A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story on and it's been reedited and (hopefully) made better. Special thanks to my beta Amanda and I hope that you enjoy.

All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer.

"Edward, you've got to make a college decision." I told him and nudged his shoulder. We were sitting at my kitchen table, surrounding by acceptance letters.

"We've got to make a college decision." He said, leaning towards me for a kiss. I gave him one and leaned away before we got distracted.

"Which ones do you have?" I asked. I knew that Edward had been accepted into the best colleges. He always got straight As and his GPA had to be over a four point oh. I, on the other hand, was totally average. I got mostly Bs and Cs and, if I was lucky, an A. My GPA was a three point four. I knew that Edward's college acceptances would be from colleges that were much better than mine. My dad, Charlie, had been trying to prepare me by saying that Edward and I would have to go other ways. I'd always known that but Edward was so stubborn and wanted to go to college with me.

"I got Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Chicago, Duke, Brown, Berkley, and Washington State. How about you?"

"Washington State is the only one we have in common." I said, simply. I didn't feel like telling him all of mine after hearing all of the colleges that wanted him that would never want me.

"Well, then Washington State it is." I looked at him, watching his expression. I could tell that he was a little bit disappointed because it had always been his dream to follow in his dad's footsteps and go to Dartmouth but he was settling for Washington State. For me. It made me absolutely sick.

"Edward," I whispered, reaching out to touch his cheek. He leaned his face into my hand and I looked him in the eye. "Pick a different one. We both know which college you want to go to. Don't let me stop you from achieving your dreams."

"You're not stopping me."

"I am. I'm holding you back from doing what you really want." Edward sighed and turned back to the letters, organizing them. I grabbed our cups and stood up, placing them into the sink. I stood behind Edward and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Go to Dartmouth." I whispered into his neck.

"But, what about you? I can't lose you, Bella." He whispered back.

"You won't lose me. I'll be here at Washington State. We'll call each other every day and see each other on the holidays and we'll have all summer together. We'll be fine."

"You promise?"

"I promise, Edward. We'll be alright." I whispered. He turned his face towards mine and kissed me. Edward's cell phone rang just as we heard Charlie's police cruiser pulling into the driveway. We both sighed and pulled apart. "I love you." I reminded him. He cracked a small smile but his green eyes sparkled and I knew how much those three words affected him.

"Love you, too, beautiful Bella." He said just as Charlie walked in. Edward reached for his phone and put it to his ear. "Yello?" he answered and I smiled.

"Hey, Bells. What's got that big ole smile on your face?" Charlie asked, smiling when he saw me smiling.

"Nothing." I said, turning to the fridge. "Do you want dinner, Dad?"

"I can get my own, Bells. I'm not a baby."

"Alright," I smiled. "Just don't burn down the house."

"Ha ha." He said with a straight face. I just laughed and walked into the family room where Edward was sitting on the couch, talking on the phone.

"Okay, Alice. We'll be there as soon as we can. 'Kay, bye." He hung up and looked at me. "You wanna come over? Mom made dinner and you're both invited." I could hear Charlie in the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets. He was most likely looking for food that we didn't have and I didn't feel like making anything.

"Sounds good." I told him. We stood up and went back into the kitchen. Edward grabbed his bag and started stuffing his college letters into it. I walked him to the door and leaned against the door jamb while he kissed me.

"Come over soon?" he asked between kisses. I nodded and he kissed me again. "Bye."

"Bye." I said quietly, biting my bottom lip and smiling. Edward turned and walked out to his Volvo. As soon as I closed the door, Charlie was there, making fun of me.

"Bye, Edward." He said in a high pitched voice and batting his eyelashes. I laughed as I pushed my way past my dad and into the kitchen, picking up my own acceptance letters.

"Wanna eat at the Cullens's house for dinner?" I asked Charlie. He didn't answer until I turned around so that I could see him batting his eyelashes. He folded his hands together and put them under his chin, leaning onto the counter.

"Do we get to see Edward?" he asked in the high pitched voice. "I love Edward sooo much and we're going to go to college together and we're going to get married and have babies and live happily ever after."

"Shut up!" I giggled. God, my dad was so weird. He cleared his throat and actually talked normal.

"Sure, we can go to the Cullens's house. I haven't talked to Carlisle and Esme in ages. Let me just change out of my uniform and then we can go." He said. I nodded and he ran upstairs. Charlie and Edward's father, Carlisle, had gone to high school together and were best friends. Carlisle became a doctor and he's the best one in the entire state of Washington. When my parents and Edward's parents had settled down, it was a few streets away from one another. I grew up with Edward and his brother Emmett, and sister Alice. Alice and I were nearly inseparable and spent most of our time together. My mom left me and my dad when I was in fifth grade. That's when Edward stepped up and became my best friend.

Us getting together had been expected by both sets of parents. Edward and I had formed a close bond early on in our lives. When my mom left, I turned to Edward for comfort. He could read me so easily and made me feel better, no matter what was going on in my life. I remember the day that I started to notice him in a more than friend way. I was in eighth grade and my boyfriend, Jacob Black, had broken up with me at school. I remember Edward and me ditching class and him holding me while I cried. When I'd looked up, I was met by the most concerned and beautiful green eyes and I was done for. His eyes had always been my favorite part of him because of the way they sparkled. Edward and I became a couple later that year. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my father stomping down the stairs.

"Ready to go, Bells?" he asked, as he rounded the corner. He'd changed from his uniform into a short sleeved gray shirt, covered by a long sleeved plaid, flannel shirt and jeans.

"Yep, let's go." I followed Charlie out to the cruiser and got into the passenger seat. Charlie was in a good mood because he decided to embarrass me. As soon as he started the car, he turned on the lights and the siren. I sighed and hid my face in my hands while Charlie just laughed. It took us ten minutes to get to Edward's house. As soon as we pulled up, Esme, Edward's mom, came running out of the house.

"Bella!" she said as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly. I thought of Esme as my mom since mine had up and left me. Esme was the woman in my life that I aspired to be and looked up to. She hugged and kissed Charlie before linking her arm in mine and walking with me to the house. I think that she could tell something was wrong because she patted my hand and led me to the porch swing. "What's wrong, Bella? Talk to your momma."

"It's nothing, Esme, really. Edward and I made final college choices today and he threw a fit again. I told him to go to Dartmouth but he's terrified that leaving will ruin us. I've been trying to assure him that everything will be okay but…"

"…but you can't see the future." She finished, knowing what I was thinking. She wrapped her arms around me and my head fell onto her shoulder. She rubbed my back as she thought of what to say. "You and Edward will be fine. It's his dream to go to Dartmouth but it's also his dream to be with you. You two were meant to be and I think that everything will work out, whichever way things happen."

"Thanks, Esme. I love you."

"I love you too, Bella Marie." She whispered into my hair. I hugged her for another minute until we heard Edward come out onto the porch. We both looked up and saw him walking out the front door.

"Hey, love."

"Hey." I said, standing up and taking my place by his side.

"Is everything alright?" he whispered to me. I nodded and Esme rushed us inside so that she could finish dinner. I saw Alice sitting in the living room and she rushed to greet me.

"Bella! I missed you so much!" she pretty much yelled as she flung herself into my arms. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"I missed you, too, Al. But… we saw each other a few hours ago." I pointed out. Alice shrugged her shoulders and laughed. Then, Esme came out of the kitchen and called us for dinner. We walked into the dining room and Edward pulled out my chair. I sat down and Charlie sat on my right. Before Edward could sit down, Alice slid into the chair on my left so Edward sat across from me, next to Emmett.


"Esme, that was delicious." Charlie said, leaning back in his seat and patting his full stomach. It had been six months since Edward and I had made final college choices, and, tomorrow, we'd be going our separate ways for a few months. We were having a final dinner as a "family" before we'd be splitting up. Emmett had graduated two years ago and was going back to Washington State with me. Alice, who'd skipped kindergarten and was in our grade, was going to New York to get into fashion and Edward was going to Dartmouth in New Hampshire.

I looked around the table, taking in the smiling faces of my family. It made my heart swell to see all of them interacting and enjoying our last meal together for a while. Tomorrow, I'd go with Edward's family to the airport to see him off. As it got closer, I got scared. I didn't want Edward to leave and forget about me. Then, I'd always shake it all off, knowing how much Edward loved me. I knew that we'd find a way to get through it. I felt Edward's foot hit mine under the table and I looked up at him. I could see my insecurities echoed in his beautiful green eyes. I winked at him and dragged my stiletto-clad foot (thanks to Alice), up his leg. He shivered and I did it again. Alice interrupted our moment when she leaned onto my shoulder.

"Oh, Bella! What am I going to do without you? I'm going to be in New York and you're going to be back here! What am I supposed to do without my best friend?"

"Come on, Al. I think you'll manage and it's only a few months, anyways. Before you know it, you'll be back here for winter break and we'll all be reunited. It'll be fine." I said. Charlie, Carlisle and Esme all nodded their heads as I made eye contact with Edward.

"We'll be fine." Edward echoed, rubbing his foot against my leg. I smiled and Esme excused us from the table. Edward grabbed my hand and we walked out back. In the backyard, he'd set out a blanket on the grass and he led me to it. He lit the surrounding candles and sat down on the blanket with me. I slipped off the heels Alice had given me and laid back onto the blanket, fanning my hair out above my head. Edward leaned back and propped himself on his left elbow so that he could face me. "I'm going to miss you…" he started. I put a hand to his mouth and stopped him from talking.

"Shh." I told him. "Let's just be here, together, in the moment. You and me, the way it's always been." He nodded and laid all the way back, looking up at the stars. Our hands found each other's in the darkness and our fingers effortlessly curled together. As we looked at the night sky, a shooting star flew by.

"Did you see that?" he whispered. "Make a wish." I squeezed my eyes shut and wished for the only thing that mattered.

I wish everything with Edward will work itself out, no matter what.

"What did you wish for?" he asked, in a hushed voice. I turned my head to smile at him.

"I can't tell. If I tell, it won't come true, and it has to come true." I insisted. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

"It's okay, love. I think I know what you wished for anyway."


"Bye, baby." Esme cooed, kissing Edward's cheek and then squeezing his middle. I smiled as she said good bye to her son. Alice's flight had already left about twenty minutes ago after a tearful goodbye and Edward's flight was about to board.

"Bye mom," he chuckled, kissing her cheek and giving her a hug. He gave Carlisle a hug and then turned to me. My eyes instantly filled with tears as I took in his appearance for the last time for a while.

"Oh, Bella," he whispered, pulling me towards him. I collapsed against his chest and cried. "Baby, baby, baby, it'll be okay. Remember, we'll call and text and Skype and we'll be together again for winter break. Everything will be alright."

"I know," I sniffled. "I'm just going to miss you… a lot."

"I'll miss you, too, beautiful Bella."

"Now boarding, flight 289, now boarding." A voice said, over the loud speaker. I tilted my head to look at Edward and saw my sadness reflected in his green eyes. Once again, we were on the same page. I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him, hard.

"I love you." I whispered between kisses. I could see his lip twitching into a smile. A tear escaped and rolled down his cheek. I moved my hands to hold his face, wiping his tear in the process.

"I love you, too." He promised, wiping my tears. I let him go and he kissed my forehead before turning back to his parents for another hug. He walked a few steps backwards, waving to us, before turning and walking to his terminal. Esme wrapped her arms around my shoulders as we watched our boy walk away.

Hope you enjoyed! Read and Review :)