Hey my lovelies:)

Sorry this took so long, my laptop broke, but enough excuses! I hope you like this chapter.

I want to give a special thanks to all those who have favourited, followed or review this story. I appreciate it! :)

This is rated M and contains Yaoi.

(Side note: I don't own these characters but I do own the right to write fabulous smut about them)

Kagami felt his chest tighten and his hands clench. He had broken their bond, and as much as they tried to pretend it was fully healed; it wasn't. Yet, Kuroko had said those words; kagami didn't care that Kuroko wasn't sure, he had just heard the words he had longed for. He looked at Kuroko, wanting to go and hug him, hold him close and smell him, but he didn't. He stood still, watching as Kuroko fled, seemingly embarrassed by his words.

The Night grew cold, yet he didn't feel a thing as he walked home. He was numb, as he thought. Kuroko felt something for him, something other than disgust. Kagami's actions had been horrible, but he had been desperate. But it seemed he had luck on his side. He flopped down on his bed, not bothering taking off his shoes or uniform. He didn't want to misunderstand, Kuroko was not sure of his feelings but that still left him with a chance to make him sure of them.

He wanted to hold his blue haired love, wanted to feel complete and not use such a dirty underhanded way to get close to Kuroko. He would, somehow get kuroko to love him. A yawn escaped, eyes closing wearily as he surcome to sleep.

He woke still in his uniform and shoes, his red hair messy from sleep. He sat up, groggily tired from thinking the night before. He glanced at the clock, and frowned. He had to hurry up and get to practice or Riko would kill him. He stood, rubbing his head as he stretched.

Getting ready was quick for the large man, brushing his hair and giving up on the mess quickly. He ate a bowl of rice before rushing out, he was cutting it close this morning. He stripped his uniform, dressing in shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. Shoving his uniform into his bag as he left.

He barely arrived at the gym in time, everyone else was already inside training. Kagami entered tossing his bag to the side as he began to stretch. He scanned the room, searching hard for the ghostly male he held affection for. So far... "Kagami," Kagami jumped, looking to his side at Kuroko who had somehow just appeared."You sleep in too?" Kuroko asked looking up at Kagami.

Kuroko's hair stood up, much like a super saiyan. Kagami had to stifle a laugh. How could the azure haired male be so freaking cute. Kagami still felt shame and sorrow for what he had done to Kuroko, but he was growing up. Being a man, and trying to move beyond his was looking better now too, colour in his face and his eyes seemed brighter. "Kagami, you coming?" Kuroko asked as he jogged out to where the others were setting up the game. Kagami stared at Kuroko, he was acting like nothing had happened; like everything was ok. Kagami was grateful for that, it made practice easier.

Playing the game with Kuroko was relaxing, he didn't have to fret over his actions; he just had to play. He was panting deep now, hair damp with sweat, lungs stinging from playing so hard. Kagami's eyes drifted, wandering along the people who were also out of breath. Kuroko was drinking water, his super saiyan hair now flat due to sweat. How he always found Kuroko, even with his lack of presence was astounding. "Kagami?" Kuroko's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, the blue haired cutie was now in front of him, looking at him with those blue eyes.

"Huh?" He grunted a short reply to show he was listening.

"Well, since practice was over I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere and talk?" Kuroko spoke his words flatly, but there was an eagerness to them. Kagami couldn't say no, not after yesterday. He nodded, not sure how to word his yes. "great, after we get changed we can head out," Kuroko said simply before heading to the change room. Kagami flinched as he watched Kuroko enter the room. It was the very room where he had permanently changed their relationship. He didn't know how to face it, or his actions.

He slipped away, not entering the change room but rather a side washroom. He would change there for now, until he could forgive himself for his own actions. He changed into a plain grey shirt, and a pair of jeans, nothing special. Once dressed he left the bathroom, and made his way to outside.

Kuroko had finished dressing first, wearing a pale blue shirt and black slacks. He had been leaning against the fence but upon seeing Kagami he had straightened. No words were exchanged as Kagami followed Kuroko. They would talk once they got somewhere to themselves. They stopped at a quiet park, no kids around just the two of them. Kuroko took the swing on the left and Kagami took the swing on the right, both not saying anything as they silently swing.

"Have you thought about what I said?" Kuroko was the first to break the silence. His voice was soft yet firm. He wanted to know what Kagami thought.

Kagami was surprised the swing didn't break when he sat on it. Kuroko's voice shocked him, making him jump as he sat there. "I did," Kagami muttered not looking over as Kuroko swung his legs to swing higher. He didn't know what to do about those words, and what to do. All he knew was he could not lose Kuroko.

Kuroko jumped off the swing, landing a meter away. Turning he looked at Kagami who still sat in the swing. "I want to fix us. I want to be strong together, but I don't know how." Kuroko took a step towards Kagami. "I also want to understand why you raped me," He said firmly, trying his hardest not to cry. He had been wronged, yet he still felt love for Kagami. He may not be a girl, but Kagami would take responsibility for his actions.

Kagami's head jerked up, he had been staring at the ground but Kuroko's words had hit him hard. He wanted to understand why? He felt his chest tighten, this time tears forming. He had thought for sure Kuroko had been out of his mind the other night when he said he thought he loved him. "I saw you, trying so hard. And training to be better." He had to admit his shame, "I felt like... You were slipping away. I needed to tie you to me. Make you mine." He was twisted, he could feel his stomach clench. He was not a good person, he really wasn't.

Kuroko closed his eyes, he knew what kagami said should make him run. However, it was weird he still felt feelings for Kagami. It wasn't sane, it was plan crazy but still true. "Hmmm," Kuroko tilt his head, breathing deeply. "Where we go from here I'm not sure. We're not okay, what you did and why makes no sense to me." He walked towards Kagami and swung. He punched Kagami square in the face, knocking him out of the swing. "However, I feel a bit better."

Kagami sat on the ground shocked, Kuroko had punched him hard; he deserved it, but he was still shocked. He spoke before thinking, "Oi!" He pushed himself up, glaring at Kuroko. Kuroko chuckled, "that's a start."

They weren't fixed yet, but they were getting there.