Summary: Herobrine is one of the most fearsome monsters in all of Minecraftia, striking fear into the hearts of many with just on look with his white eyes. But when Steve finds the white eyed man horrible injured he fines something even scarier.


He had been relaxing when it hit him; leaned up against tree with his eyes closed. The words invaded his mind causing his white eyes to snap open. It had been quite almost as if it had been whispered into the demi-god's ear. His face turned towards the sky with a snarl as he pushed away from the tree.


The demi-god suddenly was enveloped in a pair of strong arms that lifted him off the ground. Herobrine was now being held tightly against the broad chest of his affectionate god of a brother.

"Notch." Herobrine's words were more of an annoyed sigh but he didn't fight against the vice like grip. "What do you want?"

Notch's bearded face came into view as he pulled his brother away a little; a large smile plastered on his face. "Can't I come and visit my baby brother?" Notch set the younger down but kept his hands on his brother's shoulders. "After all it has been a while since I've seen you." The god chuckled lightly but it only turned to worry as he looked down at Herobrine. "How are you by the way? You look pale?"

Herobrine closed his eyes fighting the urge to push his brother away as he was poked by the god. He owed his brother that much at least. Giving a final sigh he grabbed Notch's hand and moved it away carefully. "I am fine brother." His bright white eyes stared into the god's dark ones. "Now I know you are not here just to check up on me. Now what is it you are really here for?"

The two higher beings stared at each other for what could have been hours, until Notch finally sighed and spoke. "Walk with me little brother." The god turned and started walking into a near by forest with the demi-god not far behind. The creator placed his hands behind his back as his brother fell into pace beside him. "I need you to look into something for me."

"What is it brother?" Herobrine's eyes never left Notch's face; whatever it was, it seemed important.

"An old abandoned castle that was dug up by a few diggers", Notch stated looking towards the ground before glancing towards his brother, waiting for the Younger of the two's input but only got a nod to continue. "The diggers have disappeared and I have noticed strange energy coming from it."

"And you wish me to look into it" the white eyed demi-god placed a hand to his chin. "Does Jeb know of this?" Curiously, he brought up the other god of this world, wondering if his brother had shared his findings with others in the Aether before coming to him.

"No" the single word was said strongly and could have stood on it's own but it was clear that the god had more to say. "We gods in the Aether can do nothing here on the over-world, Minecraftia; but you brother, can." Notch forced them both to stop as he placed his hands on Herobrine's shoulders. "Whatever it is down there it is dark, and could be a danger to every living thing on this world. I need you to find out what it is and stop it." The breaded god gave his brother a pleading stare and added a quick "please."

The Demi-god sighed and closed his white eyes, giving a nod. "Okay, I'll do it" his words were like a soft breath but turned hard as he opened his eyes again. "Where do I find this 'castle'?" a weak smile formed on Notch's face as he handed his brother a map. Herobrine started to walk away but was stop when he felt something clip around the waist of his pants; a belt with two sheath swords on each side and a bag filled with potions and torches.

"Be safe Herobrine." the words flowed in the air as his bother faded away. The Demi-god straightened his back taking a minute to compose himself, angelic eyes shining bright with determination with the thought of a new hunt ahead of him. He glanced at the map in his hand as he started heading towards his destination.

A/N: okay so this is my first try at fanfiction here sorry if the summary. this has been an idea that's been hunting me for a few days now and I thought that I'd try my hand at it..okay so the reason why Notch is so affectionate towards Herobrine is base on how he acted on the herobrine myth as he seem to like it quite a bit.

Edit: has has now been proof read by AngelWingz66.