Jack was doing his normal routine of spreading winter fun around the world like he does every day. He loved his job; he found joy when seeing kids face light up like a Christmas tree when they saw that it was a snow day. He just couldn't get enough of it. But even when circling around the whole world twice, Jack always found himself with nothing to do. He couldn't travel to any hot places since he was a winter spirit and Jamie, his first believer, always had homework to do, therefore not having any time to play with the hyperactive winter spirit. Jack hated having nothing to do it was too boring for him, he was the kind of person that had to keep moving or else he would get anxious.

Jack landed on his lake and bored out of his mind.

"Augh! Why is there never anything to do around here?!" Jack said extremely agitated. Then a though struck him. He could visit the other Guardians. Yah! That's a great idea they would probably have something for him to do.

"Wind! Take me to the North Pole." Jack yelled, while the wind blowed his hair and clothes around. The wind immediately took heed and picked the winter spirit up and flew him to the North Pole to visit a certain Russian.


Jack landed in front of Santoff Claussen's workshop and knocked on the door with his staff. Yeti opened the door and grunted a series of sounds that the winter spirit could not understand for the life of him.

"Yah, yah, I've heard it all before. So can I come in or not?" Jack said. The yeti rolled his eyes and motioned for Jack to come in. Jack walked in and saw the workshop in its full glory.

Even though he had seen it over a hundred times now he still couldn't' believe how amazing it was. Hundreds upon hundreds of toys flew around the workshop all varying in different size and shape, but all still amazing. Jack walked around admiring them all with something akin to child wonder until he hit something. He turned to see none other than Santa Claus himself.

"Ah Jack, what are you doing here?" asked the tall Russian. Jack swung his staff over his shoulder and walked back and forth.

"Nothin' really, just kind of bored. Got anything for me to do here?" Jack asked, hoping that North had something to cure his boredom with.

"Not really, but Bunny might have something for you to do. Why don't you see him?" North offered. Jack groaned and leaned on his staff.

"Aw, but I don't want to have to see that over-grown rabbit." Jack whined. North rolled his eyes and walked closer to Jack.

"Listen, if you want to cure boredom go to Bunny." North said. Jack stopped leaning on his staff and put his hands of in a surrendering motion.

"Alright, I'll go see the Kangaroo. God I'm so bored I'm surprised I'm even considering going to The Warren." Jack said putting a hand to his face. "Alright, see you later North." Jack said whilst taking off to the Warren. North waved back and went back to his work.


Jack had final made it to The Warren and located Bunnymund. He was painting one of the eggs and looked extremely focused on his work. An idea popped into Jacks mind along with and evil smirk. He flew as quietly to the Pooka as possible and whispered 'BOO' into his ear. The rabbit jumped at the sudden voice and dropped the egg he was holding. The egg dropped on its side and tried to get up, but its little legs were not long enough to reach the ground.

Bunnymund whipped around only to see Jack on the ground in a laughing fit.

"What the heck wa' tha' for you walking freezer?" Bunnymund growled. Jack was still laughing but he managed to stifle it down to giggles.

"You… *giggle* should have seen… *giggle* you face… *giggle*" Jack said trying to calm down. Bunnymund glared daggers at the boy.

"Oh you're goin' to pay fo' tha', Frostbite." Bunnymund said, venom enough to kill a small elephant filling his voice.

Jack was now on his feet glaring at Bunnymund.

"What did you just call me, Kangaroo?" Jack growled. Bunnymund was now the one with a smirk on his face.

"What I jus' said, Frostbite." Bunnymund smirked. Jack shot a blast of ice at the rabbit's ears. In mere seconds the Pooka's ears were encased in ice and freezing to the touch.

"AUGH!" Bunnymund yelped. He stumbled back a few step trying to get the ice off of his ears. After prying them off he glared at the winter spirit in front of him.

"Oh now it's on." He took out his signature boomerangs and threw them at Jack. Jack dodged them and shot a blast of ice at the Pooka's feet. Bunnymund jumped out of the way and threw an egg bomb straight at Jack. Jack was right about dodge it was the boomerangs that Bunnymund threw hit him on the back of the head. He grunted and fell forward. Bunnymund ran up to Jack scared that he might have hurt the young winter spirit. Jack didn't seem to have any injuries but before Bunnymund could really take a look Jack hit him with a blast of ice blinding the rabbit. Jack took this opportunity to knock Bunnymund off his feet by conjuring up some ice under him. Immediately the large rabbit fell to the ground with a large thud.

"O-okay I admit d-defeat." Bunnymund stammered. Jack smiled and helped the Bunnymund up.

"That teaches you to mess with the almighty Jack Frost!" Jack said while putting his arms up to imitate flexing.

"Oh shut it, you walking freezer." Bunnymund grumbled.

"Well, I gotta go, see you later Kangaroo." And with that Jack took off towards Burgess; hearing the echoing voice of Bunnymund yelling that he was not a Kangaroo.

After that Jack was never bored again and Bunnymund swore he would kill North the next time he saw him for ever suggesting that Jack should go to his Warren if he felt bored.