hi everyone! I thought I should go and kinda give a little insight of what's happening to Julian. This is between the time he gets to the cabin and Erika meets Dominic Enjoy

The night before.

Julian was riding through the woods. He was looking for any sign of the princess or Preminger. Earlier he had picked up a needle from on of the tree in the western forest. Here he was and he was nothing. His horse whinnied and somewhere in the distance another answered.

"Let's go boy." He whispered. They moved forward and then in a clearing was a small cottage with boarded up windows.. In front was a tall black horse, and a old draft horse hooked to a wagon. There was shouting coming from the cabin. Julian very quietly and quickly sneaked to the side of the cabin.

"I know how the princess escaped you fools." Preminger was talking to two identical looking men, except one had brown hair and the other had blonde. Julian looked closer was the blonde wearing makeup?

"So Annaliese had been here. But where is she now?" Julian thought. He stayed hoping they would say something that would tell him where she was.

"But why didn't she tell the queen she had been captured." Julian watched as Preminger paced back and forth. "I'll have to solve this princess-puzzle if I am to become king."

"King? Preminger?" Julian wondered as he leaned on one of the boards covering the window. The board fell making and awful racket. Julian backed away from the window hoping that no one would come. He heard the front door open and Preminger came from around the side.

"Looking for something, Julian?" HE smirked

"How would you be king?" Julian asked, then the next thing he knew something was thrown over his head.

"You're the tutor. You figure it out." He heard Preminger say before he knew nothing more.

His head was throbbing when he woke up He looked around. Where was he? He tried to move but he was tied to something. It was too dark to figure it out. He tried to loosen the ropes that held him, but they wouldn't budge. He heard footsteps coming then a door opened and in walked Preminger and his two cohorts, both holding lanterns.

"I want to know how you found the princess." Preminger demanded.

"What do you mean?" Julian snarled.

"You found Princess Annaliese yesterday, remember? I want to know where you found her." Preminger crossed his arms and glared at Julian.

"I found her wandering through the town. Then I took her home." Julian explained.

"Hmm…" Preminger walked back and forth, the blonde guy followed his every move. Julian glanced around and then recognized where he was. He was in the Royal Mine.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"It was the only place to bring you where you wouldn't escape." The blonde said with a stupid laugh.

"Shut up, Nick!" The brown said as he punced the other guy.


"Julian, I will be back soon." Preminger said as he left the room. "I'll have the princess one way or another."

"Bye bye." Nick said as they left the room.

"Great." Julian huffed. He had to get out of there and help Erika. He worked the ropes till the bit into his wrists. His legs had long sense fallen asleep. He had to live. He had to.

Nick and Nack, as he discovered who the other guy was, brought him a little water once in a while. But it was barely enough to give him the strength he needed to try to escape. Nick came through the door and Nack was right behind him.

"Can I ask you guys someing?"

"Yes" Nick said

"No." Nack said at the same time.

"What time is it?"

"Um… about 10 in the morning." Nick replied.

"Thank you." Julian sipped from the small cup Nick held in front of him. Then they left.

"I hope things work out for Erika." He leaned against the pole he was tied to. "I'm sorry I'm not there." Then he thought of Nat. "Please keep her safe. Please."