Catty: Okay Okay! I will accept my fate and jump of the Bridge ... happy?

Kisshu: Maybe...

Ichigo: You really want to jump from a br- OH MY GOD CATTY! STOP THAT! CLIMB DOWN FROM THERE!

Catty: °stands on edge of a Bridge° Why?

Ichigo: You Need to finish the Story!

Catty: I ruined it T~T

Ichigo: Just don't jump ...

Catty: I can swim! °jumps°

Kisshu: WTF! °teleports°

Dren: She really is depressed ...

Ichigo: Who the heck are you?

Dren: °roles eyes° Your husband!

Kisshu: °teleports back with Catty struggling in his arms° STOP STRUGGLING!


Kisshu: °shook head and look at Dren° Who the heck are you?

Dren: GOD! I'm Ichigo's husband! Damnit! Stupid beings!

Kisshu: HUSBAND?!

Catty: Dren ... stop joking ... °clung onto Kisshus Shirt like a Little Girl°

Dren: Yes, sweetie! ^^

Ichigo: Sweetie?

Dren: Yes! I'm her secret Lover! And no! I'm not Kisshu!

Kisshu: Why would you be me?

Dren: Hello? English Name? Mew Mew Power? You? Dren? How don't you know, Nerd!

Kisshu: I see why you are named Dren ...

Dren: That's your Name ...

Kisshu: Whatever ... Catty DOES NOT OWN TMM!


My strange life

After 15 minutes, Lettuce opened the door and had a happy expression on her face. She walked back to Pai's room and hundreds of thoughts swirled in her mind. But one thought kept on repeating in her head.

'He surely has a good life …'

She opened the door to Pai's room and lay back on his bed. She still had many questions but Pai needed to do his work.

"How can't he accept that offer?" she whispered to herself. Then she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Chapter 13:

Ichigo stood in the middle of a beautiful alley. The alley had many of white roses and the sun shone bright down on them. Ichigo smiled at the beauty and walked around. She picked up a rose and looked at it perfection.

After a moment the rose lose his beautiful white and it turned to a night-black colour. Ichigo frowned but then she heard a scream coming from her right. All roses turned black and the red head ran into the direction of the scream. She slowed down as she stood at the edge of a dark forest.

Again a scream echoed from the forest and Ichigo walked into the dark and creepy forest. She could feel the soft grass under her feet but after a few more steps it felt like she was walking on sand. She looked down and gasped as she slowly walked into water. She walked faster towards the scream as it again echoed through the forest.

She arrived a little ally that was illuminated by the moon. She walked in the middle of the alley and looked up at the bright moon. She had a strange feeling, standing there alone in a dark forest. She heard a roar coming behind her. She turned around and faced darkness. She looked in the directions for a moment longer.

Two poison-green eyes appeared in the darkness and looked at the red haired girl. Ichigo felt a shiver run down her spine and she turned around. Her eyes went wide as she saw a person silently walking towards her. The being opened its eyes and two green eyes shone through the darkness. Ichigo froze. The being slowly got closer to the red haired girl.

The person stopped in front of the mew and looked with its bright green eyes down at her. The light of the moon shone down on the two and Ichigo's eyes went wide as she could see the face of the being. It had long, pointed ears and the tips of his fangs could be seen. His hair was tied in two pigtails on either side of his face and was a pitch-black. He wore a royal blue coat and was clothed like a prince of the fairy-tale stories.

"I'm happy I found you … now you can surely be of good use …" the strange being said.

"W-Who are you?" Ichigo asked, fearfully.

"My name is Kaito. I was the last King of the now called planet, New Earth." The person – Kaito – said, calmly.

"You look very … familiar …" Ichigo narrowed her eyes in confusion as she looked at the formal man.

"Many people say that …" Kaito informed.

"But your hair …" the cat girl said, softly.

"Many men have this hairstyle. It's very popular …" Kaito chuckled, slightly. "But … anyway back to the important part ..." Kaito said narrowing his eyes at the red haired girl.

"And what is that 'part'?" Ichigo asked, hesitantly.

"I can't let you go so … you will have to stay here …" Kaito said closing his eyes. After a moment, blue eyes appeared in the darkness and Ichigo looked around her.

"I'm sorry but I need you … Ichigo." Kaito said as he looked at the cat girl again. In a matter of seconds the beings with blue eyes jumped at her and Ichigo could only let out a high-pitched tone.


Ichigo shot up in the bed and she breathing heavily. Her face was covered in a little bunch of sweat and her ears twitched from the shock that went through her spine. She slowly brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly. Her ears laid flat against her head and her tail curled around her. She buried her face into her knees and started to cry slightly, relieved that it only was a nightmare.

The door to the room flung open and Kisshu stormed inside, panting slightly.

"Ichigo?!" he cried out, worriedly about the formal mew.

Kisshu stopped in his tracks and looked at the crying girl. His eyes filled with worry and sadness. "Ichigo …" he whispered as he walked over to the red haired girl. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Ichigo. He put his hand on her arm and started to rub it in order to comfort her a little.

Ichigo looked up and whipped away her hot, salty tears. She hesitantly crawled next to the green haired boy and as she was next to him she buried her face into his shoulder. Kisshu put his arms around her and rubbed her back up and down.

Footsteps were heard and in a few seconds Pai and Lettuce stood in the doorway. Lettuce ran over to the two teens and flung her arms around her red headed friend. Pai walked over to Kisshu and put a hand on the younger aliens' shoulder.

"What happened?" Pai asked, slight worry was heard in his voice.

"I don't know …" Kisshu said, still looking at the whimpering girl.

"Shhhh … Shhhh … It's alright, Ichigo … what happened?" Lettuce asked, calmly.

"K … Ka …" Ichigo said.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Lettuce asked, still trying to calm the cat mew down.

Ichigo only nodded and whipped away some tears from the corner of her eyes.

"What did you dream about?" Pai asked.

Ichigo looked up at the oldest alien and looked like she was thinking hard. Ichigo then lowered her head and started to whisper slowly.

"A beautiful alley … screaming … a dark forest … the ground was starting to be covered in water … poison-green eyes … then he spoke … he said he can't let me go … many pairs of blue eyes appeared in the darkness … I couldn't run … I was lost … lost!" Ichigo said with pauses between the couple of words.

"Ichigo … Who said he can't let you go?" Pai asked, puzzled.

"His name was … K … Kaito, I think …" Ichigo whispered as she looked at Kisshu. She narrowed her eyes in confusion at the green haired boy and just lowered her head after looking at his hair.

"Ichigo … get some rest-"Kisshu started.

"No! H-He is just w-waiting that I-I go back t-to sleep …" Ichigo interrupted the middle-aged alien.

"I will never let someone take you away from me! Even in a dream!" Kisshu said, angrily.

"But how do you want to protect me if you aren't there?" Ichigo whispered. Kisshu clenched his fists and just let his bangs cover his face.

"Pai … take fishy-chan and leave … please." Kisshu said, coldly.

Pai looked at his younger brother but nodded and left, mentioning to Lettuce to follow him. The two of them left and Kisshu sat silently on the bed, Ichigo looking at him with tears in the corner of her eyes. Kisshu took a deep breath and metioned to the cat girl to lay back. Ichigo obeyed and watched his moves curiously. The green haired boy pulled the covers over her and then stood up, turned around and pulled his shirt off.

Ichigo's eyes widened and she looked away. She then felt something climb into the bed and she immediately turned her head to face Kisshu. He pulled the blankets over himself, then turned to look at Ichigo and pulled her close to him. She tensed up as she felt his bare chest against her back.

"Relax … I will be here if you need me … I will be with you if you need me, so close your eyes and try to get some sleep …" he whispered into her ear and put one arm around her waist to confirm he was really there.

Ichigo was still unsure but didn't try to pull away from his warmth. She snuggled her head into the pillow and closed her eyes still afraid. Kisshu breathed on her neck and she relaxed as he softly stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and let out a little purr as a slight smile played on her lips. After some minutes she was sound asleep and Kisshu looked at the sleeping beauty beside him.

"One week and my life will be the worst ever …" he whispered as he too drifted into a deep sleep.


Dren: Well ... interesting.

Ichigo: Where is Catty?

Dren: You remember she was sick? Well ... she discovered that she had Angina + the flu and it's a bad flu ... she still is sick! After now FIVE weeks!

Kisshu: Yeah and she is now sleeping in the bed. °pointing to a bed°

Dren: Let her be ... she needs to rest.

Ichigo: And what will happen with the Story?

Dren: Well ... she will write the next Chapters and I will Update till she is better. She too said that she has a new idea for a interesting Story, where I too will be till she gets better. Oh Little spoil; It's again about you two!

Kisshu: I just love my Ichigo!

Ichigo: ...

Dren: Oh geez ... this will be tough. Hehehee but I'm a real fan of the perfect couple! I dispise you Masaya!

Ichigo: Well bad for you I love Masaya!

Dren: Oh really? Who went easy on you everytime you were in a fight? Who promised you to love you forever? Who gave up HIS LIFE to safe you?

Ichigo: ... Kisshu ...

Kisshu: I did it because I love her so don't push my strawberry!

Dren: Zoey ...

Kisshu: huh?

Dren: Do you like that Name?

Kisshu: ...

Dren: Please Review! Pretty Pretty Please! Catty Needs a reason to make me Update and I only Update if she get some Reviews! Be Kind!