Hello lovelys! Some of you may be new readers, some of you may be old readers that just finished my other Psych FanFic. Whichever one you are, I hope you enjoy this particular one. Took me a while to actually get started because I had to do some research (and by research I mean I had to re-watch some Psych episodes to get some details right. Really hard work there. Just sitting here… watching Psych…) To the best of my knowledge, Drimmer doesn't have a first name. So I made one up.

Even though this is my least thought out FanFic, most people who PMed me said they wanted this one. So I shall write it. Just know that at this current moment in time, I have no idea how to end it. I have it planned up to a certain point.

Expect updates twice a week. Maybe more, never less.

Reviews! Please review! The good, the bad and the corrections, all are very much appreciated!

"-Shawn, you know perfectly well that isn't what happened" Gus lectured as he and the 'psychic' walked into the Santa Barbara Police Department. It was fairly late compared to the usual time the duo strolled into the department. It was already half past 5, but Shawn and Gus were desperate for a case. They didn't' care if they'd end up working all night.

Shawn rolled his eyes at Gus' previous comment..

"Gus, come on. Don't be that kid with the orange frizzy hair that always told on TJ and the gang in Recess. What's his name again?" Shawn asked as they were slowly but surely making their way towards Carlton Lassiter's desk.


"Yes! Him! Don't go ruining my fun!"

"So you admit it, then! It's all just fun, not truth! You know what really happened!"

"That's not what I said-"

"Don't you to ever stop arguing?!" Lassiter yelled out, clearly annoyed, and apparently more on edge than usual.

"Only on weekends" Shawn said with his usual smirk. "Sometimes during the holidays. Never on Wednesdays. That's Gus' cranky day. What about you, Lassie? Do you have a cranky day?"

"Every day that you two show up in my life" Lassiter said with a glare.

"Harsh" Gus commented.

"It's true" Lassiter said as he stood up to deliver files to the crowd of people that were huddled more towards the back of the offices. Shawn looked at the files quickly, scanning it for any and every type of information that could put Psych on some kind of case.

Prison report. Three convicts. Escape. Gunshots by the pier. No injuries, no deaths. Just random gunshots. Stolen car. KSS. Looking for something they all have in common.

"Lassie, no matter how harsh or true that may be" Shawn said, finishing off his scan of the papers "I was led here by the spirits. They gave me three letters and I've been seeing them all day. Everywhere I go, the letters would be there. I took it as a sign. I followed it and it brought me here. Maybe you can help me decipher it. I'm seeing the letters…" Shawn closed his eyes and put a finger to his temple, pretending to have some sort of psychic episode that would ultimately put him on the case. "K…S…S! KSS!"

"Kiss?" Gus asked.

"What? No thanks. I don't swing that way" Shawn said.

"Shawn, that's not what I meant! And that's not what happened!" Gus protested.

"Look, as much as I'd love to stay and listen to this whole ridiculous argument, I have actual work to do and not very much time to do it" Lassiter said, trying to supress the urge to smack either of the younger men. "So if you don't mind, I have a briefing to go to."

"Oo! Can I watch?" Shawn asked, practically jumping up and down where he stood. "You know how I love it when you get all professional, talking about catching bad guys and all that. It's very nice, Lassie. Very nice." Lassiter stared at Shawn, who at this point had his usual smirk on his face. This didn't defuse the tension. It just made Lassiter groan in annoyance and roll his eyes at him.

"Please leave me alone" Lassiter said and walked away from them. Shawn turned to face his friend.

"Too much?"

"And I'm the gay one?" Gus commented.

"You forget that I'm dating Jules. Anything I do to Lassie is simply to annoy him. It's fun. You should try it."


"Besides, I wasn't the one locking lips with that waiter…" Shawn said and then quickly walked to follow Lassiter, silently laughing as he did.

"That's not what happened, Shawn, and you know it!" Gus said, practically charging after Shawn.

When the two of them finally approached the group of people, they knew they had to behave. Behaving wasn't something that Shawn was used to, but one look at all the detectives' faces told him that if he did anything just too ridiculous, he'd be asked to leave and never allowed on the case again. So it was zipped lips for Shawn. At least until he got the basics of this case. Then it didn't matter what he did, he's be working it.

Then he saw the three people that had actually escaped from the prison. Shawn froze up and stared at the individual pictures of each man and a small shiver made its way down his spine. Now he understood why the tension was so high, why Lassiter was not in a good mood today, why no one was even slightly interested in his and Gus' epically funny tale, why he hadn't even seen Juliet since yesterday.

Tom Fong, Daniel Wayne and John Drimmer.

These weren't just criminals. They were murderers! They were serving life sentences! They were horrible, horrible people! Worst of all… they were all enforcers of the law! Tom Fong: Special Military Intelligence. Daniel Wayne: U.S. Marshall. John Drimmer: One of the SBPD's own officer. They're supposed to be the good guys!

Shawn and Gus walked over to the side of the room, not wanting to get in the way of anything. There was an unspoken agreement between the two friends. In this particular briefing, they would only be listening in.

"This probably goes without saying that this case is our top priority at the moment" the chief explained to the crowd. There seemed to be a simultaneous nod at this. "Tom Fong, Daniel Wayne and John Drimmer were missing last night when the guards were checking the cells at lights out. A lockdown was initiated and when it was all hell broke loose. To cut a long story short, those three escaped. Three guards were found dead early this morning with snapped necks and guns missing. Later on in the morning, gunshots were heard being fired at the pier. While it is not clear whether or not they were fired by the three men, right now we're assuming that it's connected."

Most of the detectives were furiously taking notes. Lassiter and Juliet, however, had practically memorised this briefing. They had studied the files ever since they were first handed to them in the early morning. They didn't need notes. Shawn and Gus, however, were hearing it for the first time. They exchanged a worried glance but then focused back to the briefing. Juliet had stepped forward at this point and was starting to give a background on the three escapees.

But Shawn wasn't paying attention. He knew all three of them fairly well, unfortunately. He didn't need to be reminded of them. So instead, he focused on other things. The constant woosh woosh woosh of the fan above them. The sounds of pens scribbling against paper. Some footsteps in the distance. And then, a very distinct sound of a click.

Shawn furrowed his brows together at this sound, trying to place it on something. He ran through a bunch of different objects that could make the sounds, almost immediately ruling them out as soon as they popped into his head. Then his eyes widened in realisation. It was the sound of a gun being cocked back, ready to fire. He looked around the room but saw that no one had noticed the sound. Or maybe they did but couldn't place it. Shawn didn't blame them. It took him a while too, and that's saying something.

Gus quickly noticed Shawn's panic and worry. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder, trying to be reassuring. Shawn quickly smacked it off and moved out of his spot against the wall, searching desperately for the source of the sound. This caused many of the detectives to look at him confused, including Lassiter who was debating whether or not to handcuff him.

"It's still not… clear…" Juliet tried to continue her briefing, despite her boyfriend wandering around aimless through the crowd. "as to what the… the convicts… had in… in common- Shawn!" she finally snapped. Whoever wasn't paying attention to the fake psychic before was now turning to face him.

Shawn didn't take much notice on the stares. He was for the most part accustomed to all the stares. He just continued to circle around and around, searching every possible place for a person holding a gun to be hidden. He knew that someone – anyone – could be shot if he didn't find the source. And it was driving him insane! He's supposed to have amazing observation skills, amazing memory! This should be easy for him!

"Shawn…" Juliet called out again, her tone more worried than upset. Shawn turned his attention to his girlfriend and finally, he noticed it. Just behind her was a window that was hardly cracked open. But there it was… the barrel of a gun, hardly visible at all. But Shawn noticed it. He also noticed that it was pointed directly at Juliet's head.

Without thinking, Shawn ran up to Juliet and tackled her down to the ground. The sound of a gunshot then echoed around the station.