out but... You'll see what's gonna happen later XD

Another observer of the world- AWWW OMG! Thank you sweetie! Hugs and Kisses,yarh? XD And, thanks so much for the idea ;D Loved it ;D

Namidacchi- How was this chap? Not too boring I hope? Oh, and as for Forbidden Love, you shall receive the new chap tomorrow :D Muahaha.

Animeangel98- ;D Nyaan, well... I'll explain more in the future chaps ;) So how was this chap? Not too bland? :O

R3iga1004- Thank you for supporting me all this while! :) Cookies plus hugs and kisses! :) Any thoughts on this chap?

N- MUAHAHAHA Maybe XD (LOL So sadistic of me XD) Anyway, thank you for reviewing! :DD

KuroMickey- Aww, of course the main pairing won't change :) Thank you for your idea :'D It has inspired me! (LOL XD) Thanks for reviewing :)

Meww- LOL XD I LOVE your review! LOL Especially the 'Scissor-Ninja' part XD It's okay, AkaKuro FTW! Tq for reviewing :)

DenODen- S'Okay! There's gonna be AoKi anyway! :DD *Omg I just leaked information xD But s'okay, whatever it takes for the readers to be happy xD

Wasabi Cake- OMG I totally agree with you, AkaKuro all the way! High five! XD

BlackSoulfire- XD Aww, luv ya 3 Thank youuu~ You have inspired chapter three of this story :'D (Any thoughts on this chap? :))

No Dang Name is Available- Lol nice name! XD I shall copy you someday XD I know right, the OVA had me begging for more, and it was awesome :'D

And also special thanks to AnyaThorne, FangXavier, Silentsakura, ChasingClouds, Ethereal Whisper and Animefan106 for voting! Even Guest! But I'm kinda guilty that you don't understand T_T

I LOVE ALL OF YOU! I REALLY DO :'D (Lol omg I wrote so much in response to the reviewers :o)