Notes: WARNING! Slashy yaoi content stuffs here! All parties involved are teenagers as well, if you hold some objection to that. If it offends you, go away. It's not my fault if you read it and get grossed out. That and some strong language. Those who find themselves offended by these words of great expression are closed minded creatures that I do not deem worthy of gazing upon my written work, and thusly, they must leave at once.

Constructive criticism in reviews is welcomed and noted. I like flames too. They make me laugh and help me in telling if a person's an idiot or not.

To clear it up: ""= talking out loud **= thought communicating with Yami ''= thinking to one's self

Now using Japanese names. Cuz I think it sounds better to use the originals. (oh yeah, and I donno how to spell Jounouchi so I hope I got it right. Tell me if I didn't.)

##Yu-Gi-Oh: Lonely Honda- CH3


Ryou collapsed onto his bed. His body felt so weak all over that he could not stand under his own power. But it felt good. It felt so good. He could still taste Honda on his lips and he intended to lay and do nothing but for a good long time. He would have too, if his Yami hadn't decided to interrupt.

*I can't believe you made me sit through that.*

"Thank you for letting me." Ryou turned his gaze to the full body mirror against the wall. Sure enough, his Yami was there.

*I didn't do it on purpose. You are sneaky. Another two seconds and I would have removed his arms from their sockets.* Yami's mind shuttered to think of the despised Honda's wondering hands. The truth was he had tried to block everything out- the last thing he wanted to be aware of at the time was Ryou and HIM. It was bad enough he fraternized with the people, but this? At least it hadn't been someone as distasteful as Yugi.

Ryou felt a tingle as his millennium ring lit up and his Yami separated from him. "I don't appreciate this sort of thing. Remember, I go where you go."

Ryou sighed not wishing a confrontation. "Sorry." Yami Bakura glared down at the boy lying on the bed. "I'd rather you not include me in your personal matter with such vile things." The periwinkle haired boy shot up and returned the glare. "Don't say that about Honda."

"I will say as I please!" Yami Bakura said harshly, bordering on yelling at the boy. It succeeded in silencing him, but did not remove the defiance etched on his face. "I will not have HIS tongue in our throat. Next time it's there, I will make sure he doesn't get it back in one piece."

"You can't dictate me like that-" "THE HELL I CAN'T." Ryou's violent Yami, red with rage, grabbed him by his shirt collar and yanked him up. Ryou could tell he was on the verge of bodily injuries and froze in fear. Yami glared, breathing heavily, waiting for one thing to push him into smashing his fist into the teen, but gradually the anger fell. He at last dropped Ryou, leaving him unscathed save the rough handling.

Yami turned his back to Ryou, trying to regain his composure while the boy could only sit and admire his good luck that he missed a beating.

"I don't like him." Yami Bakura finally said. "I don't like HIM or ANY of your little gang of friends. I don't appreciate you very much either. But I have put up with your menial social life so far."

Ryou took a deep breath and held on to what little confidence he had. "I don't care what you say- I won't compromise my friends, and definitely not Honda just to please you."

"Hmm. I see." Yami paused. "You know, young Ryou, I could use force to impose my will."

"I know."

"And if I tried?"

Ryou's gaze went cold, "I would fight you with every last fiber of my being. I won't let you hurt my friends."

The displeased Yami turned back around to look Ryou in the eye. 'Such defiance, such strong will against me. He surprises me. Sometimes he seems so strong, but then he cowers against my threats. A curious creature- in a way, it pleases me when he defies me. It shows his real strength. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm starting to admire that hidden strength in him.'

Ryou jumped as his Yami brought a hand out towards him, but instead of striking him, Yami grabbed his chin gently and lifted it, seemingly to get a better view into the face in front of him. It was almost- affectionate. Then something Ryou couldn't have guess would happen in a million years- his Yami smiled. Actually smiled, at HIM. "My threats and the knowledge I can control you any time I like and still you won't willingly bend to me. You make me think, boy."

Yami Bakura laughed to himself and released Ryou's chin. "Puppy love doesn't last, boy, but you have fought for it. I will let you win this one time. But do not try your luck."

Ryou watched his Yami return to him in silence. Never once did the Yami give up an argument with him. It was strange. Perhaps- perhaps he didn't hate him as much as he thought.

*Thank you.* Ryou said in his polite nature.

*Thank you is a word for beggars, Ryou. Don't ever beg.*

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Honda sat alone in the dark, head in his palms. What was he doing? Moving on? Or replacing? Ryou was so very... not Jounouchi. But there was one major diffrence- Ryou wanted him and had made himself very much avalable. And from what he gathered from the kiss, bad.

Now Ryou had entered the twisted little game. He seemed to be the bargaining chip of his love life- 'I know you can't have Jounouchi, so here's Ryou to make up for it.' It didn't seem right. Then again, he did feel a little something for Ryou. It wasn't the same as Jounouchi, with him there was an unfulfilled emptiness about it. He was his best friend.

And Ryou, so gentle and wise, with such deep eyes. Ryou was like an invitation to passion he had never known before. Instead of rough and wild like Jounouchi, he was calm, tender in his touch. And it felt so good to give him what he wanted. With Jou, they were just taking from each other what they needed.

That still didn't mean he didn't want the forbidden Jounouchi. To him the rawness they had together was just as pleasing. Then again...

Then again.

So many then agains. Honda shook his head into his palms. Why did things have to be so hard? Maybe if he talked to someone he could sort it out. Problem was, who could he entrust himself to?

Honda paused. Of course he knew. Ryou. Ryou would understand. Ryou would help. Even if it did mean telling him about his feelings towards Jounouchi. Honda looked over to the glowing alarm clock numbers, the only light in the room. It was getting pretty late, Ryou may have already gone to bed. He didn't want to wake him up, but he needed to talk right now. There was no way he could sleep with this on his mind.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Ryou groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore the ring, hoping it would go away. But it rang again. *Aren't you going to get that?* an annoyed Yami snarled at him quietly. Ryou muttered nonsense to himself and grabbed for the phone on the nightstand.

"Mrrm, Hello?" he murmured into the receiver.

"Ryou? Did I wake you up?" Ryou's eyes shot open. "Honda!" He sat up and turned on a light. "Yes, but that's alright I suppose."

Honda paused at the other end. "Is now later enough to talk?"

Ryou smiled to himself, "Yes, of course."

Honda paused again. "What happened today... I, uh..."

Ryou's smile went away quickly, "Honda. Do you regret it?"

"No, no, it's not that. It was... nice."

"Oh." Ryou breathed relief. "It was. I'm glad you don't regret it. I know I don't. Honda... do you really... have feelings for me?"

Another pause. On the other end of the phone, Honda was being daunted by Ryou's questions and found himself pushed farther and farther from telling him anything about Jounouchi. Ryou took the pauses badly though. They upset him.

"Yes. I do, Ryou. But-"

"Really? " Ryou asked, not realizing he just cut off Honda's sentence. He leaned in close to the phone and whispered, "I like you, but Yami really doesn't... approve."

Yami? Of course- Ryou's Yami. Honda never even thought of him. Ryou's Yami wasn't very friendly and seemed to like to play domanance games. Surly Ryou wouldn't listen to him though? "Does that matter?"

"I suppose not. He's not stopping me if that's what you mean."

"Ryou, I have to talk to you about this. I really have feelings for you, I do. But I kinda have a problem."

"Honda, what is it?"

"Well. Ah, I'm kind of torn between you and... someone else."

"Oh. Do you love him?"

"N-no. I just... I don't know who I should... I mean... ah, maybe I shouldn't have called."

"Tell me Honda, does he return your feelings with all his heart?"

"I... no."

"Honda, I'm hardly in a position to choose for you, all I can say is listen to your own heart. It knows the truth. Sometimes that's all we have."

"Ryou. Ryou, what does your heart say?"

"My heart?" Ryou thought for a second, "My heart just wants yours to be happy."

'Isn't that like Ryou?' Honda thought, 'Not even thinking of himself.' "Thank you, Ryou. I'll let you sleep now. "

Thank you... "You're welcome. Goodnight." 'Honda-kun'




Notes: Dur. Honda's kinda fun to write. I really must do so more often.