It was in Algebra when Zoro noticed for the first time.

Zoro then looked up to the front row on the far right, where his best friend, Monkey D. Luffy was sitting.

He was obviously bored, there was no doubt about it. It might have just been his severe ADHD, but the teen couldn't sit still for five seconds.. The man-child's pencil was rhythmically drumming on the desk. The teacher sent his pupil an annoyed look, but continued droning dully about angles. Both combined made Zoro incredibly drowsy, which wasn't uncommon, and was about ten seconds away from a power nap.

That's when Zoro noticed it and no longer did he feel like sleeping.

On the back of Luffy's thin arm was sickening purple bruises. Luffy rarely ever had bruises (in fights, he was too quick; too observant; too smart), and when he did, they would never have as much force to cause his skin to turn such a dark color.

The question was on his lips, but he instead stared back at the unreadable problems scribbled on the board. That terrible feeling in his chest increased, and worry flowed over him in waves. He would never, ever asks though.

Luffy deserved privacy. They never questioned when he was missing for a few days. They never asked when he ended up in the hospital. They didn't even dare to wonder when Luffy stumbled into their houses, covered in blood and wanting to crash at their place for a few days.

All the pieces in his head started to fit together but Zoro didn't want to conclude anything. Zoro wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn't invade Luffy's life because of a stupid assumption. Putting all those thoughts in the back of his mind, he mulled over what he what the teacher was saying even if it made no sense. Because letting his thoughts wander would get him back to the same place, and he would much rather leave it alone. Because it wasn't his business, or place, to mull that over. Because Luffy wouldn't want him thinking that way.

And most of all, Zoro didn't want to know what those bruises meant.

Haha, I got bored. What do you guys think?

Currently, it's a one-shot, but if it becomes popular enough (and people tell me they want more) I would be more than happy to continue it. However, I doubt that it will so it's staying complete at the moment.

Hope you liked it!

Edit: Offically multi-chapter~