
Edward POV.

It had been six months since Hunter's passing. Our sorrow had never left, but was eased considerably as we watched Angel play in the back yard. She wasn't the little boy that Hunter had thought, but we adored her. She looked just like her father. Beautiful big, green and gold eyes, and bronze shimmering hair, that cascaded down to her hips. She had Bella's lips and heart-shaped face. She was amazing. My dead heart would crack each time I looked into those eyes, and saw my son in them. But it would soar in the next second, knowing he was still here with us, in his child. My grandchild. She was amazing.

She already looked like a five year old child, though she was barely six months. Eva had told us not to worry, that it was natural. Hunter had advanced in the same way. She had told us he was fully grown by seven years after his birth, and no doubt, Angel would be too. The desolate look on her face whenever she spoke of Hunter, was almost soul-destroying, but Angel would take her hand and whisper to her, "It's okay, nana. Daddy is right here with us," and she would place Eva's hand over her heart. My little Angel could make anyone smile. Even Bella, who was so distraught with grief, we didn't think she or Angel would survive. Thankfully, they had, and Angel brought Bella a comfort that neither of us could have given her.

I had asked Carlisle about Hunter's death, as I couldn't get my head around it.

"The only thing I can think of, is that he never healed properly from his last accident. This last explosion was too much for his brain to take, and I think the bleeding was so profound, that there would have been nothing we, or his vampire half, could do to stop it."

I nodded, thankful that there was a little explanation.

Bella was changed as soon as Angel was born, and right from the word go, she fed on animal blood. She also had super self-restraint, and we assumed that was her gift. She was no normal newborn. She wasn't wild with blood lust, and she could control herself remarkably around Charlie, who was still human. He had refused to go through the change until Angel was born, and he knew his daughter and granddaughter were healthy and well. Eva changed him two weeks after Angel's birth. He, too, showed remarkable restraint, although not as much as Bella. It took him a couple of months before he calmed down, but at least it wasn't a full year. Eva had taken him away until he was ready to face Angel again, and we were surprised when they had returned so early.

"What?" Charlie had asked. "Did you expect me to stay away from my daughter and grandkid for so long?" I shook my head in disbelief. This family was extraordinary.

We had heard nothing from the Volturi, and Alice hadn't seen anything of significance. We knew they would return, someday, but also knew it would be no time soon. And with Bella and Charlie's ability to shield, both mental and physical attacks, we didn't worry too much. Angel had taken on her father's gift of fire, and that worried us at first. Soon, it became apparent that she could only burn with her hands. No other part of her could ignite, and Carlisle had said that was a good thing.

"The power that Hunter had, has been diluted in her. She won't be at risk of injury like Hunter was, because it can only come from her hands. There will be no pressure in her body or head, that will be a danger to her," Carlisle had explained, and I was instantly grateful.

Now, watching Angel in the garden playing with Rosalie, (Rosalie was amazing with her) Bella was leaning against the doorframe. I walked over to her, and placed an arm around her shoulder.

"You okay?" I asked. She looked up and smiled warmly at me.

"Yes. I'm good," she said, before turning to watch Angel again.

Bella and I had became closer again, and our bond of friendship was stronger because of what we had. Angel. If it wasn't for her, I think the two families would have drifted apart in their grief, but instead, she had strengthened our bond. She made us one.

"I miss him," I whispered.

"Me, too. But he wanted us to live and love again, and I won't go back on my last word to him. It may take some time, but I will try. For him."

I nodded and smiled at her, watching as her venom tears shimmered in her eyes. Yes, it would be a very long time before she could love again, but she would. She had promised Hunter, and she wouldn't break that promise. I held her tighter, as we watched the most beautiful child in creation, dance around in the last of the setting suns' rays.

A/N: Aww, I hope you don't hate me! Well, that's my story, and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you to all who did read it. And I hope to have another story soon for you all to read. Hopefully you will join me in that journey too. So, this isn't goodbye, just a fond farewell, and see you soon! x