(A/N Ruin Chapter one! Enjoy guys! Oh and OC's won't show up until a little later.)

Tony sat in the armory fixing up Pepper's armor. It didn't need to be fixed; he just wanted to make it with better defenses. Pepper walked in and cocked her head to the side "Watcha doing?" she asked looking over Tony's shoulder. The young genius looked at her and smiled "Just upgrading your defenses. And thinking about why it's so quiet around New York lately." He said simply. Pepper nodded and wrapped her arms around him in a hug; Tony grinned and hugged her back "Worry wart." She whispered.

Tony shrugged and turned to face her. "What do you know…we're alone…" he said standing up, Pepper bit her lip and smiled. "Ya…I guess we are." She said wrapping her arms around his neck; Tony wrapped his own arms around Pepper's waist and pulled her close. They were inches apart when the armory door hissed open. Tony groaned and sat back down in his chair, Howard walked in holding a few files. Pepper sat down at the computer and begun her reports for SHEILD they were now forced to write. Howard looked up and saw Tony agitated "Something wrong son?" he asked frowning.

Tony sighed and shook his head. "No everything is fine." He said sarcastically. Howard just shrugged and continued his work; Pepper gave Tony a sideways glance and mouths "meet me in our spot." Tony smiled and nodded. The redhead got up and left the armory with a simple "Bye guys!" Howard looked up at Tony "You know…she seems like a very nice girl. She's a keeper Tony…Why don't you ask her out?" he asked and Tony's head hit his work table with a thud.


Pepper stood on the school's roof and stared off into space. Tony walked onto the roof and smiled at what was before him. Her hair blew in the breeze and her eyes were distant, "Pep…" he said quietly and the redhead turned "hey Tony…" she said with a small smile. Tony walked forward and shortened the space between them. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her like he should have that afternoon, "Love you." he whispered when he pulled back. Pepper smiled "Love you too." She whispered resting her forehead against his.

Tony's phone rang and he groaned. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it; His eyes widened and put his phone to his ear. "Rhodey! Get to the armory! My theory is right!" he shouted and hung up.

He grabbed Pepper's hand and dragged her off of the roof. "Tony! What's going on?!" Pepper asked worriedly. "The entire time they were planning something!"Tony shouted angrily. Pepper stopped and pulled Tony back to face her "Who? What's going on?" she asked calmly. Tony took a breath "Everyone we have ever faced. They're working to together…" he said closing his eyes. Pepper took a breath and nodded "We can do it…" she said positive. Tony shook his head "Pepper….I don't want you to come….I want you to go to my house and go to my desk. In there will be at least one-hundred thousand dollars. I want you to take that and get in your suit and fly away. Fly to anywhere but here." He said grasping her hands. Pepper shook her head; tears were forming in her eyes "No. I'm not going without you!" she said firmly.

Tony sighed "I'll be right behind you…." he said lying. Pepper looked at him and nodded believing him. Tony pulled the redhead closer to him; He kissed her with everything he had. Tony pulled back a couple of inches "I love you…" he said and kissed her quickly again. "I love you too." Pepper whispered against his lips. Tony pulled back "Go." He said emotionless, Pepper cupped his cheek and turned and left him there alone. His heart broke into little pieces, Tony had his back to the lockers and he slowly slid down them with water in his eyes. I will never see her again he thought. Tony took a deep breath and stood back up; he jogged over to his locker and put on his backpack.


Tony Flew into the sky and met Rhodey. "Where's Pepper?" Rhodey asked. Tony looked at his best friend and opened his faceplate, "I told her to get the money from my desk and to fly away from here…she believes I'm right behind her." He said. Rhodey saw the sadness in Tony's eyes, he nodded "at least she'll be safe." He said. Tony nodded and closed his faceplate again, [Warning! Villains : Ghost, Killer Shrike, Unicorn, AIM, Tong, Maggia, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Whiplash, Blizzard, Black night , Mallen, are in Time Square] the computer said and Tony flew to the destination.

They were all there waiting for them. A giant bomb stood in the center of Time Square and was guarded by those they have faced before. "Aww…look who finally showed up!" Whiplash said looking at iron Man and War Machine. The villains laughed at the two heroes, "You can't do this! If you blow up the city you will kill yourselves too!" Tony shouted and the villains laughed again. Doctor Doom walked forward holding the detonator. "We are all safe. A little thing from Ghost….gives us the little power of watching this first hand but are a few miles underground." He said. His hand hit the button and everything became white.


Pepper was in the air when the blast hit her in the back. She turned to see a mushroom cloud engulf the city. She cried out in pain when she realized Tony was still in there. She started to fly back but her suit turned her around and flew away from the scene. "NO! Stop! Go back!" she shouted tears rolling down her cheeks. A video popped up on her screen. Tony sat in front of the camera with a grim look on his face. He looked up and seemed to meet Pepper's eyes, "If you are watching this…then that means I'm gone…I'm sorry Pepper. They have won and they will take over. Hide...and live for as long as you can. This is all I'm asking of you….and please always remember that….I love you." he said and the screen was back to normal. Pepper sobbed and cried as she flew over the ocean.

(What's going to happen!? OMG CLIFFHANGER! Don't worry you'll all find out soon! In fact I'm writing the second chapter right now!)