Chapter 8:

Shopping with the Bad Boy

Alice's P.O.V

I could practically feel the cringe in my face as I swirved around, putting a fake smile at the person in front of me. "...Amber, great to see you."

The blonde stood in front of me, her hip jutted out as her pack of wannabe's stood next to her. She had been playing with the red nailpolish on her fingers when she noticed I talked to her. Amber gave a cackle, "and who do you think you are to talk to me?" She asked with a sneer.

I mentally rolled my eyes, trying to play my act as the 'good girl.' All I need was some snobby princess to ruin my mission, especially with my Aunt right behind me. Glancing behind me, I could tell she couldn't care less as she looked through clothes at the opening of Old Navy.

Coming back to my senses, I felt somebody push my shoulder. "Hello! I was talking to you!" Amber shouted in my face, pushing me once more.

Everytime she pushed me, it just made me more tempted to punch that Million dollar nose of hers that was obviously 'real...' Psh, yeah right. "Listen," I sighed, looking her in the eyes. "I just came here to shop with my Aunt, I don't want any trouble." I explained as calmly as possible while Amber tapped her foot, looking like she could care less.

"Oh~ So the brat doesn't have any friends, does she? You have to go shopping with Mama bear! How pathetic!" She teased, snorting as her friends laughed with her.

'That's it!' I thought as I curled my fists into balls, ready to punch her when a hand caught my arm just in time. "Y'know, somebody like you really shouldn't be hitting people. It'll ruin your good girl image."

I looked up at the figure, slightly surprised. "Castiel? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, tugging on my arm as a sign for him to let go.

He sighed, letting go. "It's not like I can't go out every once in a while... I just needed some new guitar strings." Muttering, he looked back and forth between myself and the Hungry wolf herself, Amber.

As soon as Castiel arrived, it's like her whole attitude changed. Her back straightened, she patted down her outfit, and there was this 'try-hard sexy look' on her face, but in my opinion it just looked like she was constipated to me.

"C-castiel?! What are you doing here?" She squeaked, her voice sounding like a tiny mouse's.

Oh... So that's how it is. I thought as Castiel turned to her, staying silent for a minute before a slight smirk appeared and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Just here shopping with my girlfriend."

Amber's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she stared at us. I couldn't blame her, I was looking at Castiel the same way. "What the heck do you think your doing?!" I hissed into his ear, trying to shake off his arm.

"Just play along with it..." He whispered, tighting his grip on me. Looking back at Amber, Castiel had a huge smile on his face. "Well, I would be a horrible boyfriend if I just let my girlfriend shop by herself, she's so precious to me!" He slowly put on a dark smirk, talking slower. "So... Don't touch her, okay?"

Amber's whole face turned red as she grew more and more embarrassed at the situation. Finally, she let out a sound that was like a growl before turning around and stomping out of the mall, her minions right behind her.

As soon as they were out of sight, Castiel breathed a sigh of relief, taking his arm off of me. "Why'd you do that?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

Castiel put his hands in his pockets, confused. "Eh, I had nothing to do. I think it would've been entertaining to watch you guys fight, but then I remembered that Amber owes me twenty bucks, so I decided to save her sorry little ass."

My right eye twitched with annoyance, but inside I was actually laughing. It'd would've been nice to see Amber on the floor with a broken nose, but that wasn't what bothered me. "What I mean is, why'd you call me your girlfriend?! Now Amber's just going to get more annoying!" I huffed, crossing my arms.

He smirked, laughing. "Oh, that? You see, things at Sweet Amoris has been boring for a long time since most people in this town know each other. But now that your here, it seems things will get more interesting." Castiel raised his eyebrow, grinning.

Suddenly I heard a big yelp behind me before somebody practically tackled me, almost knocking myself over. "Alice! My work just called in and they need my help right away! I can't shop anymore with you..." The voice whimpered. It only took me a second before realizing it was my aunt.

Score! I thought to myself with a chuckle, happy I didn't have to go shopping anymore. I turned around, looking at my Aunt with a frown. "That's too bad... Maybe we could go shopping some other time?" I suggested, trying to hold back my smile. She nodded, agreeing with me as she fished through her purse, looking for the car keys.

Castiel, who had been standing there silently, suddenly cleared his throat as he looked at my Aunt with a smile. "Hello I'm Alice's friend, Castiel." He introduced himself, shaking my Aunt's hand. "If you don't mind... Why don't I take her shopping?"

My eyes widen to the size of orbs as I glare at him, trying to transfer all the murderous intent I have towards him right now. "Well... If it's okay with Alice?" She spoke slowly, her eyes turning towards me.

I was about to shout out 'No,' when Castiel put his arm around me, again. "Aw, I'm sure she wants to, right?" He looks at me with a devious smirk, like he's plotting something.

My Aunt paused before looking at us and clapping her hands together, smiling. "All right! I'll see you later Alice!" She chuckled, seemingly thinking to know what's going on.

I groaned when I thought of what images were going through her mind and what I'd have to deal with later. He's not my boyfriend! I yelled in my mind as Castiel pulled my body alongside him, going into the store "Hot Topic."

I'm going to regret trusting him...

A/N: I'm so freaking sorry QAQ I don't know how many times I've apologized, but I am. My cousin has been going through some tough things right now, and I haven't really had much inspiration to right this story...

But thank you ChloeGoesRawrrxX who comments on everyone of my chapters. Your comments always makes me smile and cheers me up when I think that people actually like this story.

Anyways, if you want more of this story, please Comment. I honestly don't know what you guys think of this story...

Thanks for stopping by.