Midnight: OMG! I'm so embarrassed, I reviewed my own story by accident. I was trying to review one of my requested stories from Mystical Chibi Roxy's story and somehow ugh- I can't even explain how embarrassed I am. Stupid computer, stupid me for not even checking what story I'm reviewing and examining. Ugh, anyone knows how to delete a review? Anyways this is the last chapter of my story, and hopefully we get more fics on Hong Kong x Iceland. I own nothing and enjoy!

Warning: Lemon alert!

Key To The Rings Destiny

Chapter 4

Two Rings One Love...

"Emil, if you don't get out of this bed soon, I'll drag you out of here by force." Tino scowled at his younger cousin.

Emil just looked at them, every one of the gang was there. He got comfortable again on his bed, he didn't give a damn if he missed school. He felt a pair of strong arms tangle themselves around his shoulder and his stomach. Emil struggled to be released, it was futile, Mathis carried him down the hallway to Lukas' instructions. Emil heard the water running and struggled out of the older teens arms even more.

"You will not come out of this room until you smell clean. Understood." Lukas said as he closed the door leaving Emil on the other side.

"And both Berwald and Mathias are going to stand as guards!" Tino shouted with a teasing voice.

Emil sighed and got rid of his clothes to get in the shower...

"Who are you giving your chocolates to?" Emil heard one of his classmates muttered.

"Kaoru!" she squealed making him roll his eyes.


Emil ignored them, he noticed many girls having small bags and boxes of chocolates, he grumbled when he spotted his brother with a girl. She had a blush decorating her face as she gave him the chocolates. Emil saw as he thanked the girl and turned around to go drop the candies off somewhere. What a loser. Emil saw the brunette girl talking to another brunette girl with emerald eyes, both were squealing and laughed. He looked around to see that the teacher wasn't even there to stop as the girls saw the object of their desire.

"Yeah, I heard that he got him good. He said that he made him scream in bliss..." Emil looked behind him to see a couple talking to one another. One was a blond and the other was a brunette.

"Yeah man, and that he is spreading that rumor around campus." the blond with glasses told the brunette.

"No way man. I saw that he punched him real good." the brunette smirked crossing her arms.

"That's not what he said... Arthur smacked him when he bragged about it. But now when I asked him who it was the next day he looked beat up. He said it was all a lie and blah, blah..."

"What an idiot," the girl huffed, she fixed her flower.

Emil turned beet red when he heard the rumors, he didn't want to be there any longer. He just wanted to get up and leave the classroom, the teacher opened the door and right besides the teacher was Kaoru looking tired as hell. He had bags under his eyes and looked like he lost a little bit of weight. In other words, he looked like shit. Emil sat back down and listened to the teacher as she began to nag about stuff that didn't even match thier work for the week.

Emil sat on under the tree and watched as girls surrounded his friends, and some guys. He almost choked on his drink when Tino announced that he and Berwald were now an item. Some of the girls squealed while others pouted and walked away. Emil smirked, but faltered when some of the girls surrounded him with chocolates, he didn't know that he had his fan club. He needed to pay more attention to his surroundings in the future. His hands were full, and he blushed a bit.

"Excuse me out-of-the-way." he heard another feminine voice, it sounded so familiar.


"Excuse you."

"Emil, I need to talk to you. It's a matter of life or death." the girl from his class said as she dragged him leaving all the chocolates behind.

They walked for a little while longer until the brunette girl looked at him, they were the same size, her chocolate eyes burned through his soul. He stood there awkwardly in front of Kaoru's girlfriend. No this was not right, she should be here with Kaoru and not him. Emil felt the fresh Spring air hit his form making his bangs go one side just as the girl's locks flew with the wind. Both stared at each other for a while looking and seeing who will talk first. After a while, he saw the older girl sighed and cleared her throat.

"I'm Mei, and I'm Kaoru's-"

"Girlfriend, I know. But what are you doing here with me and not him?" Emil asked.

His jaw mentally dropped as he heard her giggle. He saw that she began to laugh louder and held her sides. He was confused and if he were in the anime then he would have been chibified with a huge swear drop on his side of the face with a glare look and a bunch of question marks on top of his head. But this was different.

"Oh no, I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his cousin. That would be gross to date my own blood. Ah good one Emil. Now I see why he chose you," Mei said wiping a tear.

"Who chose who?" Emil asked looking confused.

"Hm," Mei crossed both her arms in front of her chest thinking of something.

"But if you're his cousin, then why did he kissed you the other day at lunch time?" Emil asked feeling petals fall down from the tree.

"Well, it was my birthday that day, and he wasn't going to make it to my surprise party. So he kissed me on my forehead and wished me a happy birthday." Mei shrugged with a knowing smile.

Emil said nothing as he looked in her eyes for the truth. He found that it was true and smiled inside that he got it all wrong, he sighed out loud and saw that Mei had moved a little closer to him.

"Now answer me. Do you love Kaoru?" Mei asked.

"Wha-?" Emil felt his cheeks turn red for a moment.

"The past couple of days, Kaoru hasn't been the same as before. Our uncle Yao has been worried sick over him. Kaoru may not share his emotions on his face, but he really does care. He is just like any other human on earth, he laughs, smiles even though they are rare, but he is really proud to show them in front of strangers." Mei sighed fixing a lock right behind her ear.

"He's like that...?" Emil didn't know if it was a question or a statement.

"He is, please understand that Kaoru has and will probably always love you." Mei said in a serious tone.

Emil said nothing, he just stared at her for a long while, he saw a group of teens passed them and went the other side talking about random stuff. Emil could now think, all those emotions were hitting him like a tidal waved. He kept seeing flashes of Kaoru looking blank, yet his eyes held another story, then he remembered the conversation about the ring. His image of his smile, how he looked at the ring as if was his lover. Were all of those connected? Was he the one-?

"Mei, has Kaoru by any chance found a ring a while back?" Emil asked looking at the older teen.

"Well, I haven't been in this school for long, I just moved from Taiwan. I think Yao and Kaoru were talking about making him a ring that looked exactly like the one he fell in love with. I never heard of Kaoru finding a ring. He even beat up a guy who molested his love, I saw how beat up Francis was when he came into school the other day. He still has the black eye..." Mei said with a small smile.

"Where is he?" Emil asked looking at Mei.

"He left home, he wasn't feeling 'good'." Mei quoted.

Emil's eyes widened just as he felt the wind rustle, he moved with it past her. Mei saw him run off, she smiled when the teachers shouted for him to return. Turning around she left the scene to go talk to her class mate, Lukas and tell him that Emil won't be coming home anytime soon.

Emil huffed as he ran past the streets. He crossed each street with red lights on not caring if a car almost ran him over. He flipped off the driver and kept on running towards a familiar house. He jumped the fence to the park instead of going around that would take too long and he didn't have time. He had to make it and tell him how he feels. He made it to the house, he felt all sweaty and flushed. Taking a deep breath he knocks on the door and waited for a while.

Not long a very sleepy Kaoru opened the door, Emil wanted to hug him and kiss him until next week. Emil stood on the other side watching Kaoru's expression turned from slight shock to his normal blank look. A look that Emil knew too well, and has come to love. Kaoru didn't say anything, he ran up to him and hugged the taller teen, he felt that slowly Kaoru hugged back and rested his chin on Emil's head.

"Emil..." Kaoru began after a while.

"Hn," Emil hugged him tighter burying his face.

Kaoru sighed and walked backwards, he closed the door and gently pride him off his strong figure. Emil blushed and looked that they had somehow gotten inside the older teens room. A shiver ran up and down his spine when he saw that the older teen was sitting on his messy red satin blankest. Kaoru raised an eyebrow to tell him to speak. Emil looked to see that there was a stuffed panda in Kaoru's arms.

"I uh, I ..." Emil blushed hard. "I heard you haven't been going to school,"

"Not feeling well." Kaoru said with both eyebrows raised.

"Mei has been worried sick that you have locked yourself in your own room, and she told me that you haven't eaten in days. And she's right, you look a bit thinner." Emil went to go sit right in front of Kaoru between his knees and began to feel his face.

"Mei needs to mind her own business." Kaoru pouted as he relaxed when Emil stopped touching him.

"She also told me something..." Emil stayed quiet for a while.

"Told you what?" Kaoru asked.

"That you told your uncle to make you an exact replica of the ring that the one you love has." Emil looked up at Kaoru with a look that made him look so pure and vulnerable.

Kaoru sighed and scratched his head, he really wished that Mei was there with him, so he could beat her up. He looked back to Emil, his secret-or not love interest. He smirked inside, he will just have to tell the truth now, won't he. Or he could make Emil suffer for a bit longer until he took pity and confess.

"Well, it's true that I did copy a ring of my love interest." Kaoru said with his blank look.

"You even beat up the guy who molested me, so that means..." Emil looked up at Kaoru with a slight hopeful look.

"Yes Emil, I love you." Kaoru put his fingers under Emil's chin and brought him up for a kiss.

Emil closed his eyes as he secretly smiled and kissed back with full force. He felt himself being lifted and dropped on the bed. He bounced once, twice until Kaoru kissed him senseless. Emil wrapped his arms around Kaoru's neck to bring his body towards his and sighed in bliss. He felt that Kaoru unbutton his uniformed shirt slowly, he didn't know if he was ready. He was about to talk when he felt Kaoru grind on him, Emil felt the hardness nature of Kaoru's pajama pants between the older teens legs. He was sure that he will be with Kaoru and kept on kissing him.

- Lemon Alert! -

Kaoru slowly began to kiss Emil's neck, his breath hot on his neck, his hands tormenting the smaller teen with sensual touches that immediately aroused his deepest passion. Emil cried in bliss when he felt Kaoru kiss his way down his chest and stopped before a nipple, he almost lost it when he felt that Kaoru slowly blew on it before taking it into his mouth. Emil quickly grabbed the chocolate locks, desperate to do something with his hands. Kaoru sucked on the nipple before he bit it slowly smirking when he heard the younger teen gasp, he left the nipple with a pop and concentrated on the other one.

Emil's face flushed, never in his life has he ever felt something like that. He felt that Kaoru shifted to a sitting position, Emil looked up with glazed eyes. He saw as Kaoru smirked as he slowly began to take his shirt off taking his sweet ass time in doing so. Emil wanted to rip the offending material and touch Kaoru's body. Once the shirt was off Kaoru leaned forward and looked at Emil in the eyes, it was like he could see the younger teen's soul withing his eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?" Kaoru asked, he was not going to lie. This would be his first time, and he was so unexperienced.

Emil took a few minutes before answering Kaoru's question. His gaze was slowly caressing the mouth-watering, stretches of muscles lying under the skin, taunting him to touch him. Emil slowly traced his hand down Kaoru's strong chest, he shivered and wanted to touch some more. He felt his skin burn, in need to get more physical contact from the other teen. He forgot that he still had to answer the question.

"I want this," Emil said looking at Kaoru in the eye, he saw that Kaoru took in a sharp breath and smashed their lips together.

Emil felt that Kaoru unbutton his pants and slid them off, he felt shy all of a sudden. He wasn't fat or too skinny, he was curvy, and he damned whom ever made him curvy. He kissed Kaoru and traced his tight muscles with his slender hands until he found the pajama bottoms. He looked up at Kaoru who looked at him down and helped him take his pants off revealing silky black boxers.

Emil panted and whimpered when he felt Kaoru's arousing bulge grind into his now hard one. He wrapped his legs around Kaoru's narrow waist and grinded with him, he felt so right in doing that. Kaoru grabbed both thighs and untangled him, Emil felt his boxers slowly slipping his form and blushed a crimson red color. He felt so exposed, never in his life has another seen him naked.

Kaoru looked him over and let himself lose his mask and smiled, Emil forgot what they were doing and focused on Kaoru's smile. He's only seen him smile once and now it was directed towards him instead of his cousin. Emil watched as Kaoru took his boxers off and threw them behind somewhere. Emil looked at Kaoru to see that proud penis spring to life, he blushed knowing where it's going to end up going. He shivered at the thought.

Kaoru kissed his chest and slowly going down to his belly. His tongue swirled around his belly button making Emil jump and moan from just that. Kaoru smirked and began to kiss down further until he reached Emil's manhood. Kaoru didn't even warned him when he took him into his mouth. Emil thrust his hips upward and screamed at the pure pleasure he was receiving making both close to the breaking point. Kaoru sucked on it like it was his favorite lollipop.

Emil cried in pleasure as he felt himself coming. He didn't know how to tell Kaoru, but the older teen beat him and stopped sucking him. Emil felt that he wanted to cry, he really needed release, and Kaoru wasn't giving it to him. He wanted to sob, until he saw that Kaoru had a bottle on his had. He watched as he unclasped it and poured a generous amount on his hand. Emil on instinct tried to spread his legs, he was a bit scared.

"If you do not relax it will hurt." Kaoru said as he gently leaned forward to slowly kiss him with love.

Emil closed his eyes and tried hard to relax, he felt a cold wet finger pressed forwards to his virgin hole. He gasped when the finger slowly went inside, it slowly went in and out. Emil felt it weird, he relaxed until a second finger entered. Okay, that one is starting to sting a bit. Emil flinched when he felt the fingers scissoring inside of him trying to make room for something bigger.

"Relax, think only of my kisses," Kaoru kissed his forehead, his cheek, neck, collarbone, behind his ear making him moan.

Emil relaxed not realizing that Kaoru had already three fingers inside of him. Kaoru concentrated on finding something that will make Emil see stars, he heard Emil screamed in pleasure and smirked. Bingo! He felt that Emil was ready and pulled out, he stared at Emil's flustered face, he saw his chest rise up then go down, his eyes glazed with lust. Kaoru grabbed the bottle and poured another generous amount. He slowly pumped his penis while he saw Emil follow his hand motions on his groin, he couldn't wait any longer, he needed to be inside that teen.

Kaoru looked down at Emil just as he looked up at him, he silently asked that question. Emil nodded with a smile that made Kaoru's heart skip a beat. He leaned forward and kissed him just as he entered him. He hissed at how tight Emil was, he watched as Emil's face was in pain, he began to massage his sides and kissing him on his chest as he entered all the way. Once he was in he waited for Emil to get used to it, he will not move until Emil tells him to.

Emil felt like he was being torn in two, he had tears running down his eyes. He felt Kaoru kissing him trying to soothe him, it was slightly working, the pain was slowly being replaced by pleasure. Emil looked up at Kaoru who was looking down at him, his chocolate-brown eyes were now glazed and darker than before. He slowly moved his hips trying to get a movement.

"Move..." Emil said with a blush.

Kaoru smirked and slowly began to thrust in and out of Emil. Kaoru went on his knees and slowly pulled Emil up, the smaller teen wrapped his knees around, he had both arms flung around Kaoru's shoulders and kissed him. Kaoru kissed back with passion, he held tight on Emil's hips. Emil knew that they were going to be bruised the next day, he didn't care at the moment, he just wanted to release. He felt Kaoru angle his thrusts, Emil was confused for a second before he felt Kaoru hit something making him see more stars than last time.

Emil threw his head back as Kaoru kept hitting the same spot over and over again, Kaoru kissed the younger teens neck leaving marks as he felt his release coming soon. No matter what, Emil had to some before he did and he was going to make sure of it too. His thrusts went in full speed almost matching an animal's. He heard Emil's cry getting louder and louder.

Emil didn't know what to do, it was too much for him, far too much. He screamed Kaoru's name just as he orgasm on their stomachs and chests. He felt Kaoru growled his name and them something hot came inside him, Emil shivered as he felt Kaoru come inside of him. Some of the cum dripping down him. Emil felt a supernova of love and ecstasy that shone brightly, he was surprised that it didn't consume them both.

- End of Lemon -

Emil found his head laying on Kaoru's chest, he sighed in bliss as he replayed what had just happened. Smiling he took his ring of and grabbed Kaoru's hand, he slipped the ring on his ring finger. Kaoru looked at him and did the same thing. He grabbed the smaller's hand. He examined how well it fit on his. Both fell into a deep sleep.

"You were the one who found the ring," Emil half glared at his boyfriend who shrugged.

"So," Kaoru smirked looking at Emil as they slowly walked into the park.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Emil asked looking at Kaoru.

"Come on, another guy finds your ring then declares their love for you and you would say yes? Are you dumb?" Kaoru half glared at the smaller teen.

"Well, putting it that way..." Emil blushed and glared.

They walked down the park seeing that the children were heading home for the day. Kaoru looked at their intertwined hands where both rings were.

"When I found the ring, I really didn't care who it belonged at first. Until Feliciano showed me a picture of you and your friends at a school festival, you had the ring on. I just followed you around for a bit until one day I just left the ring there, just as I left it. I heard someone coming, what did I do? I, like climbed the tree and stayed up there getting ready to see who will get to the ring first. When I saw it was you with your cute confused face. I just sat there watching you, until you smiled, and by gods, I've never seen such a beautiful smile ever. It was at that moment when I felt my heart jumping out of my ribcage." Kaoru said as he saw that the sky was darkening.

"Well... I too like your smile," Emil blushed as he looked away.

"Hm, don't you find it funny." Kaoru said as he closed his eyes with that smile.

"What?" Emil asked as he felt being tugged forward into a hug.

"Two rings and one love," Kaoru said as he leaned forward to give a gentle kiss.

Emil smiled as he kissed back.

Two rings, one love huh...

Midnight: Well I hope you have all enjoyed this fic. And thank you all again for the reviews, I suck! I still can't delete my review ugh... Dx Thank you for sticking with this story and happy Valentine's Day everyone! Please tell me how I did on my second lemon since on my first I somehow got a hater, ugh bastard couldn't log in and show themselves. Review~

Take care!