Chapter 1

"15 minutes. thats it."

Tristina her guard the ugliest look she could muster, then began to carefully make her way up the asile. Her loose shackle chains chinked infront of her as she carefully made her way up the asile. the drone of the plane filled her ears, punctuated by ethier a cough or a flight attendant delivering drinks.

The heavy cigarette smoke cloud burned her lungs and stung her eyes. Tristina longed to grab one of the cigarette's lazily resting between the fingers of the smoker and shove the burning end in thier mouth.

Soon, the shackled anthropormorphic quesa reached the head of the plane to find a pale looking man exiting the lavatory. Nodding at his muttered appology, Tristina hastily slipped into the tiny compartment and locked the door.

With no intention of going to the bathroom, Tristina promptly began to search for any type of weapon to break the chain of her shackles. "Damn...not even a dying cigarette butt." Tristina grumbled, slamming the pulled out ash tray closed.

As she debated wether she should really go to the restroom or not, a sudden shudder brought Tristina to her knees. Or, it would have, had it not been for the lavatory door. as Tristina began to regain her balance a sudden onslaught of screams and gunfire reached her ears.

"Sir, Sir! you cant go in there, sir! You cant..." a gunshot silenced the flight attendant, and Tristina heard the sound of someone wrenching the cockpit door open. Tristina stifled a sob as two more gunshots were heard followed by a 'thump'.

Despite her better judgement telling her to stay in the cramped bathroom, Tristina stood up and reached to undo the bathroom lock. suddenly, the plane began to shudder and Tristina was thrown against the lavatory door. falling out, Tristina raised up her head only to have it struck against a run away flight attendant cart.

"Hey...hey, wake up."

Tristina responded with a wave of water forced out of her lungs. opening her silver eyes, Tristina looked up through strands of sopping silver. a young man with brown hair and blue eyes looked back at her. "Are you alright?" The man asked, helping her stand. "I...I think so. what happened? where are we?" Tristina asked, looking around.

Out in the distance, Tristina noticed the back half of a airplane sinking into the water. surrounding the plane was a ring of burning fire. "The plane crashed. beyond that, your guess is as good as mine." said the man, also looking out at the wreckage. Tristina chanced another glance at the man, and noticed his hand knitted beige sweater and well worn blue jeans were soaking wet.

"As for where we are," said the man, his brown eyes glancing up at the building behind Tristina. "Id say it was some sort of lighthouse." this made Tristina turn and look up as well. sure enough, a bright yellow orb swivled ignorantly above them.

The chilly air was made even worse by the fact the both of them were soaked to the bone, so that not even Tristina's thick white fur kept her warm. "Yeah, it is really cold." said the man, rubbing his soaked arms. the quesa noticed her own faded brown blouse and cotton flowery skirt were soaked. her shoes seemed to have come off in the water. "I wonder how far north we are?" Tristina asked, looking out at the plane wreckage once again.

Hearing footsteps, Tristina looked back at the man to see he was trudging further up the light house steps. "I dont know about you, but I'm thinking it might be warmer inside." said the man, rubbing his arms. Tristina nodded and hurriedly followed the man, trailing him as he pushed open two large intraciate wooden doors.

"Come on!" The man whispered, holding the door open as Tristina raced past into a completely black room. "You were right. it is..." Tristina trailed off as the doors shut behind them. "Hey!" Tristina cried, rushing to the doors, her bare white furred feet slapping the ground.

The man let out a surprised gasp which caused Tristina to whip around. the two were greeted by a statue of the upper half of a stern looking man. the mans hand were spread out, holding a bright red banner. "No Gods or Kings. Only man." Tristina muttered, reading the golden lettered words.

"Says this guys name is Andrew Ryan." said the browned haired man, looking at a plaque infront of the statue. "Come on, lets see if anyones here." said Tristina, eyeing a row of stairs on the other side of the room.

The man followed her, the the two decended the staircase to find a intracate depiction of a ancient sun underneath a egale. As they turned, they came onto another open room.

Arriving at the landing, Tristina and the man found a orb shaped submerine. The vessle sat the middle of two sweeping staircases that lead down to another landing. "By the way," said Tristina in a offhand voice.

"I never asked you. whats your name?" The man glanced at her, then seemed to notice the 3 foot quesa was talking to him. "Me?" he asked. Tristina smiled and nodded. "Jack. just Jack." said the man. "Jack." said Tristina, extending her hand. "Tristina." Jack smiled at the quesa, then gripped her hand and shook it.