So me again :)

I found a bunch of random story prompts and decided to do a set of drabbles based around Rose and the Tenth Doctor. This is number one, based on the prompt Warm

I still don't own Doctor Who or BBC

It was hot. Normally the TARDIS was rather warm, but today, for some reason it was searingly hot. Rose Tyler liked the warmth, especially after a long hard day, but this was getting ridiculous even for her. She had stripped down to a t shirt and her jeans, but she was still sweating profusely.

She had complained to the Doctor, who for the last hour had been fiddling underneath the console. Sitting on the jump seat, Rose pulled her hair out of the pony she had stuck it in and spread it across the back of the seat. Pulling the neck of her shirt away from her chest, she didn't notice the Doctor stop in his tinkering and stare at her with a look only equal to pure love in his eyes. God, his Rose was beautiful. As he watched her he tried it out on his tongue, 'His Rose,' ya he liked that. She was his companion, his friend, his, well one day maybe his significant other. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Rose pull of her t shirt. She was wearing a thin white camisole underneath and the time lord found himself frozen. Her skin was smooth, and the Doctor had to stop himself from climbing out from the console and-.

'NO' He told himself sharply, forcing himself to swallow. He couldn't think of Rose in that way, he would only push her away and he couldn't have that. If she left him, he didn't know if he could go on.

As he was left to his thoughts, Rose couldn't help but watch the Doctor out of the corner of her eye. She was going to run with this, maybe prompt the Doctor to finally make a move on her. The two of them had been dancing around each other for long enough, and she was tired of waiting for him to make a move.

"Doctor, aren't you a little hot?"

She could see the Time Lord gulp audibly, and she couldn't help but grin a little. He climbed slowly from under the console and sat bouncing on his toes. Rose could tell it was taking all he had not to run, and she decided to test his will power.

Standing, she made her way over to the Time lord. "Let me help with that." Suppressing a giggle she gently unbuttoned his jacket and pushed it down.

The Time Lord danced away from her, "No, No, No, Rose what are YOU DOING!" The young girl followed him, grin cracking her face open. She could feel joy at the back of her mind, and she realized it was the TARDIS. So the ship was enjoying this as much or more than her, something that Rose couldn't help but laugh at.

She became so lost in her own joy, that she missed the Doctor stopping and turning to face her. So when she ran straight into his white button up, she was stunned for a moment. The Doctor was looking at her with what she could only describe as hunger.

"My turn." He told her wickedly before pushing the strap of her camisole down and leaning down to capture her lips. 'Waiting, nah, waiting is boring. No time like the present' he told himself as Rose pushed closer to him and her hands dug through his thick brown hair.

The TARDIS meanwhile sat happily. Her thief was finally doing what she wanted him to. The time lord and his companion had been dancing around each other for too long and she had been forced to intervene. The temperature was lowered and the ship sent into the vortex, but neither Rose nor the Doctor noticed, both lost in one another.