Author's Note: This story is going to be an Epic fic. I can keep pulling characters/creatures from other fandoms. Kudos to anyone who can pick out where they are from. Enjoy! Review and let me know what you like and don't like. And yes, all my fics are independent of each other. Should that ever change, I'll let you know.

Chapter 1: The Trouble with Girls

Micky packed up his drums after their show. They'd just performed at a dance club for a hefty sum. The owner seemed to enjoy their performance and invited them back for the following week during an open spot. Mike was working out the details with the owner and Peter was helping load the instruments in the car. Micky had no idea where Davy had gone to.

"Hey, where's Davy?" Micky asked.

"I have no idea," Peter answered looking around. The two of them walked back in the club to look for him. They bumped into Mike on the way and all three of them jumped and gasped.

"What are you two doing?" Mike asked. "I thought you were loading the car?"

"We were," Peter answered.

"It's all loaded," Micky added. "But then we couldn't find Davy."

"I see," Mike said. "I bet I know where to find him." They followed Mike back to the dance floor. Sure enough Davy was still in there standing in the middle of the floor talking to a tall blonde woman. Davy had stars in his eyes. Micky rolled his eyes.

"Not again," he said.

"We can't take him anywhere," Mike said.

"That's not true; we took him here," Peter joked. Micky looked at Peter and laughed. Mike walked over to where Davy and the girl were standing.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but we really have to be going," Mike said tugging on Davy's arm.

"Hey, Mike," Davy said. "Where did you come from?"

"I went to talk to the manager," Mike answered. "But now we have to go."

"Oh, hey did you meet Ariel?" Davy asked.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Mike said pulling harder on his arm and almost dragging him to the door. "Davy, we need to go home."

"Bye, Ariel," Davy called after her. "I'll see you later!" Micky and Peter stifled laughs until they got out to the car. Davy shot them each dirty looks. "Why are you two laughing!?"

"What happened to Mariah?" Mike asked. "You just went out with her last night and now you're already picking up other girls? I think this might be a record, even for you!"

"I can't help it," Davy exclaimed. "She's just so pretty. With her blonde hair and blue eyes. We have a date tomorrow."

"And Mariah?"

"Oh, she was only in town for a month. She went home this morning." Micky shook his head. Davy the love-struck puppy was at it again. They all piled into the car and drove back home picking on Davy the whole way. The following night, as Davy was preening himself in the mirror to prepare for his date, Micky and Peter exchanged a look with each other. The look was one of mutual agreement that they would dive into their concerned mother and father routine.

"You're mother and I have been worried about you for some time now, Davy," Micky said

"You're setting a poor example for your baby brother," Peter added in a high pitched voice.

"Guys!" Davy exclaimed trying to sound angry but failing due to the laugh he couldn't suppress.

"Guys, leave him alone," Mike said. "If he wants to date every woman on the face of the planet, who are we to stop him?"

"I'd say he's already about halfway there," Micky said.

"I am not going to date every woman on the face of the planet, Mike," Davy countered. "And I'm not halfway there either, Micky!"

"You sure?" Peter asked. "Let's see, there was Vanessa from the country club,"

"Angelita from Mexico," Micky offered remembering how Davy had almost been shot over her.

"Mariah last night," Mike added.

"Bettina the princess," Peter said.

"Lori the vampire," Micky added.

"Ellie at that haunted mansion," Mike added.

"Leslie the general's daughter," Micky shuddered remembering having to dress as a woman.

"Susan from the circus," Peter added.

"April from the Laundromat," Mike added.

"Hey, we all fell for her!" Davy argued. It was becoming harder and harder for him not to laugh.

"The other princess Collete," Peter continued.

"Let's not forget Fern," Micky cringed.

"Hey, she doesn't count!" Davy argued.

"Well, but see, she does Davy," Mike said seriously. "That's what we're worried about. You are going to get so caught up in a woman and forget all about us."

"It's not that we don't want you to be happy, Davy," Peter added. "Cause we really do hope you find a girl that you are really happy with."

"But we don't want you to forget your friends," Micky concluded.

"Relax, guys," Davy said. "That's not going to happen. I learned my lesson with Fern. Now I really do have to go. I'll see you guys in a few hours." Davy ran out the door before anyone could say anything else.

The three boys waited around for Davy to get home passing the time by practicing some of their songs or working on new ones. As midnight approached, they all grew worried because Davy had yet to return when he said he would at 11. Micky's mind flashed back to Lori and how horribly that date had turned out to be. He didn't want to find out his best friend had been turned into a vampire while he was sitting around the house doing nothing.

"Did he say where he was going?" Peter asked.

"Not to me," Mike answered. Micky shook his head.

"We need to invest in a tracking device on that boy," Micky said.

"Don't joke about that," Mike said.

"Who's joking!?" Micky exclaimed. "Who knows where he could be? I don't want Dracula as a best friend!"

"Dracula?" Peter asked confused.

"Micky, he's not going to turn into Dracula," Mike said. "We stopped those vampires for a hundred years."

"That's beside the point," Micky said. "Who knows what could be happening to him!" They all stopped when they heard the car pull up. They immediately moved to make it look like they hadn't been waiting up for him and were just busy doing their own things when Davy walked in. Micky cringed at the look on his face; he knew that look all too well. Davy was in love. Again.

"Davy, you're late," Mike said.

"Did you guys wait up for me?" Davy asked.

"No," Peter said.

"Yes," Mike countered dropping their pretenses due to the condition Davy was in. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

"Why would you guys be worried?" Davy countered.

"Gee, I don't know, but Micky thought you were going to come home as Dracula if you came home at all," Mike said sarcastically.

"Why would I come…" Davy started to ask as confused as Peter had been. "Oh yeah. We stopped Lori, Micky."

"Like she's the only evil creature out there who wants to hurt good-looking midgets," Micky countered.

"Guys, I'm fine, ok?" Davy said. "I came home, didn't I!"

"Yeah, but you were late," Peter argued.

"And you have that "I'm in love" puppy-dog look," Micky added.

"Well, that's because I am," Davy said smiling now. Mike rolled his eyes and threw up in his hands in exasperation.

"After one date!?" Mike exclaimed. "I swear Davy, one of these days you're going to get yourself in trouble and we won't be able to help you out!"

"I don't have to deal with this," Davy muttered angrily. "I'm going to bed." He turned on his heel and marched off to his bedroom. Peter jumped up to try and follow him, but Mike held up his hand to stop him.

"Don't, Peter," Mike said. "Leave him alone."

"But-" Peter protested.

"I know, Pete, but just let him sulk tonight," Mike answered. "There's no point talking to him when he's in a funk."

"We'll talk to him tomorrow, Pete," Micky said. "He'll be calmed down by then and more apt to listen to reason."

"I guess you're right," Peter said sitting back down. Soon after, all three boys were asleep in their beds. While they had encountered a few creatures that went "bump in the night", they were all currently blissfully unaware that some of those creatures were wide awake and plotting against them across town in an empty warehouse.

He waited in the shadows as a blonde woman entered the abandoned warehouse. She was late, but he would spare her his wrath if she brought him good news. He waited a little longer until another man entered the warehouse. The newcomer glanced at the woman standing there in the middle of the room with distaste. Sensing an oncoming disagreement that could end in a bloody mess, the man in the shadows emerged before the two could speak a word to each other.

"I trust you have good news for me to excuse your tardiness," he sneered at the woman.

"Yes," she answered. "It was just as you said. The boy fell for my charms immediately. It was like taking candy from a baby. He's fawning over me as we speak."

"Excellent," the first man replied with a sadistic smile before turning to the second man. "Now, on to part two of my plan. That's why I have brought you here. You are going to work with her to speed up the process. I also want you to make your specialty and feed it to three young men."

"Work with her?" the man protested. "Are you kidding me?! Her kind cannot be trusted!"

"I am well aware of that," the first man replied. "But you have my assurances that she will not double cross me."

"How can you be sure of that?" he argued. "Her allegiances don't lie with you. I was surprised the moment I walked in here that she was even here. Her kind only care about themselves."

"I have my reasons, pig," she spat.

"You must be pretty desperate to be taking orders from him," the second man continued. "What's in it for you?"

"None of your business!" she exclaimed whirling on him. In her anger, both men saw her true colors. Her face morphed into a grotesque display of rotten flesh and her blonde hair turned gray. Her teeth became rotten and disfigured. Her eyes became nothing but rotted sunken-in holes. The second man jumped back in fear as she lunged for him to try and strangle him. His face contorted as well, but more out of fear of being killed. His face became loose and wrinkled, his ears turned large and floppy, his nose resembled that of a pig and even his bottom teeth grew tusks.

"Enough!" the first man bellowed. The two creatures froze for a second before turning back into human shapes.

"Someone needs a facial," the second man said.

"Shut it, pig!" she snapped.

"I am not a pig!" he argued.

"Enough!" the first man bellowed again. "You will stop arguing with each other or I'll banish you both to hell! If you do your jobs well, you will both be rewarded. Both of you want something and I can give it to you. Now, you will help her with whatever potion she asks you to concoct so she can do her task and you will make the other potion and give it to these three boys." The man withdrew a picture from his pocket and showed it to the other man.

"How do I do that?" he asked.

"Be creative," the first man answered. "Work as a team for all I care. Make sure that only these three boys ingest the potion. I don't want the fourth afflicted. Just the other three. And I want it done in 24 hours."

"But the potion takes half a day just to brew."

"Then I suggest you get started now." To postpone any further protesting, the first man snapped his fingers and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The next morning all four Monkees gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. No one said anything to each other for a few moments while they moved to prepare various bowls of cereal. Mike was the first one to open his mouth to speak, but Davy cut him off.

"Guys, you don't have to say anything," Davy said. "I'm sorry. I should have appreciated the fact you were worried about me."

"We worry because we care about you," Mike said.

"I know, and I really appreciate it," Davy said. "You guys were right last night. I said I was going to be home by 11 and I didn't get home until close to midnight. I thought about it and if it were the other way around, I'd be worried, too. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok, Davy," Peter said. "We forgive you."

"So what's so special about this girl?" Micky asked with a smile on his face.

"Besides the fact that she's beautiful?" Davy asked drifting off into a sort of dream-state. "She's smart, funny, and has the most beautiful skin I've ever seen."

"Uh-huh, you said beautiful already," Mike joked.

"Sorry, she's just so…"

"Beautiful?" Mike, Peter, and Micky said in unison. Davy laughed.

"Well she is!"

"Maybe," Peter said. "But was it just me or did she seem a little…off?"

"What do you mean?" Davy asked defensively.

"I don't know," Peter answered. "She just seemed a little off. I don't know how. Maybe it's just me. I'll stop talking now."

"Let's just hope she doesn't turn out to be another relative of Dracula, ok?" Mike joked.

"She was pale enough," Micky said.

"She's not a relative of Dracula," Davy argued.

"Just take it easy with her, ok?" Mike said. "Don't move too fast with her. You seem to have a knack for getting into trouble with women."

"You think?" Davy asked.

"Yes!" Mike, Peter, and Micky answered in unison again.

"Just promise me that you won't go to fast," Mike continued. "Promise me you'll take it easy?"

"I promise," Davy said.