A/N: First of all please allow me to apologize for my very long absence. I've decided to go back to school to become a librarian and I've been hitting the books ever since summer. Even though this story is coming to a close I'm sorry I had hold off on writing the final chapter.

Chapter 8


"Where are we?" I hear Serena ask.

"Home," I state, but things have changed. The Underworld I left was grey, a neutral color, now it's Black and red. All along The Path is a long line of souls waiting. I frown; all those souls are waiting for their fate. Diamond must have the council captured as well.

Red colors the sky and black fills the ground. I can see the castle down in the valley, at the center of everything. Guards surrounding the entire building. All of the floating doors are scattered, no real organization. Diamond has thrown the Underworld into chaos.

Serena catches my eye as she reaches for a floating door. I swiftly grab her arm before she reaches the knob. Serena looks at me with a confused expression.

"All of these doors hold either a heaven or a hell. If you go through you'll be stuck there, forever." I hear Serena gasp.

I look around for Raye. I see her staring at her surrounds. "Raye?"

She looks at me and shrugs, "It's not as bad as I thought."

I laugh humorlessly. "This is just the lobby, more or less, the waiting area. The council reviews your life then you get your sentence. Then you will be shown either Heaven, Hell, or in between."

Serena frowns, "In between?"

"It's like purgatory, right?" Raye cuts in.

I nod and glance back at the doors. "We need to find Jadeite," I whisper to myself. Where would he keep the safe house?

Beryl's home.

I turn towards the girls, "We're going to a safe house, and it's where my army is. We have to stay low like we did before. It's not too far."

I head away from the castle and down the hill. I try and move us as quickly as possible down the hill. Once we reach the small town I look for any signs of life.

There is no one.

"Where is everyone?" Serena asks.

"I'm not sure," I mutter.

We keep to the shadows made by the homes. Just as we come to Beryl's home I hear a noise. I can't make out what it is but I hold up a hand to make the girls stop. I listen more and peek around the corner. I can see Beryl's home in sight. I wait just a bit longer to sure the coast is clear. I bring my finger to my lips telling the girls to not make a sound.

I knock on the door twice.

No answer.

I knock again.

And we fall.

I grab Serena as to brace for a nasty impact. But it never comes. Instead, we float onto the ground. As if coming down a chimney, we gently land on the floor. We're indoors obviously.

I push both Serena and Raye behind me.

I can hear voices.

"Who's there?"

A moment of silence, "Prince?" Then there's light. I see Jadeite come forward from the large group behind him. I notice that the group hasn't lowered their weapons.

"Jadeite, what's going on? Where are all the people?" I ask in a stern voice.

Jadeite then glances back at the group, he gives a slight nod and group is at ease. "Come into the kitchen, you might need a drink."

I turn and face Serena first. She looks even paler than normal. "Are you alright?" Serena focuses on the large group of men and women. "Serena," I call softly.

She finally turns towards me. "Water, please."

"Okay," I nod and grab her hand to lead her to follow Jadeite.

Jadeite pushes a glass towards her. She takes a few sips.

I look back at him, "Where is everyone?"

Jadeite hangs his head. "Diamond has captured most of our followers."

"Shit," I rub my forehead and try to think clearly. The thought of capture makes me remember a very important fact. "Jadeite, how the fuck did Diamond know where we live?"

"There's a leak," he mutters.

"Fuck," I growl. "Do you have any leads?"

"Only three, but nothing solid," Jadeite says.

There's a knock at the door. "Prince?" I glance over and see Beryl slowly entering the room. I wave her in.

"The girls look tired. May I take them and clean them up a bit. Perhaps they need rest." Beryl, an older woman who was probably one of my best torture bitches, look frightened.

"Sure, make sure they get food as well."

She bows, "Of course."

Then she was gone. "We must find out who the leak is. We also need to find Diamond's mother."

"Perhaps they're one in the same," Jadeite comments.

I nod, "I agree… a spy."


I feel Raye take my hand and pull me close as we walk behind Beryl.

"Serena, I have a really bad feeling about this lady." Raye whispers in my ear.

I squeeze her hand and nod. This woman Beryl had an ugly vibe about her.

"Come on, girls. The kitchen is this way," Beryl opened a door but instead of the kitchen it was a portal- to Diamond himself.

I gasp at the sight of him. He sits upon Darian's thrown as if it was his own. It made me angry.

"Serena, we meet again."


I try to focus on the Jadeite's plan but I can't help but have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My fears are confirmed when I hear Raye scream.

I dash down the hall toward her screaming. Raye stands there looking at the kitchen door- then it hits me. Where is my Serena?

I turn back to Raye to find her in Jadeite's arm shaking and sobbing.

"What happened, Raye? Where is Serena?" I try to remain calm but voice shakes in panic.

"We were following Beryl but she tricked her. Beryl placed a portal there. I don't know where they went!" She gasps for breath as she finishes.

"So it was Beryl," I mutter to myself. I turn to Jadeite, "I know where he has taken her. We have to be ready."


"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

Diamond lifts himself off of the thrown and walks towards me. I stand my ground and look at him with disgust.

"I'm doing this to save my home," Diamond's words are almost…. Hypnotic.

I quickly shut my eyes remembering his third eye. "I know who you are Diamond. This is not about saving anything. This is about Darien and your petty jealously."

"Serena, this is about saving my home and making you my queen. Darien just happened to have the upper hand because he was the son. I am taking what I want. There is nothing wrong with that."

I feel him circle around me. "Won't you look me in the eyes, Serena? I bet if you really looked deep enough you'd see that I am telling you the truth."

If it was possible I shut my eyes even tighter.

"Don't look Serena," I gasp as I hear Darien voice beside me.

I feel hands grab me and begin leading me. "It's me, Serena. You can open now." Raye.

I open my eyes to look around for Darien. I spot Diamond and Darien face to face in the grand hall.

"You cannot win this time Darien. I have all the power now." Diamond smirks.

Darien's shakes his head. "You have a chair and you have one power that does not work on me. None of your tricks will work on me."

I see Diamond become angry and blasts his white energy ball at Darien. Darien reflects it with his sword. Diamond dodges his own blast and sends another one just as quickly. Darien's avoids it and runs at Diamond full speed- before Diamond can materialize another energy ball Darien thrusts his sword into his heart.

I can't help but gasp and rush to Darien. He leaves the sword in its place and gathers my in his arms.

"It's over," He whispers.

Jadeite and his troops seize all of Diamonds followers.

It's truly over.


"So what happens now?" I ask Darien as he sits beside me on his sofa.

Darien looks simply exhausted. He and Jadeite have been slowly restoring the Underworld. Beryl's prisoners including Mina and Kunzite were released once Diamond was dead. Beryl never had any real power, she was just using Diamond.

"Well," he sighs. "You get to pick. I have to stay now that my father is gone. I need to rule basically." Darien faces me with caution in his eyes. "You don't have to stay Serena. You can go back to Earth."

I roll my eyes, "Darien, everyone I love is here. Kunz and Mina are engaged. Raye and Jadeite are dating. I couldn't possibly think of being anywhere else. I want to stay with you Darien."

Darien scoops me up in his arms, "I want you to stay. You are the love of my life and a thousand more."

"I love you, Darien."

"I love you, Serena."