Hey everyone!

I know the last chapter was rather short and not much more than an appetizer so I hope you will like this one!

It's a little more romantic than the last one. One of Castle's fantasies comes true in a quite special way.

- Sorry, I obviously mistook the word "bow" with something like the word "bending" because in German there is only one word ('bow') no matter if you bend your knees or any other part of your body. Of course doing a plié does mean "bending the knees", not "taking a bow". I don't think there is an English word for it as there is non in German, either. -

I know sometimes my grammar and choice of word might not be perfect but I am doing my best. So I would honestly appreciate feedback about the content and not the language used.


It was late when Kate opened the door to the police gym. The hall was empty except for a man in loose sweatpants and a gray shirt showing two crows sitting on a park bench with the title "attempted murder". She assumed that he would be her trainer because she had never seen him here before.

Obviously he had been waiting for her as he quickly came over to her while she placed her bag next to the door.

"You must be Kate Beckett, I assume? Nice to meet you, I am Rick Castle. I will be your trainer." He shook her hand and she noticed how she got a little nervous about what would happen.

"Have you ever danced ballet before?" He smiled at her friendly even as she shook her head.

"No, I have never been a double for a dancing scene before. I usually do stunts like jumping off things, you know."

Oh, how terrible that sounded! She wasn't a brainless stunt-dummy who would fall or jump off anything it was placed on!

"I meant to say, I am very interested in learning this. It sounds like a refreshing variety to the fighting I usually do." His smile assured her and he led her to the middle of the hall.

"Well, that sounds like you can do both keep your balance and concentrate on a choreography. But I'll warn you, ballet is not even a bit painless than fighting." He chuckled warmly.

She nodded, understanding he was only half joking.

"Alright then, let's start with a warm up both for body and brain. I'll show you the five basic positions and their semi pliés. We will also try to add the arms but for now it's not necessary for you to remember them. Legs will be fine so far. Just mirror what I do, okay? We start with first position, arms bras bas." He stood upright with his legs closed and feet pointing outwards to the sides at almost 180 degrees. She tried to do the same but only managed her feet at about 120 degrees until she almost lost balance.

"Alright, that's fine so far, remember your back and abdominal muscles, they will help you stand. Now take your shoulders down. Okay." He kept his hands in front of his thighs, middle fingers pointing at each other, arms tense but not fully straightened.

By lifting his hands up to the height of his ribcage he switched to first arm-position and she followed his directions. With her back and abdominals tense and her shoulders down she felt how her body stabilized itself through the movement. She smiled as she saw both their reflections in the mirror on the back wall. He looked almost majestic just standing like this, with the way his back was so straightened and the relaxed expression in his face.

"Alright, now we switch to second position by just moving the right foot to the side." She did as told, again feeling how her muscles reacted to her movement to keep her straight. She started sweating. Wow, she never thought just standing this way would be so arduous.

"Now open your arms, Kate. Is it okay if I call you Kate? I'm so used to that because we only use first names in sports."

"Sure, yeah. No problem. Uhm, are the arms right this way?"

Her reflection looked a little like a scarecrow in tight sweatpants. Obviously she was not doing this right. He smiled and took her hand, turning the wrist inward a little bit, then he pushed her arm crook down a few inches, causing her elbow to relax.

"Yes, just like this. Always keep the joints relaxed, the muscles do the work." He was still smiling this assuring smile and put a finger on her shoulder, slowly letting it wander down her arm to her hand. "Always imagine a raindrop rolling over your arm. You want it to smooth down over it until it reaches your fingertips." His gentle touch left a tingle on her skin and she slightly shuddered. But he didn't seem to notice but took his position again, going on with the lesson.

"Now third position. Pull your foot back in until it is halfway in front of the other one. This one is quite easy, but you want to keep your bum tense so you don't harm your knees, okay? The left arm stays, the right arm goes back to first. Well done. Fourth, push the right foot forward about a foot's length. Right. Check your hip. Look, there are four points in your body."

He came over and placed his fingertips on her left collarbone, "one", the right collarbone, "two" and both of her hip bones with both hands, "three and four. And you want to keep them all facing the same direction." He angled her hip until it was straight again, leaving burning hot marks on her. God, what was it about this man? Although his touch was professional and appropriate as he corrected her it was breath-taking. She felt more than happy when he now looked at her, obviously being content with her.

We did it right!, her inner voice sung and inside her satisfaction started a campfire behind her belly.

"Now lift your arm over your head. Right, well done Kate. This is fourth. Now fifth, just bring your foot back to the left one but this time they have to be almost fully-crossed. I may only see the toes of the left foot. Right. Great. And bring the left arm up, too. Yes. Look at you, you are quite talented."

She looked at her reflection and saw her face was already slightly blushed, but her body looked somewhat elegant. She blushed some more and smiled.

"Thank you, Rick. This is really interesting. I didn't expect these smooth movements to be so hard." He chuckled and nodded understanding. The sound was one of the most intense things she ever heard and she felt her heart rate increase rapidly.

"I know, that is the reason why many people are afraid of learning ballet. Smooth movement is way harder to control than simply pushing a muscle or a joint to a limit. I wish I could teach you more than just this short crash course for that movie they do. What was the name of it again?"

"It's called 'Heat Wave'. It's about a female police detective and a writer. Obviously there will be one scene where the writer hallucinates about the detective dancing ballet when she is actually just walking down a hall. Hey, don't blame me - I didn't write the book", she laughed when he grinned. "Oh, I don't judge as long as they manage to include a dancing scene. And I mean: look, isn't it quite romantic for a guy to see a woman like that? He must be falling for her. But however, let's give that man something to watch. We can't warm up by standing here chatting. Just one-to-five, no arms. Let's go."

Together they started repeating the positions both with the left and the right foot. After a couple of minutes she felt sweat pearls on her forehead and didn't know if they resulted from the exercise or her efforts to fight the urge of looking at him, seeing how elegantly his body moved without ever struggling with balance ore strength. He noticed her watching his reflection and stopped.

"Are you concentrated, Kate? Please repeat once more, I'll check." He watched her, muscles tense and her body moving smoother than a few minutes earlier.

Wow, she was stunning. He was so often around these skinny and often silly, though professional ballerinas he usually worked with. Perfect bodies all around him but he had never felt attracted to a woman dancing in one of his classes. They were work objects, not females. Except this one. Maybe it was because of her face, that sweet smile she gave when he commended her, maybe because of her body, not so skinny but with female curves and oh God, definitely not what he had expected when they told him she was a stunt-woman.

He caught himself smiling at her when she suddenly stopped. "Was something wrong?" She asked.

"No, no, it was perfect. Sorry, I was thinking about the choreography. Come on, let's do the pliés to warm up your tendons and then we'll start dancing."

He showed her how to do a semi plié, just bending the knees as far as possible without the heels leaving the ground.

"Alright. So, you want to have your knees point outwards just as far as your feet. Wait, the left one doesn't match." He took her left knee and directed it an inch further outwards. She almost lost balance because her whole system seemed to concentrate on his touch but managed to stay upright.

They repeated the motion in the second position.

"Oh, wait a second. I'll show you." He turned her by her shoulders so she could see her side in the mirror. It looked funny as her butt was stretched backwards.

"See the little duck in the mirror?" He grinned but remained friendly. "We don't want ducks, so..."

He came up next to her and put one hand on her lower back, one on her navel. At the feeling of his touch he stopped talking. Time seemed to stand still. He felt her muscles tense under his hands, felt the warmth of her body close to him and looked into her reflection's eyes.

She starred back at him through the mirror, shocked by the sensation of feeling his warm hands on her. Breathless they watched how he corrected her standing with gentel pressure of his hands. Even when her lower back was upright he couldn't manage to take his hands off her for a moment. Unconsciously she lifted one hand and placed it on the hand covering her stomach. The warmth of his body surrounded her and she didn't want this moment to stop, ever.

She felt pressure build between her legs and turned to face him, breathing heavier with arousal. His face was so close to hers, his breath was caressing her shoulder and his eyes seemed to stare somewhere deep into her. But she didn't look into his eyes but dropped her gaze to his mouth, to smooth lips, closed and – suddenly she felt a different kind of warmth between her legs. She was getting wet. Oh God, she hoped he wouldn't notice.

She took a quick step away from him, feeling his hands glide off her and saw his eyes widen with surprise before she turned away, catching her breath.

"Shouldn't we keep going?" Her voice was a pitch too high to sound completely professional.

He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the feelings she had awoken in him.

"Yeah, sure. So let's start with the choreography. It's not too hard to learn but we will see." He quickly backed up to his sports bag and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Alright, you start with third position. Right. Now lift up on your tiptoes and back down to a plié. Okay. Do that again please. Your arms start at first position and while moving up and down again, you lift them to fifth through the left side and to first again through the right side. So they basically do a circle in front of you." He talked a bit louder and faster than he had before as if he hoped the sound of his voice could make the awkward memory vanish.

"Then you push the right leg forward to fourth with legs still bowed. Right, put your weight on the right side and as you straighten the right leg lift the left one. Like this." With an elegant movement he lifted his leg back- and upwards to a 45 degree angle. She did the same. "Okay, make sure both your knees and the left foot are fully stretched. Wow, okay."

As she was a sports woman she lifted her leg up to a 90 degree angle with ease. The look of her delicate leg made his breathing stop again. He carefully took her ankle, holding the leg up and putting his thumb on the back of her knee, feeling her automatically stretch her leg a little more as she pressed back into his touch. In this moment she lost balance and would have tumbled down because he was still holding her foot up in the air but he had expected that and quickly moved his arm under her upper body letting her leg go so she just fell a few inches and landed safely in his arms. Her lips were slightly parted with surprise and she looked up to him with those big brown eyes. Something in his mind snapped. "Oh, screw it", he murmured. Still holding her he bowed his head and pressed a kiss on her lips.

Shocked by his sudden attack she struggled free, grabbing his head and pushing it away from hers.

He looked devastated. "I'm sorry, I...I don't do this, I..."

"Neither do I", she whispered and pulled him back in for another kiss, grabbing his hair and parting her lips, a sweet invitation he gladly accepted. When their tongues found one another and he tasted her for the first time his mind filled with the sweetest music he could imagine to dance to. He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer and relishing in the feeling of her close to him.

His hands wandered over her curves, following the lines of her spine down to her firm bum which tensed when his fingers spread over her buttocks. He went further, caressing those long, slender legs under the tight pants while his tongue slowly danced with hers. She playfully bit his upper lip when his hands wandered upwards again. She was still fingering his full hair and pressed her hips against him when she felt his arousal build on her hipbone.

Flames seemed to lick on her skin wherever his fingers wandered. When she pulled back from the kiss and put her fingers on his chest she could see those flames in his eyes. She felt the urge to touch him, to feel his skin beneath her hands, roaming his arms wouldn't be enough so she grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head. He helped her get rid of it and attentively watched her putting her hands on him for the first time. She could feel his heartbeat and watched open-mouthed how his abdominal reacted when she brushed over his stomach. She put her hands on his chest again flipping his nipples with her thumbs, making him groan before pressing kisses on the slightly hairy skin.

When her hands wandered down to the hem of his pants he grabbed her wrists ad stopped her, causing her to look up at him.

"Kate, are you... Are you sure you want this? I don't want you to remember me as the trainer who seduced you right in the sports hall. I usually don't sleep with clients, you must know that."

But she didn't even have to think about that.

"I don't sleep with my trainers, either. But I would like to sleep with you. Maybe I've never fallen for any kind of sports yet, but I fell for yours."

He grinned happily, hoping he didn't look like an idiot but she wouldn't see that anyway because she had gone back to kissing, licking and biting his chest, nibbling on his collar. "One", she whispered and turned to the other collarbone. "Two."

She looked back to him while her hands were slowly pushing his pants and sports slip down to his knees, her fingernails lightly scratching his muscular legs on their way back up. She bowed down in a grand plié, pressing a kiss to his right hipbone, "Three", and his left one, "four".

Then she got back up, not without touching his fully engorged cock with her fingertips. "Four points", he whispered and pushed the straps of her bra and top off her shoulders with his thumbs, pressing kisses on her collarbones while stepping out of his pants. Together they freed her from her bra and top and he looked at her, astonished, before following the lines of her sides down to her hipbones, caressing them with his thumbs. Then he pulled her in for another kiss, pushing her upper body against his, skin on skin, her nipples hardening from the sensation of his chest hair around them.

His kiss was more passionate this time, still slowly but his tongue now explored her mouth and his teeth grazed her lips while his hands were on her body again, setting her skin aflame inch by inch. Her arms hung loose on her sides until the desire in her became overwhelming. She took his hands into hers and led him to a small pile of mats, laying down on the soft yet cool material, pulling him down on her. He laid down next to her, supporting himself with his elbow, letting his fingers glide over her body with featherlight touches.

"You know, I kind of expected a rather manly type of woman when they told me you were a stunt double", he whispered before he pressed kisses on the skin around her belly button, his hand lying on her ribcage feeling her little chuckle. "You know, I expected a skinny gay ballet dancer with tights and a pearl earring", she whispered back before moaning deeply when his tongue dipped into her belly button, making her shudder with lust.

With slow movements he started to push down her pants and panties, groaning when he felt they were drenched at the crotch.

When he reached her feet he massaged them for a moment, pressing kisses on her thighs. Her moans added to his arousal. He kissed his way up her body avoiding to touch the center of her lust, but he couldn't keep himself from looking at it and inhaling the female scent of her glistening folds. His cock pulsed hot between them and his nerves tingled when she pulled his head up to her and kissed him again, deeply and demanding this time, her hands roaming his ass pulling his body closer to hers but he decided to torture her a little more, pulling back from the kiss and nibbling on her nipples while his hand slowly stroked it's way up her thigh and to her neatly trimmed curls, caressing the small triangle but without touching her lower lips.

His mouth send sparks through her system and his hand added to that sensation but she wanted more. "Rick", she breathed when she couldn't stand it anymore. He chuckled. "Want me to show you how not gay I am?"

She laughed but then gave a little scream when his finger suddenly brushed over her clit to her entrance, tickling the twitching muscles of her opening. "Yeah", was all she managed to breath out.

He placed a tender kiss on her lips and settled in between her legs, positioning himself. Slowly he pushed his tip into her, watching her eyes widen at the sensation. She grabbed his arms and held tight when he pushed further into her, inch by inch, holding his breath. He moved so slowly she could feel every pulsing vein of his cock entering her. Her eyes rolled back into her head when he was fully inside her and she moaned loudly. He pulled out again almost completely before pushing back in, setting a slow rhythm driving himself crazy within seconds. Her sheath was so hot around him and the little yelps she gave when he brushed over her cervix with his tip pulled him close to Nirvana.

He pushed into her again and again, her moans getting louder and he sped up, whispering her name before he kissed her. They stared into each others eyes and she held onto him, matching his pace with her hips.

His thrusts got harder and their hips crushed together, his balls slapping her ass every time he drove into her. He grabbed her butt and angled her hip, letting him slide even deeper inside her, almost slamming into her now.

He couldn't think anymore, he just did what his body demanded, his thumbs brushed over her breasts which were jiggling with every impact his cock made.

His gaze was locked onto hers and he couldn't hear anything but her screams which got louder with every forceful thrust.

He felt heat rushing up and down his spine and his ball tightened. He gave a few more hard thrusts until light exploded in his head and he came inside her, shaking from the force of his orgasm.

The feeling of his hot semen spurting inside her pierced her body and she came with a scream, every muscle in her body convulsing around the hard cock inside her depths, she arched her back into the hands on her breasts, starring into his eyes until the waves subsided and he collapsed next to her.

His arm and leg were still around her and pulled her close even before she could breath again and he pressed a kiss to her temple, holding her to him. They stared at the utterly unromantic fluorescent lamp at the ceiling and had to grin like idiots.

She weaved their fingers together and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"So, Ballet, huh?", she whispered. He kissed her scalp.

"That's one of my little secrets. When I was sixteen I thought ballet class would be a good way to meet girls, you know. But I quit because I learned they were either shallow or mean. That's why Kate isn't a ballerina in my fantasy." He stroked her arm with his thumb, pulling her closer because the air was getting cold around them.

"So your fantasy is to be a ballet trainer who seduces a client?"

"No, my actual fantasy was to seduce Kate Beckett in a gym. I just considered ballet as more erotic than sparring, you know. Don't tell me you don't like the thought of sleeping with a male non-gay ballet dancer." They laughed.

"You know what? You could actually use that for the novel, Castle. That would be a fun twist."

"Sex in the gym?" He was stunned. "You would let me write that?"

She placed a kiss on his chest and grinned at him.

"No, not that. Make Rook hit his head and hallucinate. That would fit that guy."