Chapter 6 – The Ball


A/N: This is the last chapter of this fic! Hope you all enjoyed it, thanks to everyone who reviewed and please still write reviews after reading this chapter!

Acknowledgements go to Navigator101 for the suggestion of the "entwine" dance, apparently from the book Entwined by Heather Dixon. Thanks to Britt for being a fabulous Beta =)


The day of the ball came all too soon, and Mara was so preoccupied with getting Karigan ready she even forgot to complain about her sore feet. Karigan's new dress had arrived in a fancy box, delivered to the castle along with some nice comfortable satin slippers that tied in a neat bow around the ankle. Karigan was thankful that her friends had the foresight to help her order a dress she liked; Mara seemed determined that Karigan could be both comfy and fashionable. She unwrapped it and they admired the lovely embroidery on the bodice; glittering green and silver gems were sewn into the overlapping pattern of leaves and flowers. The green velvet dipped downwards at the front of the waistline, and the sleeves were of a flowing fabric in the same green, and gathered at the wrist. Arcs of the silver gems trailed down the length of the full skirt; Karigan twirled in it, secretly quite delighted, while the others admired the shimmering effect. At one shoulder a tiny silver owl was even hidden amongst the leafy design. Mara and Tegan had matching greenish-blue gauzy dresses, which they had bought for the occasion. Karigan said nervously that they would probably look like a forest, being all in shades of green, and they all laughed. Tegan grinned, putting an arm around the other two to draw them into a hug. "Well at least if you freeze and decide you can't dance, you can pretend you've transformed into a tree!" Mara nearly stuck the broach she was trying to fasten into Karigan's ear, she was laughing so hard.

Just as they were putting the last pins into Karigan's hair, there was a knock at the door and Garth appeared. His mouth dropped open and he blushed a deep red, seeming unable to say anything for a few seconds. He finally managed to stammer out "Tegan, you—you look amazing… and… Karigan, Mara, you too…" The girls grinned at each other and Tegan ran up to him to kiss him lightly. "Thank you Sir", she said playfully. Garth wasn't used to seeing his fellow Riders dressed up for a ball and looking glamorous. He thought his Tegan looked stunning, but also had to admire Mara with her dark curly hair falling around her shoulders, and Karigan with her dress hugging her muscular curves. They had flowers woven into their hair and he was reminded of the beautiful forest nymphs from the old stories they heard as children. He kissed Tegan more passionately but she pulled away and smiled at him quizzically. He shook himself slightly and remembered why he was there.

"Karigan, one of the green foot runners came to say your father is on his way from the stables, and will be here shortly." He decided he better take his leave, shaking his head as he went out the door again. He knew Karigan didn't think much of herself in a dress, but as her best friend's fiancée, he thought he probably shouldn't tell her right now that she looked incomparable; although he would always prefer Tegan's laughing brown eyes, he knew some fancied the attractiveness of Karigan's glossy chestnut tresses, expressive eyes and glowing smile even over the showy blond beauty of Queen Estora.

Mara turned to face Karigan, who was now a delicate shade of green that nearly matched her dress. "Oh Karigan" she murmured, putting her arm around her shoulders comfortingly. "You're ready for this, you can handle it. And we'll be right there behind you." Karigan smiled shakily. "I don't know if I'm more scared of my father's expectations or the actual ball", she admitted. Tegan piped up. "Well if this Penburn fellow turns out to be too forward, you could always scare him off by throwing a slipper at him." Karigan and her two friends burst out laughing, remembering again her disastrous date with Master Coyle, which turned into a hilarious encounter with the Raven Mask. Well, it hadn't seemed hilarious at the time, just embarrassing and plain frustrating, but it seemed so silly after everything else she had been through, that she just had to laugh. Besides, it had prompted her to undertake more serious training with Drent, and to learn how to fight in a dress too; she knew if she was in the same situation again she would win. All the same though, she had forced Tegan to let her wear a looser corset to this ball. Just in case.


Karigan gripped Mara's hand tightly behind her as Neff's voice rang out across the ballroom. "Rider Sir Karigan G'ladheon!" the herald announced. Karigan gulped and looked across the crowded ballroom, where hundreds of bejewelled nobles milled around. A good many of them were now staring straight at her. She thought they looked surprised, and she began to wonder hysterically what exactly she had done wrong. Her eyes moved further to the far side of the room, where Zachary sat on the dais next to Estora. She froze. It was as if time itself was standing still. She could feel his eyes burning into her; his intense gaze gave her goosebumps. Always it was this way between them—the aching intensity and then the awful distance. She hadn't seen him since those two brief visits in the mending wing. Estora was magnificent next to Zachary, her golden hair cascading around her and the tiara on her head sparkling with gems. She looked radiantly happy but for some reason the smile did not reach her eyes. Karigan gulped again, her mouth dry. She shouldn't be here, she couldn't do this.

Tegan felt Karigan stiffen with fear. She cursed inwardly. "Breathe!" she hissed in Karigan's ear, and she saw her shoulders slowly rise and fall again, and judged that Karigan had relaxed a fraction. "Good girl. Now walk" she commanded. Karigan's head jerked up and she obeyed, managing to make her way down the stairs without stumbling. Tegan and Mara smiled at each other conspiratorially, and then at Willis who they could see standing behind a column near the foot of the staircase.

"Karigan!" called a jovial voice, and Stevic G'ladheon strode into view, with an older deeply tanned man beside him and a younger man following behind. He held her by the shoulders to examine her approvingly for a moment before drawing her into a crushing hug. "Kari" he murmured, "you look stunning. So much like your mother". "Thank you father but… I can't breathe" replied Karigan in a muffled voice, causing everyone else to chuckle. He released her, looking apologetic, and turned to gesture to the young man behind him. "Karigan, I want you to meet Master Cade Penburn, heir to the eastern Penburn estates. Master Penburn, my daughter Karigan G'ladheon."

Cade Penburn stepped forward and bowed formally. She returned it with a traditional merchant clan bow, her fist to her chest. He was tall and lean, with broad shoulders. His black hair was combed neatly and just a few strands escaped to frame his tanned face. His light brown eyes seemed alight with laughter as he caught up her hand and kissed it, never looking away from her face. "Exceptionally pleased to make your acquaintance" he said, now grinning roguishly. "I have heard a great deal about the legendary Karigan G'ladheon"—Karigan winced, remembering that his cousin Lord Hendry Penburn had known of her now infamous ride to Darden dressed in only her nightgown (although the more salacious gossip had her riding in the nude). He paused for a second while she tried to compose herself, then added ,"but none of what I've heard has done justice to your extraordinary beauty." Karigan's mouth fell open and she again was momentarily speechless. His smile grew softer. "I most certainly will claim your hand for a dance, Lady Karigan, but for now you look in need of some fresh air. Will you take a walk with me on the balcony?" Karigan managed to nod once. He offered his arm and together they made their way outside, passing Donal who seemed to smile at Karigan without moving a muscle.

Mara and Tegan grinned at each other. So far so good, although their protégée had yet to survive the dance floor before they could relax. They were startled to find Karigan's father still standing in front of them. "And I gather one of you is the notorious Tegan?" he rumbled. Tegan looked like her eyebrows were going to fly off her face in surprise. "I heard about the famous Green Rider trickster from your Captain… do you think you can explain a few of your secrets to me, they certainly would liven up our longer wagon journeys!" And the four of them strolled off towards the refreshment table, with Stevic and Sevano chortling occasionally as Tegan spoke animatedly of her funniest pranks.


The night air was cool outside, as Cade and Karigan strolled towards the far end of the balcony. She leaned against the railing and gazed up at the stars twinkling high above them. A gentle breeze pushed a stray wisp of hair across her face, and he resisted the urge to brush it back. She truly was amazing, he thought, glancing at her. Beautiful, yes, but he could sense her strength of spirit, and yet her fear; she was courageous and yet humble. "Easy son", he could hear his father's voice growl in his head. "Don't overdo it, lad".

Karigan looked intently up at the stars. She wasn't really particularly interested in the night sky, but it was easier than facing Cade Penburn, who was watching her intensely. Unexpectedly she found her heart began racing when he looked at her like that.

"Karigan", he said softly, and she turned around to face him. "I know this must be hard, with expectations from your father, and so much happening to you lately. But do you think you can give me a chance to get to know you? I mean the real Karigan, not just the famous Green Rider or the daughter of a merchant, who happens to hate nobility in general." He grinned at her and she found herself grinning back as she nodded. Well, perhaps this would be more enjoyable than she had thought.

"What is it that you do, Master Penburn?" she asked innocently, knowing most nobles would not have much of an answer to that question. He met her gaze quite seriously. "Actually, I have been overseeing one of my uncle's large estates in the east of Penburn province. I like to get in there and help the labourers, understand everything that makes it work. Before that, I spent a few years in the provincial militia." Well, that would explain his well-muscled arms and chest, and his no-nonsense attitude. She found herself liking him more and more. "And now?" she asked, her breath catching as he looked at her intensely. "I have come to the castle to commence training as a Black Shield." She broke out into peals of laughter, clutching his arm to steady herself. "Gods," she choked out, "did you tell my father that part?"

He chuckled. "Well I may have been selective in what I said about my future career interests, but"—he broke off to gaze at her seriously again. "He only wants you to be happy, Karigan. And I'm beginning to suspect that if I can make you happy, I will be the happiest man in the world." He smiled at her lightly, but his eyes remained thoughtful. Then he brightened. "Come Lady G'ladheon, 'tis time for a dance!" And he dragged her, not unwillingly, onto the edge of the dance floor.


King Zachary watched with a frown as Master Penburn led Karigan easily though the dance. The dancers were doing the Entwine, which had turned out to be very popular. Karigan had laughed with carefree delight as her partner produced a long green sash out of nowhere, and continued to giggle as she danced lightly around him, twisting out of his reach. Zachary saw the young man pause and draw his eyebrows together. He knew how it felt, like chasing a butterfly. His Karigan was always out of reach, flitting away from him in the wind. He wished somehow that he could blame her for not coming back to him, for not staying to fill his life with her radiant presence, but he could not. It was their circumstances—he was king and she a merchant's daughter; he had chosen to maintain his arranged marriage rather than risk a disturbance to the kingdom. They would both continue on, and perhaps each would learn to love another. If he trod carefully, perhaps she would regard him as a friend and be counted amongst his trusted advisors.

He rubbed his chin roughly with his hand, rousing himself from his reverie. Karigan and her partner had progressed to the far side of the floor now, and he just caught a glimpse through the thronging dancers as the young man whirled suddenly; Karigan ducked away from the sash yet again, and they both laughed merrily. Zachary look over at Estora, who smiled at him. To his surprise, he found himself reaching over to take her hand; from the expression on her face she was as shocked as he was, then slowly her smile grew. He gave a tentative smile in return, and they both turned back to watch the dancers, their fingers still entwined between them.


Karigan laughed as she twirled and danced her way out of each attempt he made to ensnare her. She had never enjoyed herself like this at a ball before, and his dry wit and evident admiration lifted her spirits until she was happier than she could remember being for a long time.

The other dancers formed a multi-coloured swirl around them. Again and again he feinted, dodged and turned, but her practice with the Weapons had done wonders for her already fast footwork, and each time she escaped. Finally a faint frown crossed his face, his shoulders sagged a fraction, making her own smile falter. She wondered if perhaps she was being discourteous by continually proving herself faster and smarter than him. For a fraction of a second she even hoped she wasn't bringing shame upon her clan. Just as the last strains of the dance drifted from the musicians he quickly threw the sash up and around her shoulders. He had caught her.

She smiled at him, bemused, both of them still breathing hard from the lively dance. Her heart hammered loudly in her chest as he continued to gazed at her; she felt as if his eyes looked deep inside her and laid her bare. He smiled slowly and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "You are Entwined, my enchanting Karigan. I hope it would not be such a bad thing if I was to take this chance to formally court you?" Her eyes grew wide. "No", she replied softly. "I think that would not be such a bad thing after all."



A/N – I hope no one objects toooo much to me using the name Cade. I did steal it off KB's snippets but then I stole everything else as well, so… it all belongs to our favourite author!

I hope I haven't offended too many K/Z fans out there, but seeing as I am one of the biggest of them all, don't worry! My other fic is majorly K/Z so plenty of that still to come… I just couldn't see it working in this scenario. Bye for now!